Staring at the big screen in front of him, the giant beast Godzilla's eyes were full of doubts and curiosity, and he involuntarily stretched out his little short hand into the air.

Since the large screen was in the air at a height of several hundred meters, it could not reach even with Godzilla's height of more than a hundred meters, so after several failed attempts, it gave up.


With a somewhat depressed growl, Godzilla suddenly turned his head to look at the end of the sea in the distance.

At this moment, there was a hint of hatred in the eyes of this monster.

As an ancient monster, Godzilla was originally dormant, but not long ago, it suddenly woke up.

When he woke up, Godzilla could feel that something was causing him to be disturbing his slumber!

That feeling...... It's a natural enemy!

Out of the instinct of an ancient monster, Godzilla vaguely knew that his natural enemies were ...... Muto! It's hatched!

It must stop these predators from multiplying, or ......

The consequences are unimaginable!

However, even the monster's instinct did not tell it where these predators were.

Just as Godzilla prepares to leave this sleepy island and venture into the outside world......

This strange screen suddenly appeared.

At this time, in the live broadcast room.

Seeing that the system suddenly inserted a new guest audience during the live broadcast, many people felt a little curious.

Little Wanda's eyes widened and she said with some doubts.

"Godzilla, what's that name?"

"Maybe it's a foreigner. Tony said casually:

"This system can even pull people from other multiverses, so God knows who will come in this time. "

Xiao Wanda nodded involuntarily, but she still couldn't suppress her curiosity, and simply sank her consciousness directly into the chat group.

Wanda Maximov: Hey, the newcomer named Godzilla, which country are you from? Or rather, which universe are you...... Belch...... Which timeline is the person?

When I thought that Magneto and Charles were actually from the 60s, little Wanda felt a little dizzy.

Godzilla: ............

Wanda Maksimov: Why don't you speak?

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): Wanda, maybe she's a silent person. Why bother him?

Wanda Maximov: Hmph, who do I want to talk to?

Just then, the sound of the system sounded again.

Start the second random live broadcast. 】

【Ding...... New features have already started to kick in......]

【Ding...... Pick a random lucky member ......】

[Selected: Carol Danvers]

[Start streaming the relevant multiverse live.] 】

[The content of this broadcast is decided to be: "King Kong Skull Island"]

Carol Danvers: What does it mean to play the multiverse that concerns me?

Captain Marvel, who has just joined the group, has not figured out the operation mechanism of this live broadcast system until now.

Before, she thought it was a random broadcast of anecdotes from other universes.

But he never expected that this time it would be broadcast to himself.

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): Miss Carol...... Captain Marvel, in fact, this feature is also new, and we don't know very well.

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): This time, it seems like playing your experience in a "variant" of another universe?

Carol Danvers: Variants? What are you talking about? You tell me clearly.

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): Well......

Wanda Maximov: Why are you so kind to her, and you don't owe her anything?

Wanda Maximov: Carol, let's be honest, the "variant" is you in another multiverse!

Wanda Maximov: But this "you" could be a man, a woman, an old man, a little one! or even a crocodile!

Carol Danvers: Crocodile ...... Alligator?(⊙_⊙)

Rocky Odinson: Can you not mention the crocodile?→_→

Hearing this incredible news, Captain Marvel's eyes widened, and his heart beat slightly faster.

After so many years in the universe, she has also seen all kinds of strange scenes.

But...... Another cosmic self?

What would that look like?

Just as Captain Marvel was looking at her with a slight apprehension, a new image suddenly appeared on the screen in front of her.

[] 】

[Over a certain area of the South Pacific Ocean.] 】

[Two fighter jets crash into a small island, one after the other.] 】

[Two fighter pilots from Pretty Country and Inazuma parachuted one after another. 】

[Even though the air battle did not decide the winner, the two pilots soon fought on land. 】

[The two of them fought and ran, all the way to the edge of a cliff.] 】

[Just when the two were fighting fiercely, a huge hand suddenly rose from the top of the cliff and grabbed the ground fiercely, stirring up huge dust. 】


[Seeing this furry giant hand, the two pilots were all stunned, and they even forgot about the fight for a while. 】

[Immediately after, the second giant hand also stretched out from under the cliff!]


[Just as the two of them stared at in horror, a giant gorilla, dozens of meters tall, appeared in front of them. 】

"God, what the hell is this?"

