[Video continued]

[At the meeting, the head of the Planetary Defense Council asked Luo Ji a question:]

["If this spell of yours is really so powerful that it can destroy a star, then why don't you cast it on the Trisolaran's planet?"]

[Luo Ji replied:]

["I'm not sure how powerful this spell is, and the planet of the Trisolarans is only four light-years away from the Earth, and if you target the Trisolarans, you may even be affected by the Earth. "】

Hearing this, the people watching the live broadcast in front of the big screen were all shocked.

"What kind of crazy thing is this guy talking about?"

Loki's brow furrowed, his eyes widened, and a look of disbelief appeared on his face.

If Luo Ji wasn't bragging, it meant that the destructive power of his spell was ...... It could even sweep through the universe with a radius of 4 light-years!

What exactly is a weapon?

How can it be so terrifying?

Bruce Banner: That's an exaggeration, isn't it, a weapon with a range of 4 light-years?

Bruce Banner: To know...... The time it takes for light to walk from the Sun to Pluto is only 6 hours!

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): Sizzle...... In that case, if that spell was true, wouldn't it be destructive enough to destroy a ...... Or even several galaxies?

Loki Odinson: Nonsense, even we in Asgard don't have this weapon to destroy the galaxy!

Nick Fury: Hmm...... In other words, you Asgard do have weapons to destroy planets, right?

Loki Odinson: Human! What exactly are you trying to say?

Loki Odinson: Frankly, if you just want to destroy your little Earth, I'll be enough.

Wanda Maximov: Poof, that's the ...... Is it the great god who was beaten by the entire Avengers and thrown around by the Hulk in the end?(* ̄) ̄*)

Bruce Banner: Did ??? Hulk do anything again? I'm sorry, I don't remember at all.

Bruce Banner: I can apologize for him if I have to.

Rocky Odinson: Shut up! That hasn't happened yet............ That's something that happened in another universe!Nothing to do with me!o(▼Dish▼メ;) o

Carol Danvers: Hmph, a bunch of ignorant people.

Standing on a desolate planet, Captain Marvel had a look of disdain on his face.

Carol Danvers: Over the decades, I've traveled to all corners of the universe and encountered all kinds of civilizations, including alien technological civilizations that have mastered star-destroying weapons.

Carol Danvers: But ...... Destroying entire galaxies? It's ridiculous! I've never even heard of it.

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): Well, Miss Carroll, this is happening in another universe, so, maybe......

Carol Danvers: Boy, who allowed you to call me by my name!

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): Sorry, when I didn't say anything......

Looking at Captain Marvel, who was looking above the top of the group and posing with a questioning posture towards everything, Black Widow's expression remained unchanged, but she sighed secretly in her heart.

She could see that the woman named Carol Danvers might have been an earthling, but now she ...... Her mentality was already out of balance due to the overpowering force.

"Is there a lack of humanity? It's a bit like Lucy. "

The Black Widow muttered:

Thankfully, though, Captain Marvel has a righteous faith behind her. "

[Video continued]

[After firing the spell, Luo Ji continued to hide in that underground base. 】

[Although most of the Earth's Three-Body Organization has been destroyed, there are still first-class elites among the remaining personnel. 】

[These human traitors had no way to break through to Luo Ji's base, so they created an unimaginable weapon. 】

[Genetic missiles. 】

[It's just a genetically modified disease and poison, but for ordinary people other than the target, it will only cause a slight cold.] 】

[However, once this special disease or poison is transmitted to the target, it will immediately create a deadly toxin in the opponent's blood.] 】

[And the three-body organization, the target is only one person, and that is Luo Ji. 】

[After being infected by the genetic missile, Luo Ji immediately vomited blood and fell into a coma, which cannot be cured by current medical methods. 】

[Faced with this situation, the human high-level had no choice but to put him in the hibernation module. 】

[Only when future technology can cure this genetic weapon can Luo Ji come to his senses. 】

[However, even though Luo Ji was sent into the hibernation module, the spell he laid was still launched into space. 】

[And at the same time as the spell was issued, the earthlings had also detected it, shooting 10 small probes from the Trisolaraan fleet. 】

[It seems that these probes are here to give the Trisolarans a lead.] 】

"Unexpectedly, this kid was tricked in the end. "

Loki shook his head:

"The human government is really useless, there are only a few people left in the remnants of those Three-Body Organizations! And not only can they not exterminate these traitors, but they have actually allowed them to invade the most heavily guarded underground base in the world!"

