["What? And such a machine?"]

[Looking at the sleepwalking machine that Rick put on the table, Morty and Sami are very happy. 】

"I also want to develop abs like you. "】

"I want this machine to help me learn Spanish so I can pass my exam next week."] "】

["I want to learn to play the trumpet ......"]

"No kidding. "】

[Seeing that the family members around him are eager to try, Rick is not happy. 】

[He thinks that this sleepwalking machine was bought by himself, why should he use it for these people for nothing?]

[However, Rick was still hard-mouthed and soft-hearted in the end, so he could only obediently hand over the sleepwalking machine. 】

[After each of them asked the sleepwalking machine to take a little blood sample of their own, Morty's family became the users of the machine. 】

[As Rick said, the effect of this dream machine is amazing.] 】

[Morty's family lives a normal life during the day, and after falling asleep at night, their bodies are taken over by machines, as if they are sleepwalking in 177, performing tasks set during the day.] 】

And it didn't take long for the family to take on a new look. 】

[Beth learns to play the trumpet, Sammy becomes a Spanish expert, and Morty, like Rick, has grown 8 solid abs.] 】

[But unlike everyone else, Jerry, the head of the family, did not instruct his nighttime clone to do anything, but instead became a pen pal with another Jerry, writing letters to each other every day.] 】

[And the outrageous thing is that Rick's family not only asked their night clones to exercise and learn skills for them, but even deliberately left the housework they didn't want to do during the day at night, so that the "clones" could wash their clothes and brush the dishes for them!]

[It can be said that these people really treat "themselves at night" as slaves. 】

[But in the midst of this endless labor, these "sleeping versions" of the "personality" seem to awaken to other ideas. 】

[Finally, one day, Jerry took out the letter he wrote to him at night and read it to Rick:]

["Nightnight Sangmei hopes that you can wash the dishes after eating. "】


[Rick immediately became angry when he heard this, and he pointed at Jerry and scolded:]

["You really regard the nightnight version of the personality as a friend, and the reason why we leave those things to them is because we don't want to do it!"]

[Just scolding is not over, Rick also poured ketchup all over the table, deliberately adding work to the nightnight version.] 】

[As a result, on the second morning, something bad happened.] 】

[It turned out that those night-night family members actually smashed all the tableware at home. 】

[It looks like these people are protesting.] 】

["Damn, it's almost a rebellion!"]

[In the face of the resistance of the "nightnight version of personality", Rick not only did not reflect, but intensified!]

[He drove his spaceship to an alien planet and found an alien blacksmith to forge a bunch of indestructible dishes. 】

[Rick means...... Look at how you nocturnal personalities still smash dishes and smash dishes!]

[And in the face of Rick's single-mindedness (abdj), the nocturnal personality has also launched a stronger resistance!]

[On this evening, Rick suddenly opened his eyes while he was asleep. 】


[As soon as Rick opens his eyes, he finds himself firmly tied to the bed, surrounded by a group of nocturnal family members.] 】

[Hmph, if you refuse to wash the dishes during the day, then I will have to help you myself."] "】

[The half-wide-eyed "Night Night Sangmi" walked in front of Rick with a dirty plate, while the other "Night Night Family" forcibly opened Rick's mouth.] 】

["Wow! Stop! What are you going to do?"]

[Rick desperately wants to resist, but all the technological devices on his body have been taken down by the "nightnight version of himself"!]

[Now he is just a tied old man!] I can only watch Sang Mei and scrape all those leftovers into his mouth!]

["Wow!"] (Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

[Poor Rick, who was still vomiting like crazy until the day.] 】

[And when he eased up a little and came to the living room, he found that all the furniture in the house had been removed by the "night version of the personality". 】

[Now, Jerry's house is really a family with four walls!]

[The worst part is that even Rick's garage lab is locked up!]

[Without the high-tech equipment in the garage, the equipment on his body has also been taken away, and now Rick ...... Almost just a normal bad old man!]

[But ......]

[Rick is still Rick!]

Rick found a pile of garbage, and then improvised a copycat version of a laser cage, enveloping the entire house. 】

[Now, even if Rick's family transforms into nocturnal personalities after falling asleep, these personalities can't take half a step out of the house.] 】

[Rick then began further planning, he got Sangmei a copycat version of the "anti-sleepsuit" to ensure that she would not fall asleep at night.] 】

[Then, let Sangmi pretend to be a "nocturnal personality" to infiltrate these "nocturnal family" in order to subvert them from within!].

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