Seeing Superman kill the clown neatly, the chat group suddenly became lively.

Deadpool: Well done, I've been seeing this madman for a long time, and now it's finally done once and for all!hahaha...... ︿( ̄︶ ̄)︿

Wolverine: Killed so many people, madman...... It's cheap to die only once!(▼へ▼メ)

Wolverine: If I see that clown, I'm sure I'll stab him to death with one claw, and there will be absolutely no consequences.

Venom: Hehe, and the woman named Harry Quinn, I don't know if Superman did it.

Venom: Unfortunately, I've got a taste of her brain.

Jerome Valeska: Brain?( ̄△ ̄;)

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): Ahem, you don't have to be afraid, Venom is an alien creature, but he doesn't eat good people.

Venom: Hmph! Now I can't even eat the bad guys! Blame Eddie for that cowardly fool!

Ghost Rider: Cowardly? It's a multiverse-pervading puzzle.

Ghost Rider: If it weren't for that Batman who didn't dare to kill, the problem of the Joker would have been solved a long time ago!

Ghost Rider: Those people in the Metropolis probably don't have to die.

Bruce Wayne: It's ...... If it's just because the other person is guilty, you can kill him, and over time...... Is that still there?

Bruce Wayne: When the time comes, everyone will judge each other, you kill me, I will kill you, and the order of society will collapse!

Ghost Rider: Hmm...... Maybe this is the case in some sin capitals, but in normal cities, there aren't so many wicked people who deserve to die!

Bruce wayne:............

Jerome Valeska: Ahem, first of all, I'm not trying to defend the clown.

Jerome Valeska: But if you can execute a sinner just because someone has superpowers, that's the kind of behavior...... It can't be considered correct.

Jerome Valeska: So, I think what Mr. Bruce Wayne said also makes sense.

Ghost Rider: Hmm? I remember you said you were from Gotham City, right?

Ghost Rider: Isn't it ...... You're a villain like the Joker, that's why you want to speak for him?

Jerome Valeska: I've never done anything criminal in my life.

Jerome Valeska: And you were judged a sinner just because you disagreed with you?

Ghost Rider: Hehe, thank yourself for your good luck. If you were born in the same world as me, I can identify it myself...... Whether you are guilty or not!

in the live broadcast room.


Seeing that the newcomer named Jerome suddenly stood up and spoke for himself, Young Master Wayne glanced at him in some surprise, and immediately withdrew his gaze and fell into deep thought.

Now, what he's worried about is Superman from that world on the screen.

In all fairness, Master Wayne didn't really care too much about the Joker's death.

Deep down in his heart, he actually felt ...... The absence of such a madman in the world is definitely not a bad thing.

But what really surprised Bruce Wayne was Superman's attitude when he started.

There was neither a roar nor an angry rebuke, it was a simple move that was fatal.

In Master Wayne's opinion, this is reflected in the ...... It's a kind of indifference from above.

It's like a human crushing an ant.

The death of a clown is not enough to worry about.

But if ...... Superman really developed this habit of killing people at will, so how can he get it?

Just then, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

After killing the Joker and avenging his wife and children, Superman returns to his lonely castle. 】

[In this isolated Arctic Ice Castle, he did not isolate himself from the world, but used the technology of the Lonely Castle to receive news reports from countries around the world. 】

[All Superman hears is bad news. 】

[In addition to the death of the Joker, the destruction of the metropolis, and the mourning of the people...... outside. 】

[Superman hears something else.] 】

[In the corners of the world.] A terrible tragedy has occurred in a small country. 】

[The country's general has begun to attack its own people!] Thousands of people have been killed and wounded. 】

[If it was Superman before, he would definitely abide by his principles and would never care about this kind of thing that happened in a foreign country. 】

[This is not something that superheroes should be in charge of. 】

[But after seeing the catastrophe that happened in the metropolis with his own eyes, Superman's mind has changed.] 】


[Raising his head violently, Superman's eyes flashed with determination.] 】

[He knew that after he took this step, he would never be able to turn back. 】

[But now Superman has no fears and no scruples. 】

[In the past, I was tied up, I had too many scruples, and I didn't dare to do anything. 】

[That's why I let a bastard like the clown...... There is a chance to do such a horrible evil deed!]

[After making his decision, Superman flew straight out.] 】

[He landed in that small chaotic country and directly arrested the evil general. 】

[Then in front of the people, Superman stripped off the president's shirt and announced...... He is no longer the ruler of the country. 】

[At this time, Wonder Woman Diana also rushed to hear the news. 】

[And when she learns that Superman wants to give a speech to the world, Wonder Woman not only does not stop it, but encourages Superman.] 】

"Of course you have the right to let the world hear you, but it's not like that. "】

"First of all, you should wash the blood off your body and shave again. "】

["And I'm going to hold a press conference in the United Nations, that's the stage you should be on."] "】

[Watching Superman obey his words and fly away with the unlucky president, Wonder Woman has a relieved smile on her face.] 】

[She has been waiting for this day for years.] 】

[Now, Wonder Woman has finally been waited.] 】

[As the daughter of Zeus, the future queen of Paradise Island......]

[Diana has always believed that supertalents are the destined rulers of this planet!]

[And her task is to assist him and help him get to that position!]

[Only the king of the world is worthy of her, the queen of paradise island!]

[Next, Superman descended on the United Nations as Diana said.] 】

[In front of countless reporters and cameras, he made a shocking declaration.] 】

[Superman not only revealed his true identity as Clark Kent, but even ordered countries around the world to ...... Stop the war now!]

