
[John Wick shoots all the way up the ladder with difficulty.] 】

[The bullets fired at him by the enemy were blocked by him with a bulletproof suit.] 】


[When you run out of bullets, grab the enemy's gun, and if it's too late, knock the enemy down with your fists and feet!]


[Almost all his strength was used, but John Wick still managed to kill all the enemies in front of him, and climbed to the top of the stairs with difficulty. 】

[However, what appeared in front of him was actually the marquis's butler! There were also a bunch of subordinates around him. 】


[John Wick's face changed greatly, and he wanted to pull out the gun fiercely, but due to excessive fatigue, his movements slowed down, and he was rushed up by the butler and kicked him in the chest. 】


[John Wick was kicked and rolled down the stairs.] 】

[And when he finally got up 07, the housekeeper also rushed up, and he was violently outdone. 】

["Bang bang bang!"


[After being beaten by the housekeeper, John Wick was beaten into a rolling gourd again, rolling all the way to the bottom of the long ladder. 】


[After a fierce battle in the middle of the night, with wounds all over his body, John Wick was lying on the ground, almost without the strength to stand up. 】

[And when he was at this lowest point, a blind man with a guide cane actually walked in front of John Wick. 】


["Kane ......"]

[Looking at the old friend in front of him, John Wick's expression was very complicated, and his face actually showed a look of resignation. 】

[In this case, if Kane pulls out a gun and wants to kill him, he really doesn't even have the strength to dodge.] 】

[Surprisingly, Kane did not show hostility, but asked in a low voice:]

["How long is sunrise?"]

[John Wick struggles to lift his cuffs and looks at his watch:]

["Two ...... Maybe 3 minutes to go. "】

[Hearing this, Kane frowned slightly, lowered his head and said:]

"I need you to climb to the top of the stairs. "】

[From Kane's point of view, he wants this duel!]

[Because if John Wick misses the time, then according to the rules of the High Table, the Marquis will win without a fight!]

[And live, it's not what Kane wants to see!]


[John Wick let out a long breath, gritted his teeth and nodded:]


[Kane smiled lightly and stretched out his hand to the man in front of him, who was about to start a life-and-death battle with him.] 】

Holding Kane's hand, John Wick struggles to his feet. 】

[Then, the two men, who were also friends and enemies, walked side by side to the top of the long ladder. 】

[Halfway up the ladder, John Wick turned his face to Kane and asked casually as if he were strolling around]

["Do you choose nine o'clock or 12 o'clock?"]

["Kane laughs, I'm nine o'clock!"]

[Before the words fell, the Marquis's men rushed up!]

[And these two old friends, who have fought side by side many times a long time ago, also began to join forces according to the assigned "direction"!]

["Bang, bang, bang!", "

[Thanksgiving, holding a gun in one hand and a sword in the other, the movements are as fast as the wind, and they are very elegant. 】

[In the vast majority of cases, you can even do it, and the enemy's blood can't be splashed on yourself!] (Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

With Kane's help, John Wick climbed to the top of the ladder again. 】

[But this time it was the tall butler who stood in front of him. 】

["Go down to you!"]

[The butler laughed, raised his punching bag, and launched a fierce attack on John Wick!]

[Already exhausted, wounded repeatedly, and without bullets for the gun in his hand, John Wick was no match for a strong man at all, and was once again thrown down the ladder by him. 】[]

["Huh...... Daredevil, today is your time of death. "】

[The butler took out a pistol from his arms and aimed it at John Wick, who could barely stand up, and was about to detain the off-duty plane!]


[And at this moment, Kane suddenly came out from the side, took out a gun and pointed it at the butler's head!]


[Facing this blind man, the butler unequivocally turned around and raised his gun, and at the same time said coldly:]

"You don't dare to kill me. "】

[Kane's face was also extremely ugly at this time. 】

[The marquis has the safety of his daughter's life, and at this moment he really doesn't dare to kill the housekeeper. 】

["Yes, you're right, I can't shoot you, but ......"]

[Before the words fell, Kane suddenly took out a pencil from his arms and stabbed it hard in the butler's hand. 】


[Amid the butler's screams, Kane swung his sword and made a big cut in his leg. 】

[Hit so hard that the 947 family couldn't even stand up, and could only watch Kane and John Wick walk away. 】


[Watching the two gradually move away, the housekeeper climbed to the side with difficulty, reached out to grab the gun on the ground, and seemed to want to take the opportunity to sneak attack. 】

[In the next moment, he saw a familiar dog. 】

[This is exactly the dog of the black killer.] 】

[In that building just now, the dog was almost killed by the butler, and now it has come to take revenge.] 】

["Dead Dog...... Ahh

[As soon as the butler got his pistol, the dog rushed up and bit just between his legs.] 】


[The housekeeper convulsed in pain, and he almost didn't have the strength to struggle. 】

At the same time, the black killer came over coldly with a shotgun and aimed it at the butler's head. 】

["Just now, you hit my dog. "】


[I heard a gunshot, and the butler fell to the ground, and there was no more movement.] 】

[After the black killer fires his gun, he walks away, and the dog actually walks over, erects a leg at the butler's head, and starts peeing!].

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