MCU Universe, the mansion of Tonysdark.

"You! You're a ......."

Bruce Banner's face was sluggish, his whole body was tense, and he suddenly collapsed on the sofa.

He really never dreamed that a flower like Tony Stark... Playboy ...... would have made such a decision without hesitation!

You know, Tony of the universe on the screen doesn't have the physique of the Hulk!

With a snap of his fingers in a body like his, he is almost ready to die!

"Wait...... Hulk?"

A thought suddenly flashed through his mind, and Bruce Banner's eyes suddenly widened like brass bells, and the whole person was stunned.

How could it be!

If that's the case, then the variant seems to have forgotten something terrible!

At this time, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[At this time, in other parts of the battlefield, the battle continues. 】


[A huge Leviathan beast descended from the sky, opened its bloody mouth, and bit the rocket raccoon fiercely. 】


[The Rocket Raccoon fired desperately, but it couldn't hurt the giant monster at all.] 】

But the moment the monster pounced on him, something strange happened. 】

["Hula ......"]

[The huge war beast actually turned into countless black ashes in an instant, and it was scattered with the wind. 】

[Rocket Raccoon's eyes widened in astonishment, looking at the familiar scene in front of him, and a look of disbelief suddenly appeared on his face. 】

[This is how Tree Groot died in front of him five years ago!]


[The Thanos army on the battlefield turned into black ashes one by one, and scattered in the air without a trace. 】

[Those superhero coalition forces were all shocked by the scene in front of them. 】

[Five years ago, they all went through the same situation. 】

[Some are even the parties to the "ashes". 】

[Now, the situation seems to be repeating itself!]

[But the object...... But it was reversed!]

[The most incredible thing is that in addition to Thanos' army, even the wreckage of Temple 2 actually turned into ashes and scattered in the air, as if it never existed. 】


[One by one, the huge Leviathan beasts shattered in the air, and they were already scattered with the wind before they landed. 】

[Looking at the subordinates led by Ebony Throat, all of them turned into powder in front of him and dissipated, Thanos's huge body shook, and his eyes showed a look of sadness more than death. 】

[Originally, he was confident that he could crush all the enemies on the earth,

In fact, he did. 】

[After obtaining the Infinity Gauntlet, even the strongest Captain Marvel was defeated by Thanos!]

[But now, his ambitions, his great plans ......]

[It's all over.] 】

[Thanos looked around, only to see Captain Mi looking back with a solemn face. 】

[The eyes of the two intersected, and a bitter smile suddenly appeared on Thanos's face. 】

[He lost.] 】

[In this case, now is the time to admit defeat. 】

[Turning his head, Thanos casually found a stone and sat down, calmly waiting for the ending.] 】


[This purple potato monster closed his eyes and exhaled with relief.] 】

[In the next second, his body also began to weathered with the wind, and finally dissipated without a trace. 】

[Thanos bombs have tried their best to copy a large number of Pym particles with their own scientific and technological strength!]

[Except for the last step, all his plans succeeded!]

[But in the end, there was a variable that Thanos couldn't have dreamed of!]

[Iron Man!]

[This mortal earthling, with his wisdom and courage, completely thwarted Thanos's plot and swept away his power!]

[But in order to do this, Iron Man also paid a heavy price.] 】


[After snapping his fingers, Iron Man staggered to a corner of the ruins and sat down with great effort. 】

[At this time, half of his body was almost turned into charcoal. 】

[That's what snaps your fingers...... The price paid!]

[The power of the 6 Infinity Stones, even the body of the Wisdom Hulk is almost unable to withstand it, let alone the mortal Iron Man. 】


[War Machine Colonel Rhodes descended from the sky and landed on Iron Man's side. 】

[But when he saw his friend's appearance, his eyes suddenly revealed infinite sadness. 】

[As a soldier who has been on the battlefield, Rhodes can judge at a glance...... Iron Man has come to the end of his life. 】

["Mr. Stark. "】

[The little spider also fell to Iron Man's side, looking at the mentor and friend in front of him with a face full of disbelief. 】

[In his memory, not long ago, he was lying in front of Iron Man like this, confiding in him the despair and fear "before death". 】

[Now, the situation is actually reincarnated again!]

[Hearing the sad voice of the little spider, Colonel Rhodes sighs, stands up, and gives up his place to Peter Parker.] 】

"Mr. Stark, can you hear me? I'm Peter. "】

[Seeing that Iron Man's pupils began to dilate, almost entering a dying state, Peter Parker's voice was already a little crying, and even his tone trembled. 】

["We won!Mr. Stark!"]

[The little spider sobbed silently, and tears rolled down her cheeks.] 】

["You did it, we won!"]

[By now, the little spider has clearly recognized a reality. 】

[Iron Man, Tony Stark is dying. 】

[In order to save the world and defeat Thanos, he sacrificed himself!]

[Little Pepper in the steel suit also came to Iron Man's side and put his hand on the reactor of the ark in front of him.] 】

["Hey...... Tony ......"]

[As if hearing Pepper's voice, Iron Man raised his hand with the last of his strength and covered the back of Pepper's hand.] 】

[Seeing that Iron Man's gaze has begun to scatter, Pepper forced a smile and said:]

"Tony, look at me...... We'll be fine. "】

[At this time, Friday's electronic sound also sounded in everyone's ears:]

["Life has entered a dying state......]

