In Rick's opinion, this task couldn't be easier. 】

[As long as his "artificial intelligence red lightsaber" is underground, catches up with the "blue lightsaber" that Morty fell, and destroys the other party, all problems are solved.] 】

[But Rick didn't expect that the artificial intelligence lightsaber he created was too intelligent, and he didn't even pay attention to the words of his master.] 】

["Enough! you're chirping crookedly all day, are you finished?"]

["What? You made it by me, and of course you have to obey my commands. "】

"You can give orders if you want, but I don't listen. "】

[The red lightsaber with a diameter on the monitor suddenly lost control, not only did it no longer go down, but instead turned 180 degrees and rushed towards the surface!]


[Just heard a sound, this red lightsaber actually rushed out of the surface of Italy, and then began to fly around in the air, turning into a flying sword, hacking many people to death!]

[Seeing that he had messed up, Rick hurriedly ran to remodel the drill ship that the president had made.] 】

[However, since he still can't accept Rick using a robot to deceive himself, Morty doesn't want to sail with him.] 】

["Okay! you want to hear the truth, don't you?"

[Staring at Morty, Rick didn't choose what to say, and said everything in his heart :]

["Why do you think I'm doing that robot!, isn't it because you don't listen to me?"]

["Now you don't want to pay attention to me, okay, you can hang out with these people, but I want to tell you, they will definitely trap you!"]

[After leaving this sentence, Rick turned around and left, and Morty didn't hesitate, and directly got on the drill ship with the president, and drilled into the ground at an astonishing high speed. 】


[After being transformed by Rick, the drillship was lightning fast, and soon caught up with the lightsaber deep underground. 】


[At the last moment, Morty was quick to reach out from the drill ship and grab the lightsaber in his hand. 】

[In this way, Morty and the president saved the world, and in the applause of countless people, returned triumphantly. 】

[But as soon as he got off the drill ship, the black president reached out and snatched the lightsaber from Morty.] 】


[Morty turned his head in disbelief, only to see the president holding a lightsaber and smiling feverishly:]

"You know what? I grew up watching George Lucas's Star Wars movies. "】

["These movies taught me everything about being human!"]

["I'm alive for Star Wars! It's a pity that the sequel to Star Wars made later is really bad. "】

["Anyway, Star Wars belongs to me, and so does this lightsaber."] It doesn't belong to you!"]

["You !!"]

[Looking at the president in front of him who finally showed his true face, Morty was a little broken. 】

[Not long ago, the president told him that Star Wars is something that only children watch, and lightsabers are only played by children!]

[It turns out that it's all a lie!]

[This black man...... I'm the number one fan of Star Wars!]


[Although Morty is furious, he is alone and cannot stop the president and the others from leaving with lightsabers.] 】

[A furious Morty returns to his home, only to find that his family is having Christmas dinner with the robot Rick. 】

["Enough!, you robot, how long are you going to do the trick?"]


[Jerry Smith was shocked when he heard this, and quickly raised the knife he used to cut the turkey in his hand and cut it into Rick's arm, revealing the wires inside.] 】

["Damn! You're such a robot!"]

[Faced with the machine Rick in front of him, the two Beth and Sang Mei didn't say a word, they each picked up the guy and rushed up, and quickly dismantled the machine Rick into parts. 】

[At the same time, in the White House.] 】


[Finally got the lightsaber that he had dreamed of since he was a child, and the black president seemed to be back to his childhood, holding the lightsaber and hiding alone in the oval office to play. 】


[It's a pity that the black president who was happy and sad let go of his hand, and the lightsaber was thrown out by him! 】

[Now everything is back to square one, as long as the lightsaber falls into the center of the earth, the earth will explode!]


[Faced with this predicament, the black president immediately showed his housekeeping skills again. 】

[It first activated the thrusters under the White House, and launched the entire White House into the universe as a spaceship.] 】

[Thinking that he had fled to a safe place, the president held a press conference in the White House of the spaceship, and put all the responsibility for losing the lightsaber on (Lee De Cho) Morty. 】

["Earthlings!" I don't blame anyone, but Morty Smith got a lightsaber at Christmas and got it to the ground, and now the Earth is about to be destroyed. "】

["I and the entire White House are now outside the earth, so earthlings, you can only rely on yourself. "Feather]

"This bastard, he stole my lightsaber and got it to the ground again. "】

[Morty was dizzy with anger, but now, the original drilling spacecraft has also been taken away by the president. If you want to make a new one, you can only rely on Rick!]

[However, since the real Rick has fallen out with Morty, Morty can only restart the dismantled machine Rick to see if he can save the world.] 】。

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