"You...... What do you want to do?"

Seeing little Wanda's eyes burning, his gaze constantly shifting between himself and Bruce Wayne, his eyes full of excitement and longing, Clark only felt chills all over his body, and almost goosebumps appeared on his skin.

Now, even the legendary Apocalypse Tyrant...... Darkseid stood in front of him, and Clark asked himself if he was afraid.

But...... The excited little girl in front of him actually gave him a strange sense of fear.

"What? Aren't you two a couple?"

Little Wanda took a deep breath, her eyes widened, her face turned red, and she kept muttering:

"Why didn't I see it before? Compared to that Wonder Woman, you have two people who are the best match for CP. "


Hearing this inexplicable term, Young Master Wayne, who was already in a state of mind that was about to explode, swallowed his saliva even more involuntarily.

At this moment, he only felt that his soul was trembling, and the whole person was like falling into a dream, and even the three views were about to shatter.

Is there a mistake?

In this dark multiverse, his own variant actually fell in love with Superman!

And the most thing is that Superman was already married to Louis at that time.

That is, this Batman is unrequited love...... Plus a third party!

Young Master Wayne, who was originally extremely smart and eloquent, had been stunned by this series of terrifying facts.

At this moment, his brain was blank, he almost lost the ability to think, and could only stay in this sluggish state, unable to even speak.

At this time, the chat group was also as lively as if it had exploded.

Deadpool: Wow, wow, Wow! It turns out that Superman and Batman are a couple, and I didn't even see it until now.

Charles Xavier: Now, I can finally understand...... In the previous episodes, why did Batman have so much malice towards Superman.

Rampage Lori Jinx: This eldest young master has always loved him, but he didn't dare to speak, since he couldn't get it, he could only destroy!

Starlight: It's so pitiful, they love each other, but they can't be together because of the world's eyes...... In the end, such a tragedy can only be derived...... (ㄒoㄒ)

Charles Xavier: ............ Little girl, you really surprised me.

Rampaging Lori Jinx: Hmph!

Rampaging Lori Jinx: However, I still have one thing to say about that young master Wayne.

Rampage Lori Jinx: Although people's XP is free, I still recommend that you see a doctor! I know all of the most famous psychiatrists in Zaum. O(∩_∩)O haha~

Bruce wayne:...... I didn't...... Me and Clark ...... (⊙_⊙)

Starlight: Gee, I just remember now that in Justice League, you were desperate to bring Superman back to life!

Starlight: I thought you were doing it for justice, but ...... You're here for love.

Bruce wayne:............ ╥﹏╥

Wolverine: Hey, hey, what the hell are you girls talking about, I hear my hair stand on end!(▼ヘ▼#)

Kratos: Hmph, is the love between men so unspeakable?

Kratos: I'm not good at it, but in Sparta...... It's a very common thing.

Agent J: Damn, you are an ancient in a mythical era, and you are even more avant-garde than a modern person like me!

John Constantine: Ahem, I'm from the Yin country, so ...... This kind of thing is as common to me as everyday, and it's not unusual at all.

JH: On the contrary, I'm more interested in the Doom Day virus.

Alice: yes, this monster is amazing, and its strength seems to be endless.

Alice: It's the perfect bioweapon!

Reed Richards: From a purely scientific point of view, Doom Day Bruce can even spit kryptonite powder in his mouth!

Bruce Banner: It's very likely that Bruce Wayne made changes in advance when he created the Doomsday Virus, to ensure that he would be able to kill Superman 100% after his transformation.

Ganata, the daughter of the Star Swallower: From love to hate! The feelings of earthlings are really complicated.

Ghost Rider: Miss, it's not just for earthlings. Just like that Thanos, after falling in love with the goddess of death, didn't he also have hatred?

Nick Fury: Drowning Resentful Souls Except for the Destroyer...... Brucy Wayne also created a terrifying "backwater" and used this biological weapon to exterminate the Atlanteans.

Nick Fury: It looks like Bruce Wayne is a scientific genius and a weapons genius in any alternate universe!

Speaking of which, the black boiled egg sitting in the underground base suddenly narrowed the only remaining one-eye.

Thankfully, there isn't anyone as dangerous as Bruce Wayne in his universe.

And Tony Dark, as long as he can keep his promise and don't toss any artificial intelligence, relatively speaking...... It's still relatively safe.

Just then, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[Looking at the cold superhuman corpse in front of him, Bruce the Destroyer fell into remorse. 】

[After being infected with the Doomsday virus, his thinking seems to have changed, and at this moment, Bruce is complete, and only self-blame is left in his heart!]

[He can completely spread the Doomsday virus, infect people all over the world, and make everyone ...... All gain the power of Doom Day!]

[But it's too late now.] 】

["Hahaha...... Isn't it cool to listen to Superman's wail before he dies?"

[At this moment, a mysterious man appeared in front of Bruce the Destroyer while laughing maniacally. 】

"We're all ready...... A trick specifically designed to deal with him. "】

["But we all feel that things won't get worse until it's too late......"]


[Listening to the familiar maniacal smile in his ears, the Destroyer pinched the neck of the laughing bat in surprise.] 】

["Didn't Superman kill you?"]

【"Oh...... You're mistaken, I'm not a clown. "】

["No, no, no...... I'm not a clown. "】

[Although his neck was choked, the laughing bat still smiled fearlessly:]

["I'm the same as you, we're all extremely twisted Bruce Wayne!, from a ruined planet that shouldn't exist. "】

"But I'm going to give you a second chance. "】

[The Laughing Bat looks at the world where The Destroyer is:]

["This planet and even this universe will crumble and turn into cosmic dust in a matter of minutes. "】

"But there is also a world where everyone trusts ...... And in love with Superman. "】

["They all think...... No matter what happens, Superman will step up and turn the tide!"]

