Dr. Manhattan was unhappy.

Born Jonathan Osterman, he was born into a family of watchmakers, and his father repaired clocks for a living.

When the world's first black bullet ...... When a mushroom cloud bloomed on the land of Inazuma Province, Jonathan's father gave up his plan to let his son inherit the family business and sent him to university to study black physics.

Jonathan lived up to expectations and became a good black physicist.

But in an accident, Jonathan is locked in a quantum conversion machine room and is destroyed by the disintegration of a powerful quantum force field.

Jonathan's body is completely destroyed, but his mind enters an immaterial realm.

In this strange state of neither life nor death, he remembered a sentence his father had said.

"Everything that breaks can be reassembled, just remember the order and details of the breakage. "

Jonathan then reinvented himself in the world through three recombinations.

But after the reorganization, Jonathan gained unimaginable power and became a quantum observer with a quantum body.

Now he can parse and observe...... Everything from time to space.

Dismantling and reorganizing ...... Everything that is made up of elementary particles of matter or energy.

Except that he is not yet able to create life, he is the god of this world.

Shocked by his unimaginable superpowers, the government of the Pretty Nation gave him the title Dr. Manhattan.

They chose this nickname because they wanted to remind the enemies of the beautiful country of the Manhattan Project during World War II.

But Dr. Manhattan didn't care about all of this at all.

In other words, he has lost interest in the world.

The reason is simple, after becoming a quantum observer, Dr. Manhattan can easily see through everything around him.

For him, the whole world is like an outdated computer game.

Moreover, he also opened the final-level Kim · · Hand · · Finger.

The people Dr. Manhattan encounters every day are a bunch of crappy NPCs to him.

The past, present, and future of these NPCs......

What will they say, what will they think, what will they do......

In the eyes of Dr. Manhattan, it was all at a glance.

Who else can play such a game?

And the worst thing is that Dr. Manhattan even turned off the game, or stopped his own Kim... Hand · · I can't do it.

Because, he himself lives in this game.

Because of this, Dr. Manhattan's sense of alienation from the world has grown over the years.

If he hadn't had a girlfriend, he might have left this world a long time ago and gone to the depths of the universe.

But now, Dr. Manhattan is finally feeling a ...... Emotions called surprises.

The last time he experienced a similar emotion was when he was human!

"I can't parse this screen!"

"What the hell is this, and what is it here for?"

The muscles on Dr. Manhattan's face trembled slightly, and his otherwise lifeless eyes rippled with fierceness.

At this moment, he was very excited!

The moment the screen appears, Dr. Manhattan tries to peek into the past and future associated with it.

But he couldn't see anything.

That is, what will happen next is completely unknown to him!

At that moment, Dr. Manhattan noticed that a barrage began to roll at the bottom of the screen.

Wanda Maksimov: This time there is another newcomer, and the title is still a doctor?

Wolverine: Another nerd?

Bruce Banner: I think it's great to have one more colleague to talk about science with.

Deadpool: Fellow Daoists? huh...... Hahaha! That's right!

Deadpool: You're so brave, this doctor, how did you paint your whole body blue? and...... Why don't you wear clothes yet?

Deadpool: Awesome!As for perverts, I'm willing to call you the strongest!O(∩_∩)O haha~

Wanda Maximov: Blue, no, clothes, what are you kidding? (⊙_⊙)

Deadpool: I'm not kidding, this Manhattan doctor isn't just clean. Moreover, he also has a circle tattooed on his forehead!

Deadpool: I swear! I've never seen such a strange tattoo in my life!

Dr. Manhattan: Can you see me? But...... But I don't see you.

John Constantine: No, big man, do you really admit it?( ̄△ ̄;)

Wolverine: God, I thought the hippies on the street were weird enough, but there were even more awesome ones.

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): Ahem, can you care what people want to dress in their own homes?

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): This newcomer, as you can see, is made up of people from all over the multiverse.

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): And this screen is responsible for playing images from various universes. As long as you don't answer the wrong questions casually, you won't get hurt.

Dr. Manhattan: Other multiverses? I did think about the possibility.

Dr. Manhattan: It's just ...... My observations have not yet been able to break through the crystal wall system between the universes.

Wanda Maximov: What are you talking about?

At this time, sitting on the throne of Merlot Heavenly Court, Divine Kesha's gaze moved slightly.

"I even know about the existence of the "crystal wall system"!"

"This guy named Dr. Manhattan is probably not an idle person. "

Dr. Manhattan: Now I have a question, why can the guy called Deadpool see me? And I can't see him?

Tony Stark: That's a question that really stumped me.

Wanda Maximov: Because he's a pervert! that disgusting ability...... Maybe he figured it out from voyeurism!

Dr. Manhattan: Abilities? In other words, is this guy called Deadpool an observer who can break through the multiverse?

Wanda Maximov: Observers, I think it's a voyeur.

Deadpool: Multiverse Observer!!

Deadpool: Wow, I love the name, Blue Big... Thank you.

Manhattan Dr.: ......... I'm not called Blue Big... Carve.

Deadpool: Oh, no, I'm calling you that because......

Wanda Maximov: Shut up! Perverted! If you dare to say it again, I'm going to sew your mouth up like in the video!

Deadpool: Hmph, let me know where that variant is, and I'll tear it to shreds with my own hands.

Dr. Manhattan: Variants?

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): It's you in other parallel universes, you may be the same as you, or you may be completely different, and some may even be ......

Rocky Odinson: Shut up! Don't mention crocodiles!(▼Dish▼#)

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): ............ I haven't said anything yet.

Observers who see through the multiverse!

Variants of other parallel universes!

