[Watching the Continental Hotel disappear in the explosion, Winston and the black front desk both changed their faces and were stunned by shock.] 】

[And the Marquis of Gramore just turned around calmly and said to Winston:]

"From now on, you will no longer represent New York. "】

"You will be nothing. "】

"You have been excommunicated. "】

["So ......"]

[Marquis Gramore speaks as he pulls out a gun from his back.] 】

[But surprisingly, after pointing the gun at Winston, the Marquis did not shoot, but said lightly:]

"You'll never need a butler again. "】


[Winston's expression changed suddenly, but he saw that the Marquis of Gramore suddenly turned his gun to the black front desk standing beside him!]


[With a gunshot rang out, the faithful black man fell.] 】


[Winston walks over to the black man with a horrified face, crouches down and takes his hand.] 】

[But I saw this old friend looking at himself with his eyes open, and said with his last strength:]

["I can die for you...... It's my pleasure, my friend. "】

["You ......"]

[Winston's face twists wildly, his eyes full of grief and self-blame:]

["It should be me...... The one who died should be me. "】

"Yes, his fault. "】

[Marquis Gramore looked down at Winston and said with a sneer:]

"But you're still alive, so I suggest you think about why. "】

[After saying that, the Marquis of Gramore ignored Winston, turned his head and walked out of the room, and at the same time ordered his bodyguard:]

["Let Kane come to see me~."] "】

[In order to ensure that they can kill John Wick, the subordinates of the Marquis of Gramore have recruited the strongest killer in their minds. 】

[However, this person is actually a blind Chinese!]

[Facing the Marquis of Gramer, Kane very calmly claimed that he had retired and was no longer a killer, and asked them to ask for another master. 】

[But the Count didn't let him go so easily.] 】

[This high-ranking marquis even directly threatened Kane's daughter:]

[In desperation, Kane took a card from the tray of the waiter next to him, touched the braille on it with his fingers, and recognized the familiar name after only half touching it.] 】

["John Wick!"

[Wick used to be a colleague and friend of Kane's, so he didn't want to take on this mission.] 】

[It's a pity ......]

"Either you kill someone for us."] And then we'll be cleared up in two, or ......"]

[Listening to the threat in the Marquis's tone, Kane, who loves his daughter, can only give in. 】

"I will continue to serve the High Table, as I have done before. "】

[Kneeling down on one knee to the Marquis, Kane became a killer again.] 】

[And his target is John Wick!]


[Seeing that Kane finally gave in, the Marquis also proudly walked up to him and asked:] (Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

["Do you know where John Wick will be hiding?"]

[Kane nodded slightly:]

"John Wick has few friends in this world. "】

["And there are even fewer who can entrust him with his life. "】

[At this moment, the screen shifts to Osaka in Inazuma Province.] 】[]

[There is also a continental hotel here.] 】

[And the manager of this continental hotel, Koji, is the friend that John Wick trusts enough to entrust his life. 】

[However, due to the destruction of the Continental Hotel in New York, there is a certain panic in Continental hotels around the world.] 】

[Koji's daughter, who is also his housekeeper Qiu Liang, also expressed her concern about this. 】

"Your relationship with Mr. Wick is not a secret. "】

[Qiu Liang said solemnly:]

"The High Table will definitely send someone. "】

[Xiaoji is fearless:]

"Then we will entertain them well. "】

[Seeing this, Qiu Liang finally couldn't bear it anymore and said a little nervously:]

[John Wick, wherever the man goes, he takes death with him, and all those who come into contact with him are dead!"]

[Koji turned his head and looked at his daughter, his face became very serious:]

"I knew him before you were born, so don't talk about my old friend like that. "】

[After separating from his daughter, Kodera walked directly into the kitchen of the Continental Hotel, walked around from behind, and came alone to a terrace at the back of the hotel. 】

[Here, the man has been waiting for a long time. 】

[He is the John Wick who takes death wherever he goes!]

[After the two old friends met, they directly omitted the greetings and started to talk about business. 】

[Kodera tells John Wick that he is too impulsive :]

"It was a mistake to kill the Elder, my friend. (No's Zhao)]

["The High Table responded by destroying the Continental Hotel in New York and killing Winston's butler. "】

As they spoke, the two sat down at the stone table next to the terrace. 】

[After learning that his arrival might cause trouble for Koji, John Wick raised a cup of tea apologetically and greeted his friend. 】

[At this time, in the lobby of the Continental Hotel in Osaka, there were already many big men wearing suits and badges. 】

[They are none other than the Marquis of Grameh!]

[Soon, the housekeeper of the Marquis of Gramo also led people directly to the front desk of the hotel and asked to meet the manager of the hotel by name. 】


[Looking at the uninvited guest in front of her, Qiu Liang knew that the trouble she was worried about had finally come!

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