"It's rubbish. "

Hearing Loki's bitter sarcasm, Magneto actually nodded:

"You can't deal with so many human traitors, and you still want to defeat the terrible aliens?"

Magneto sneered and spread his hands:

"Under the rule of these idiots, the Earth of this otherworld...... In the end, I am afraid that it will inevitably be destroyed. "

Hearing this almost cursed word, the rest of the people in the live broadcast room were silent.

And the boiled egg, who was hiding in the underground base to watch the live broadcast, also sighed at this time.

In fact, he had long seen the unreliability of the government, so he ...... will find another way to build a superhero-led Avengers!

But now it seems that this superhero organization has been established.

It's just that...... The dominant one seems to have become this strange live broadcast system!

[Video continued]

[Except for Taylor, who is already dead, the remaining three Wall Faces have all gone into hibernation. 】

[Eight years later, Rediaz and Sines are awakened from hibernation.] 】

[They fell asleep because the technology of the earthlings at that time was not yet at the level of realizing their plans. 】

[But now, the technology has matured.] 】

[Brain scientist Hines has obtained a supercomputer that can holographically simulate the human brain.] 】

[Hines's original plan was to use this supercomputer to develop the functions of the human brain, improve human intelligence, and then accelerate the progress of human science and technology, and break the scientific and technological shackles set by the Trisolara. 】

However, in the process of research, Shears unexpectedly discovered that as long as a certain nerve point in the human brain is scanned, it can cause an incredibly powerful brainwashing effect. 】

[Using this means, human beings can believe in something with confidence.] 】

[For example, if you convince him that water is poisonous, then this human will never dare to drink water again.] 】

[Hines dedicated this achievement to the Planetary Defense Council as a by-product of his own research on human brain development.] 】

[And at this very moment, all kinds of pessimism and defeatism are permeated in human society. 】

[Many people think that human beings are bound to defeat and die in the face of the invasion of the Trisolara. 】

[Therefore, Hines named the brainwashing method he discovered as the Thought Seal. 】

[At the conference, he openly claimed to the delegates of various countries that he could use this ideological seal to implant the belief that mankind will win in the minds of military and human beings all over the world!]

In this way, they will never be bothered by defeatism. 】

[As soon as they heard this, the representatives of various countries at the conference immediately fried the pot. 】

[The representative of the Solstice Kingdom even shouted excitedly:]

["That Taylor wants to deprive people of their lives, and you want to deprive people of their minds, what do you wall-facing people want to do?"]

[In the face of the doubts of the representatives of various countries, Hines only indifferently gave an example. 】

[He said that a boy was crushed by a tree and was about to bleed to death, so the boy cut off his leg with a saw and escaped for his life. 】

[And in the face of such a powerful enemy as the Trisolarans, human beings must also give up some things, otherwise they will only perish completely. 】

Seeing this, everyone's eyes in the live broadcast room involuntarily moved to Black Widow.

Feeling the complicated eyes of everyone, the black widow still had that indifferent indifference on her face.

"This wall-facer...... The essence of this war has also been seen through. "

Strange's face was cloudy, and he said slowly:

"Because the gap between humans and Trisolarans is too big, if you want to win, you have to give up the Dao De Zhun Rule, or even human nature? "

Black Widow nodded slightly:

"That's right, Taylor is like that, and so is this Seanes. "

Hearing this, Tony shrugged his shoulders a little helplessly:

"That Rediaz is left...... It's a dictator of South Mi Continent, so it seems...... What he will do, there is basically no suspense. "

At this point, Peter said with some uncertainty:

"However, that Mr. Luo Ji seems to have been an ordinary person before, he shouldn't give up human nature so easily, right?"

No one answered the question, and there was silence in the live room.

At the same time, Black Widow suddenly looked at Tony, and the two of them glanced at each other, and they both saw a trace of doubt in each other's eyes.

It is certainly a good thing to give humanity the belief that it will win.

However, when the gap between the strength of the enemy and the enemy is too great, what can you do with faith alone?

[Video continued]

[Forced by the harsh reality, the top leaders of various countries finally agreed with Hines's ideological seal. 】

[However, this machine is still subject to a lot of restrictions.] 】

[For example, only soldiers and men can be stamped, and it must be voluntary, and there must be no coercion. 】

Since then, a public facility called the Belief Center has been established in human society, which is responsible for imposing ideological seals on military personnel. 】

[After inventing the Thought Seal, Bill Hines and his wife went into hibernation again.] 】

[Next, another wall-facer, Manuel Rediaz also began his plan. 】

[Eight years later, under the conditions of Changming's technology, Rediaz finally created a star-shaped black bullet. 】

[Because the power of this black egg is so great, Rebias can only place it on Mercury for experiments.] 】

[The experiment was very successful, and the black egg blew up a piece of Mercury!] The debris that was blown out turned into a satellite of the sun. 】

[In the face of such success, the top of the human race is jubilant. 】

[No one expected that Rediaz would actually open his mouth at this time, claiming to build 1 million such stellar black bullets!]

