The Flash Universe.

"Reverse Lightning!"

Chewing on this nickname, Barry Allen's expression became extremely ugly, and his eyes contained shock, horror, shock, sudden realization and many other emotional waves, which could not be calmed down for a long time.

Through the video he had played before, he had vaguely guessed the yellow lightning he had seen when he was a child...... Probably from the future Speedster!

But only now did he really learn the name of the enemy!

Albert Swan!


With his hands clenched into fists, Barry Allen let out a low roar, and the muscles on his face twitched slightly.

Even if he knew who the enemy was, he still didn't know where to find this person.

Moreover, Barry doesn't even know what Swan looks like!

What's more, this reverse lightning seems to have the ability to travel through time at will!

Now, he may have long since returned to the 25th century!

I don't even know what Swan looks like, can I really travel to the future one day, and I can't find him?

Just when Barry Allen was a little discouraged, the screen suddenly changed, and he came from the Batcave to a new city.

"What? This is ......"

Looking at the future city with a completely different painting style in front of him, Barry Allen was a little confused again.

What's going on?

So many cars. Actually flying in the sky!

When will the earth ...... Coming out of such a developed city?

Thinking of one thing suddenly, Barry Allen's face changed again.

"Wait a minute, is this ...... 25th century?"

Just then, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[This is a parallel universe in the 25th century.] 】

[In this era, superheroes have become history and legends, and only some professional historians can study them. 】

But there are also some people who are obsessed with these legendary heroes. 】

Albert Swan is one such person. 】

[Swan admired the superhero Flash hundreds of years ago.] 】

[Through years of research and accidents, he finally came into contact with the speed force!and successfully researched his own negative speed force!]

[Since then, the reverse lightning has been born!]

[After gaining superpowers, Reverse Lightning was quickly confused by his abilities and began to do whatever he wanted. 】

[Although he ostensibly admires the Flash, Swan has not become a superhero like Barry Allen, but has become a supercriminal!]

[In the 25th century, where there are no superheroes, Reverse Lightning is almost an omnipotent god!]

[No one can stop him!]

[But Reverse Lightning never dreamed that by chance, Barry Allen in the 21st century actually traveled through time and came to the 25th century!]

[After learning of Reverse Lightning's misdeeds, Barry Allen immediately took action! defeated his "imitation" and sent him to prison. 】

[Since then, Reverse Lightning has also escaped from prison several times and tried to move around the timeline.] 】

[But no matter how much he struggles, he always loses at the hands of the Flash in the end.] 】

[Repeated defeats have transformed Reverse Lightning's obsession with Flash into hatred!]

[When Swan escapes from prison again, he tries to go back to the past by love and hate!]

[He wants to kill Barry Allen before he becomes the Flash!]

[The past that Reverse Lightning traveled to was the day Barry Allen was struck by lightning and became the Flash. 】

[He hid quietly in the dark and waited, and finally ...... Finally, I only heard a thunderous "boom"!]

[A golden thunderbolt shattered the window of the Midtown Crime Lab and shot straight at Barry Allen!]

[At the moment when the glass window broke, Barry Allen's hand slipped, and the chemical agent he was holding in his hand was also thrown on his body. 】

[At this time, the reverse lightning moved!]


[With the yellow electric light lit up, the time around the reverse lightning instantly slowed down countless times!]

【Time Freeze!】

[When the Speed One activates his ability, he can cause this situation that almost stops in time!]


[Reverse Lightning walked out from the side and walked to Barry Allen's side as if he was strolling leisurely. 】

[He first looked at Barry, who looked like a clay carved wood sculpture, and suddenly sneered...... Took the chemicals from his hands. 】

[According to the research of Reverse Lightning, the reason why Barry Allen obtained the speed force was because he was struck by lightning and then drenched by the chemical agent in his hand!]

[Thunder and lightning, potions, these two conditions are indispensable!]

[Casually put the potion bottle back on the experimental shelf, Reverse Lightning glanced at Barry Allen coldly, and turned his head to look at the lightning that shot down from the sky. 】

[At this moment, a thought suddenly flashed in his heart. 】

[It may not be enough to deprive Barry Allen of the opportunity to become the Flash!]

