Hearing Tony's words, Peter asked with some curiosity.

"Li Mei, who is that?"

Hearing this question, most of the adults in the live broadcast room showed weird smiles on their faces.

Before Tony could speak, Strange said helplessly:

Peter...... In my impression, you have always been an excellent student with good grades, how can you not even know who Li Mei is. "


Peter lowered his head a little embarrassed:

"Actually, my main interest is in science, history...... Not very good at it. "

"Student ...... of Pretty Country"

A hint of intrigue flashed in the Black Widow's eyes, and then she said:

"Li Mei was a general of the beautiful country during World War II, and proposed the famous fire attack · Kyo's plan. "

"Under the low-altitude bombardment he launched, 500,000 Inazuma people were killed. "

Moreover, because the bomber was too close to the ground, the pilots of the beautiful country at that time could even ...... in the plane Smell the smell of Inazuma after being burned. "

"Vomit...... Sister Natasha, don't talk about it. "

Little Wanda had a look of disgust on her face, and unconsciously stretched out her hand and waved it in the air, as if to dispel the burning smell that didn't exist at all.

Seeing her style, Tony said helplessly:

"Now we can only hope for ...... Those Mi Jun can stop in time and don't overdo it. "


Peter was amazed when he heard this:

"Mr. Stark, what do you mean by 'playing with fire'?"

"Is it ......?"

Halfway through the sentence, you have to put a look of horror on your face.

Peter's pupils shrank suddenly, and there was a storm in his eyes.

"No, are they going to drop black bullets again?"


Little Wanda was dumbfounded when she heard this, and exclaimed:

"Black bullets? Godzilla is originally living by eating radiation, and if you blow it up with black bullets, it will only make him stronger. "

At this time, Strange also sighed, and spread his hands helplessly:

"We've seen Godzilla prints from other multiverses, so of course we know. "

"But the Mi Army of the other world, I don't think they understand. "

"Hmph, even if you get it?"

Magneto snorted coldly, with a sneering look on his face:

"The biggest weapon in their hands is the Black Warrior! In the face of such a powerful monster, they have such patience and determination...... Hold back?"

Thinking of the virtue of the beautiful country's army, at this moment, the live broadcast room suddenly fell silent, and even Peter was speechless.

"It can't be helped. "

Tony looked at the screen helplessly, but said silently in his heart.

"Hopefully, things won't come to that point. "

At this time, on a small island in another world, Godzilla focused his attention, his eyes fixed on the screen in front of him, and his huge eyes actually showed a trace of excitement.

Although he has obtained the evolution power of Shin Godzilla, he doesn't really know where his evolution direction is.

Therefore, what he saw in front of him was the best evolution textbook for him!

[Video continued]

[The B2 bomber of the beautiful country flew over Shin Godzilla's head and dropped two bombs that looked like guided bombs!]

[This is exactly what was developed specifically for the Underground Black Vault...... MOP2 Large Ground-Penetrating Bomb!]


[Two bombs first silently burrowed into Shin Godzilla's back, and then exploded!]


[A terrible explosion of fire erupted from Shin Godzilla's back, rushing all the way up to a height of tens of meters!]

[A large amount of blood poured down like a waterfall.] 】

[The destructive power of the MOP2 bomb is really good!]

[In the face of the attack of the Self-Defense Forces, Shin Godzilla, who was almost unscathed, was finally hit hard for the first time. 】

["Godzilla is injured!"]

["It's worthy of Mi Jun!]

["It's amazing!"]

[After receiving the news that the monster had been hit hard, the officials of Inazuma Province were overjoyed, and almost all thought that the battle was about to end. 】

[At this moment, Shin Godzilla's roar rang in their ears.] 】

["Roaring !!"]

[With an angry roar, Shin Godzilla's red luster bloomed all over her body, and instantly turned purple.] 】

["Buzzing ......"]

[The purple light shone straight into the sky, illuminating all the dark clouds in the sky. 】

[The terrifying energy diffused in all directions, and the rising aura of destruction even shocked some citizens so much that they forgot to flee!]

["What's going on?"]

["Now, Godzilla's back is glowing!"]

