[Video continued]

【Paradise Island.】 】

[In view of the invasion of Steppenwolf and the loss of the mother box, the Amazon Queen decided to take out the treasured Artemis Arrow and light the heroic beacon that has not burned for thousands of years to warn Diana...... The Enemy is coming!]


[The arrow of Artemis, shot from the Queen's hand, crossed the sea and went all the way to the Amazon Temple in Crete, where a fire ignited. 】

[On the second day, Diana, who was repairing artifacts at the Louvre, ...... from TV Saw the news of the fire in the Amazon Temple. 】

[None of the locals understand. Where did this flame come from, and why did it burn so badly?]

[And Diana understood at a glance, this is a warning from her mother!]

["An enemy has invaded!"]

[After learning of the abnormality, Diana immediately rushed to Crete as fast as she could. 】

[Following the inscription on the arrow, she found the temple beneath Crete. 】

[With the arrow of Artemis in her hand as the key, Diana entered the vault of the temple and saw a series of murals on the walls. 】

[The first tomb mural depicts an all-female Amazon, a human in armor, and a group of warriors emerging from the sea...... Unite and fight against the enemies who have landed in flying saucers!]

[In the second act mural, humans and alien invaders face each other.] 】

[Below, the mural is also rendered with three ...... Connected boxes!]

[On the third mural, a group of winged strange people fly out of the strange circular passage. 】

[And the fourth mural only depicts a terrifying giant with a pitch-black body and a giant axe!]

[Looking at this giant, Diana's eyes were wide open, her breathing was short, and she was extremely nervous for a while. 】

Seeing this, the chat group became lively again.

Venom: Hahaha! This woman is so funny, she can be frightened by a mural.

Wanda Maximov: Don't talk nonsense, she's Wonder Woman, and her strength can be compared to Superman!

Diana, Wonder Woman: No! If it really involves this horrible tyrant, it's normal to be shocked.

Bruce Wayne: Diana, that's what you mentioned earlier, the alien invaders...... Darkseid?

Diana, Wonder Woman: That's him! Originally, the three most powerful old gods on the planet, and the Atlanteans...... Amazonian ...... and reinforcements from alien planets joined forces to defeat this dark tyrant!

Diana, Wonder Woman: But that's also the ...... this planet has ever seen. The most dangerous battle ever!

Wonder Woman Diana: Once defeated, everyone will be reduced to slavery, even the gods!

Starlight: Even gods can enslave, what a scary creature!

Barry Allen, the Flash: Aliens!Did aliens come to Earth in ancient times?

Agent J: These aliens are sitting in flying saucers! I now begin to understand where the legend of those flying saucers came from......

Invincible Hero: ...... I can understand the mural, but is there any text on the mural? Alien script?

Diana, Wonder Woman: It's ancient Greek, I'll just translate it to you.

Wonder Woman Diana: The text on one mural reads, "Zeus, who has mastered the thunder, has descended and ordered his son Ares to fight against Darkseid." "

Kratos: Zeus Ares?

Diana, Wonder Woman: Actually, it's not just the two of them, according to the mural, Artemis, the god of hunting, also went to war.

Barry Allen, the Flash: In order to protect humanity, even legendary gods have descended on Earth to fight alien monsters!

Kratos: Protecting Humanity? Hahaha......

The Flash Barry Allen: Huh? What's so funny? (⊙_⊙)

Bruce Wayne: Based on what we know about the gods, these Olympian gods ...... I don't care about the lives or deaths of human beings.

Bruce Wayne: If they do play, it's probably just to protect themselves.

Diana, Wonder Woman: The world conquered by Darkseid, whether it is a man or a god, will be destroyed or enslaved by it!

The Flash Barry Allen: Uh...... I think you're asking too much, even if these gods ...... It's really for personal gain, but they do save the world.

Diana, Wonder Woman: Well said, Barry Allen, you're such a kind person.

Deadpool: Ahaha, I slapped the beautiful daddy's ass without a trace, Barry, you're very good at making girls...... ^_^

Barry Allen, The Flash: Huh?

Deadpool: Don't you know? Diana's father is Zeus, the god-king!

Barry Allen, The Flash: !! God! You say she's a daughter of God? (⊙_⊙)

Deadpool: What are God's daughters, in our group...... And the daughter of the creator god of the universe!

Deadpool: Although, the creator god is a bit of a stretch. ^_^

Ganata, the Daughter of the Star Swallowers: You don't have to say that last sentence...... (▼へ▼メ)

The Flash Barry Allen: True ...... It's unbelievable. ( ̄△ ̄;)

In the face of this series of explosive news, Barry Allen's eyes widened, and the whole person fell into a state of doubt about life.

What kind of existence is that cosmic creator god?

Will such a character also have children?

At that moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[The screen cuts to Metropolis, where Superman's Kryptonian spaceship has been transformed into a giant laboratory at the moment.] 】

[Just last night, a demonoid broke in and tried to seize the mother box that had been placed in this laboratory. 】

[But this monster finally returned in vain, it turned out that the mother box had long been ...... by the son of the head of the laboratory Cyborg Victor brought it back to his home!]

