According to the scene of Rorschach being imprisoned, still sticking to his beliefs, and fighting with the prisoners without flinching, many people in front of the screen were slightly moved.

Rorschach doesn't have any superpowers, and his combat effectiveness can only be considered mid-to-high among humans at best.

But his will and belief in upholding justice cannot but be awe-inspiring.

Captain Rice: This man named Rorschach is an amazing hero!

Deadpool: Mm-hmm, the scene when he slaughtered those criminals was so cool to watch!

Ghost Rider: This man named Rorschach. He stands on the stand of justice, judges all the wicked equally, and watches over the people!

Ghost Rider: No matter who the other person is or what kind of background they have, he will treat them equally!

Ghost Rider: A man like this is the real watcher!

Holy Keisha: It's interesting to see that such a human being, who has no power, gave everything he had to protect justice.

Holy Keisha: It seems that even in the hearts of ordinary human beings, there is a belief in justice!

John Constantine: Hey, I don't know what planet you're from, but what do you think of humanity?

John Constantine: Not even a little faith in justice...... That's the demons of hell!

Loki Odinson: Hahaha! Don't take humans too seriously.

Loki Odinson: Look at that Rorschach, he doesn't want to be a stooge of ZF like Dr. Manhattan. I don't want to go into hiding like the night owls, and what do you gain?

Rocky Odinson: This guy has become a destitute bum!

Rocky Odinson: That's the consequence of upholding justice!

Seeing Loki's scathing speech, the group fell silent all of a sudden.

Truth be told, there's such a thing as being a superhero...... It's not profitable!

Therefore, behind the Avengers, there is actually a big guy like Tony Stark who is supporting them, and those heroes not only have food, clothing, housing and transportation, but even high-tech flying machines for travel.

And Bruce Wayne, needless to say, the world's number one tyrant!

In addition, like Charles Xavier is also a rich second-generation of the Great Yin Kingdom, and there are even castles and private jets at home!

Otherwise, without these material foundations, he would not be able to run any X Academy.

So...... It is really difficult for them, the top elites, to understand the bottom of society like Rorschach.

Deadpool: Hah! I didn't expect that I would agree with this Loki!

Deadpool: However, being a superhero really doesn't make money at all!

Deadpool: Luckily, my main job is to kill bad guys, and I'm only going to be a superhero when I'm free, otherwise ...... I can't even afford to pay the rent!

Wanda Maximov: Take the commission and kill the bad guys? (⊙_⊙)

Deadpool: yes, bad guys have enemies. As long as they are willing to pay, then I can help them solve the problem.

Bruce wayne:.........

At that moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

[After Dr. Manhattan disappeared, Silk Soul ran to the night owl, and the two have lived happily ever after. 】

[Out of curiosity, Silk Soul went to the basement of the night owl and found that he used to be a superhero in a battle suit and a special owl spaceship. 】

[The silk soul enters the spaceship and presses the button at random, resulting in the activation of the flame emitter, which sets the floor on fire.] 】

[In the end, it was the night owl who came and used a fire extinguisher to extinguish the fire, so it didn't cause a fire.] 】

[After apologizing to the night stalker, the silk soul is still a little strange, why can the night stalker afford such a flying machine and build a secret base under his own home?]

[And the night owl also calmly told her that he was actually a rich second generation, and inherited a lot of wealth from his banker father.] 】

[Relying on this huge amount of money, the Night Stalker has created various high-tech equipment including flying machine suits, and has become a superhero!]

[Silk Soul said that he was very envious, and the night owl could no longer be a superhero and enjoy the daily life of ordinary people.] 】

[She took off the night owl's glasses, looked into his eyes and said:]

"Manhattan can see a lot of things, but he can't see me. "】

[Then, the two kissed together. 】

"This ......"

Seeing the image on the screen, little Wanda's eyelids jumped, and her face was speechless.

In two days, the world may be destroyed! You two are still stealing love here?

Belch...... Wait a minute

That Manhattan doctor seems to have abandoned the earth, right?