[Seeing Iron Man drooping his head weakly again, Pepper finally shed tears:]

["Now...... You can rest......"]

[The moment Pepper's voice fell, Tony Darkk also stopped breathing. 】

[At the same time, the Ark reactor on his chest dimmed.] 】

[Iron Man's life has come to an end!]

[Looking at her husband's corpse in front of her, Pepper couldn't hold it anymore and cried out sadly. 】

in the live broadcast room.

"Woooooooooo......oo Why is this happening? Does Stark have to die?"

Little Wanda lowered her head and covered her face, crying into tears.

Of course, she knew that the Iron Man who died on the screen was in another universe.

But looking at such a moving image in front of me, I still can't hold back the sadness in my heart.

"Mr. Stark, you're amazing. "

Your words also glistened with tears in his eyes, but there was more reverence in his eyes than pain!

Even the Infinity Gauntlet can be made, and Iron Man must have known it for a long time, snapping his fingers with a physical mortal...... What it means!

But even so, he still did not hesitate to "preset" the second Infinity Gauntlet on his suit.

In other words, before the war, Iron Man was ready to die!

Iron Man's last-minute performance can only be described in one sentence.

In the body of a mortal, comparable to a god!

His heroic actions saved not only the planet, but the entire universe as well!

After all, if Thanos is allowed to succeed, he will destroy the entire universe and then rebuild a new one.

If this happens, the entire universe will be destroyed!

At this time, Loki suddenly said out of place:

I said...... Is it necessary for that Iron Man to fight hard, snap his fingers?"

Seeing that everyone's eyes were focused on him at once, Loki directly spread his hands:

"Judging from the previous performance, that Captain Marvel alone is even enough to compete with Thanos wearing gloves!"

"In other words, as long as Thanos can't get the Infinity Gauntlet, that woman alone can defeat him!"

"Why would he do it in this situation?"

Hearing Loki's words, Peter Parker's face was full of indignation, and he was about to refute, but Master Wayne had already taken the lead in speaking at this time:

"You're thinking too simply. "

Young Master Wayne stared at Loki, but there was a heavy weight in his calm words:

"That Captain Marvel has been silent since he was beaten away by Thanos, and it is not clear whether he can wake her up, and how much combat power there is after waking up. "

"And at this point, the superhero side has suffered a lot of losses, almost everyone is injured, and the longer it takes, the more serious the casualties will be!"

"Say ...... again"

Bruce Wayne's expression became extremely serious:

"Iron Man was already injured at the time, and he may not be able to keep these 6 Infinity Stones in front of Thanos. "

"If these gems are snatched back by Thanos, the entire universe will be over!"

Hearing this, Peter Parker also nodded heavily:

"yes, in that case, you have to snap your fingers to ......."

Halfway through the sentence, Peter's face suddenly showed a look of pain, and his words stopped abruptly, and he couldn't go on.

Standing aside at this time, Tonis Darker felt the gaze of everyone, listening to Bruce Wayne's analysis of "himself", his heart was also uncontrollable, and he beat wildly at an accelerated pace.

He really didn't dare to imagine that in another universe, he would be so heroic!

Didn't you already agree with your wife and daughter that you were going to go back and live with them?

But when it came to the end, "he" didn't hesitate even for a second!

Can "yourself" really do this?

As soon as he thought of this, Tony's heart suddenly flooded with a hint of realization.

Before, when the Kitari people invaded, he didn't hesitate to carry the fly... Bounce, into that black hole!

At that time, how could he have imagined...... Will you be able to go back alive?

This is Iron Man!

He may be cynical in his life, but when it comes, he will never back down in the slightest!

It's called a superhero!

And just when everyone was thinking differently, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[Because of the snap of the fingers that the Wisdom Hulk made before, all the people who turned to ashes and died 5 years ago were brought back.] 】

[Hawkeye returns home and is reunited with his family.] 】

[In high school, the little spider also met a friend who had been separated for a long time. 】

[Ant-Man Scottron and Black Panther T'Challa also saw their families again.] 】

[In Iron Man's cabin, Pepper, Morgan, and Colonel Rhodes and others all watched with bated breath...... Tony's pre-recorded holographic projection. 】

"Everyone wants happy endings, yes, but the reality isn't always as good as it could be. "】

["I hope you are in celebration when you see this moment......"]

["I hope that my family can be reunited again, and I hope that the world can get back on track. "】

【“............ So I thought I should record this in advance so that I wouldn't die. "】

"After all, death is not something inconceivable to me. "】

["But...... This is the hero's mission. "】

[In the three-D projection, Tony Stark smiled calmly:]

["After the glory, the hero will eventually come to an end......"]

[Sure enough, just before the time travel plan was launched, Tony Darkk had already expected it...... I will die unexpectedly. 】

[He still stood up.] 】

[Stand up!]

[Fight to save half of the lost souls!]

[Die without regrets!]

[At the end of the video, Tony Stark, who was transformed into a 3D image, stood up from his chair, suddenly bent down, and said to his daughter with a smile across a distant time and space:]

["I love you 3,000 times!"]

All the viewers who saw this scene felt their hearts flutter.

These were Tony Stark's last words.

He knew he might die on the trip, but he still recorded it all with a smile.

Maybe...... He couldn't grow up with his daughter, but this image still left his voice and smile.

This is Iron Man...... The last love for my daughter!

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