[Just when the president surrounded all of Virginia with the Sky Dome system invented by Rick. A spaceship also approached Earth. 】

[Soon the same image appeared on the big screen in the president's military intelligence room. 】

["Are you operating this ship?"]

[Although the president has never seen the same person, he recognized it as an alien at a glance, so he pointed to the screen and said the river in a strict manner:]

["Miss, if you dare to drive your spaceship to my planet, I will launch 4,000 missiles first, and at least 3,000 of them will hit you!"]

["Then, I will call the Celestial Empire in the East, and then you will really be finished!"]


[The same body is dismissive of the president:]

"If I wanted to occupy the Earth, I would have succeeded long ago. "】

["But now you've cut off 8 million parts of me, yes, I'm talking about Virginia!"]

[Then the same person looks at Rick:]

["I already know that the two of us don't even have to be friends anymore, but I have to connect with those 8 million people to get them free, or they will remain in the walking dead forever."] "】

["Without my command, those humans under the influence of hive consciousness have no ego, but are likely to be controlled by others. "】

["When the time comes, another hive consciousness similar to mine will appear! "】

[But unfortunately, Rick refuses to believe in the same body, in his opinion, the mission of the existence of the same body is to absorb the whole universe!]

[Moreover, it was the same entity that abandoned Rick in the first place, so Rick refuses to be covered with water now.] 】

"Okay, Rick, goodbye."] "】

[Seeing that Rick was very ruthless, the same body stopped talking nonsense, and directly cut off the communication. 】

[Then the alien spaceship turned around and flew into deep space.] 】

[Completely breaking with the same body, Rick's heart is also extremely complicated, he directly opened the teleportation gun, left the president's war room, and returned to his garage, ready to get drunk. 】

[And just after Rick left, the female psychiatrist also dumped the president.] 】

[According to her, it seems that the president is so eager for the approval of others that he is a little sick, so the female doctor looks down on him.] 】

["Hmph! a woman who doesn't know how to lift. "】

[The president pursed his lips and got on the military helicopter directly, ready to save the whole of Virginia with his own hands.] 】

[In his plan, the president should spray Rickett from a helicopter on the people on the ground to expel the same tissues from their bodies.] 】

[But unfortunately, the president took out his mobile phone to watch the news before the action, and his polls had fallen to the bottom at this time.] 】

[Many journalists have said that unless the president's approval rating can reach 100 percent, he will be.] The likelihood of re-election is equal to 0. 】

["100% support."] "】

[The president swallows and looks down at Virginia, which is covered by the dome, and his eyes gradually change.] 】

[He remembered that in the war room before, the same person told him that the 8 million people in Virginia now have no self at all.] 】

[If there is an alien consciousness that can infect them, it is likely that a new hive consciousness can be formed!] (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Damn! Look at me. "】

[In order to seek the approval of others, the president has completely gone crazy, and he jumped out of the helicopter with a rope. 】

[Subsequently, the president directly drank the same body tissue in the body of one of the unlucky eggs, and then took the place of the same body, and controlled all 8 million people as a hive consciousness!]


[The insane 8 million residents of Virginia rushed out of Virginia and began indiscriminately infecting and assimilating all Americans.] 】

[What the president wants is to make all Americans a part of his body!]

[In this way, his approval rating can reach 100%, and he can be re-elected as the next president of the United States!]

[At this time, Rick, who was in the garage, also got news from Sangmi.] 】

['What?' the same body is back, etc....... This is not right. "】

[Just by glancing at the TV, Rick understands that this is definitely not the same thing.] 】

[But now hundreds of millions of Americans have almost all been infected by the president.] 】

[To save them, Rick alone is no longer enough!]

[You must let the same person do it yourself!]

[In desperation, in order to save the United States, Rick can only find the same body in a spaceship and ask the old lover for help. 】

[But no matter how thick-skinned Rick is, he doesn't have a face, so he asks for "old love" in this situation, so he pulls in the Chinese psychiatrist, hoping to use her (Qian's Zhao) power to persuade the same body!]

[However, looking at the happy couple in front of him, the psychiatrist said amazing words:]

["Rick, as a psychiatrist, maybe I shouldn't say that, but I have to say, this time I think you're wrong!"]

"This alien lady is obviously very worried about your life and death. "】

"But your reaction to her is full of hostility, and even causes great trouble because of it. "Charge]

["And now you want her to forgive you and help solve the trouble?"]

["Same, I think Rick brought me here because he didn't know what to tell you...... He's changed, though slowly. "】

But he has changed. "】。

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