Seeing the blonde and blue-eyed Vader on the screen, saying such amazing words with a calm face, countless people in front of the big screen were stunned.

Carol Danvers: Is this guy having a problem with his brain? What is he talking nonsense!

John Constantine: Asking such a question to a female subordinate as soon as he came up, this Vader shouldn't be a surname harassment, right?

Wanda Maximov: Hmph, it's worthy of being called Wade, and sure enough, like that Deadpool, he's a pervert.

Deadpool: Oops, how can you say that you hate it......

Wanda Maximov: ............ →_→

Deadpool: Ahem, seriously, Wade is my first name!

Deadpool: And the guy on the screen, Vader is his last name!

Deadpool: Besides, they're so handsome and young, and this old man in his forties and fifties...... How can it be mixed up?

John Constantine: Well, in terms of perverts, you're really stronger than Vader on screen.

Wolverine: To be honest, I don't even understand, why would this Thomas Vader say such things to that Cheng Xin? Is he really having a brain problem?

Nick Fury: That's just a quip about "machine theaters", and it's very popular in our intelligence system.

Nick Fury: What does that mean...... For those of us spies, betrayal and betrayal are commonplace.

Wolverine: Huh, the intelligence system of another world has the same phrase in vogue.

Nick Fury: Spread your hands, that's probably ...... The multiverse is a bad joke.

Wanda Maximov: Hmph, but that Cheng Xin is a technician! She's not a spy at all, Vader is clearly harassing!

Natasha Romanoff: It's supposed to be some kind of personality test, plus a horse.

Natasha Romanoff: In our intelligence system, that's the norm.

Captain Mikoku: Wait, wait, you all seem to be acting pretty normal. What's going on on the screen?

Captain Mi: What is the Trisolan invasion? Could it be that aliens are going to invade the earth?

As a super soldier, as soon as the captain heard about "invasion" and the like, his vigilance immediately raised.

Stephen Strange: Oh, you're new to the mix, so you haven't seen the Dark Forest.

John Constantine: The Dark Forest?

Deadpool: What's that?

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): Well, let me introduce you. The so-called Dark Forest, and the invasion of the Trisolarans, are actually like this......

Listening to Peter's introduction in the group, the expressions of the new group members gradually changed.

When Peter finished speaking, there was still silence in the group, and it took a long time for anyone to speak.

Captain of the United States: Trisolar...... With a single water drop detector, he destroyed all the fleets of mankind!

Captain Mi Guo: Is there really such a big gap between us humans and aliens?

At this moment, a trace of despair really rose in the captain's heart.

Although he has become a super soldier, he is at most more than ten times stronger than ordinary people.

In the face of "water droplets", an alien technology product that can easily crush the entire human fleet, what is the difference between him, a super soldier, and an ant?

If the droplets hit him, would he be able to resist them with his fists?

This gap ...... It's just too big.

Such an amazing scientific and technological strength is simply beyond imagination!

Seeing the captain's faintly pale face, the boiled egg sitting next to him hurriedly spoke to comfort:

"It's okay, the image on the screen is taking place in another multiverse. "

"And in our world, although there is no dark forest strike, there are also superheroes!"

"Decades ago, there were Kree who tried to invade Earth, only to be repelled by Captain Marvel. "

Hearing this, the expression on the captain's face softened slightly.

But the horror and regret in his eyes still couldn't be calmed down for a long time.

At the time of World War II, he was the captain of the United States who was able to turn the tide of the war.

But now, times seem to have changed.

And in other universes, human beings on Earth...... You've already started to face an alien invasion with terrifying technology!

In the face of such a battlefield, what can he, an outdated super soldier, do?

And the members of the group in other universes have also been greatly impacted.

"Downgrade protons and then use this method...... Build a "Zhizi" supercomputer that can reach the speed of light?

Hearing such astonishing information, the angels in Merlot's Heavenly Court were all stunned.

A strong shock poured into their hearts like a tidal wave.

Divine wings like Angel Yan and Angel Burning Star simply froze in place, and their brains were almost unable to function for a while.

Even king-level powerhouses like Kaisha and Hexi were not exempt from vulgarity, and they stiffened in place for a while, their faces full of incredulity.

Let technological products such as water droplets, no matter how destructive, not be in the eyes of these two angel kings.

But the existence of that "Tomoko" is too amazing!

Such an existence simply challenged the imagination of these two kings, and made their worldview shaken for a while.