If you say it this way, then ...... This girlfriend is also equivalent to being abandoned by him!

So, now that she's with the night stalker, it's not a cheating affair......

The more she thought about it, the more complicated it became, and little Wanda felt dizzy.

At this moment, Loki glanced at Bruce Wayne and suddenly laughed softly:

"The difference between people is really big. "

"Look at that Rorschach, in order to uphold justice, he just tossed himself into a bum!"

"But this night owl not only has its own exclusive base, but even has a flying machine and battle suit! Such material conditions, Rorschach doesn't know how envious he should be!"

But this kid quit the ranks of superheroes and went back to be his rich second generation. "

"He should be ashamed of himself compared to Rorschach!"

Originally, seeing the night stalker's exclusive suit for himself, Bruce Wayne's eyes had become a little strange.

This suit, and his bat suit, are almost poured out of a mold!

Moreover, the only superpower of this night stalker is that he is rich!

This is similar to him.

Don't...... Does this "Warden Universe" also have anything to do with his universe?

Just when Wayne was a little confused, Loki's sarcastic voice suddenly reached his ears.


Glancing at Loki, Master Wayne said calmly:

"Whether to be a superhero or not, that's his personal choice, and others have no right to interfere!

Loki heard a smile on his face, and was about to sneer at him, when Peter Parker, who was standing on the side, suddenly said weakly:

"But...... When Uncle Ben was alive, he often taught me: 'With great power comes great responsibility'!

"So, if this night stalker has the power to help others, why not?"

"This ......"

Suddenly buttoned off by Peter's moral hat, Bruce Wayne didn't know how to answer for a while.

And looking at him and Peter's appearance, Loki suddenly looked up and laughed:

"Well said!"

"Sure enough, the easiest way to deal with you hypocrites...... It's to find a stronger morality to deal with your morality!"


Looking at Wayne and Peter's embarrassed look at each other, Tonis Darker pouted slightly.

"What a bunch of idiots, who actually tied themselves up. "

[Video continued]

[Late at night, the night owl woke up from a nightmare covered in cold sweat, it turned out that he had a dream just now. 】

[In the dream, he and the silk soul hugged each other affectionately, but a huge mushroom cloud rose beside them! 】

[After waking up, the night owl ran to the underground base and stared blankly at his suit. 】

[Silk Soul saw through the anxiety in his heart and suggested that the two become superheroes again.] 】

[The two put on their tights again and flew into the sky in an owl flying machine, and it didn't take long for them to find that a building was on fire, and they rushed down to rescue your people. 】

[After this, both of them understand that they have violated the "Keene Law Case" and, like Rorschach, have become wanted!]

[But at this moment, neither of them cared about this, but embraced each other more affectionately. 】

[They finally realized that deep down, this is what they really want!]

[After violating the law, the two of them completely let go and prepared to go to the prison to rescue Rorschach who was locked inside!]

[After they arrived at the prison, the two found out that there had been a riot here... chaos, and Rorschach also took the opportunity to escape, and also found his mask!]

[But even after being rescued by the two, Rorschach is still unforgiving. 】

[He first satirized the night owl for being inspired by a woman, and then returned to his old business. 】

[Next, Rorschach questioned the timing of Silk Soul's betrayal of Dr. Manhattan, suspecting that she was instructed by someone to deliberately force Manhattan out of Earth.] 】

[Looking at this weirdo who only has justice in his mind and is completely unkind, Silk Soul can't help but be furious, and the night owl finally persuaded her. 】

[The three of them returned to the night owl's underground base in the owl flying machine.] 】

[Just when the hatch of the aircraft opened, the night owl was still comforting the silk soul:]

"Don't worry, everything will be fine. "】

[As he spoke, he tried to kiss her.] 】

[But just as the hatch opened, a blue-skinned man appeared just outside the hatch, quietly watching them.] 】

[But no one thought that Dr. Manhattan had been here for a long time!]

