[The angry Inquisitor immediately rushed back to the Continental Hotel and said to Winston:]

"Mr. Wick is gone. "】

["Ah...... What a tragedy. "】

[Winston nods at the Inquisitor with a sympathetic look on his face, as if in mourning.] 】

"I didn't mean that. "】

[Seeing that the old man in front of him was still pretending to be stupid to himself, the inquisitor suddenly became angry. 】

"I mean, he's no longer on the street. "】

"Impossible. "】

[Winston was shocked, and said with a surprised face:]

["He was shot by me several times and fell off the roof, how could he still run?"]

["Zero One Zero" I think, you don't need me to say that you also know how much trouble it will be if you let him continue to live!"]

[The inquisitor said to Winston with a somewhat threatening tone on his face, with a bit of hatred on his face:]

["The last thing we need is for Mr. Wick to come to us in the middle of the night!"]

[Speaking of this, there was actually a trace of fear in the judge's eyes. 】

[Until now, she has a ...... for this man known as the Night Demon I already know how terrifying it is. 】

[Although there are countless killers in the High Table, I am afraid that none of them can compare to John Wick!]

["Even if it's for the safety of the two of us, you have to take care of this, understand?"]

"Of course. "】

[Weston nodded, and a trace of doubt appeared on his old face:]

["Like him, even if he doesn't die, how far can he go?"]

[And while the Inquisitor was talking to Winston, the puppy that John Wick had fostered next to the black front desk suddenly seemed to smell something and rushed out of the Continental Hotel alone. 】

[I saw that the puppy rushed all the way into the underground waterway, and in the waterway, it found a homeless man. 】

[I saw this homeless man pushing a shopping cart from a supermarket, and the cart was filled with John Wick, whose head was bleeding and unconscious.] 】

[It turned out that he was the one who rescued John Wick from the street.] 】

[However, it can be seen from John Wick's appearance that although he is not lightly injured, his chest is still slightly undulating, and he is obviously still alive. 】

[Earlier, on the roof of the Continental Hotel in New York, Winston fired several shots at him, but each shot hit his bulletproof suit. 】

[What really injured John Wick was the impact and fall he received when he fell from the roof of the building!]

[The homeless man pushes John Wick all the way into the space where the underground water is deep. 】

[Here, I saw a black man with a scar on his face sitting on a gorgeous throne, drinking soda with a gloomy face. 】

[He is the leader of the beggar gang!]

[It turned out that the seven knives of the bald killer before did not hack him to death. 】

[Due to the inquisitor's revenge, this black boss has lost most of his power, and can only hide in the sewers at this time and wait for a comeback.] 】

[John Wick, who was lucky not to die, has become his latest help. 】


[The homeless man pushed John Wick to the black guy and pushed him to the ground as if he were taking out garbage.] 】

["Hello, John, are you okay?"

[Looking at John Wick, who was covered in blood and fell to the ground and convulsed, the black guy raised the soda in his hand and said coldly:]

["It looks like you're as miserable as I am!"]

["The old guy kept his hotel, but the black cauldron was carried by you. "】

[Seems to know everything about what is happening on the ground, and the black guy is expressionless:]

"I'm not in a position to accuse him, if I were him, I would do the same. (If you read a violent novel, you can go to Feilu Novel Network!)

["But, those bastards at the High Table ......"]

[The black guy supported the armrest on the throne with his hand and stood up hard:]

["They slashed me seven times, but they didn't kill me!"]

["Soon they will know that if they want to see a king, they must be hacked to death!"]

[On crutches, the big black guy walked up to John Wick, squatted down and asked:]

["I ask you, John......."]

["How are you feeling now?"]

["Because...... I'm really angry right now!"]

["Are you angry?"]

[Hearing the black man's question, John Wick struggled to raise his head from the ground, stared at him with a blood-stained face and said:]

["yes, I'm angry!"]

[At this point, the screen gradually dims.] 】

["Fast Pursuit 3, the end of playback."] 》】

[After a while, the screen lit up again, and at the same time, there was also the sound of the system.] 】

["Fast Pursuit 4" will be played next.] 】

[A new image appears on the screen.] 】

[A dark shadow in the dark night, leading a small dog, walked into the underground passage. 】

[As he walked, the person was still reciting certain sentences:]

["From me, go straight to the city of misery. "】

["From me here, 0.7, straight to endless suffering."] "】

["From me, go straight to fallen beings. "】

["Whoever enters this gate must abandon all hope!"]

[It turned out that he was reciting Dante's "Divine Comedy Inferno".] 】

[While reciting, the black figure walked to the end of the underground passage and pushed open an iron door.] 】

["Now please welcome the arrival of the King of TMD!"]

[And just behind the iron gate, a man in civilian clothes is driving a wooden stake, it is John Wick!]

[And this black figure is the black boss of the beggars' gang, I saw him raise a suit in his hand and shouted at John Wick:]

"Are you ready, John?"].

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