[In the midst of a scuffle, Jerry Smith unexpectedly played an important role. 】


[He took the first bite and woke up his sleeping son Morty.] 】

["Boom Boom ......"]

[Immediately afterwards, due to the chaotic fighting of the end and others, the car they were riding in went out of control, affecting a tanker truck loaded with chemical drugs next to it. 】

["Sneering ......"]

[All the drugs in the tanker leaked out, and coincidentally, these drugs happened to wake up the sleeping person.] 】


[At this time, Sangmei and Rick, who were sitting in the back and chasing after them, immediately switched from a nighttime personality to a daytime personality in "270". 】

[But at this moment, something happened in the car where the Morty family of three was sitting in front of him. 】

[Jerry and his son Rick are all sober, but they can't beat Beth as a woman!]


[In the end, Morty concentrated his wits and used the cigarette lighter on the car to wake his mother up.] 】


[But at this moment, the robot made by Nighttime Rick catches up and anesthetizes Jerry with a tranquilizer bullet.] 】

"Wake up, Dad. "】

[Morty rushed up and kicked Jerry's ass hard, trying to wake him up, and at this moment, Jerry at night had his eyes half-open and said with a wry smile:]

["I'm from your side, what are you doing here?"]


[It's a pity that in the ensuing chaotic battle, the awake fell into a coma again, and the sleeping person woke up again. 】


[In this melee between wakefulness and sleepiness, in the end, the daytime version of the personality was completely defeated, and only Rick was left as a survivor!]

"Alright, Rick, don't say I won't give you a chance. "】

[At night, Sangmei held the anesthetic syringe and looked viciously at Rick, who had been suppressed on the ground and couldn't move:]

["I have only one condition, and that is...... From now on, you must wash my dishes during the day!"

["If you agree to this condition, we will be able to coexist peacefully in the future! No one is anyone's slave!"]

["Hmph! you're dreaming."] "】

[Rick's stinky temper flared up again, and he would rather die than agree to the other party, even the slightest request. 】

["Okay, don't regret it. "】

[At night, Sangmei directly inserted the syringe into Rick's body, and soon, Rick's family all became the night version of the personality. 】

[And after this incident, Sangmei decided...... In the future, we must always maintain the advantage of the night version of the personality, and the day version of the personality will be completely offline!]

[In other words, the real Rick's family will never wake up!]

[And these nightnight personalities, who have been permanently freed, have begun all kinds of carnivals and tours. Footprints all over the world!]

However, their happy life around the globe did not last long, as the Rick family's money was quickly spent. 】

[On this day, the bank came to the door and took away the Rick's family's car, and even the house will be taken soon.] 】

[For a period of time, the night version of the personality has been crazy eating, drinking, and having fun, and the family's savings have long been spent, and even the debts have accumulated to the highest level, and they are unable to repay them at all. 】

[Only then did these nocturnal personalities react, and although the daytime personalities had various vices, they were indeed earning money to support their families. 】

["Hey...... Now there is one last solution. "】

[The night version of Rick takes out a revolver, takes the other night personalities to the basement, and shoots and destroys the sleepwalking machine!]


[With the explosion of the machine, Rick's family all woke up from their slumber0.] (Read violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

[In frontal combat, they were completely crushed by the night personality. 】

[But I didn't expect that the other party didn't know how to make money, which led to their self-destruction. 】

[After regaining physical dominance, Rick's family returned to their original rhythm of life. 】

[On this day, the family went out for dinner. 】

[After eating the fast food, the clerk brought them the last dessert, fortune cookies.] 】

[These cookies are all filled with all kinds of lucky notes, and those who eat the cookies can use these small notes to divinate their luck.] 】

[The lucky little slip of paper that Morty and the others got were all written with ordinary clichés, but Jerry was different. 】

["You're going to pit your own mother!"]


[Hearing these appalling words, everyone was stunned. 】

[When he learned of his fate, Jerry didn't take it as a joke in 4.1, but really took it seriously. 】

["No, I don't want to go anywhere, I want to stay at home!"

[Even Space Beth invited Jerry's family to the alien zoo to play, but he refused to go, insisting on hiding at home to avoid that terrible fate.] 】

["Hmm...... You do have a problem with the probability field. "】

[Rick notices that something is wrong with Jerry.] After much deliberation and a series of experiments, he decided to take Jerry to the fast food restaurant to investigate the situation. 】

[Why does the note in an ordinary fortune cookie trigger an inevitable fate?].

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