["Which people would dare to take my land?"]

[The queen on the throne roars:]

["Who dares to challenge me?"]


[Just when the ministers in the hall were silent and no one dared to speak, they suddenly ......]

[I heard a clear sound, and a blue portal suddenly opened in the middle of the hall.] 】


Under the stunned gaze of the Queen of Spain, Cahorli led several "Super Indians" out of the portal. 】

["You must be the queen, right?"]

[With a certain condescending momentum, Caholly looked at the queen on the throne and smiled:]

["I saw your face on the coins of your soldiers. "】

["You !!"]

[Looking at these "natives" who appeared in a strange way in front of her, the queen suddenly became angry:]

["How dare you threaten me in my court!"]

["Come on, arrest them for me!"]


[Looking at the royal guards rushing over with weapons in hand, Caholly just stretched out his hand and knocked all the weapons in their hands away. 】

"Don't worry, I'm not here to take your throne. "】

[Caholly has a blue light in his hand and walks towards the Empress with a compelling momentum:]

["This world is much richer and more abundant than you and I imagined, but it is not a ...... that you or I can have"]

[It's a pity that in the face of Cahorly, who tried to convince herself, the queen didn't show oil and salt :]

["Your magic can't scare me!"]

["I am destined to rule over you! your land! and your people!"]

["I ......"]

[Before the queen could continue, Caholly directly lifted her into the air with magic power. 】

["Don't! let me down, alas......"]


[Cahorli directly withdrew the magic power, causing the queen to fall to the ground solidly.] 】

[Then she stretched out her hand again, and the queen's throne was broken into pieces.] 】

["Hiss ......"]

[Thinking that she was almost turned into pieces, the queen's face turned pale, and her previous arrogance suddenly disappeared.] 】

"Peace must be established between us. "】

[Instead of taking advantage of the victory to chase and kill all the Spanish monarchs in the hall, Caholli spoke words of reconciliation. 】

[However, there is still a threat in her words:]

"Otherwise, your people will have no future. "】


[Like a defeated hen, the Queen of Spain no longer has the momentum of talent, bowed her head and was silent. 】

"It's great. "】

And at this moment, a familiar voice suddenly came from behind Caholy. 】

"In such a short period of time, you have achieved world peace, and I am sure that you will maintain it. "】

"It's really remarkable. "】

[I saw another portal open in the air, and the blackened Doctor Strange slowly descended from the door: "But I have to digress a little.] "】

[Black Strange looked at Caholi and said softly:]

"My name is Stephen Strange. "】

"I've been looking for you for a long time. "】

Seeing this, the chat group was also lively. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Wanda Maximoff: Wow, Doctor Black Strange, you actually appeared!

Wanda Maximov: Could it be that there is some kind of cosmic crisis again? Are you going to form a new salvation team?

Dr. Demonized Strange: Well......

Hei Qiwei lowered his head and looked at the green gem hanging on his chest, a trace of confusion flashed in his eyes.

Theoretically, he has the Time Gem and can see through the future.

But at this moment, in his eyes, there is an almost "infinite" future, so many that it is impossible to count... 0

In this "infinite" future, even Black Strange can't find that ...... Go and find the future of Caholi yourself.

"First I found Captain Carter, and now I found this female Indian. "

"It looks like I'm really forming a team. "

And just as Black Strange frowned, a new image appeared on the screen.

[This time.] The image returns to medieval London, and the phantom of the bald observer. Also manifested in the void:]

["London 1602."] "】

[The big bald head continues to be in the void, speaking a monologue similar to talking to himself:]

"In this plane, the world has achieved peace, all thanks to a hero from another parallel universe. "】

"That's Captain Peggy Carter, a warrior who has gone the wrong way. "】[]

["This super soldier from World War II traveled through a portal in battle in order to save the world. "】

["When she reappeared, she had already come to the future. "】

["In this new futuristic world, Peggy Carter has lost his 1.5 beloved, Steve Rogers, forever. "】

"This blow could have crushed her, but instead it inspired her to become a timeline hero. "】

And now, Captain Carter, who was once lost in the future, is trapped in the past. "】

But even if she is away from home for four hundred years, she is not alone. "】

[At this time, in front of Captain Carter, who was drinking in the tavern, an acquaintance also appeared, and that was Doctor Dark Strange. 】

"I'm so glad to see you. "】

[Looking at Black Strange, Captain Carter has a smile on his face:]

"I was worried that I wouldn't be stuck here forever. "】。

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