[Wouldn't it be better if I could take his chance and become a real Flash?]

[Looking at the golden thunder slowly stretching in the air, Reverse Lightning stretched out his hand excitedly, wanting to touch it. 】

[Next, something unbelievable happened. 】


[Reverse Lightning's eyes widened in shock, only to see that the thunder actually passed through him and shot straight behind him. 】

["How can this thunder be...... Not right!"]

[Reverse Lightning looked down at his body, his pupils suddenly contracted, as if he had seen something incredible!]

[I saw that his whole body began to fade gradually, even separated from his body...... You can see the floor!]

[It's as if his whole body is disappearing!]

[Next, just listen to a loud "boom"!]

[That thunder passed through the "transparent" body of the reverse lightning and hit Barry Allen who was standing behind him!]

[Not only that, but after Barry Allen was struck by lightning, the whole person fell backwards, shattering all the potion bottles on the shelf!]

[The potion that Reverse Lightning put on the shelf finally poured Barry Allen's body. 】

[History, it still happened as it was. 】

[The Flash, this is born!]

["This...... I see. "】

[As a scientist in the 25th century, the knowledge of reverse lightning is far beyond the human comparison. 】

[When he looked at Barry Allen who fell to the ground in front of him, his face suddenly showed a look of enlightenment, and there was a trace of fear in his eyes. 】

["Just now, my "existence" was almost erased!"]

"It's all because of ...... I'm trying to stop Barry Allen from becoming the Flash. "】

["It was because I failed that he got the speed power that I survived!"]

[The Flash glared hatefully at Barry Allen, who was lying on the ground with his eyes closed, and immediately turned around and left without looking back. 】

[The reason why he can become a reverse lightning in the future is precisely because of the existence of the Flash. 】

[If Barry Allen didn't become the Flash, or if he died early, then the existence of Reverse Lightning...... It will also disappear from the timeline!]


[After figuring it all out, Reverse Lightning's face was distorted with anger and hatred.] 】

[The person he hates the most, the person he is willing to kill at all costs......]

[It's absolutely impossible to die!]

[If Barry Allen died in the past timeline, then the reverse lightning will also disappear.] 】

[But in the "now" timeline, the reverse lightning can't beat him!]

[This is really an unsolvable paradox.] 】

[After returning to the original timeline, the reverse lightning is again and again...... Defeated by Barry Allen and sent to prison. 】

[Finally, in despair, Reverse Lightning finally came up with an idea. 】

[Perhaps, he can't kill Barry Allen in the past, but maybe he can change him in other ways.] 】

For example...... Let him fall!]

[After giving birth to this thought, Reverse Lightning began to travel back in time, and that Barry Allen was still a child.] 】

[This time, he didn't intend to directly hurt the young Barry, but aimed at the people around him.] 】

As long as Barry makes a friend, the Flash will kill that friend. 】

[He will do what he can...... Barry's life and studies are not going well, as if he is overshadowed by extreme bad luck. 】

[Reverse Lightning is ready to use this means to completely ruin Paris Allen's life. 】

[The final step in his plan is to kill the most important person in Barry Allen's life.] 】

[His mother.] 】

["Mom...... I don't want to go to school. "】

[Outside the house, young Barry complains to his mother in distress. 】

[Lately, there seems to be bad luck around him.] 】

[Even the friends I made with great difficulty suddenly disappeared. 】

["It's okay baby, if someone bullies you, then you should stand up and fight him, not back down!"]

[After encouraging his son well, and seeing the smile on his face again, Nora Allen sent him out of the house with confidence.] 】

[Next, her husband also left home to work.] 】

[Just then, Nora hears another knock on the door.] 】

[When she opened the door, she saw a man wearing a yellow leotard with yellow thunder wrapped around his body, looking at her with a cruel smile:]

["Hey...... Lady Allen, your time of death has come!"]

[This is reverse lightning...... A way to ruin Barry Allen's life!]

[This is his revenge!]

[At this point, the picture dims.] 】


"This ...... Is it because of me that my mother will die?"

Barry Allen's eyes widened, and he stood immobile with a frightened face, his face so pale that he could barely see a trace of blood.

The image just now was like thunder smashing on his head, shaking his whole body stupid!