[At this point, the scene shifts to Northern Europe.] 】

[Aquaman Arthur, today saved a shipwrecked crew member in the sea. 】

[After returning to the sea, he was taught a lesson by his teacher Vico. 】

"You are the rightful heir to Atlantis. "】

[Looking at Arthur, Vico's face hated iron and steel:]

["Now, monsters from the sky are constantly invading our country!"]

"And that brother of yours...... But he only thinks about instigating a war with the surface people. "】

["The mother box we are guarding is not safe!"]

[Vico tries to give the pententt in his hand to Arthur, and let him shoulder the responsibility of becoming the king of Atlantis and protect his country and people.] 】

[But Arthur has no interest in this, which makes Vico angry, but there is nothing he can do.] 】

Seeing this, the chat group suddenly became lively.

Peter Parker (Spider-Verse 1): This ...... Isn't this man the Green Goblin...... Norman Osborne?(⊙o⊙)

Peter Parker (Spider-Verse 1): How did he become an undersea man?

Wanda Maksimov: Yo! Isn't this another Peter, you've rarely spoken lately.

Peter Parker (Spider-Verse 1): Uh...... Actually, I often watch live broadcasts, but ...... I don't speak well, I don't know what to say.

Tony Stark: In the multiverse, there are several Norman Osborne, and this undersea man must be another variant of him.

Deadpool: Hehe, I don't care about Osborne, but this bearded Arthur...... It's still the heir to the throne of Atlantis.

Deadpool: But the actual king isn't him!

Bruce Wayne: Is it a bit of a cliché Prince......'s Revenge? I want to know how the three mother boxes got to Atlantis?

Wonder Woman Diana: Originally, after defeating Darkseid's army, the gods assigned the three boxes to each of the three races in order to prevent the mother boxes from uniting.

Wonder Woman Diana: That is, Amazon, Atlantis and Humans.

Tony Stark: Troublesome, if Steppenwolf wants to collect all three boxes, he might attack that underwater city...... Atlantis!

Wonder Woman Diana: Or, find that cyborg... Steel!

Tony Stark: This steel bone is really an incredible existence, but he seems to resent his father very much, could it be ...... Was his father who made him like this?

Barry Allen, The Flash: No, how could there be such a person who would transform his son into a robot with his own hands? (⊙o⊙)

Deadpool: Ha, you've seen less of the people who killed their daughters in order to fulfill their mission.

Thanos Thanos: Lower creatures, you must not fall into my hands, or else......

Deadpool: Huh...... I'm so scared, hahahaha. o(* ̄︶ ̄*)o

Venom: Human! I don't know why, Venom loves you.

Deadpool: Alright, let's be friends then. ^_^

At this time, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[At this point, the screen shifts to Steppenwolf's Earth base.] 】

[He used alien technology to get in touch with another Darkseid subordinate of Apocalypse.] 】

[This man's name is Dissad.] 】

[From the conversation between the two men, it can be learned that Steppenwolf was originally a subordinate of Darkseid, but was later expelled due to betrayal.] 】

[Dissad told him that as long as Steppenwolf can make meritorious deeds, he will have the opportunity to make amends.] 】

[Hearing this, Steppenwolf stood up directly and said with a confident face:]

"The mother box will be found and become one."] "】

["There are no Kryptonians on this planet, and there is no Green Lantern Army!"]

["Just like any other world, this place will definitely fall!"]

["For Darkseid!"]

[Next, the scene cuts to Gotham City, and after viewing the murals, Diana finds Bruce Wayne and informs him that the enemy has arrived.] 】

[Along with Diana's narration, a new image appears on the screen.]

[The terrible alien fleet has descended on the earth like a dark cloud covering the sky. 】

[And on the ground, Ares, the god of war, Zeus, the god-king, Artemis, the god of hunting, ......]

【Old Gods...... The Amazons, the Aquaman of Atlantis, and even the Green Lantern from an alien planet!]

[All the resistance forces on Earth have united and launched an earth-shattering battle with the invading Apocalypse Star army!]

[During the Great War, Darkseid tried to fuse the three mother boxes into one, and then summoned infinite flames to transform the Earth into another Apocalypse!]

[If he succeeds, all creatures on Earth will be turned into slaves of Darkseid...... It's also a demon-like thing!]

[But on Earth, Darkseid has encountered unprecedented resistance. 】

[On the battlefield, I saw the Green Lantern flying in the sky, and the armies of the Amazon and Atlantis galloping on the ground!]


[Artemis's divine arrows can knock down a ship of the Apocalypse with every blow!]

[And Zeus condensed thunder with both hands and struck it out with a bang!]


[The thunder and lightning waves that erupted suddenly blew countless demons into pieces!]

["Gather fire to him!"]