"It is actually possible to degrade the dimension itself, and use such a method to modify the high-dimensional proton itself!

"It's unbelievable!"

"This is the technological power of aliens on the other plane?"

Divine Kaisha took a deep breath, and her heart was like a stormy wave, setting off an uproar.

The powerhouses of the supergod universe are actually on the technology side.

Their strength is all supported by scientific and technological strength.

Therefore, the amazing development of microscopic technology by the Trisolarans can be said to have completely shocked Kaisha!

Even in the image...... None of the Scarlet Witch's large-scale modifications to reality have caused such a big shock to Caesar!

At the same time, a hint of gloom suddenly flashed in Keisha's eyes.

"Dark Forest!

"Can a universe that lacks a righteous order end up being so dark?"

After pondering for a while, Divine Keisha suddenly raised her voice and said:

"Hexi, do you think our next research direction should turn to the microcosm?"

For example...... Dimension?"

Hearing this, Hexi took a breath and nodded heavily.

Then, a pleasant smile suddenly appeared on her face:

"Keisha, the last time we worked on a topic together was thousands of years ago. "

At the same time, Hexi's heart also rose with a strong curiosity.

Is the mystery of the multiverse so deep?

This side, in the Watchmen universe.

"It's interesting to manipulate protons in dimensions, and it's really a research direction that I never thought about. "

Dr. Manhattan touched his blue chin and smiled with delight.

It was the first time since he had gained superpowers through experimentation that he felt this new feeling.

This feeling is called exploration.

Although superpowers have been gained, Dr. Manhattan's world is a downright low-magic, or even demon-free world.

Apart from him, there is no second superpower in the world.

So Manhattan himself doesn't know how strong his superpowers are. I don't know which direction to develop my abilities.

And Peter's description of the Trisolaran technology is like opening a new door to Dr. Manhattan!

"Reducing the dimensionality of matter, transforming the higher dimension into the lower dimension?"

Reaching out, Dr. Manhattan stared at a speck of dust in the air and began to tentatively affect the dimensions of the dust.

Called a high-dimensional observer, in theory, Manhattan can directly manipulate dimensions!

Just before...... He had never thought of it in that direction!

And, Manhattan vaguely felt, wait until he becomes proficient. He could even try it in the future...... Implement dimensionality reduction operations for a wider range of things!

At this time, the chat group is also very lively.

Captain Mikoku: Is it only by relying on deception that humanity can survive in the future war?

Captain Mi Guo: It seems that I am completely useless in such a battlefield.

John Constantine: Oh, that's interesting, even though I've never served in the military in my life... But if there really are aliens like the Trisolarans. Maybe...... I can also be a wall-facer. ^_^

Wolverine: What? Are you kid good at deceiving people?

John Constantine: Of course, not boasting, although my Constantine's magic level is third-rate, if you talk about the skill of deception, even in the multiverse, it is first-class!

Wanda Maximov: Poof, there's another weak chicken who thinks he's the number one liar.

Wanda Maximov: Loki, this guy can't be your variant in another universe, right? ^_^

Loki Odinson: Phew!

Captain Mikoku: The wall-facing person is not such an easy position to sit in.

Captain Mi Guo: No matter who you are, after seeing what happened to other people who face the wall, you still dare to take such a responsibility, which can also be called commendable!

John Constantine: Huh...... Are you very good at these uplifting words, captain, were you a former orator?

Captain Mikoku: Smile wryly. At the beginning of World War II, I did wear a costume and give speeches to the soldiers and soldiers on stage every day.

John Constantine: II War ????

Captain Mi Guo: However, it is precisely because of my past experience that I can better realize the greatness of Mr. Luo Ji!

Captain Mikoku: Although his methods are a bit radical, he is indeed a hero who has saved all mankind!

Rocky Odinson: Excessive? People like you can only pay lip service!

Captain of the United States: ............

At the same time, new changes have appeared on the screen.

