"Why did you possess that doctor?"

Seeing that the system asked this question, Xiao Wanda's eyes flickered slightly, and he whispered to himself:

"Isn't the possession of these symbiotes random?"

Peter also nodded involuntarily next to him:

"yes, that Eddie Brooke...... It was only because he touched the wandering woman in the laboratory that he was possessed by venom. "

"It seems to be just luck. "

"Not necessarily. "

Bruce Wayne shook his head slightly:

"This symbiote, known as Riot, first escaped from the container and possessed the pilot of the Life Foundation's spaceship. "

"Then he changed hosts several times before he finally attached himself to Dr. Drake. "

"How often does it change hosts...... It seems like it's going a little too far. "

Tony Darkk listened thoughtfully:

"Judging from the situation of Venom, all the bodies that are only for the body have extremely high intelligence, and they are not inferior creatures. "

"Riots frequently change hosts...... I think it's what I want to get. "

"Venom! That's right!" Peter stood aside and clapped his hands suddenly, as if he had discovered something:

"That Venom told Eddie to go find Drake!


As soon as they heard the term, Tony Stark and Bruce Wayne glanced at each other, and they both saw the solemnity in each other's eyes.

And little Wanda didn't come back to his senses, but asked with some surprise:

"The symbiotes want to go to the rocket, do they want to go to the universe?"

"Hmph! "

Loki snorted coldly and said softly:

"These symbiotes...... I think I want to go home!"

"What is home? Is it an alien planet?"

Little Wanda blinked, suddenly remembered something, and suddenly realized:

"Could it be the comet?"

"No!" Peter Parker listened dumbfounded.

"In that universe, are human rockets close enough to catch up with comets?"

Hearing this question, many people in the live broadcast room showed doubts on their faces.

That's right, how fast the comet flies through the universe! After such a long delay, I don't know where it's going!

Hearing this, Tony shook his head slightly:

"A comet is a star that circles the sun!"

"That is, the comet's actions are predictable!"

"As long as the computer on that shipwrecked ship ...... Recording the comet's orbit, the Life Foundation group can use this to calculate the comet's next trajectory!"

On the other side at this time, Bruce Wayne's brow was already furrowed.

It's no coincidence that Venom and Riot are all targeting Life Foundation rockets.

Do these symbiotes really want to go back to that comet?

What is their purpose?

Thinking of one thing suddenly, Young Master Wayne's pupils contracted slightly, and his heart tightened suddenly.

Are these alien creatures trying to bring their compatriots to Earth?

But what kind of rocket does it do?

Comets capable of bringing millions of symbiotes from outer space...... Transferred to Earth?

What kind of black technology is this?

As a first-class smart person, Bruce Wayne has a very fast brain.

But because of this, when his mind moves, he can think of all kinds of possibilities.

And just when Master Wayne was deep in thought, someone suddenly bubbled up in the chat group.

Alice: "Riot Possessed Dr. Drake" only wants to use his power to bring all the millions of symbiotes on the comet to Earth!

Alice: That's my answer!

Seeing Alice, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly appear to answer the question, everyone else in the chat group was a little surprised.

Starlight: Wow, Miss Alice, you haven't spoken for a long time, I thought you were offline.

ALICE: Bitter smile, I did leave just now, but ...... I find that this is probably the place for me.

In the secret operating room of the hospital, Alice has put on a doctor's white coat, but her feet are still bare, and she looks extremely embarrassed.

Just now, Alice couldn't hold it back, and used a needle pierced into her body to destroy the door's lock system and escape from the sealed operating room.

But when she ran away, she was stunned.

I saw that inside and outside the hospital, there were human corpses and car wreckage everywhere, and you could even see some zombies walking around!

Seem...... The whole of Raccoon City has been overrun by zombies!

Seeing such a terrible scene, Alice, who was aimless, simply fled back to the operating room.

In the depths of her heart, this inexplicable big screen seems to have magical power!

Only here can she feel inner peace.

