
[Watching the homeless man look at himself with a teasing smile while pointing to his watch, John Wick gritted his teeth and rushed out of the alley with the puppy.] 】

He knew that his time was running out. 】

[However, John Wick, who has already experienced a "pet death", definitely doesn't want to see this puppy die in front of him again.] 】

[After rushing out of the alley, John Wick immediately stopped a taxi on the side of the road and told the driver that he was going to the New York Public Library.] 】

[However, halfway through, he encountered a big traffic jam, and the taxi was stuck motionless. 】


[Seeing that the countdown to the hour was about to end, John Wick suddenly made a decision "710". 】

[He took out a killer gold coin from his hand, handed it to the taxi driver, and instructed him to send the puppy to the Continental Hotel.] 】

[The driver skillfully took the gold coin, put it into his bag, and nodded at John Wick:]

"Understood, Mr. Wick. "】

[It turns out that this taxi driver is also a killer!]

[And the reason why he didn't do it to John Wick now is mainly because...... Winston's deadline had not yet arrived. 】

[Next, John Wick exits the taxi and runs into the New York Library.] 】

[On the library shelf, he found a copy of "Russian Folktales.] 】

[Opened this thick tome, and a dark compartment was dug out inside.] 】

[It turns out that this book is the "emergency repository" that John Wick set up in advance for the future state of emergency. 】

[In the dark compartment is a photo of John Wick's dead wife, several killer gold coins.] A cross, and a "blood pact". 】

[But at this moment, there was already a killer who couldn't bear it anymore and found John Wick in advance, wanting to take his life!]


[In the face of this two-meter-tall killer, although John Wick was unarmed, he still had a lot of experience and killer skills, and used the books in the library as weapons to kill him. 】

[At the same time, the black boss of the Beggar Gang also made his own public declaration:]

[He will respect the High Table's "excommunication" of John Wick and will never shield him!]

[And when John Wick left the library in the rain, he saw dozens of people on the street, all casting strange eyes. 】

[Now there are only a few minutes left before the one-hour deadline, and all the killers in New York are eager to try!]

[However, John Wick has been fighting from daytime to now, and his body is full of injuries!]

[It's in the library just now.] I was also stabbed in the neck by that tall killer!]

[In this state, he is powerless to deal with the next series of pursuits. 】

[In order to protect his life, John Wick rushed to the home of an underground doctor he knew. 】

"Please, there are still a few minutes left, help me."] "】

[In the face of John Wick's pleading, and the gold coin in his hand, the underground doctor.] I was annoyed for a while, but finally opened the door and let him in. 】

[However, just as the doctor stitched the wound on John Wick's neck, the clock in his house rang midnight.] 】


[Hearing the bell ringing, John Wick and the doctor looked at each other, both stunned. 】

[Now, the High Table's bounty on John Wick is officially effective, and all organizations or individuals related to the High Table are no longer allowed to have any contact with John Wick, especially not to provide any service to him. 】

[This is "excommunication"!] (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

["Forget it, I'll do it now."] "】

[Looking at the doctor's embarrassed look, John Wick smiled bitterly, took the needle and thread from the other party's hand, and began to stitch up his wound himself.........]

[However, my Chinese doctor is still affectionate and righteous, and even though the countdown has ended, he still violated the excommunication of the High Seat Association and instructed John Wick to take a few painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs in his pharmacy. 】


[After helping John Wick, the Chinese doctor asked John Wick to give him two shots in order to cover up his eyes. 】

[As a last resort, he can only repay his benefactor in this way, John Wick regretfully walked out of the clinic, but the outside world has completely changed. 】

[This clinic is located in New York's Chinatown, and as soon as John Wick went out, he was targeted by local Chinese killers!]

[Evading the killer John Wick, he panics and flees to a nearby antique museum.] 】

[There are a lot of antique guns from 100 years ago. 】

[John Wick was unarmed, and hurriedly found some antique guns, with ancient bullets in the museum, and immediately had a weapon for self-protection. 】

[And at this moment, the killers have already rushed in!]


[In the face of the menacing killer, John Wick quickly ran out of bullets in his revolver and had to engage in hand-to-hand combat with the enemy 3.8 people. 】

[In this museum, there are all kinds of strange weapons on display, among which there are even throwing knives from the ancient East, as well as throwing axes!]


[As if possessed by Jackie Chan, John Wick took out all these weapons and used them flexibly, with his own fighting skills, and finally defeated several Chinese killers who rushed in!]

[But I was injured again......]


[Finally escaped from Chinatown, and suddenly a car rushed straight from the side of the highway and knocked John Wick out. 】

[The killer is catching up again!].

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