"Illusion magic, is that dead Loki illusion magic?"

The bearded Thor opened his mouth wide in shock, and tears could be seen in the corners of his eyes.

Just now, he thought that his younger brother in another universe had died like a hero in order to save his life.

Who knows...... It's actually a scam set up by Loki again.

"This bastard, you can never trust him. Hahaha......"

Whispering a curse, Thor suddenly smiled again, lifted the wine bottle next to him and took a sip.

Anyway, in another universe, I have already lost my mother, so I can't lose my brother anymore.

[Video continued]

[In the dark world, Loki and Jane Foster suddenly discovered that the convergence between the Nine Realms was actually connected to the earth, and even the dark world was actually connected to the earth. 】

[In order to avenge Loki and the queen of heaven, Thor brought Jane Foster to Earth. 】

[On Earth, they found Professor Eric. 】

[Meanwhile, in Asgard's royal palace, a suspicious guard reports to God-King Odin, claiming that Loki's body has been found in the Dark World.] 】

[After Odin heard this, a complicated look appeared on his face. 】

[Soon after, the army of the dark elves descended on Earth, and they wanted to use the celestial convergence to unleash aether particles and return the entire Nine Realms to darkness. 】

[After a fierce battle, with the help of Professor Eric's invented device, Thor finally succeeded in defeating Malekith. 】

[Eventually, the Celestial Convergence ended, and the Nine Realms returned to normal. 】

[After the war ended, Thor returned to Asgard. 】

[Standing in front of Odin, Thor claims that he will not be the new king of Asgard.] 】

"I will fight until the last moment for Asgard and the Nine Realms. "】

"But I'm not going to sit on that throne. "】

[Holding the hammer in his hand, Thor said with a serious expression:]

"Although Loki has many shortcomings, he knows how to be a ruler. "】

["And I don't understand this way of being a king at all. "】

["Power inevitably brings cruelty, bloodshed, and sacrifice...... will corrupt a person. "】

[Thor sighs with a face:]

"I'd rather be a good man than a great king. "】

Looking at Thor with a persistent face, Odin sat on the throne and sighed. 】

"One of my sons dreams of being king, while my other son disdains the throne. "】

["Is this my legacy?"]

[Hearing Odin mention Loki, Thor's tone immediately brought a hint of admiration:]

"Loki's sacrifice is glorious and great, and I will live like him, I think that's enough. "】

[Facing Thor with a persistent face, Odin suddenly changed his words and agreed to his departure. 】

"Go, my son, though I can't say it, I will bless you in my heart. "】

[After receiving Odin's blessing, Thor smiled and said "thank you" and left. 】

At this time on the throne of Asgard, Odin's face was cloudy, and then he let out a long sigh.

As the Odin on the screen said, he is now facing the same dilemma.

Although Odin was extremely fond of his only son, he was also very clear...... No matter how this Tie Hanhan grows in the future, he will only become an excellent warrior, not an excellent king.

What's worse is that if Thor really shows no interest in domination and power, like the on-screen variant, then what will Odin do?

In fact, by now, Odin can already feel that his life is about to end!


Thinking of the eldest daughter who was suppressed by himself in the underworld, Odin's eyes suddenly revealed a deep haze.

Although this woman is indeed her own flesh and blood, she ...... Now he has become a complete enemy!

As soon as he Odin dies, Hela will immediately break the seal!

By that time, there would be absolutely no one in all of Asgard who would be her opponent!

At this time, Odin suddenly had a glimmer of realization in his heart.

In another universe, is the final destruction of Asgard related to Hela?

"Ragnarok ......"

Chewing on this terrible term, Odin's face suddenly showed a look of exhaustion.

Even if he already knew all this, what would he do?

Rushed to the underworld and killed his daughter?

And when Odin was entangled, there was a sudden astonishing change on the screen.

[Video continued]

[Sitting on the throne and watching Thor walk all the way out of the palace, Odin's figure suddenly changed into Loki!]


[With a signature smirk on his face, Loki said proudly:]

["Thor...... It's me who should thank you!"]


"How so?"

"Loki, how did he do it?"

Looking at Loki, who was sitting on the throne with the Eternal Spear in his hand and a wicked smile on his face, Peter and Little Wanda and the others all opened their mouths in shock, almost unable to believe their eyes.

Even Loki himself was sluggish and stiff in place, his eyes lost for a while, and his face was full of trance.

No way?

In another universe, are your own variants so fierce?

Not only faked his death and fled, but even the other way around...... Took the throne of Odin?

"How dare you?"

