Originally, Alice didn't want to talk about herself casually.

But seeing the terrifying zombies on the screen, she was not only frightened, but also had a terrifying thought in her heart.

Don't...... Has the T-virus leaked out there?

If that's the case, then the whole world is in danger!

Thinking of this, Alice did not hesitate anymore and directly shared her experience.

Alice: The T-virus was originally a product of Ambrera, but during the research process, the company discovered that the virus can transform humans into zombies!

Alice: Because of this virus, one of Ambrera's underground bases has become a zombie hell!

Alice: I fought with my life to get out there.

Peter Parker (Spider-Verse 1): It's unbelievable that there is such a virus in the world?

Agent J: It's terrifying to be able to turn both the living and the dead into zombies!!

Tony Stark: Ambrera, there shouldn't be such a big pharma in my universe.

Bruce Wayne: I don't exist in my universe.

Natasha Romanoff: It looks like this Miss Alice is from a whole new multiverse.

Alice: What are you all talking about?multiverse?( ̄△ ̄;)

At that moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Video continued]

[Looking at Tony Stark, Doctor Strange and Wang, who turned into zombies, Bruce Banner trembled with fright, and his forehead was covered with cold sweat. 】

But then, something happened that frightened him even more. 】

[Black Dwarf and Ebony Throat, who had been knocked down by these three zombies and were still bitten all over the body, actually stood up!]

[It turned out that after being bitten...... They've become zombies now!]

["It's unbelievable!"]

[Looking at the terrifying scene in front of him, Urus Banner's eyes trembled, his body froze, and his eyes showed a look of horror. An inexplicable chill spread in my heart. 】

[This kind of zombie monster can even create the same kind by biting!]

[If you are bitten by them, will you become this kind of monster yourself?]

[If that's the case, it's better to live than to die!]

[Just when Bruce Banner was terrified and his body was almost frozen, the zombie Iron Man raised his right hand without hesitation, and the light cannon in his palm began to flash with dazzling light!]

[Seeing that the light cannon was about to hit Bruce Banner, a red floating cloak suddenly fell from the sky, wrapped around the legs of the zombie Iron Man, and then pulled hard, smashing him into the mouth and gnawing the mud!]


[But that's not all, the floating cloak wrapped around the zombie Iron Man and flew into the sky, and then shook him hard, smashing him like a cannonball on the body of the black dwarf, and the two zombies fell together into a rolling gourd. 】

[Seeing this, Doctor Strange raised his right hand and prepared to open the portal, but the floating cloak immediately came over and wrapped around his hand, interrupting Doctor Strange's spell casting. 】

[It was only at this time that Bruce Banner reacted from his panic.] 】

["Don't! Don't......"]

[Driven by the desire to survive, he desperately turned around and ran wildly. 】

[While running, Bruce Banner looked back to see if those zombies had caught up, but he never dreamed that Grand Master Wang would actually cast a portal magic and rush directly in front of him!]

["Wow!! don't eat my !!"]

[Seeing Archmage Wang open his mouth and rush towards him, Bruce Banner stepped back, but his body crashed into a car. 】

[At this moment of life and death, the body of the "Zombie King" stopped in mid-air!]

[It turned out that it was the spiritual floating cloak that entangled Master Wang's legs, so that he couldn't enter or retreat, and his body hung in the center of the portal out of thin air!]

[At this moment, the floating cloak wrapped around Doctor Strange's hand on the one hand, preventing him from casting spells, and on the other hand, it wrapped around the leg of Grand Master Wang, so that he couldn't bite Bruce Banner, and actually controlled two zombies at the same time!]

Seeing that the chat group here is lively again.

Deadpool: Wow, what is this cloak? It's so funny to watch!

Mage Mordo: The Floating Cloak is one of our Kama Taj artifacts, but he has the will to choose his own master, so no one has been able to use it successfully for years.

Wanda Maximov: That's handsome, one cloak can control an archmage, plus a supreme mage!

