[After Pharaoh pressed the TV remote control, dozens of TV screens behind him lit up at the same time. 】

[Everything that is playing on the TV screen is one thing.] 】

["Millions of people have died in ......"]

[The head of the beautiful country is talking eloquently in front of the TV camera:]

"These are the sins of Dr. Manhattan. "】

["Ever since the attack, I've been in touch with the Solstice Country. "】

["We have decided to put aside our past suspicions and stand together regardless of the past to deal with this common enemy of all mankind. "】

["For the sake of justice, for the protection of mankind, we will surely win the final victory!"]

[Looking at the countless screens in front of him, the Pharaoh showed a relaxed expression on his face, and turned back and said:]

"Have you seen it? The two superpowers have never stopped the Cold War. "】

["I saved the earth from hell!"]

[Looking at Dr. Manhattan, the Pharaoh laughed softly:]

"I wouldn't have been able to do this without you, so it's a victory for the two of us. "】

[Looking at the Pharaoh's relieved smile, Manhattan's mouth opened slightly, and he was stunned for a while. 】

[It seems that at this moment, even he didn't think that this was the Pharaoh's real plan!]

[Seeing this unexpected scene in front of them, the night owl and the silk soul, although extremely angry, were helpless. 】

[Although the Pharaoh's plan exterminated humanity and caused unbelievable tragic casualties, humanity showed unprecedented unity in the face of this sudden attack!]

[The imminent threat of black war has also disappeared. 】

[In this sense, the Pharaoh really used this crazy means...... Saved the world!]

[But Rorschach shouted angrily:]

"We need true justice, and the whole world will know what good you have done. "】

["Oh, really?"

[Pharaoh asked coldly:]

["If you expose me, then the peace that so many people have been exchanged for will be completely wiped out!"]

[In the face of such accusations, Rorschach subconsciously flinched. 】

[After all, not everyone can easily bear the death of tens of millions of people like the Pharaoh. 】

[At this moment, Dr. Manhattan finally opened his mouth:]

["He is right, exposing the Pharaoh will only plunge the world back into the crisis of the Black War. "】

["No! we can't do this!"]

[Silk Soul resisted fiercely, even if it was instinctive, she couldn't bear the Pharaoh's behavior of disregarding human life. 】

[Dr. Manhattan turned around, looked at the woman and said softly:]

"On Mars, you taught me the meaning of life. "】

"And if we are to continue life on this planet, we must remain silent. "】

[Hearing this, the night owl and the silk soul were all speechless, but only Rorschach suddenly raised his head and said viciously:]

"Go and keep your secrets. "】

[After saying that, Rorschach turned around and left. 】

[All along, it was he who did his best to track down the murderer of the laughing craftsman, and I don't know how much he paid to find the real murderer!]

[What's more, letting the Pharaoh, who killed tens of millions of people, go unpunished, which is completely contrary to the justice in Rorschach's heart!]

[Seeing Rorschach rushing out, the night owl hurriedly caught up and tried to persuade him to be reasonable, but Rorschach just said coldly:]

["Even in the face of the end of the world, I will never compromise!"]

"This is the biggest difference between me and you. "】

[One last glance at the night owl, Rorschach wrapped his coat tightly and walked into the wind and snow without hesitation. 】

[At this time in the base, the Pharaoh claimed with a solemn face that he could feel every innocent person killed by him. 】

[But he killed these 15 million people, all for the sake of world peace. 】

[Turning his head to look at Dr. Manhattan, Pharaoh asks:]

["You understand me, right?"]

"I will not condemn you or scold you. Dr. Manhattan's face was unwavering, and he said calmly:]

"I understand you. "】

[At this moment, the two seem to have completely placed themselves above humans.] 】

And when I saw the chat group here, there was an uproar.

Captain Mikoku: Damn, I understand that Rorschach, this silence is not justice at all!

After seeing the Pharaoh plant Manhattan bombs in major cities around the world, killing 15 million civilians, Steve Rogers only felt ...... My chest is almost going to explode!

How can such cruel people exist in the world?

Doesn't he care about other people's lives at all?

Nick Fury: From the results, it seems like this crazy plan is still really working, but ...... That's really ......