[At this time, a man found him. 】

[This person is a psychiatrist in Rediaz, and as soon as he speaks, he speaks the familiar one:]

["Manuel Rediaz the Wall-Facer, I'm your Wall-Breaker!"]

[Next, the wall-breaker told Rediaz his true strategic intentions.] 】

[It turns out that Rediaz ostensibly wants to create a large number of black bullets to blow up the Trisolarans, but in fact, the real goal is ...... Actually, it's Mercury. 】

[Rediaz wants to use the explosion of 1 million stellar black bullets to affect the orbit of Mercury and crash the entire Mercury into the sun. 】

[The chain reaction caused by the impact of the sun by Mercury is likely to destroy the entire solar system.] 】

[And once the solar system is destroyed, the hope of the Trisolarans immigrating to Earth will also be completely extinct.] 】

[In this case, Rediaz has the bargaining chips to negotiate with the Trisolara. 】

[This is his plan to face the wall.] 】

[The Breaker Man claims that Rediaz's biggest flaw is that he set the test site for the stellar black bullet on Mercury.] 】

[Otherwise, it would not be so easy for me to see through his strategic intentions. 】

[The wall-breaker finally said indifferently:]

"The Lord does not care about your plan. "】

[The reason why he said this is because with the resources of the earth, it is impossible to create 1 million stellar black bullets. 】

And even if the Earth is really made, these black bullets will not be enough to blow Mercury out of orbit and into the sun. 】

[So, Rediaz's plan was impossible to succeed from the start.] 】

Seeing this, everyone in the live broadcast room was dumbfounded.

After a long time, he called Xiao Wanda and shouted:

"What are you kidding?"

I saw the girl stamping her feet, her face full of anger, stamping her feet and shouting:

"Is this guy crazy? has such a terrible weapon, not used to attack the enemy, but to destroy his own people?"

"If the Trisolarans don't negotiate with him, is this guy really ready to destroy the entire solar system?"

"Is he insane?"

Listening to Little Wanda's complaint, Black Widow said calmly:

"No, this guy isn't crazy at all, and not only that, he's very smart. "


Little Wanda listened with a confused expression.

At this time, Tony also nodded thoughtfully:

"That's right. "

"So far, this Rediaz wall facing plan is actually the biggest threat to the Trisolarans. "

Glancing at little Wanda with a puzzled face, Tony explained softly:

"For the Trisolaran, finding a habitable planet is actually very difficult. "

"Otherwise, they wouldn't have spent tens of millions of years, and they still relied on a traitor to the earthlings to locate the earth!"

Hearing this, Strange also understood:

"Therefore, if the Trisolarans cannot colonize the globe, then their demise is also doomed. "

Tony nodded:

"Not only that, but in fact, because they have to face the three suns, no one in the Trisolarans knows...... When will their planet end, maybe 1,000 years from now, maybe tomorrow!"

"In this case...... The Trisolarans would never dare to let the solar system be destroyed!"

"Otherwise, their last chance of life will be cut off!"

"They don't dare to bet on !!"

The black widow had no expression on her face, and said without the slightest wave:

"If Rediaz really has the means to destroy the solar system, then he ...... It is equivalent to having the ability to destroy the Trisolar!"

"This is Mutually, Assured, Destruction!"

"Once he has such a trump card, he is indeed qualified...... Negotiate with the Trisolaran on an equal footing!"

Sitting here, Tony suddenly sighed:

"It's a pity that the scientific level of that earth is still too backward. "

"Unexpectedly...... It can't be done even with the end. "

Looking at Tony and Black Widow and the others, they openly discussed the topic of destroying the solar system.

A simple child like little Wanda Peter, holding his breath, opened his mouth wide, and his eyes were full of horror.

At this moment, they were sluggish, even stupid, and they just felt that their brains were running out of energy.

Seeing this, Strange sighed softly.

Sure enough, these wall-facing people have seen through everything. "

"In this asymmetrical war, only by abandoning humanity and morality and daring to die with the enemy can there be a glimmer of life. "

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