[President Morty's idea is very simple, he represents 8% of Morty's personality, which is more heterogeneous, and does not like to follow the crowd, but has his own personality. 】

[But if they merge with the remaining 92%, then they will only be suppressed by the other party, and there will be no future from now on, so they can only continue to be Rick's slaves obediently as before.] 】

[So, these 8% of personalities would rather live in this game world.] 】

[At least here, they can be independent and live their own lives!]


[Listening to these reasonable words, the "female Morty personality" was also a little shaken. 】

[Now she is also an independent individual, but if she merges with the billions of Morty personalities of the other "260", can this independence still be maintained?]

[After returning to the base of Sun Tzujiao, Rick's personality incarnation in this game world directly decided to give up the 8% of his personality,]

[He decided to leave the game world with the "92%" who had already joined Sun Tzujiao.] 】

"What, you're going to abandon them like that?"

[Upon hearing this, Morty's female personality also felt that Rick was too cold-blooded and ruthless! 】

["No kidding, 8% relative to the whole...... It's garbage! It can be thrown away at any time. "】

[As a genius scientist, at this moment, Rick will only think rationally. 】

"If you want to throw away that 8%, then I'm not leaving."] "】

["Oh, really?"

[Faced with the threat of a woman's personality, Rick just sneered:]

["8% of 5 billion, plus one of you!"]

"Oh my God, do you really think there's any difference? "】

[And seeing Rick so cold-blooded and indifferent, he discarded Morty's personality fragments as garbage, and the other Morty personalities couldn't stand it. 】

["You're so outrageous, I agreed to leave after I heard you say that you can become one with other people!, but that's not the case at all now!"]

["Rick, how many of us are you going to abandon?"]

["By the way, in your heart, are we really one?"]

[In the face of Rick's coldness, more and more "Morty Personality Fragments" began to rebel and quarreled on the big screen. 】

[Seeing that the situation is getting more and more chaotic, as the leader of the Sun Tzu Sect, the female personality still stands up and uses her prestige to quiet the others. 】

[But then the woman looked at Rick and firmly put forward a condition to him:]

"I can convince others to come with you, but you have to tell us you love us. "】


[Faced with this very normal request, Rick suddenly fell silent. 】

["Is there a mistake?"]

[Seeing this scene through the communication screen, almost all Morty personalities are furious.] 】

["You don't love us in the first place, you're a liar!"]

[After utter disappointment and disillusionment.] The "Mortys" of this game world are almost all crazy. 】


[In desperation, billions of Morty personalities started a world war and began a crazy cannibalism!]

["Rick, you stop me!"]

[In this terrible world war, Morty's woman, "Marta", finally captures Rick's personification. 】

[It's a pity that this avatar is a robot.] 】

["Hehe...... These idiots, it's just a game here, and when the game is over, all of you will have to die. "】

[Pointing a gun at Rick's head, "Marta" roars loudly:]

["Fuck you, we'd rather die here than go back to that hell with you!"]

["Huh...... Even if you really want to die, you don't care, what's the matter with your sister? Now she's out there fighting alien bandits0 ." 】


[Don't talk nonsense to Rick at all, "Marta" shattered the robot in front of him with one shot. 】

[Many years have passed in this game world, and the fragment of Morty's female personality, "Marta", has become an old woman. 】

[And the "Morty Civil War" in the game world has reduced the whole world to ruins.] 】

[Morty who wants to leave and Morty who doesn't want to leave are almost all gone, and there are very few personalities who are still alive now. 】

[But after years of civil war, the remaining Morty personality is tired of this broken world.] 】

[More and more people want to leave and return to the real world, even if it comes at the cost of losing their independent existence. 】

[Faced with this situation, "Marta" also gave up on continuing to fight Rick and decided to let all the remaining personalities leave.] 】

[After all, although she doesn't want to give up herself, she doesn't have the right to use her will to bind others and stay with her in this world that is about to be destroyed.] 1.6 [But she herself decided to stay in this game.] 】

[Facing the old woman in front of him, Rick's personality also showed an embarrassed expression:]

["If you really want me to say "I love you", I will say ......"]

"No need. "】

[Looking at the old woman in front of him who seemed to have seen everything, Rick said movingly:]

["Morty, you really are a good grandson, you know"]

["No, you still call me Marta, this is my ID name in the game."] "】

[Having spent his whole life in the game world, this Morty's personality fragment now seems to finally know "who he is". 】

[But she herself decided to stay in this game.] 】。

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