Even the black eggs who have seen countless worlds and boast of being as hard as iron are frightened by the cruelty and decisiveness of the pharaoh at this time.

Such a crazy plan alone is not something that a normal person can think of!

will not hesitate to put it into practice, this kind of ruthlessness and ruthlessness, almost beyond the imagination of the boiled egg!

At this moment, the boiled egg was really a little suspicious, this pharaoh should not be a robot dressed in human skin.

How can humans be so ruthless?

Bruce Banner: Judging purely from the results, Thanos snapped his fingers and wiped out half of the living beings in the universe, which also has its positive value and significance!

Bruce Banner: But can we say that Thanos did the right thing?

Bruce Banner: If the vanishing half had your family and friends in it...... Even yourself, would you like to?

In order to suppress the Hulk, Bruce Banner practiced a good temper, but even so, he couldn't hold back his anger at this moment.

Stephen Strange: It seems to me that this Pharaoh is really no different from Thanos, he just tells a big truth and then lets the others die for their crazy plans.

Stephen Strange: You like sacrifice so much, why don't you die yourself?(▼ヘ▼#)

Strange still remembers very well that in the Doctor Strange "video", his variant went up and sacrificed himself when facing Dormammu!

Ghost Rider: I'm sorry that I'm not in the same universe as this Pharaoh. Otherwise

Ghost Rider, I'm going to roast him slowly with hellfire!

Loki Odinson: Hmph, a bunch of hypocrites, what's the use of you talking all this nonsense here?

Loki Odinson: As the pharaoh said, you're a bunch of schoolchildren who play heroes!

Loki Odinson: No matter how you attack her, the Pharaoh is...... Saved the world from the brink of destruction!

Rocky Odinson: What did you do in comparison?

Bruce Wayne: Save the world?

Bruce Wayne: Calling Dr. Manhattan the enemy of all mankind will keep the peace for a long time?

Bruce Wayne: How long can this false peace last? Are the top brass of the world really fools?

Master Wayne has always admired the preciousness of life, even if it is lynching and killing sinners, he will oppose it.

And the Pharaoh killed 15 million innocent people with his "Manhattan Energy Bomb"!

This kind of thing...... Your name is Young Master Wayne, how can you bear it?

Rocky Odinson: Hehe, if you're going to accuse that pharaoh of killing innocents, that's a matter of philosophy, and I won't talk to you too much.

Rocky Odinson: If you're going to say that his plan doesn't work, that's a bit of an IQ.

Bruce Wayne: What?

Rocky Odinson: Usually you look quite smart, why when you get excited, your brain is not clear.

Loki Odinson: Did you notice? The Pharaoh's plan was mainly to force Manhattan off the earth!

Rocky Odinson: Why do you think he did that?

Bruce wayne:............

After all, he is one of the smartest people in the world, and after receiving Loki's reminder, Young Master Wayne's eyes lit up, and he immediately thought of one thing.

And before he could speak, another person spoke.

Dr. Manhattan: In addition to paving the way for his next plan, the Pharaoh should have also seen that the root of the imminent black war lies in the existence of "me".

Dr. Manhattan: He couldn't kill me, so he had to find a way to force me out.

Wanda Maximov: Oops, I remember, it was because Manhattan had the ability to intercept black bullets, that Solstice Winterland desperately developed a large number of black bullets, bringing the world to the brink of the Black War.

Loki Odinson: Hey, exactly!

Rocky Odinson: As far as I know, it has never happened on the planet I'm on right now...... This black crisis that is close to the end of the world!

Rocky Odinson: At the end of the day, it's because there has never been a Manhattan on this earth!

John Constantine: So, that Pharaoh first prepared Manhattan to force out of the earth, and then detonated that "Manhattan energy bomb" in major cities, and then planted a blame for him, and set up an enemy of all mankind!

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): Sizzle...... Is this guy thinking so thoroughly?

Loki Odinson: That's right, so the human god who spurred the black arms race no longer exists, but because of this common enemy. The two sides will no longer be as tense as before.

Loki Odinson: Slowly, the situation will gradually ease, and peace will truly come!

Hearing Loki's explanation, most of the people's hearts were shaken, and they could barely calm down for a while.

Wanda Maximov: I don't care about anything else, but how did Dr. Manhattan just let the Pharaoh go?

