["Don't! Peggy!!"]

[Watching Captain Carter and the Minotaur Devil fall into the cosmic furnace together, Caholly was shocked and screamed in surprise. 】

[At this moment, she seems to have forgotten that she has the power of a space gem and can open a portal in the air at will......]


[And in the process of falling, Captain Carter rode on the body of the Minotaur Demon, still majestic, waving his fist and opening the bow left and right, and the monster that hit him kept ~ screaming!]

[At this moment, Captain Carter didn't even carry 6 Infinite Gems on his body.] 】

[With the power of the super soldier alone, she has already surpassed the demon of the Dark Strange Place-incarnate!]


[Just before falling into the furnace, Captain Carter jumps up from the Minotaur's chest and grabs the crack in the wall next to the furnace. 】


[The Minotaur is struggling desperately, and seems to want to cast a spell.] 】

[But at this moment, from the position of the demon's shoulder, another head suddenly grew. 】

[That's a dark and strange head.] 】

"Strange. "】

[Grabbing the gap in the wall, Captain Carter looks down in dismay.] 】

[Naomi Strange stretched out a hand and grabbed the Minotaur by the neck, then closed his eyes.] 】

[In this way, the dark strange and the monster born in his heart fell into the cosmic furnace below. 】


[Subsequently, the energy of the entire cosmic furnace exploded, turning into a strong light ten million times more dazzling than the sun, devouring everything around it!]


[Captain Carter involuntarily closed his eyes, but he didn't feel the pain coming from his body.] 】


When Peggy Carter opened her eyes again, she found that she had left the cosmic crucible and arrived in a place full of strange crystal walls. 】

[And right next to her, there was a familiar big bald head. 】

["Well, I think... That means I'm not dead yet. "】

[Hearing Captain Carter's words, the big bald observer said in a deep voice:]

"Yes, Caholly is still alive too. "】

"I sent her back to her original universe. "】

["Hoo ......"]

[Captain Carter first breathed a sigh of relief, and then was shocked by the strange scene in front of him. 】

[In the distance of countless colored crystal walls, there is an incomparably bright galaxy, gorgeous and unbelievable, this is a scene in reality. 】

["So that's where you usually observe?"]

[In response to Captain Carter's question, the observer does not answer, but waves his hand slightly.] 】


[In the next second, the two of them came to an ordinary modern world. 】

[There are tall buildings and buildings, and there are pedestrians running in the park. 】

[Among the pedestrians on the street, Captain Carter recognized a woman with a familiar face at a glance.] 】

"That's ...... Kristen Strange's lover. "】

[Captain Carter's voice is full of consternation:]

["His plan succeeded!The cosmic crucible has really reshaped the universe that he destroyed."] "】

"Yes. "】

[The big bald head said in a deep voice:]

"But at the cost of Strange's life. "】

"He created this universe with himself, but he was not born here. "】

["And it won't be possible to ...... in the future"]

[Captain Carter is silent.] (Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

[Obviously, the dark strangeness has completely disappeared.] 】

[Or rather, he has incarnated into this universe!]

[Captain Carter sighs.] 】

["Alas. He did so many bad things just to create this universe, but he didn't get to see it with his own eyes. "】

0 begging for flowers

"You can always see the goodness in the hearts of others. "】

[Big bald head said:]

But it is also the kindness in Strange's heart, although it only appeared for a short moment, it also successfully defeated the evil in his body and saved the world in front of us. "】

【“............ You've seen it a long time ago. "】

[After pondering for a while, Captain Carter suddenly asked:]

"The matter of Caholy, the cosmic crucible, and the demon in Strange's heart. "】

"But you didn't tell me anything. "】

"The multiverse doesn't need my intervention. "】

[The voice of the big bald head is still so calm:] []

"It's enough for you to do this. "】

["And ......"]

[Looking at Peggy, the big head asked softly:]

"Now, are you finally ready to go home?"

"Of course. "】

[Captain Carter smiles and blinks:]

"Maybe we can take a scenic route home. "】

"So along the way, we also have something to appreciate. "】

"No problem. "】

[The observer waves his hand again:]

"Enjoy it. "】

[I saw the scenery in front of Captain Carter, which once again transformed from a modern city into a fantastic and magnificent galaxy. 】

[Then at the end of the galaxy, there is a cosmic tree. 】

[The trunk and branches of this tree are made up of a timeline, emitting a bright green light, and at the end of the timeline, purple flowers actually bloom!]

[This is Loki, the god of time, who created the "Divine Tree" with his body as the core!]

[Standing at the feet of the Time God Tree, Captain Carter's eyes widened, and the whole person seemed to be stunned. 】

[And when it is played here, the screen dims.] 】

["What If 2" is over.] Corpses].

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