["Damn, you get out of here!"]

[Seeing that Master Urine didn't turn his head back, dragging a round giant object and flying away, Iron Man Jerry Smithton was furious. 】

[In the past period, Jerry experienced a peak experience that he had never had in his life, and became a superhero praised by countless people!]

[But now.] The Council of Justice actually asked him to recruit this pervert covered in urine!]

[The most unbearable thing is that this pervert actually ignores himself!]

["Da Da Da!"

Jerry rushed straight to the sky, losing his mind and firing wildly at "Rick the Urine Master"!]

["What's wrong with you?"]

["Rick the Urine Master" dragged the bomb he had made, and dodged Jerry's attack in a bit of a frenzy. 】

["You're going to ruin my hero's death like this!"]

[Rick's original plan was to drag this bomb with his armor and explode in outer space, so that Master Urine would die a heroic death as a hero. 】

[But he never thought that Jerry would come out to make trouble!]

[And at this time on the ground, the people were shocked when they saw that Iron Man Jerry actually attacked the hero in their minds:]

["Oh my God, Master Urine is trying to save us, but is this Jerry trying to kill us by being blown up?"]

["When did he become such a madman?"]

[Countless people raised their mobile phones to take pictures of Jerry's actions and uploaded them to the Internet.] 】

[At this moment, the reputation of the Cosmic Iron Man fell to the bottom in an instant. 】


[And during the melee in the air, Jerry inadvertently knocked down Master Urine's helmet, revealing its true face.] 】


[Looking at his father-in-law, Jerry's eyes widened. 】

"How is that possible? You're a master of urine. "】

["Stupid, I don't have time to pay attention to you. "】

[Rick directly gave an order to the artificial intelligence on his suit, so that this suit full of urine rushed into the distance with the bomb. 】


[With a loud bang, the bomb shatters, and the massive shockwave sends Jerry and Rick both into the distance.] 】


[Wait until the two of them get up from the ground.] Sangmi, Beth and Morty also landed beside them in a spaceship. 】

["Oh my God, Dad, you're actually a master of urine. "】

["Rick, what the hell is going on?"]

[Just when the family was stunned and almost didn't believe their eyes, the elders of the Cosmic Justice Council also descended. 】

["Jerry Smith!and you, Rick!"]

["I don't care what you're doing? Anyway, both of you are disqualified from joining the Council!"]

[The two cosmic elders didn't say a word, and simply snatched Jerry's energy ball neatly.] 】


[Without the energy supply of the energy ball, the battle suit on this cosmic iron man immediately shattered and fell to the ground. 】

[Jerry Smith hits back the prototype again.] 】

["Rick! what's going on?"]

[Having lost the power, reputation, and status of a superhero, an angry Jerry looks at Rick with dissatisfaction and accusation in his eyes. 】

【“...... Actually, it's because of you, the urine master, who committed suicide, so ......"]

[The voice of the words became quieter and quieter, and Rick suddenly closed his mouth. 】

[In any case, the man in front of him is too humble and weak, if he tells him the truth about Master Urine's suicide, Jerry will probably not be able to bear it. 】

[At this thought, Rick shook his head and directly admitted this lie:]

["That's right, Master Urine is what I'm pretending to be!"]

[''.Oh my God!"】

[Hearing this incredible answer, Morty and the others couldn't believe it at first, and then came to an astonishing conclusion. (Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

["So, are you deliberately pretending to be a villain so that Jerry can gain self-confidence?"]

["It's great, Dad, I really didn't expect you to have such a side. "】

["Uh...... Think whatever you like. "】

[Rick didn't bother to explain anymore, so he returned home with his family.] 】

[After returning to his garage, Rick still felt a little unsure, so he left Morty and handed him Master Urine's suicide note. 】

["What? I see!"]

[But I didn't expect that Morty at this time didn't mean to keep a secret for Rick at all, and turned around and told his parents the truth (of Qian Zhao's) again!]

["God, Rick, why are you so selfish?"]

["You should always keep this kind of news a secret, why did you say it?"]

"What, now I'm a bad person. "】

[Rick was suddenly angry after being accused by his family, he really couldn't figure it out, he was finally ready to do a good deed, but there was no good reward!]

[But family is family, and Rick and Morty eventually reconcile.] Fen]

[On this day, Rick took Morty to a meteorite planet for fast food. 】

[But just as Morty was honestly queuing, he met two strange men dressed as ancient medieval knights with hot dogs in their hands. 】。

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