Looking at the giant gorilla that suddenly appeared on the screen, many people in the live broadcast room were taken aback.

"I'll go, those two pilots won't be killed by this monster, will they?"

Little Wanda took a deep breath, and both hands involuntarily clenched into small fists, protecting the murderer.

Although she has gained powerful superpowers through the rewards of the system, she is still a teenage girl at heart.

On the premise of being completely unprepared, Xiao Wanda was also startled when he suddenly saw such a huge monster on the screen.

[At this moment, a new change appeared on the screen. 】

[From a small island during World War II, to the capital of a beautiful country. 】

"Huh, these people are ...... dressed."

Looking at the clothes worn by those people on the screen, the cars they drove, and all kinds of familiar things, Magneto's brow suddenly moved.

He had a feeling that the timeline on the screen right now should be about the same time as the time he was in.

"The 60s?"

Magneto muttered two sentences in a low voice, and was immediately listened to by the others in the live broadcast room.

All of a sudden, from World War II to the 60s, this time span is quite large.

Strange groaned, a hint of curiosity in his heart.

Twenty years have passed in a flash, and what is happening to the giant gorillas on the island?

At this time, Peter's somewhat hesitant voice sounded in the live broadcast room.

"Everyone, what do you think of those two soldiers...... What happened in the end?"

Hearing this question, Strange smiled helplessly and replied directly:

"Gorillas are omnivores and eat everything, so ......"

"Vomit ......"

Little Wanda made a vomit-like expression and reached out in front of her and waved it, as if she didn't want to listen to it anymore.

Seeing this scene, Loki suddenly laughed maliciously:

"Isn't it, you've even heard the secrets of the Dark Forest, and you can't even stand hearing that gorillas eat people?"

Little Wanda always liked to laugh at Loki before, this time...... Loki has finally found a chance to get revenge!


As soon as he heard that Loki had actually picked out the monster's cannibalism, little Wanda felt that his blood was surging in fierceness, and he was almost about to vomit.

On the other side, Tony Starck looked at the screen, and his eyes became slightly serious.

How could this monster, almost as tall as a skyscraper, exist on an island in the Pacific Ocean?

And more importantly, there is only one such behemoth...... Or are there many?

[Video continued]

[Due to the excessive manpower and material resources consumed by the Vietnam War for many years, the government of the beautiful country is ready to stop funding an organization called the Imperial Project out of consideration for saving money. 】

[And this Emperor Project is an organization that specializes in the study of various unknown monsters on the earth. 】

[Since there has been no success for many years, the government is not going to invest money in this bottomless pit. 】

[In order to ask for funds, Professor Rhonda, the organization manager of the Imperial Project, found a councilor. 】

[Professor Rhonda and his black assistant.] After a painstaking persuasion, she also put Su · The banner of the United Nations was taken out to scare the councillors, and finally it was approved, and with the funds and manpower, they went to an unknown island to explore. 】

[This island is called Skull Island.] 】

Seeing this, Xiao Wanda finally relieved herself, and said with an unhappy face:

"These idiots, there's a man-eating gorilla on that island, and you're still running there!"

Tony listened and nodded:

"It looks like the Skull Island is the same island where two pilots fell during World War II. "

"Is the Emperor planned?...... It's kind of interesting. "

At this time, the black widow, who had been silent, suddenly said lightly:

"Within the government, with the funds...... There are many organizations that conduct all kinds of strange research. "

"A lot of them don't work long before they are shut down because they don't work out. "

At this time, the boiled eggs were also bubbling in the group.

Nick Fury: Even I haven't heard of any Imperial Project that specializes in monsters.

Nick Fury: Looks like it's a unique organization of this universe.

Tony Stark: You spy boss, I don't know if you're telling the truth.

Nick Fury: Ha, that's a thing of the past, and if I'm still in power, I'm going to have a special agency to deal with all kinds of aliens.

At that moment, the screen spun violently.

[Because Professor Rhonda proposed the need for military protection, the government of the beautiful country actually sent him a new ... Helicopter company withdrawn south. 】

[When the people in front of the screen saw the commander of this helicopter wing, almost everyone was shocked.] 】

"That's ...... That one-eyed dragon? No! This one has eyes!"

Looking at the familiar black man on the screen, dressed in military uniform, with intact eyes, little Wanda's eyes suddenly widened in shock.