As soon as she returned to the screen, Alice saw the questions raised by the system and the discussion of everyone in the live broadcast room.

As soon as she thought of the "zombie siege" scene outside, Alice immediately felt a ...... in her heart Desperate motivation!

She doesn't want to die!

I don't want to be a zombie!

Driven by this inexplicable emotion, Alice relied on the discussion of Loki and others, coupled with the unique intuition of women, and made her own answer almost as if she were guessing!

And after answering the question, her heartbeat instantly accelerated several times.

"Am I right? or ......"

Just when Alice was worried, the voice of the system sounded again:

[Ding! Alice finished answering, and the Q&A system began to determine ......]

Alice answered correctly. 】

"That's right, my answer is correct. "

Hearing the confirmation of the system, Alice, who had shaken the zombies face to face, suddenly felt weak and sat on the operating table all of a sudden.

In fact, if it was the kind of zombie in the hive underground base, as long as there were not hundreds, she was really not afraid.

But after watching so many videos of "Zombie Heroes", Alice's fear of zombies in her heart seems to have increased exponentially!

That kind of monster-level zombie, even if it's just one, she can't beat it!

It is precisely because of this fear that she will be desperate to answer the question!

And after the confirmation sound of the system sounded, the chat group was also lively.

Nick Fury: Millions of symbiotes! That's no joke!

Nick Fury: If that riot ...... If you can really bring all the symbiotes on that comet back to Earth, then this Earth will definitely be finished!

Starlight: yes, it's terrifying that these monsters eat people after they possess people! (⊙_⊙)

The thought of Eddie Brook's girlfriend also turning into a female venom and then gnawing off a person's head makes Starlight feel so angry that she almost spits it out.

Reed Richards: There's no need to panic. The symbiote's weakness is also obvious, as long as it is paired with high-frequency sound waves and flames, it is not difficult to defeat them.

Reed Richards: Also, I'd love to study the structure of this symbiote.

Reed Richards: Why...... Why do such cosmic creatures have such obvious weaknesses? Could it be because something went wrong with their evolutionary process?

Agent J: Yo, mad scientist, aren't you going to use yourself as a mouse again?

Reed Richards: No kidding! Even Susan broke up with me! You're still laughing at me! (╯‵□)╯︵┻━┻

Wolverine: Boy, you'd better not provoke this mad scientist, what if he really goes berserk and prepares to destroy the world?

Reed Richards: ............ (⊙_⊙)

Just then, the sound of the system sounded again.

[Alice gets 100 live streaming points, which can be used to on-demand the multiverse]

[Alice gets a random reward............ Black Light Virus!]

[After use, Alice will become the supreme master of the black light virus and remove all side effects.] 】

[Rewards have been distributed.] 】

Just then, a test tube appeared in front of Alice, which contained a dark red liquid.

At the same time, a series of information flooded into his mind.

[Black light virus can speed up the evolution of organisms, and can evolve by devouring and fusing other organisms. 】

[In addition, the black light virus can also infect the rest of the creatures, turning them into biochemical monsters.] 】

[As a "master", you can rely on your own will to determine the infection rate of the black light virus, so that it only infects a specific population, rather than a full-scale outbreak.] 】

[At the same time, the "Juggernaut" can also use his own consciousness to control all the infected and become a well-deserved king of the virus.] 】

"The King of the Virus, Control the Infected?"

When Alice heard the announcement of the system, she was taken aback, her whole person was completely frozen, her eyes were full of fear, and there was only one thought in her mind......

Are you kidding!

What does this reward mean?

If this strange virus is really used, what will it end up being?

Ruler of a group of cyborg monsters?

And just when Alice was holding the tube of black light virus and was stunned, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Video continued]

[Attached to Add, Venom said loudly:]

["If we don't stop the riots, he will return to Earth with millions of his compatriots. "】

"But things are different now, Add. "】

"I've decided to stay. "】

[Venom's tone suddenly carries a hint of sincerity.] 】

["On my planet, I'm a loser, just like you. "】

["But on this planet, we can achieve great things together!"]