In modern times, Barry Allen finally knows why the "yellow lightning" came to kill his mother.

And this cruel fact suddenly hit his soul hard!

All of this turned out to be because the future "self" became a superhero!

And this super criminal, who was arrested by "himself", is specially here to take revenge on him!

It's all your own fault!

And at this moment, the chat group was also lively.

Invincible Young Hero: This ...... This reverse lightning is too perverted, since he admires it so much, why doesn't the flash be a superhero and have to sit as a criminal?

Starlight: I think I'm qualified to answer that question.

Starlight: In my world, the so-called superheroes are almost all like criminals, and they rely on their abilities to do evil, even kill people and set fires!

Starlight: Still, it's my superpowers that I'm able to make them a little more honest! Otherwise, these super-powered maniacs would have done anything!

Bruce Wayne: If powerful superpowers are above worldly force, you can see the worst of human nature.

Bruce Wayne: In that future of the 25th century, there are no superheroes, so once Albert Swan gains the speed power, there will be no one to stop him!

Bruce Wayne: Simply put, he's a god on earth!

Bruce Wayne: In this case, it would be strange if he could still suppress the desire to do whatever he wanted.

NICK FRY: Is there a lack of checks and balances? It's really a problem.

God of War Kratos: Huh...... The so-called gods are just creatures with great power, and there is nothing noble at all! Their blood is also red!

Invincible Young Hero: Yes...... Is that so?( ̄△ ̄;)

Mark's mouth trembled when he heard this, and his whole body was a little depressed.

Having lived under the wing of a superhero father since childhood, Mark has always believed that it is natural for superpowers to become heroes and save people.

But now it seems that this is not the case at all!

Superheroes are also human beings, and they also have selfish thoughts, even evil thoughts!

If you can't control it, or if you don't have checks and balances, you will become a super criminal!

The Flash Barry Allen: I didn't expect it...... Mom will die, it's actually my responsibility.

Wanda Maximov: Huh? What are you talking nonsense? Are you funny? (⊙o⊙)

Wanda Maximov: It was the villain who killed your mother!

Wanda Maksimov: If I were you, I would find a way to catch him and kill him to avenge my mother!(▼Dish▼;)

The Flash Barry Allen: ............

Bruce Wayne: I can understand that if you're not willing to kill, but such a dangerous criminal still has to be locked up to prevent him from continuing to hurt innocent people.

The Flash Barry Allen: Not ...... I...... Now I may not be able to beat him at all.

The Flash Barry Allen: And ...... I don't know where the reverse lightning is, and in this world, I don't even know what he looks like!

Looking at the completely unfamiliar "self" on the screen, Barry felt that the reverse lightning in his own world probably wouldn't look the same as on the screen.

Wanda Maximov: This ...... It's really troublesome.

John Constantine: It's really difficult to know only one name, and the other person is still a futuristic person......

Just when everyone was helpless, a new image appeared on the screen.

Back in the Batcave, Barry Allen tells Thomas Wayne about the "real world" situation.

"But I'm in a world where you and your wife both died in the crime alley, and Bruce Wayne survived and became Batman. "

"What? Bruce isn't dead?"

Thomas Wayne was shocked when he heard this, and hurriedly asked:

"But what you say is true, can you change the world and restore it to its original state?"

"So let me die and bring Bruce back to life?"

Barry Allen said with a serious face:

"I had to find Reverse Lightning and figure out what exactly he had done. And to do that...... I need to regain my superpowers. "

"I have to be the Flash again!"

Just after Barry Allen said this, the picture on the screen changed again.

[Video continued]

[After settling Barry Allen, Thomas Wayne took off his bat suit and put on his suit. 】

[He arrives in Gotham City, inside Judge Dante's residence.] 】

[With him here, Sheriff Gordon.] 】

[They are here to investigate a case!]

[Judge Dante's two children were kidnapped.] 】

[The person who started it was the clown!]

[After asking Judge Dent a series of questions, Thomas Wayne returned to his underground base.] 】

[Here, he changed into a bat costume again.] 】

[Maybe the world is facing the end of the world, but Batman still has his own case to solve. 】

[This time, the enemy Thomas Wayne faces is his biggest rival......]


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