Dr. Manhattan's mouth was slightly wide open and constantly changing, and he was stunned for a moment.

But after gaining the ability to observe quantum, the whole world has no secrets for him, and there are no surprises or expectations.

But now, he actually felt nervous...... And curious!

This screen in front of him seems to open up a whole new world for him!

At this moment, the screen suddenly dimmed, and then lit up again.

[Start playing Wanda and Vision]

[Soon.] Black and white images appear on the screen, just like the images of televisions from decades ago. 】

[I saw a robot driving a woman in a wedding dress on the road.] 】

[Robot Vision and woman Wanda are finally married.] 】

[The two came to a new house, and after getting out of the car, Wanda stretched out his hand, and the sign at the door of the house was changed to "sold". 】

[The happy married life of the two began. 】

[On the morning of the second day, Wanda was doing housework with her superpowers in the kitchen, and accidentally hit a plate on Vision's head and shattered it. 】

[But as soon as Wanda stretched out her hand, the shattered disc fragments automatically gathered together and returned to their original state.] 】

Seeing this, everyone in front of the screen was stunned.

Captain Rice: This is a robot? That woman is married to a robot.

Wanda Maximov: No, I won't marry a robot, there must be something wrong!(╬ ̄ ̄)

Little Wanda is really angry at the moment...... Plus a bit of shame.

Actually...... It's that inexplicable robot again!

Which of the other universe's selves is wrong?

Men all over the world are not dead, why would they fall in love with a robot?

What's more...... I was even married to "it"!

Is this a little girl playing a house game?

But in the eyes of those who care, the simple picture on the screen contains an extremely unusual meaning.

"The saucer...... Something is wrong. "

Dr. Manhattan stared at the restored saucer, a hint of solemnity in his eyes.

He had a feeling that the recovery of this saucer seemed unusual.

"Is it a time regression, or a material reorganization? or is it ......"

[Video continued]

[Vision notices that today is carefully drawn on the paper calendar, as if today is an important day.] 】

[But neither he nor Wanda can remember anything special today.] 】

[Before leaving home to work, Vision turned his head into a normal person.] 】

[After he hallucinates and leaves home, Agnes, a female neighbor who lives next door, comes to visit the door. 】

[While chatting with Agnes, Wanda suddenly guessed that tonight might be their wedding anniversary.] 】

[And this side of Vision met the boss in the company, and then I knew that today was the day when the boss was going to come to his house for dinner. 】

[In the evening, when the boss and his wife went to Vision's house for dinner, they also made a fuss. 】

[Facing her husband's immediate boss, Wanda is very nervous and uses her superpowers in the kitchen to make dinner. 】

[As a result, one accidentally scorched the chicken, and then used hard to turn the charred chicken back into eggs.] 】

[In the end, it was finally a very simple dinner. 】

Just when Wanda and the others finally sat down to eat, the live chat group became lively again.

John Constantine: The Woman...... What kind of magic is it? I've never even heard of it!

Although often referred to as scum and scum, Konstantin also has a considerable understanding of magic.

But on the screen, Wanda's ability was so impressive that even he was dumbfounded.

Wanda Maximov: That's not me, it's just a variant of me!

Stephen Strange: ............ Is it better to cook with superpowers, to turn a burnt chicken back into an egg?

Gen Mordo: But that woman doesn't have a Time Stone, how can she turn back time?

Dr. Manhattan: Time Gems? Can you control time with some kind of gem?

Loki Odinson: Hmph! I can do that without any gems.

Dr. Manhattan: Very well, we can talk a little bit more about the timeline when we have time in the future.

Rocky Odinson: !!

Rocky Odinson: I don't admit any timeline!o(▼Dish▼メ;) o

Manhattan Doctor: ???

[Video continued]

[At the dinner table, the boss asked the two of them, "Where are you from, and how long have you been married?"]

[Faced with these simple questions, Wanda and Vision couldn't answer them. 】

[The boss was about to continue to ask, when suddenly something stuck in his throat and fell to the ground all of a sudden. 】

[In the end, Vision used his superpower to take out the cake from the boss's throat.] 】

[But after the boss stood up, he seemed to have forgotten everything that had just happened, and walked out happily. 】

[When the boss and his wife leave, Wanda and Vision sit on the couch and decide that they must have a pair of wedding rings. 】

[Wanda touched with her hand, and a pair of rings suddenly appeared on the ring fingers of the two. 】

"This is to subvert the conservation of mass, create things out of thin air!

Seeing this scene, Queen Kesha's spirit suddenly gathered.

Although making two rings is nothing at all, if you think of this Wanda's previous actions, she can be sure of it now......

This woman who is married to a robot definitely has the anti-void ability to tamper with reality!

Yes, Dr. Manhattan didn't feel much at this point.

Creating such a thing out of thin air. It was too simple for him.

Then the camera on the screen began to zoom out gradually, and it turned out that everything that happened to Wanda and Vision actually happened to a black and white TV.

And next to this old-fashioned black-and-white TV, it's all state-of-the-art equipment.

And right in front of this TV, a man is recording something in a notebook.

When the man flipped through the notebook, a sign with a sword appeared on it.

Nick Fury: It's ...... Heavenly Sword Bureau?

Natasha Romanoff: Nick, what are you talking about?

Nick Fury: The Sword Bureau and S.H.I.E.L.D. are the same organization, and both aim to protect the Earth!

Nick Fury: But the Heavenly Sword Bureau is in charge of outer space affairs, and S.H.I.E.L.D. is in charge of Earth affairs.

Wanda Maximov: Outer space? How can my variant have anything to do with space?

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