"Also, I'm starting to like it a little bit. "】


[Eddie also listened with a confused face:]

["Do you like us humans now?"]

[Venom also said in a tsundere voice:]

"If we don't stop that rocket from launching, there's nothing on this earth that I can love. "】

[Rushing to the vicinity of the rocket launch base, Eddie Bullock finally asked:]

["Tell me the truth, Venom, what made you change your mind?"]


[Venom gushes out of his body, quickly covering Eddie's entire body.] 】

[Then, the big black monster said in a somewhat strange tone:]

"Add, you changed me. "】

[At this time, the riot has also taken on its original form, killing all the people in the base, and rushing towards the rocket as fast as possible. 】

[Seeing the riot in front of him that seemed to be much more powerful than Venom, Eddie was also shocked:]

["Oh my God, what's that monster? Do you have a chance of winning?"]

[Venom lowered his head and pondered for a moment, and said:]

["Rounding up, the odds should be zero."] "】

【"Oh...... Oh my God......"]

[Add's voice became a little depressed at first, but he finally said resolutely:]

["TMD! no matter, let's go save the world!"]

[Venom's eyes also showed a hint of fear, but for unknown reasons, he rushed forward and challenged the ...... head-on A riot that you can't beat!]


[Sure enough, in the face of the symbiote leader's riot, Venom barely had the strength to fight back, and was beaten as soon as he came up. 】

[In the midst of the scuffle, Add's ex-girlfriend plays a high-frequency noise in the control room, separating both symbiotes from their hosts.] 】

[But the riot fused with Dr. Drake again, and stabbed Eddie through the chamber from behind!]

[Just as the riot rushed into the rocket and waited for it to be launched, the venom also merged into Eddie's body again. 】


[And under the self-healing power of Venom, Eddie's fatal injuries were recovered, transformed into a "symbiote form", and stood up again!]


[The rocket carrying the riot was finally successfully launched and took to the sky!]

[But the smile on the riot's face hasn't disappeared yet, and Venom jumps up :]

["Don't !!" looked at the weak person in front of him who was far inferior to himself, and the face of the riot finally showed a look of horror. 】

["You damned traitor!"]

["Haha, I wish you a happy life!"]

[Venom laughs, raises his weapon, and leaps down, slicing the entire rocket's fuel tank to pieces!]

["Boom ......"]

[With the terrifying sound of explosions, the entire rocket ...... Along with the riot above, it exploded into pieces in mid-air!]

[Under the explosion of ultra-high temperatures, even symbiotes are quickly burned clean.] 】

[The terrifying flames swept in, and it was about to burn the venom and Eddie Brock together!]

[At this critical moment, Venom suddenly said in Eddie's head:]

"Goodbye, Add. "】

[As soon as he finished speaking, the venom detached from Eddie Brock's body and turned into a giant parachute.] 】

[This symbiote parachute shields Add from the flames of the explosion while slowing him down.] 】

[However, due to the weakness of being afraid of fire, this symbiote parachute incarnated by venom quickly turned into a ball of fire. 】

["Venom! "】

[Look at this strange symbiote...... It seemed like he was ready to sacrifice his life to save himself!! 】


[Add finally fell into the sea and barely escaped with his life.] 】

Seeing this scene, most of the faces of everyone in the live broadcast room showed regret.

Clark Kent, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly spoke:

"This alien symbiote also seems to have learned the spirit of earthlings. "

In Clark's opinion, this man-eating venom monster ...... Not only is he willing to face a strong enemy riot with zero chance of victory, but he even sacrificed himself to save others in the end, and he was definitely moved by Eddie's will!


Loki said with a look of disdain:

"You're too presumptuous. "

"Maybe, this Venom kid just made eye contact with this Eddie, what kind of spirit can you get involved?"

"Do you think ...... All cosmic people must be influenced by some "earth spirit" in the end, right?"

Looking at Loki's disdainful expression, Clark shrugged his shoulders slightly, not arguing with him.