Even the usual cold Black Widow's eyebrows twitched slightly.

It seems that there is a ...... between this universe where monsters exist and our universe There's more than one overlapping variant.

"Is this me?"

Sitting in the underground base, his face was also full of shock at this moment, and the expression on his face was completely frozen.

As if to confirm Black Widow's conjecture, the next variants that surprised everyone appeared one after another.

[Because no one has ever set foot on this island, Professor Rhonda has also hired a retired special forces soldier ...... "Loki", who has a lot of experience in jungle exploration!]

[In addition, there is also a female war correspondent...... "Captain Marvel" came uninvited. 】

[Now, the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., Loki, the god of trickery, and Captain Marvel Carol Danvers joined forces with the group of people planned by the emperor and went to the mysterious Skull Island together. 】

See here: In the live chat group, it is already boiling at this time.

Carol Danvers: Damn! A female journalist? How is this possible? How can my variant be so weak? o

Captain Marvel was really angry.

Even before she became a superhero, she was a pilot in fighter jets.

Among the three armed forces of the beautiful country, the fighter pilots of the Air Force can definitely be regarded as the elite of the elite, and they are by no means comparable to ordinary army soldiers.

But in this inexplicable and wonderful universe, how could she become a powerless female reporter?

Loki Odinson: Human Special Forces? What are you kidding, I'm a noble Asgardian, what's going on with this damn universe?

If Captain Marvel's reaction to seeing his variant was anger, then Loki was furious.

In previous images from the Time Authority, Loki had also seen various variations of himself.

Except for the hellish crocodile, the other Lokis have at least one thing in common, and that is "in Asgard, the man is a prince (princess)!"

But in this monster universe...... I turned out to be a ...... Vulgar and savage humans?

It's unbearable!

NICK FRY: I said...... Are you so angry? Maybe that's the nature of the multiverse.

Nick Fury: In this universe, you may be a god or the strongest superhero on Earth, but in another universe, you may be just an ordinary person.

Carol Danvers: Nick, you're not snickering, are you?

Nick Fury: Captain, you're definitely overthinking.

At this time, in the underground base, the boiled egg did cover his mouth with his hand, so as not to laugh too loudly.

"Huh...... Interesting. "

[Video continued]

[Since the surrounding area of Skull Island is surrounded by storms all year round, the only way to enter is to take a helicopter to break in from above. 】

[Loki, Captain Marvel and others took a helicopter company led by Boiled Egg and plunged headlong into the storm. 】

[Fortunately, there was no danger on this trip, and everyone passed safely and came to the sky above Skull Island. 】

[In the morning, the air is beautiful and fresh, and it looks like a paradise. 】

[However, since it is the army of a beautiful country, when it comes to such a beautiful place, it is natural to display its ancestral artistic abilities...... Dropped the bomb!]

[However, this time they dropped bombs on the island, not to attack or occupy them, but to obey the orders of the scientists.] 】

[On the ground, a scientist picks up a walkie-talkie and gives instructions to the soldiers in the helicopter. 】

["It's time to drop the vibrator medicine column."] "】


[On the helicopter, a soldier picks up a special warhead and throws it directly with his hand.] 】

[The special vibrator bullet spun in the air and fell straight into the beautiful forest.] 】


[A warhead explodes, producing terrible flames and vibrations, causing the nearby beasts to flee in terror.] 】

[Immediately after ......]


[One after another, the vibrator medicine pillars were thrown down by the soldiers on the helicopter. 】

[And with the terrifying explosion, scientists on the ground detected a dumbfounded truth.] 】

[On this unknown island, the rocks underneath are almost all hollow. 】

[In other words, there is an unknown world beneath the ground!]

[Just when the humans threw bombs and blew them up. 】

[The patron saint of this island was also alarmed.] 】


[With a roar, King Kong grabbed a giant tree on the ground and uprooted it. Then he threw it into the air. 】


[This giant tree with dirt is like a javelin, hitting a helicopter with incredible accuracy!]


[This time, the explosion sounded again!]

[This time, it was these human creations that were destroyed!]

[King Kong's anger, this is just the beginning!]

PS: "King Kong: Skull Island" will be simulcast with "Godzilla One".

PS2: If Godzilla answers the question correctly, what kind of reward should I give him?

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