Wanda Maximov: I see, you Kama Taj simply put the Time Gem ...... Give it to this cloak and keep it. That's foolproof!

Mage Mordo: Little ghost, don't shake your wits in front of me!

Tony Stark: Strange, have you now been recognized by this cloak?

Stephen Strange: Not yet, and I don't know why, I've been touching the Floating Cloak several times, but it never responded.

Mage Mordo: I guess you're not growing enough.

At this time, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Just when Archmage Wang was restrained in mid-air by the floating cloak, the portal opened by him finally began to shrink. 】

[Next, just listen to the sound of "smack". 】

[The king's head was stuck in the portal alive, and it was cut off cleanly.] 】


[Looking at this zombie's head, it almost rolled on itself.] Bruce Banner trembled with fright and kicked out the king's dead head. 】

[On the other side, the zombie Iron Man is constantly shooting out the light cannon in his palm, trying to hit the floating cloak flying in the air. 】

[Seeing that the enemy's attention seemed to be completely attracted by the cloak, Bruce Banner had just breathed a sigh of relief, and his body suddenly moved involuntarily. 】


[With a scream, Bruce Banner grabbed with both hands, and even scratched 10 marks on the ground, but he was still pulled by the superpower of Ebony Throat!]

["Don't ...... No...... Don't!"]

[Frozen in mid-air by the ebony throat's telekinesis, Bruce Banner shook his head desperately, a look of despair on his face. 】

[Unable to transform into Hulk, he is now an ordinary person.] 】·

[But the three zombies in front of them are either the supreme mages on the earth, or the obsidian five generals under the cosmic overlord Thanos!]

[Not to mention such a battle, he can't even escape. 】

"Don't eat me, don't eat me."] "】

[Looking at the three zombies rushing in front of him, Bruce Banner let out a desperate wail.] 】

["I'm a vegetarian, it's not delicious."] "】

[At this critical moment, a pitch-black cloud suddenly flew from the sky, and it flooded the ebony throat in an instant. 】


[Ebony Throat only had time to let out a few strange screams, and the skin and flesh on his body were eaten away by this dark cloud, leaving only bones and falling to the ground. 】


[As soon as Ebony Throat died, his superpowers failed, and Bruce Banner fell to the ground. 】

[Only then did he realize that those "dark clouds" were actually countless small insects. 】

["Oh my God, what's going on?", "What's going on now?"]

[Lying on the ground, Bruce Banner stupidly watched as tens of millions of bugs surrounded the Black Dwarf and the zombie Iron Man! 】

"Oh God, this is disgusting. "】

[Seeing the black dwarf being gnawed into white bones, Bruce Banner let out another disgusting cry. 】

[However, because the zombie Iron Man was wearing a battle suit all over his body, the insects couldn't bite him for a while. 】

[And at this moment, a woman wearing a wasp suit suddenly appeared in front of the zombie Iron Man. 】


[I saw a flash of blue light, and Iron Man's head fell to the ground.] 】

["Oh my God!"]

[Watching a huge ant appear out of thin air, bite the head of the zombie Iron Man, and then swallow him alive!]

[Bruce Banner suddenly felt a mountain of overwhelming sensations rise in his abdomen, and he almost vomited.] 】

["I'm going to throw up, I'm really going to throw up."] "】

"This ...... My variant actually ...... Eaten by ants!"

Watching the huge ant's "own" head gnaw clean, Tonydak's face trembled with muscles, and a look of laughter and tears appeared on his face.

Of course, he knew that the zombie was no longer alive.

But looking at such a horrific sight, he still felt that his scalp was numb, and even goosebumps appeared on his back.

First turned into a zombie, then was decapitated, and finally even his head was eaten by ants!

Tony Starck of this parallel universe...... Luck is too bad.

At this time, Young Master Wayne, who was standing on the side, said thoughtfully:

"Can grow and shrink, and can manipulate ants to attack enemies, could this woman be Hank Pim's daughter?"