But deep down, he knew ...... He is an alien who has been completely infected by the spirit of the earth!

The so-called Krypton, for Clark, is only a name.

[A few days later, in the evening, Eddie entered a Hua··· When he opened a convenience store, he met a local thug. 】

[Watching the thugs raise their guns and force the boss to give him money, a familiar voice suddenly sounded in Eddie's head again.] 】

["This guy is a bad guy, right?"]

"That's right. Add nodded. 】

[It turned out that the venom was not burned by the flames, and part of it still survived in Add's body.] 】

[Soon, a huge venom appeared in front of the little gangster, and the gun in his hand was blown away in an instant:]

["You dare to appear in this store again......"]

["No, if you dare to do anything wrong anywhere in this city again, we will eat your hands and feet, and bite off your ugly face again......"]

["Then you're a thing with no hands, no feet, and no face, do you understand?"]

[Looking at the black monster in front of him who was several meters tall, the gangster's face was covered with cold sweat, and he was about to faint with fright:]

["You...... What the hell are you?"]

["We are Venom!"]

[Eddie Bullock and Venom utter this sentence at about the same time.] 】

[But then Venom seems to have changed his mind and swallowed the little bastard in one gulp.] 】

[After eating, Eddie returned to his original appearance, and looked at the stunned convenience store owner, he smiled and said. 】

["I've got a parasite in my body, that's it, good night, Mrs. Chen. "】


[As soon as he heard this, the venom immediately exploded.] 】

["Apologize, apologize to me quickly......"]

watched the screen go dark, and the live broadcast room fell silent for a while.

After a while, little Wanda suddenly burst out laughing:

"Interesting, this venom is so funny, it's like a puppy. "

"Interesting? He's a man-eating monster. "

Young Master Wayne's face was slightly gloomy, and he also glanced in the direction of Peter Parker.

He can't even tolerate lynching and killing criminals, see this Eddie Bullock is a monster, and eat this criminal alive!

And, looking at Eddie's appearance as if nothing happened, maybe...... It's not the first time he's done something like this!

Is this still worth it?

It's so ferocious, it's almost catching up with those zombie heroes!

"I don't know which parallel universe this Venom is in, if it's in my universe......"

And just as Master Wayne was thinking about Venom, another thought suddenly rose in his mind.

The reward that Alice received before...... It seems to be some kind of virus!

That "black light virus", there won't be any danger, right?

At this time, the screen, which had been dimmed, suddenly lit up again.

[Video continued]

[As a journalist, Eddie Bullock was invited to interview a serial murderer.] 】

[This man's name is Cletus Kashai.] 】

[In the cell, the serial murderer looks at Eddie Brooke as if he were an old friend. 】

[Moreover, he also uttered a creepy word.] 】

["I'll go out, wait until I get out of this place......]

["There will be a massacre!"]

[Immediately after, the picture dimmed again, and then when it lit up, the picture turned.] 】

[Ultimate Universe, 1610.] 】

In this new city, a little boy in a spider costume is running through the streets. 】

[In the back, there is a masked man who seems to be a super criminal, and he is being hunted down.] 】

[After finally getting rid of the masked man, Spider Boy arrives at the cemetery in the city and stands in front of a tombstone. 】

[The little boy removes the mask from his head, revealing his black face.] 】

[It turned out that he was a black child. 】

"I'm sorry, Mr. Parker. "】

[Looking at the tombstone in front of him, the black boy Miles has a regretful look on his face. 】

["I want to finish what you have to do, but I really can't do it without your help. "】

[In front of the little boy, a tombstone was erected, which was engraved:]

["Peter Parker: 1991~2018." 】

"What? I'm dead?"

Seeing this scene, the two Peter Parkers in front of the screen were all stunned, with an incredible look in their eyes.

In this universe Spider-Man is not only dead, but his successor turned out to be a black child?

PS: After "Spider-Man Parallel Universe", it is "Superman Man of Steel"! ^_^

PS2: Ask for collections, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation votes, ask for monthly passes, ask for full support!

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