[The words of the Laughing Bat are full of temptation, and they stab the softest place in the heart of the Destroyer.] 】

"What if I told you that our big plan ...... It is to show the true face of Superman in front of everyone!"]

["Would you like to do it with me?"

[Upon hearing this, Bruce the Destroyer didn't hesitate for even a second, and immediately nodded:]

["Bring me to that world!"]

[At this time, the screen turned, and I came to the main universe No. 0 Earth again.] 】

[Under the influence of the Doomsday virus, the entire metropolis is in chaos, and countless people have been infected with the virus, and exoskeletons and bone spurs have begun to grow on their bodies!]

[Seeing this scene, Bruce the Destroyer said to Louise with satisfaction:]

["Look, they're all getting stronger!"]

["Within 4 minutes, each of them will have enough power to kill Superman!"]

"I can't save the people of Metropolis in my world, but I can be here...... Save them!"]

[In the world of Bruce the Destroyer, after Superman blackened, he razed Metropolis to the ground as soon as possible. 】

[And after the Destroyer crosses over to Earth 0, he must first make up for this regret!]

[Luiston was shocked when he saw the horrific hellish sight around him.] 】

[At this moment, the super girl Kara, leading a group of superheroes, rushed over and started a fierce battle with the Destroyer. 】

[Louis also seized the opportunity and quickly fled back home.] 】

[Next, she put her son Joe in the safe room that Clark had set up in advance. 】

[But after doing all this, Louis also fell to her knees helplessly, and the Doomsday virus in her body had spread throughout her body.] 】

[Soon, Louis will also become the second Doom Day, just like Bruce the Destroyer!]

[At this moment, Bruce the Destroyer also defeated Supergirl and the others, and then rushed into Superman's lonely castle in the North Pole. 】

From this castle, he seized an artifact...... Cosmic Tuning Fork!]

["O people of the earth, you must see the truth!"]

[Holding the cosmic tuning fork, the Destroyer flew into space!]

["Your world is the center of all things, and it is also the core of the multiverse... Heart!"]

["Our dark world full of curses was created by your fears!"]

["But as long as I have this artifact, my master Barbatos can completely subvert the foundation of the multiverse!"]

[At this time, Superman of the main universe has been imprisoned in the prison of the dark multiverse. 】

[At this moment, the Destroyer only wants Superman to be able to hear his voice.] 】

"You convince those ignorant fools that you will always fight for them, and that their lives will be better for as long as you exist. "】

["It is this kind of blind faith...... Destroy your world!"]

[Just as the cosmic tuning fork released a strong energy and began to reshape the multiverse, the screen dimmed.]

["Nightmare Batman: The Destroyer" has ended.] 】

in the live broadcast room.

Seeing this, Tony Darkk suddenly sighed softly.

"This Bruce Wayne is a poor man, too. "

"yes...... It's clear that deep love is right in front of you, but you can't confess it...... Ouch!"

Little Wanda was still talking to herself with stars in her eyes, but suddenly covered her head and screamed.

"I've said it all, don't mention it again, the listener has goosebumps......" Gently withdrawing his fist, Tony glanced back at Wayne:

"Judging from the previous images, the drowned ghost, the ruthless god of war, and this destroyer...... It's all about saving the world and defeating evil enemies that you have to turn yourself into a monster. "

"They're not really that evil. "

"Maybe so......"

Young Master Wayne's expression was a little better, but he still shook his head:

"But in the process of getting stronger, their thinking is also seriously distorted, and now ...... have all turned into hopeless villains. "

"Now, for the sake of this world, I can only defeat them all. "

At this time, Peter Parker suddenly scratched his head and asked with some curiosity:

"Who is that super girl? She looks like a Kryptonian, but she's so pretty. "

Hearing this question, Clark was also confused.

It was he who originally thought that he was already the only remnant of Krypton.

But first General Zod, and now what kind of super girl......

Thinking of this, a glimmer of hope suddenly sprouted in Clark's heart.

Perhaps, Krypton did not do what his biological father thought...... Utterly destroyed!

I don't know how many Kryptonians still survive in the universe!

And at this moment, the screen that had been dim lit up again.

[Start playing Nightmare Batman: Daybreak Lantern]

[Dark Multiverse, -32 Earth.] 】

[Gotham City, Crime Alley.] 】


[With two gunshots, a couple collapses in a pool of blood. 】

["Hehe... Boy, get on my knees and close my eyes and I won't kill you. "】

[Looking at the murderer who had just killed his parents, Bruce Wayne, who was still just a teenager, had tears on his face, but he could only kneel on the ground under the threat of gunpoint.] 】

[At this moment, he doesn't seem to feel anything.] 】

[There was no fear, no anger, it seemed that nothingness had completely taken over his body. 】

[Just after the prisoner left, Bruce Wayne still knelt in the bloody alley for a long time, as if even his soul had been out of his body. 】

[At this moment, a green light pierced through the darkness and stopped in front of Bruce. 】

["Bruce Wayne from Earth, you have a strong willpower to overcome fear. "】

["Welcome to the Green Lantern Corps!"]

[This ring is the creation of a group of mysterious little blue people in the universe, and it will automatically search for ...... on various planets.] Intelligent beings who can resist fear and recruit them into the Green Lantern Corps. 】

[But this time, the Green Light Ring made a mistake.] 】

[The little boy in front of him with tears on his face did not overcome his fear. 】

He just forgot the feeling of fear. 】

[Teenage Bruce Wayne had no idea what the Green Lantern meant, or what the ring was in front of him.] 】

[At this moment, there was only one thought in his mind. 】

["That damn murderer! must die!"]

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