Tony was still deeply shocked and didn't answer for a while, while Black Widow nodded indifferently:

"It depends on the situation, in this universe, Hank Pym still passed on his suit to his daughter. "

Young Master Wayne nodded, and the conversation changed suddenly.

"But where is Scott Lang Ant-Man? Hasn't he been recognized by Hank Pim?"

"Or is he dead and a zombie?"

After whispering to himself, Young Master Wayne suddenly sank his consciousness into the chat group again.

Bruce Wayne: Alice, in your universe, can those zombies be completely destroyed only if they destroy their brains?

Alice: Yes...... Yes.

At this moment. Alice was so shocked by the picture on the screen that even her brain was short-circuited, and she only relied on instinct to answer Master Wayne's question.

What did she just see?

A steel armor capable of unleashing laser cannons!

A floating cloak that can move automatically!

And zombies that can open portals!

And the most terrifying thing is that there are even women who can zoom in and out, as well as countless strange insects that eat up zombies in an instant!

These monsters ...... It's even more terrifying than zombies!

Where did they all come from?

[Video continued]

[After eliminating the zombie Iron Man and the others, the Wasp turned back to Bruce Banner and shouted:]

"Follow them. Just stay next to my ants and you'll be safe!"]

[Bruce Banner asked with a look of horror:]

["Who are you, these big ants?"]

[The wasp replied solemnly:]

"I am the only remaining Avenger. "】

[Before Bruce could react, a man suddenly swept through the street and picked him up out of thin air.] 】

"Wow! Don't eat me, don't eat me."] "】

[Completely frightened by a series of horrific events, Bruce Banner held his head in his hands, his eyes were closed, and he actually wailed directly. 】

Just then, he heard a friendly voice. 】

["Relax, I'm your good neighbor Spider-Man!"]

[Hearing this, Bruce Banner opened his eyes and looked down, and suddenly gasped again. 】

["God, if you are my good neighbor, what about my other neighbors?"]

[Bruce Banner can't figure it out, he just left the earth for a while, how can he come back and see, even Iron Man has become a zombie!]

[At this moment, the screen turns again, and the observer's voice sounds.] 】

"Like many apocalyptic, this world was once full of love and hope. "】

["Two weeks ago, Dr. Hank Pym entered the quantum realm in search of his long-lost wife. "】

["But in this parallel universe, because of the infection with the quantum virus, the brain of the original wasp Janet Van Dyne was damaged. "】

["So...... After 30 years, she met her husband again...... Tragedy struck. "】

[In the weird and inexplicable quantum realm, Hank Pym, who was full of joy, just walked in front of his wife who had been separated for a long time, only to see the wasp who had turned into a zombie pounced on him!]

["Howling ......"]

[And after Hank Pym and the Wasp left the quantum realm and returned to the real world, they were already zombies and attacked Ant-Man Scottron first, and the second generation of Wasp barely escaped with her shrinking ability. 】

[The observer's voice is heard again.] 】

["Next, the entire Pacific Northwest fell within 24 hours. "】

["The irony is that the existence of heroes such as the Avengers led to the fate of the eventual extinction of mankind!"]

["Because, once the most powerful heroes on earth are infected with the zombie virus, everyone else will definitely die!"]

[On the screen, as soon as the Avengers left the aircraft, Captain Mi felt a pain in his neck, as if he had been bitten by an insect. 】

[But the captain didn't know that he was biting his ...... It's not a bug, it's a shrunken Hank Pym!]

["Howling Howling ......"]

[The captain fell first, and then countless zombies swarmed up, completely drowning the Avengers. 】

"This ...... The world is over. "

Looking at the tide of zombies that covered the screen and even filled the streets, Alice trembled all over, and the white cloth on her body was wet with cold sweat.

So many zombies have swept the whole country!

At this point, it can be said that everything is over!

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