[Hearing the information coming from the front, the Prime Minister's eyes widened in astonishment, and he instinctively muttered to himself:]

["What does it want to do?"]


[In the next second, Shin Godzilla let out a roar that resounded through the sky, and the terrifying sound wave shattered all the glass products within a radius of more than ten miles. 】

[Immediately after, it opened its bloody mouth and spewed out an overwhelming black smoke.] 】

[All of this smoke contains terrifying radiation, and it swept through most of Tokyo in an instant!]


[With Shin Godzilla's roar, the black smoke that erupted from its throat instantly transformed into a torrent of ultra-high flames.] 】

[Next moment...... Hell is coming!]

[The blazing flames, with terrifying atomic radiation, spurted towards the ground with a breath of destruction of all things!]

["Bear ......!"]

[For a while, the earth was trembling, and everything was burning!]

[The extremely strong red flames, violently scurrying around, devouring everything unscrupulously, transforming most of the East Capital City into a sea of desperate fire. 】

[Under the breath of hundreds of thousands of high-temperature atoms, everywhere you go, cars, high-rise buildings and even all buildings...... They were all burned to the point of distortion and deformation, and even began to melt!]

["Boom Rumble......"]

[The flames spread wildly in all directions unscrupulously, and everything in their path was burned!



["Don't! Run away......"]

[Due to the inefficiency of the Inazuma Province ZF, at this moment, there are still millions of citizens staying in the city and not completing the evacuation. 】

[In the face of this flames that swept the heavens and the earth, many people were completely engulfed by the flames before they even had time to scream, and they were instantly turned to ashes and died silently!]

"What kind of flame is this??"

Looking at this terrible scene on the screen, Peter's pupils instantly contracted, and he couldn't believe his eyes.

Isn't this monster the original sub-furnace in its body? How can it breathe flames?

And...... How could this flame be so powerful?

In an instant, it swept through most of the city!

"It's ...... Ultra-high heat radioactive particles with flames?"

Tony's eyes narrowed, and he whispered:

"This is a by-product of the operation of the original sub-furnace in Shin Godzilla. "

"That is, it is super high, and it also carries the flame of Yuan Zineng!"

"But ......"

Tony swallowed in some horror, and his face showed surprise:

"The monster spews flames...... Almost the entire city of Dongjing was submerged, how much power did the original sub-furnace in its body have?"

Seeing the apocalyptic scene on the screen, even Magneto, who was not afraid of heaven and earth, was numb at the moment, and there was a rare trace of wavering in his eyes.

In front of such a monster, even if he can control more steel, I am afraid that he may not be able to withstand such a terrifying flame.

At this moment, Tony came over with a shocking voice:

"What this monster has in its body...... It should be the Black Fusion Primordial Seed Furnace!

So...... That's how powerful the flames it spewed!"

"You say Shenma?"

As soon as they heard this, everyone changed color slightly.

What is the concept of black fusion? The sun in the sky is bright because of black fusion!

And hydrogen made by the principle of black fusion·· bullet, the power is thousands of times that of ordinary black bullets!

"How could it be...... Could this monster ...... Is it a walking hydrogen bomb?"

There was a hint of dryness in Strange's voice, and his heart was full of shock.

A few days ago, Mr. Shin Godzlago, who was in the group, also mentioned that the atomic furnace in his original body had been upgraded from black fission to black fusion.

However, this kind of words are not intuitive just by listening to them.

And this scene in front of them just showed them a part of the destructive power of the Black Fusion Primordial Seed Furnace

This is the Black Widow who still said in a calm voice:

"If this monster really has such a powerful ability in its body, it can definitely do more than just spit fire. "

Hearing this, a term flashed through everyone's minds.

"Atomic breath!"

[Video continued]


[An atomic flame that exudes an aura of infinite destruction shoots straight out of Shin Godzilla's bloody mouth!]

[I saw that the flickering light of the dorsal fin behind it was getting brighter and brighter, and the primordial furnace in its body soon climbed the output energy to a new height!]

[Immediately after, with a sharp sound, the "ultra-hot radioactive particle flame" erupted from Shin Godzilla's throat began to condense and concentrate, turning into a fine stream of dark purple radiation like a mirror refraction!]