[Facing a man and a woman in front of him, Dr. Manhattan didn't even look at the night owl, but just said to the silk soul:]

"I'm going to take you to Mars right now, and you have to try to convince me to save the world. "】

[Then, he left the earth with the silk soul and teleported to Mars. 】

["It's beautiful, isn't it?"]

[After coming to Mars, Manhattan sighed and looked at the scenery around him. 】


At the same time, Silk Soul fell to his knees clutching his throat, his face full of pain. 】

"I'm sorry, I forgot there's no oxygen here. "】

[Sensing the pain of the Silk Soul, a trace of apology appeared on Manhattan's face, and as soon as he stretched out his hand, an oxygen mask enveloped him and the Silk Soul. 】


Seeing this, Tonysdak's eyes widened slightly, and his eyes had become extremely serious.

He could see very clearly how Dr. Manhattan was teleporting himself and the Silk Soul...... It's not a portal!

The moment Manhattan activates his abilities, both men seem to have all turned into particles, disappeared in the air, and then regrouped on Mars!

What kind of means is this?

At this time, the chat group was also lively.

Charles Xavier: Sending two people from Earth to Mars in an instant? That's an exaggeration, isn't it? Even the portal of the apocalypse is not that strong.

Holy Kesha: Something is wrong, that strange sight...... It's not like a wormhole crossing or a spatial folding.

Holy Keisha: What is this?

Even Queen Keisha was a little shocked after seeing the scene just now.

Could it be that the man really broke himself and the girl down into elementary particles and then reassembled them on Mars?

How is this possible?

With a divine body, Keisha is also capable of reorganizing her body at the atomic level.

But the atomic reorganization alone is already extremely difficult, and if you want to carry out a cross-planet crossing at the same time, the difficulty of the reorganization is simply exponentially increased!

With such a level of calculation, even her treasure trove of divine knowledge must be counted for a long time.

But this Manhattan actually brought a person...... You can do it in an instant!

How strong is this person's computing power?

At this time, Manhattan suddenly spoke in the group.

Dr. Manhattan: Splitting and traversal recombination at the elementary particle level?

Dr. Manhattan: When I have a deeper grasp of the nature of the universe. Should...... It is much more convenient to change the position of the space without changing your position.

Carol Danvers: Don't change your position, change the position of space? What are you talking about?

Holy Keisha: Do you mean that Manhattan means...... Put the space ...... That is, the universe itself, moving in his direction?

Dr. Manhattan: Oh, you're so quick to comprehend, it seems that your universe must be very advanced in space technology.

Holy Keisha: ............... ( ̄△ ̄;)

Stephen Strange: Moving the universe? Are you kidding!! (⊙_⊙)

Divine Kesha: High Dimensional Observer...... Is it really so powerful? Even the existence of the universe itself can be modified?

Dr. Manhattan: Nothing out of the ordinary, if you can understand the universe as well as I do, then you can do it too.

Holy Keisha: ............

Queen Keisha sat on the throne, her pupils trembled in shock, and even her body trembled slightly for a while!

Move the universe itself!

Just to rush!

How horrible is that?

And the other angels in the main hall were completely dumbfounded.

Angel Hiko was already so frightened that he covered his mouth, otherwise, he was afraid that he would scream uncontrollably!

"That Manhattan Dr...... It's not enough to describe it as a monster!"

"In time, he will truly become the only god in that universe!"

Hexi's eyes were full of shock, and he couldn't disperse for a long time.

"Oh my God!"

In the live broadcast room, Tonis Darker gasped, and his body froze in an instant, as if petrified.

Move the universe!

It's the first time in Tony's life that he's heard of such a horrific thing!

It's enough to pierce your imagination and dismantle the human perception of the world!

And at this moment, in Kama Taj, the Ancient One mage looked at Dr. Manhattan's speech on the screen, his pupils actually contracted slightly, and then sighed softly.

"Is it monomeric cosmic ......?"

"I don't know, is this the limit of 'his'!"

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