Seeing that the motherland easily and casually solved the two robbers, although everyone in the chat group was a little surprised, they didn't react much.

After all, most of them have even seen such a terrifying thing as "two-dimensional solar system", but two robbers, what are they?

But this kind of picture is still a little shocking for the newcomers who have just joined the group.

Agent J: Wow, what's going on? That man threw people into the sky?

Agent J: Also, what kind of body armor is he wearing, he is not even afraid of a submachine gun!

Starlight: He's the best superhero in the world...... Motherland!

Starlight: The eyes of the motherland can shoot lasers, the breath can roll up the wind, the whole body is invulnerable, and the strength can even lift the building!

Starlight: The best part is ...... He can also fly in the sky.

Starlight: Just two robbers are a piece of cake for the motherland! ^_^

When she said this, Starlight's heart was indeed full of pride and pride.

From the day she can remember, Starlight knew that she had extraordinary abilities and was destined to become a superhero!

And the motherland, the strongest hero in the world, has naturally become her idol!

Until now, Starlight was still a little skeptical about the screen in front of her and the strange chat group, but she still felt a sense of honor when she saw the people in the group being shocked by the amazing methods of the motherland!

This is the hero who saves the people!

And hearing Starlight's speech, many people were finally shaken.

Deadpool: Is his laser eye?

Starlight: Who is Cyclops?

Nick Fury: How many superpowers are there when you have infinite power, you have a laser in your eyes, you are invulnerable, and you can fly into the sky?

Magneto: Could it be that this motherland is the same as the apocalypse, both of whom are multi-skilled?

Charles Xavier: Enough, don't mention that person's name again, I get angry when I think about it!

Charles Xavier: Eric, if it weren't for your stupidity, I wouldn't have turned bald...... Hmph!(▼ヘ▼#)

Deadpool: Hahaha, Professor Charles, you may have been destined to become bald!

Deadpool: Speaking of which, you do look a little better when you're bald than you used to be. ^_^

Wolverine: I'm a little dizzy when you say you're talking about, what's going on?

Wolverine: Charles, I was really surprised that you were able to defeat Apocalypse, but why did your hair suddenly go missing?

Charles Xavier: That's the price of that punch.

Charles Xavier: Just one "normal punch" and my hair is gone forever!

Magneto: But the power of that punch was truly terrifying! and completely destroyed the weather, even the fist wind...... Just razed a mountain!

Magneto: If I get a little bit away and get swept up in the fist wind, I'm afraid I won't even be able to find the body.

Charles Xavier: Eric, if you really know to be afraid, be cautious about what you do in the future!

Magneto: ............

Starlight: Wait a minute, what are you talking about, leveling a mountain with your fists??? (⊙o⊙)

This starlight is really shocking!

Her whole breath instantly stagnated, her spirit was in a trance, and her heart almost stopped.

It's the motherland who personally attacked, I'm afraid I won't be able to knock down a mountain with one punch!

And just with the style of fists???

What kind of joke is this?

At this time, in Batman's secret base, Clark Kent stared at the barrage scrolling below the screen, and his eyes also showed a look of surprise.

As soon as the Motherland appeared, Clark's heart raced uncontrollably.

This guy ...... It's too much like him!

Later, when Starlight introduced the various abilities of the motherland, he set off a storm in his heart.

Eye of Laser!

Super Breath!

Man of Steel!

Flying Divine Power!

That's right!

This native of the motherland...... It's a copy of him.

"This is another universe, another parallel world. "

"If all of this is true, then is this guy ...... I'm a variant of another universe?"

Thinking of this, Clark suddenly took a deep breath, unable to remain calm any longer.

In other universes, there is a ...... Someone from an alien like him!

Moreover, unlike him, who hid his identity, this man named Motherland has become a superhero who is in the spotlight and admired by countless people!

"Could it be...... Is this the path I should take?"

With his heart fluctuating, Clark looked at the screen in front of him, unable to calm down for a long time.

At this time, in the live broadcast room, Bruce Wayne looked at the screen, but there was a hint of worry in his eyes.

In order to save the hostages' lives, the motherland was a little ruthless at the beginning, and he was not incomprehensible.

But after completely controlling the situation, he still did not hesitate to smash the last robber into a meatloaf, which is too ruthless.

And what worries Bruce Wayne the most is the reaction of the rest of the public.

No one objected to the killing of the motherland in the street, and even the two teenagers were so happy that they almost applauded the motherland!

This means...... In this world, the general public is accustomed to superpowers killing criminals!

"It's so dangerous! With such a superpower, and so unscrupulous!

"If these superpowers go into the wrong way, they use their power for evil. So what's going to do? Who's going to supervise them?"

Just thinking of this, Young Master Wayne's heart suddenly moved.

The name of this video is "Black Robe Pickets"!

Could it be ...... Is it about regulatory superheroes?

[Video continued]

[The screen turns to a small electrical appliance store.] 】

[Huey is an employee of this electrical store, as an ordinary person, he lives an ordinary life, and he has a girlfriend who loves him very much. 】

[Like many ordinary people, Huey is also full of reverence for those superheroes on TV. 】

[One day, his girlfriend came to pick him up from work, and the two hugged affectionately on the street. Kissed. 】

[At this time, something terrible happened!]

[In an instant, Huey's girlfriend exploded into a cloud of blood on the sidewalk, leaving only two severed hands still in Huey's hands.] 】

"I'm sorry, I can't stop, I can't stop. "】

[Completely confused, Huey turned his head to see a black man in a straitjacket and goggles, covered in blood, apologizing to him. 】

[But the black man only said a few words, and his figure suddenly accelerated a thousand times, and disappeared all at once.] 】

[Looking at the bloody paste on the ground and the severed hand in his hand, his face was full of horror, trembling all over, and he let out a wail of disbelief. 】

["Don't, ahhhh......h

"I'll !!"

Seeing such a terrifying scene, Xiao Wanda's eyes widened in shock, and there was a hint of horror in his eyes.

It's not like she's never seen dead people, but it's one thing to kill an enemy on the battlefield, and it's another thing to suddenly be crumbled into a ball of meat sauce on the street!

And what shocked little Wanda the most was that the guy who killed people was actually a speedster!

Sure enough, Peter Parker, who was standing on the side, also exclaimed:

"Quicksilver, does this black man have Quicksilver's abilities?"

The rest of the people in the live broadcast room had solemn faces, but they all acquiesced to this statement.

PS: I had to send a chapter in two chapters, and there was another chapter in an hour.

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