[Soon, the flame of the particles that were several meters thick became thinner and thinner, like light refracted in an optical fiber, and turned into an ultra-high temperature radiation stream!]

[This ultra-high temperature, which is concentrated to the extreme, gives it unimaginable penetrating power!


[After completing the concentration of energy, Shin Godzilla slowly raised his head, and the radiation streamed out a strange sound of "snort" and sliced the earth all the way, creating a bottomless pitch-black ravine, sweeping all the way to the sky!]

[The object it is aiming at is a B2 bomber!]

["Boom ......"]

[Under the millions of degrees of ultra-radiation flow, a B2 bomber was cut like butter cut by a red-sharp knife!]

[In the face of the sudden attack of the monster, the two remaining B2 bombers were also frightened and inexplicable, and hurriedly notified the General Headquarters of the Mi Army. 】

["The target is attacking us with an unknown weapon!"]

["Unit 2. Unit 3. Bypass it and get closer to the monster!"

["Give it some color!"]

["Understand, you must avenge the No. 1 machine."] "】

[The remaining two bombers went around in a circle and began to unleash burrowing bombs on Shin Godzilla again!]

[Seeing this scene, Shin Godzilla closed his mouth violently and stopped releasing the "particle flame". 】

[Immediately after, it bends down and aims its dorsal fin at the sky.] 】

["Buzzing ......"]

[At this time, I saw that its dorsal fin, which was like a mountain peak, had lit up with a dazzling purple light, illuminating a radius of more than ten kilometers!]

[In an instant, dozens of purple beams of light shot out from the middle of Shin Godzilla's dorsal fin, like countless sharp knives, instantly piercing the sky!]

["Boom Boom Boom ......"]

[The 4 MOP2 bombs dropped by the bomber were hit by purple light in the air!]

And at the moment Shin Godzilla turned his body, the 10 beams of light were like invisible blades, cutting all the bombers into pieces! 】

[And after destroying the bombers in the air, Shin Godzilla did not stop, but opened his mouth again and spewed more powerful radiation. 】

["Boom Boom Boom ......"]

[The terrifying high-temperature radiation stream swept everything!]

[Just like a hot knife cutting cheese, as long as everything is at the same level of radial flow, whether it is a tall building, a building, or the earth itself, it is evenly divided into two. 】

["Boom ......"]

[Countless buildings were cut through the middle and collapsed under the flames. 】

[For a while, there was no longer a slightly taller building in the entire city of Tokyo!]

[The most incredible thing is that the helicopter that the prime minister was riding in was about to escape...... It was swept away by the stream of radiation released by Shin Godzilla and exploded in the air!]

[The highest status of the Inazuma country. Even the corpses were reduced to nothing. 】

["Boom Boom Boom ......"]

[Shin Godzilla's stream of radiation cuts through everything!]

[Everywhere you passed, there was only a bottomless scorched black ravine, emitting deadly black radiation!]


[After venting his anger, Shin Godzilla exhaled a breath of hot air and slowly stopped the radiation flow. 】

[At this moment, within a radius of more than ten kilometers, all the high-rise buildings were razed by him. 】

[As far as the eye can see, there is no taller building than Shin Godzilla!]


"That's too much of an exaggeration......"

"It's all monsters, how can they be so strong?"

Seeing Shin Godzilla on the screen, it took less than a minute to turn the entire city of Higashikyo into a sea of purgatory.

Almost everyone in the live broadcast room was stunned, and for a while they could only hear the sound of swallowing saliva and gasping.

Including Tony, everyone's spirits were in a trance, they all held their breath, opened their mouths wide, and a creepy feeling arose.

After the previous images, they already knew that Godzilla was very powerful, and that he could also release terrifying atomic breath.

But...... The monster in front of me is a little too strong.

It's the brother who defeated the two Muto, and it doesn't seem to be so terrifying!

At this time, someone finally broke the silence in the live broadcast room.

Godzilla: What an amazing guy, no wonder it's called Shin Shin Godzilla.

Godzilla: I don't want to say that, but I have to admit it at this moment......

Godzilla: This Shin Godzilla is indeed stronger than me!

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