["This kind of cannibalism between humans must be stopped!"]

["Otherwise, I'll end them myself!"]

[And Superman did what he said, and shortly after making his declaration, he personally defeated an attack on other nations.] 】

[This attack was carried out by the military of the beautiful country...... Drone bombing!]

[If successful, it will definitely cause civilian casualties.] 】

[So, Superman relied on his own strength to destroy the drone directly in the air!]

[Now, everyone knows, Superman says he wants to maintain world peace......]

[He's serious.] 】

[But Superman's actions have brought a new enemy for himself. 】

[After the failure of the attack, the military of the beautiful country was furious. 】

[They are the first to carry the handle of Blue Star!]

[Killing, arson, bombing...... I've done all the bad things!]

[Today...... Someone stopped them from bombing civilians?]

[Is this still worth it?]

[Even if the other party is Superman...... Give him some color too!]

[But soon, the military of the beautiful country encountered a problem. 】

[How to deal with Superman?]

[Human weapons, no use for him. 】

[Although kryptonite can restrain Superman, they don't know where to find it. 】

[However, Superman's previous speech exposed one of his weaknesses. 】

[He told him who he really was.] 】

[In other words, Superman has made the world known...... Who is his family!]

[In this way, driven by some incomprehensible arrogance and self-confidence, the bigwigs of the beautiful country have made a foolish deed that cannot be described in words. 】

[They sent a group of mercenaries to Superman's house and kidnapped his parents. 】

[Jonathan Kent and Martha Kent.] 】

[Next, the group of mercenaries also used a superpower person named Mirror Master to leave a message to Superman.] 】

["You must stop immediately, that stupid thing of 'maintaining world peace'. "】

["Otherwise, we'll ...... next time" will give you a part of your family's body!"]

[In the face of the enemy's despicable deeds and terrible threats, Superman was immediately enraged!]

[He really didn't think that just to maintain world peace, he would be for his adoptive parents...... Invite such a calamity!]

[And after learning that Superman's parents were kidnapped, Wonder Woman Diana did another surprising thing. 】

[In her own name, she summoned the entire Justice League, and then hoped that they would be able to make their own choices. 】

["I believe...... Superman can not only save the world, but change it! Stand with him. "】

["If any of you can't accept Superman's behavior, I won't force you to ......"]

["But I will never stop choosing to stand by and watch when his adoptive parents are kidnapped!"]

[Surprisingly, after listening to Wonder Woman's words, no one in the Justice League chose to quit.] 】

[Cyborg, Flash, Shazam, Green Lantern, ......]

[Almost everyone chooses to do their best to save Superman's adoptive parents. 】

[After all, this kind of kidnapping and ransom is really too low!]

[Moreover, Superman has saved the Earth many times in the past, so why should he be treated like this?]

[However, among these Justice League members who decided to unite around Superman based on personal choice, there is one missing person.] 】

[Batman.] 】

[Since Superman slaughtered the Joker with his own hands and began to actively intervene in the human world......]

Batman vanished. 】

[Out of natural suspicion and caution, Batman has sensed the danger. 】

[And decided...... Be wary of all superheroes, including Superman. 】

[Next, with the cooperation of the entire Justice League, the mirror master who was exposed will soon be found. 】

[In the face of almost all superheroes on the planet, he has no way to escape. 】

[Superman's adoptive parents were also quickly rescued. 】

[At the same time, in the White House of the beautiful country, the president also knew the bad news.] 】

["Hurry up and help me find a more powerful trump card, a trump card that can be used against Superman."] "】

[After giving orders to his generals, the president turned around and walked into his oval office.] 】

And at this moment, he heard a cold voice. 】

"What did you do before...... It's the stupidest thing a human being can do!"]


[The president's eyes were fixed, and just as he wanted to speak, he was covered by black palms from behind his back. 】

[It's Batman!]

[He sneaked into the Oval Office unknowingly!]

["On Earth. Superman has god-like powers!"]

"And what do you think...... The only way to control him. Is it to kidnap her parents?"]

[Batman stares at the president, his words full of anger.] 】

[At this moment, he really can't understand, what are these guests in their heads?]

[Aren't they still thinking Superman is blackened enough?]

[In the face of the angry Batman, the president calmed down. 】

[He has long known that Batman will never kill. 】

["My men assure me that the mercenaries ...... There will be absolutely no clues left behind to trace me back. "】

[In the president's words, not only did he not panic, but there was also a faint hint of calm arrogance. 】

"Moreover, those superheroes don't dare to do anything to me. "】

["Otherwise, their reputation will be finished......]

[Hearing this, Batman's eyes widened, and he looked into the president's eyes like looking at a mixture of a madman and a fool. 】

["You...... Are you really that stupid?"]

["We're talking about superheroes, it's the Justice League!"]

["Some of them can run faster than the speed of light, and some of them are princesses of the Amazons, daughters of God!"]

["There is also a person who can fly in the universe with just a ring......"]

["Do you think these people will tell you the evidence?"]

[Batman's words are already full of exhaustion and disappointment. 】

[He knew that these regulars were stupid, but he really didn't expect to ...... Stupid to this point. 】

[In the end, Batman just said to the president in a sigh-like tone:]

["When the day comes, you'll just disappear out of thin air!"]

"And the police on Earth...... I won't go to Saturn to find your corpse!"

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