[Video continued]

[Through the observation of earth scientists, the invasion fleet of the Trisolarans will reach Earth in a few hundred years. 】

[In this regard, the earthlings do not intend to sit still. 】

[As an intelligence organization for the Trisolarans, the first mission of the Strategic Intelligence Bureau is to launch a flying machine into the invading fleet of the Trisolarans, so as to test the enemy's reality as much as possible. 】

[But in order to do this, humans must accelerate this "spy vehicle" to 1% of the speed of light.] 】

[This is equivalent to increasing the speed of human spaceflight by 100 times.] 】

[And if it can't be done, maybe 400 years later, the Trisolararan's fleet will be killed on the earth, and this aircraft has not yet flown out of the solar system. 】

[Faced with this almost impossible task, Cheng Xin suddenly had a flash of inspiration and proposed an incredible plan. 】

[Cheng Xin's plan is to first arrange 1,000 black bullets on the orbit of the aircraft. 】

[Then, hang a cosmic sail on the aircraft.] 】

[Next, these black bullets will be detonated in order, and each time they are detonated, the radiation of the explosion will push the cosmic sail and pull the aircraft forward. 】

[This is equivalent to accelerating the aircraft every time it explodes.] 】

[After repeating this process 1,000 times, the vehicle will eventually reach 1% of the speed of light.] 】

[Hearing this incredible plan, the experts of the Strategic Intelligence Agency were all stunned.] 】

[But after calculation, the experts found that this crazy plan was actually feasible!]

[Because the plan proposed by Cheng Xin is to speed up the aircraft again and again, this plan was finally named "Ladder Plan". 】

[However, this plan has a big flaw. 】

[First of all, after the calculation of experts, the carrying capacity of this ladder plan is very limited, and it can only carry 180 kilograms of goods at most. 】

[Basically, you can't bring any equipment except one person.] 】

[Faced with this situation, Thomas Vader proposed: don't bring any equipment, only put a spy in the flying machine!]

[His reason is very simple: Although, everything on the earth is now being watched by Tomoko. 】

[But Tomoko has no way to peek into human brains.] 】

[In Vader's view, although the Trisolarans possess extraordinary technology, because there is no element of deception in their civilization, the Trisolarans are inferior to humans in terms of strategy!]

[Just like the wall-facing man plan, Vader this time...... Prepare to target the weaknesses of the Trisolarans and use the resourcefulness of spies to restrain these aliens!]

Seeing this, several people in the live broadcast room frowned.

"This guy named Vader is really smart and confused. "

Tony Stark shook his head slightly, a look of hatred on his face.

Black Widow sighed helplessly:

"There is no way, the human race at that time was already forced to a desperate situation, in order to quench thirst, even poisonous wine had to be drunk. "

"Huh, what are you talking about?"

Little Wanda blinked, seemingly completely unaware of Tony and Black Widow's words.

After learning that Tony was preparing to become a Supreme Mage for him, little Wanda suddenly felt that his whole person was relaxed, and the heavy pressure like a heavy burden had almost disappeared!

Hearing her question, Loki sneered and said with disdain:

"Stupid, can't you guess?"

"Earthlings want to know the actual situation of the Trisolarans, don't the Trisolarans want to know the actual situation of the Earthlings?"

Pointing to the screen, Loki said coldly:

"Although through Tomoko, the Trisolarans know almost all the intelligence and information on the earth. But after all, they had never seen earthlings with their own eyes, and they didn't know how these human minds worked. "

"But these idiot humans have given them a living compatriot!"

Peter, after all, had a clever brain, and when he heard a gasp, he shouted in disbelief:

"Could it be that those three-body people will dissect this human being and investigate his body information?"

"No ......"

Surprisingly, instead Tony shook his head and said in a slightly heavy tone:

"Those things can be obtained directly with Zhizi. "

"My fear is that the Trisolarans will ...... from him in the process of getting along with this living human being Learn humanity's greatest weapon. "

"What?" Peter's eyes widened, as if he hadn't reacted yet.

But little Wanda, with her natural sixth sense, suddenly flashed in her mind, and instinctively shouted:

"It's a lie! The Trisolarans will learn to deceive people from that human being!"


Peter's face turned pale as if he had been struck by thunder, and his heart beat faster with "bang, bang, bang!"

He remembered very well that at the end of the Dark Forest, Luo Ji relied on deception to deceive the eyes of Zhizi and the Trisolarans, and disguised the "Dark Forest Strike" as a snow project!

It is precisely because of this that Luo Ji successfully deterred the Trisolarans and won peace for the earth.

But...... What would happen if the Trisolarans succeeded in making up for the last shortcoming of their civilization and gained the ability to deceive through this human spy?

When they thought of the terrifying supertechnology of the Trisolarans, coupled with all kinds of deceptions, conspiracies and tricks, not to mention Peter, even Strange and their faces changed.

Such an opponent, even if the Earth side masters the Dark Forest Strike, may not be able to withstand it!

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