"Kill this monster. "】

[Aquaman, Zeus, and Artemis focused all their firepower on Darkseid, and they faintly suppressed him for a while. 】


[Later, the god of war Ares jumped into the air, and the axe of war in his hand slashed down!]


[This terrifying blow slashed Darkseid's weapon and slashed deep into his body!]

[Blood suddenly flowed out like a spring.] 】


[Hit hard by this, Darkseid finally couldn't help it and let out a terrible roar. 】


[Ares flew up and kicked the Dark Lord Darkseid to the ground.] 】

[Darkseid, who was covered in bruises and had Artemis arrows stuck in his body, was carried onto the battleship by the demons, and then fainted directly. 】

[Under the joint efforts of those golden age earth powerhouses, Darkseid's army was defeated. 】


[Zeus condensed thunder and broke up the three mother boxes that were about to merge into one with one blow!]

[Looking at the Apocalypse Star battleship fleeing in embarrassment in the sky, the Earth Alliance on the ground suddenly let out a thunderous cheer. 】

[They won!]

[The Apocalypse Star Dark Army, which once swept the universe and destroyed and enslaved countless worlds, was finally defeated on Earth!]

"Oh my God, that's ...... Gods against aliens!"

"Such a terrible monster was defeated!"

Seeing the earth-shattering ancient war on the screen, The Flash, the Invincible Young Man, and Eddie Bullock and others were already stunned, and their jaws were about to drop.

In their lives, how had they ever seen such a thrilling battle?

In addition to them, the rest of the group was also shocked.

Deadpool: Unbelievable! That Ares was so powerful that he almost hacked Darkseid to death!

Invincible Young Hero: This ...... Isn't Ares the legendary god of war? He's a little more powerful, and rightfully so.

Bruce Wayne: This Ares has been killed by Diana herself.

Barry Allen, The Flash: ...... you? You killed the God of War!∑( ̄□ ̄*|||

Wonder Woman Diana: He wants to use war to exterminate humanity, and I don't have any other choice.

"Oh my God!"

In the apartment, Eddie Bullock gasped and couldn't help but exclaim in surprise.

The corners of his mouth twitched. His eyes were slightly distracted, and even his spirit became a little trance,

Seeing now, he only felt that his three views were about to be subverted.

It turns out that in ancient times, the earth was once invaded by aliens!

In order to face the alien monsters, even the gods of Olympus have gone to war!

The most incredible thing is that the god of war who made the final decision and knocked down the alien powerhouse finally ...... was actually slaughtered by a member of this group!

And this Wonder Woman is actually Zeus's biological daughter!

All kinds of thrilling revelations one after another, bombarded Eddie in horror, and his eyes were about to pop out!

Compared with these shocking information, the so-called news he reported before is simply rubbish!

At this time on Temple Two.

"Huh...... Is this the Dark Monarch of another universe?"

Sitting on the throne, Thanos stretched out his hand to rub his chin, and his eyes showed thoughtfulness.

For some unknown reason, he suddenly felt ...... He seemed to have some resemblance to that Darkseid.

However, he only scoffed at Darkseid's dismal defeat.

"It's just a group of gods on the earth who can beat you so badly!"

"The so-called Dark Lord...... It seems like a bit of an exaggeration. "

Thanos pursed his lips slightly, and his face was calm again.

At that moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[After learning from Diana that the Apocalypse Star army was about to attack, Bruce Wayne immediately accelerated the process of recruiting superpowers. 】

[This time, he's targeting a speedster named Barry Allen.] 】

[However, this Barry Allen has just lost his job and is looking for a job everywhere.] 】

[When he was looking for a job at a pet store, he accidentally fell in love with a black woman at first sight. 】

[No one expected that not long after Barry Allen entered the pet store, there was a car accident on the highway, and the black woman he just met encountered a life and death crisis!]

[At the last moment, Barry Allen suddenly showed his super speed, rushed to the road, and saved the woman. 】

[At the moment when he made a move, it seemed to ...... Everything except Barry Allen has come to a standstill!]

Seeing this scene, the chat group suddenly exploded.

Wanda Maximov: Time stops? Isn't that ...... What are the abilities of Quicksilver?

Charles Xavier: It seems that this variant of the Flash has similar superpowers.

Barry Allen, The Flash: Wait a minute! Quicksilver, Variant, Flash, what are you talking about?

Barry Allen, The Flash: What's more, why is there a me??( ̄△ ̄;)

At this moment, looking at the unfamiliar "self" on the screen, Barry Allen was completely confused.

I saw that his eyes were wide open, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and even his spirit became a little trance, and his brain was almost insufficient!

This person is actually called Barry Allen!

Plus, it's super fast!

What's going on here?

Barry stiffened in place with a deep sense of shock, his eyes staring at the screen in a daze, and even his worldview was greatly impacted for a while!

A deep shock haunted his heart!

But in addition to the shock, there was a surge of excitement in his heart.

What is that freeze of time?

Don't...... Will you be able to reach this level in the future?

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