In Asgard, Odin watched as the "self" on the screen suddenly turned into Loki, and the pupils of one eye contracted violently, and he stood up from the throne at once.

At this moment, he immediately thought of the strange saint soldier who claimed to have found Loki's body in the previous video!

Now it seems that this holy soldier is definitely Loki's magic disguise!

"Could it be...... This rebel pretended to be a holy soldier, and used the news of his death to shake my mind, and took the opportunity to plot...... Did you kill me?"

Thinking of this possibility, Odin's face suddenly changed, and there was a hint of murder in his eyes.

Before, when Loki was showing the way to the cursed warrior, he had already revealed signs of killing his father!

Could it be that his second attempt finally succeeded!

He actually managed to kill Odin and sit on the throne himself?

And just when Odin's face was gloomy and the murderous aura on his body swelled, his eyes flashed, and he suddenly remembered something.

"That's not right!"

Not to mention, in another universe, he still has the Eternal Spear in his hand, and it is not so easy for Loki to succeed in sneak attack.

What's more, even if Loki really did this impossible task and killed him Odin......

So...... Where did Hela go?

As soon as he Odin is dead, Hela will immediately break the seal and kill Asgard!

But judging from the screen, Asgard is still peaceful, with no signs of war.

In other words, in another universe, Loki didn't kill me, but used some special magic to "banish" me...... Or is it "sealed"?"

Odin took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down, and a wry smile suddenly appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Thousands of years ago, he exiled and sealed his eldest daughter, Hela.

If the last ...... I also fell into such a fate, and it was really a cycle full of irony.

And now, his three children, the eldest daughter has long become enemies, and the second son is Tie Hanhan who can't become a king.

And the adopted third son looks like he is going to become a rebel who is going to make trouble.

The fact that a royal family has come to this point is simply a sign that the dynasty is about to fall.

At this time, in the chat group, it is already extremely lively.

Charles Xavier: Oh no, I never dreamed that that Loki would be a father killer!

John Constantine: Che, I thought I was dark enough.

John Constantine: I didn't expect that my trick was nothing compared to a real royal family.

Thor: Loki, how can you do it to your father......?

Wanda Maximov: You...... Are you crying? (⊙_⊙)

Wolverine: Hey, are you mistaken? You're a thunder god anyway, why do you only know how to cry?

Deadpool: yes, you should find that Loki right away, and tear him into meat sauce to avenge your father.

Rocky Odinson: ( ̄口 ̄)!!

Loki Odinson: What are you bastards talking about? I haven't done anything, so why do I have to die?

Deadpool: Hee-hee...... Maybe you haven't done it yet, but you can't say in the future.

Loki Odinson: Damn! You're a pervert, I wouldn't do that......

That being said, Loki's heart was a little empty.

Truth be told, until now. Loki wasn't sure what Odin thought of him.

After all, what the variant of himself did in these played images...... It's really hard to put your mind at ease.

And if Odin is really suspicious of himself, he is ready to strike first, lock him up, and even ......

Then Loki will definitely not sit still!

Thinking of this, Loki's mind suddenly cleared, and he immediately gritted his teeth secretly.

It seems that after leaving this live broadcast room, he must think about it as soon as possible, and he must master the "World Beyond Heaven" as soon as possible!

Whatever the sinful soul mentioned in the message was, he had to get it as soon as possible!

Only then would it be possible for him to be under the hands of the enraged Odin. Escape to a chance to live!

Natasha Romanoff: There is no doubt that Loki must have used his magic to seize Odin's throne.

Natasha Romanoff: But ...... Whether he killed Odin or not is not certain.

Mage Mordo: No!

Mage Mordo: Odin is a Heavenly Father-level powerhouse, and in the entire Nine Realms, only our Ancient One Mage of Kama Taj can compare to him.

Mage Mordo: And Loki is such a ...... How could a guy who only knows how to play tricks kill him?

Loki Odinson: Bastard, do you just look down on me like that? Damn mage!(▼ヘ▼#)

Deadpool: Oh, so you do have the power to kill your father?

Rocky Odinson: ............

At this moment, Loki really didn't know what to say.

Truth be told, he did master some forbidden black magic.

However, will these spells really work against his father, Odin?

Thinking of this, Loki's heart was also full of deep doubts.

In another universe...... What's going on?

Under what circumstances would Odin be defeated by his men?