Wanda Maximov: If it were me, I would have at least killed the culprit. Convex (艹)

Holy Keisha: This god who lives among humans must still retain his own humanity.

Holy Keisha: If he really had no attachment to humanity, as he said before, the Pharaoh would have turned into elementary particles by now.

Speaking of which, Queen Keisha sat on the throne with a hint of sigh in her eyes.

What the Pharaoh has done is definitely a violation of her righteous order!

But if this kind of behavior is seen as a desperate struggle before humanity is about to be wiped out by the Black War, then ...... It's not that there is nothing to forgive.

"Humans are really more interesting than I thought. "

Holding her forehead with her right hand, Queen Keisha smiled softly.

At this time, in the live broadcast room, Peter Parker still said indignantly:

"Can the peace achieved by such evil methods really last long?"

Tony Dark, who had been silent, suddenly smiled bitterly, and said with a little helplessness:

"Peter, you won't forget, that Rorschach mailed his diary to the newspaper before he left for Antarctica!"

"The diary records everything that happened to him in the process of tracking down the murderer of the laughing man!"

"Naturally, there are ...... What the Pharaoh did!"


Hearing this, the eyes of the rest of the people in the live broadcast room almost widened.

"This ...... This ......"

Little Wanda suddenly felt a little dry in her throat, and swallowed her saliva involuntarily.

"Hell, when the truth is revealed, won't those 15 million people die in vain?"

"Is there a mistake?"

His eyes widened, and the expression on Young Master Wayne's face froze completely, and he was dizzy for a while, and the whole person was not good.

No way!

Even with such a great sacrifice, can humanity still not be able to find peace?

[At this time, a new change appeared on the screen. 】

[Video continued]

[As soon as Rorschach left the base, he found that Dr. Manhattan had stopped in front of him at some point. 】

["Don't get in my way!

[Dr. Manhattan said softly, "You know, I can't let you do that.] "】

[Rorschach's tone suddenly became angry:]

["Now that I've suddenly awakened my human nature, it's really convenient."] "】

[Reaching out to take off the mask on his face, Rorschach looked at Manhattan excitedly and said:]

"If you had cared about this from the beginning, none of this would have happened. "】

[In the face of Rorschach's accusation, Manhattan said helplessly:]

"I can change almost everything, but I can't change human nature. "】

[Tears already appeared in Rorschach's eyes, but he still said without hesitation:]

["If you really want to maintain the Pharaoh's new utopia, then what's the harm in killing one more?"]

[Even though he knew that he would die, Rorschach was still not prepared to violate his principles!]

Pharaoh who killed so many people. Just a sinner!]

[Looking at Rorschach, who was about to die, Dr. Manhattan's face actually showed an unbearable look again. 】

[At this moment, he is not like a god, but just a lonely man. 】

[Dr. Manhattan waved his hand with some hesitation, and Rorschach's body instantly exploded into a cloud of blood mist.] 】

[The blood mist fell to the ground, forming a pattern that closely resembled the mask on his face.] 】

[After killing Rorschach, Manhattan seems to have finally severed his last connection with Earth and humanity. 】

[Looking at the Silk Soul, Manhattan claims that he wants to leave the earth and go to a simple planet to create some simple life. 】

Then, the most powerful being on Earth disappeared completely. 】

[The world is finally at peace, but in a newspaper office, an idle editor finds the diary that Rorschach left behind.] 】

[The Watchmen ends.] 】

Then, the screen went black again, and the emotionless voice rang out.

[All of today's questions have been asked and answered correctly.] 】

[Congratulations on the successful completion of the mission.] 】

[The next live stream will be held in twenty days.] 】

[At that time, two newcomers from the parallel universe will be invited to join the live broadcast room.] 】

[Twenty days later, the live broadcast includes: "Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse", "Superman: Man of Steel", "Captain Marvel", "Black Panther", ]

[Now, all you have to do is say "leave" in your heart, and you can freely return to where you were. 】

PS: Next is the daily plot of the Dark God Book, Supreme Mage, Power Gem, Finding Superman, and Resurrection Apocalypse, and strive to finish it in a day or two. ^_^

PS2: Ask for collections, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation votes, ask for monthly passes, ask for full support!

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