[At this point, the screen dimmed, then lit up again.] 】

[I saw only a warrior of Asgard and a female warrior Sif . Coming to an unknown place, he handed over the aether particles to the legendary "collector" Tanlia Tiwan. 】

[It turns out that the Cosmic Cube has returned to Asgard, so it is not safe to put two Infinity Stones in one place. 】

[And after accepting the aether particles, Tivan suddenly muttered to himself:]

["Get one, and there are five left."] "】

[Then the screen goes completely black.] 】

["Thor II: The Dark World" is over.] 】

"Five left?"

Hearing this, Strange frowned slightly.

Could this inexplicable collector also covet the six Infinity Stones?

At this time, Tony Starck suddenly said thoughtfully:

"I remembered that in the previous video, after Thanos obtained the Power Gem and the Space Gem, the next thing he seized was the Aether Particle and the Soul Gem. "

Black Widow also nodded beside her:

"Now it seems very likely that Thanos snatched the aether particles from this collector. "

Little Wanda's eyes widened, and he asked with a puzzled expression:

"What about the soul gem, and where did he get it?"

Tony spread his hands when he heard this, and said helplessly:

"Looks ...... This system also hides something from us. "

At that moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Start playing Thor 3: Ragnarok]

"Ragnarok ???"

Seeing this term, Loki's pupils shrank slightly, and his heart suddenly beat faster.

Although Odin also claimed that their so-called gods were not real gods.

But after staying in Asgard for a long time, Loki has long regarded himself, as well as Thor and the others, as gods.

And the twilight of the gods, what does that mean?

[Image starts,]

[A world of lava and fire appears on the screen.] 】

[Thor is tightly chained and placed in front of a flame giant. 】

[It turns out that after the end of the plot of Avengers 2, Thor has been traveling through the universe, trying to find the other Infinity Stones. 】

And during this journey, he suddenly began to have nightmares. 】

[In the nightmare, Asgard was consumed by flames, and it was the fire giant Surtr who unleashed them. 】

[That's why Thor was deliberately caught by Surtr in order to extract information about Ragnarok from his mouth.] 】

[Looking at Thor, who was chained to death in front of him, Surtr did not doubt him, and directly told him. 】

[It turned out that he had foretold that the crown on his head would be united with the eternal fire. 】

[In this way, Surtr will regain all his strength and become taller than the mountain!]

[At that time, the Asgard will come to an end, and the entire Asgard will be plunged into a sea of fire and completely destroyed.] 】

[And before learning the true information, Thor immediately summoned Thor's hammer and broke free from the chain!]

[Thor then knocks down Surtr, rips the crown off his head, and prepares to take it back to Asgard for safekeeping!]

[Thor believes that this is the only way to avoid Ragnarok.] 】

"That Tie Hanhan even knows how to use stratagems. "

Looking at Thor on the screen, easily playing with Surtr in the palm of his hand, the corners of Loki's mouth lifted, and a smile suddenly appeared.

This king of fire giants has long since been killed by him with frost sorrow.

If Ragnarok really has something to do with Surtr, then at least in its own universe...... It can't be seen again.

After returning to Asgard via the Rainbow Bridge, Nursery is shocked to find that her home has changed. 】

[The guardian god Heimdall is nowhere to be found, and the guardian of the sea rainbow bridge has become a tease...... Skoltsch. 】

[Skorch informs Thor that Heimdall has been banished from Asgard by Odin for dereliction of duty.] 】

[Hearing this, Thor seems to have understood what is going on. 】

[When he arrived in the square, he realized that Asgard had built a huge statue for the dead Loki!]

[And Odin is sitting in the square at the moment, watching the drama of Loki's heroic death.] 】

[In this drama, Loki's bravery is infinitely exalted, and Thor has become a small supporting role to flatter him. 】

[It turns out that in the two years since Thor left, Asgard has become a luxurious entertainment venue, and everyone is playing around every day. 】

[Seeing this scene, Thor immediately saw through his brother's tricks.] 】

["The Nine Realms are in chaos now, and you, Odin, as the guardian of the Nine Realms, are sitting here watching the drama and eating grapes?"]

[Looking at "Odin" in front of him with an unkind face, Thor suddenly threw the hammer of Thor in his hand. 】

[Next, Thor walked behind Odin and whispered in the ear of "Father".] 】

["You know, Thor's hammer will definitely return to my hands, and no matter what it is, I can't stop it. "】

["Even your face is the same!"]

[Watching Thor's hammer rushing towards his head, Odin was shocked. 】

"You are crazy, you will be put to death. "】

[Thor is not afraid:]

"Then we'll meet again in another world, my brother."] "】

PS: Thor III is on the air, so stay tuned for the funniest Thor to appear! ^_^

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