[After the Russian boss Vigo barely escaped with his life, he surprisingly did not warn his son who was hiding in the safe house, but returned to his lair alone, waiting for the dust to settle with a gloomy face. 】

[As a gangster, he does love his son very much, but he loves his life even more. 】

[In Vigo's opinion, if he leaked the information to Joseph and let him escape John's clutches again, then John Wick would definitely find him again.] 】

[The feeling of being pointed at the head by John Wick's gun, Vigo doesn't want to try again.] 】

[So ......]

["Joseph, please die in my place!"]

[Sitting at the desk, Vigo smoked the cigarette he had just rolled out with his hand, and the muscles on his face were a little painfully tangled. 】

[At the same time, John Wick has also killed Joseph's safe house!]

[This time, John Wick learned the lesson of the last time in the Red Circle nightclub, and instead of rushing into the enemy group alone, he shot with an assault rifle at a medium distance!]


[And as a top 15-killer John Wick, the marksmanship of long-distance sniping is also 100 shots, and one bullet must kill an enemy!]


[Watching the bodyguards in front of him crack their brains one after another and die in front of him, Joseph was so frightened that his soul was scattered, and his body was weak!]

["Run! "】

[After coming to his senses, Joseph frantically fled to the place where they had parked, trying to drive away like last time. 】

[It's a pity, this time...... John Wick didn't even expect that. 】

["Boom, boom!boom!"]

[Directly he pressed the button and detonated the bomb he secretly installed on the car, blowing up all the cars that Joseph and the others used to flee into scrap metal. 】

["Woo...... Ahh

[Joseph panicked and wanted to flee, but John Wick had already appeared in front of him, and raised his hand to shoot him. 】

["No, don't ......"]

[Looking at the Grim Reaper, who was getting closer and closer, Joseph covered the wound on his stomach, the corners of his mouth were bleeding, and he said in a slurred voice:]

["Don't kill me, that's just a stinky dog ......"]


[John Wick didn't say a word, just shot Joseph in the head, then turned around and walked away.] 】

[The revenge of killing the dog, now he has finally avenged!]

[After the revenge, John Wick first went back to the Continental Hotel, sorted out his personal belongings, and checked out. 】

[And in order to redeem the "assassination incident" last night, the manager of the Continental Hotel also gave him a high-end car as an apology. 】

[Drove this high-end car, John Wick, to the Hudson River in New York, and met his friend Marcus. 】

[For Marcus's help, John Wick's heart is like a mirror, and this time he made a special trip to thank him. 】

[But it's a pity that their meeting was seen by the female killer hired by the Russian boss Vigo.] 】

[As soon as the female killer turned around, she told Vigo the news that Marcus had colluded with John Wick. 】

[And Vigo, who has just experienced the pain of losing his son, seems to have finally lost his mind. 】

[He directly led people to find Marcus and tortured him with brutal methods. 】

[And the most unimaginable thing is that Vigo actually called John Wick and gave him a "live broadcast" of the process of killing Mahos through his mobile phone. 】


[Hearing the gunshots from the mobile phone, John Wick was furious, and directly turned the car and rushed to his friend's house. 】

[But when he arrived, all he saw was Marcus's bloody corpse.] 】


[Looking at the corpse in front of him, John Wick suddenly felt that his legs were weak, and he involuntarily sat on the stairs next to him. 】

[He is re-emerging from the rivers and lakes, and originally just wanted to take revenge for the last "gift" his wife gave him. 】

[But unexpectedly, it buried the life of a friend.] 】

[Just when John Wick was dying, his mobile phone suddenly rang again. 】

[Instinctively answered the phone, John Wick actually heard the voice of Winston, the manager of the Continental Hotel.] 】

[It turned out that just now Winston implemented the rules of the Continental Hotel and "cleaned up" the female killer who killed people at will in the hotel. 】

[And after killing him, Winston was still puzzled, and put the female killer behind the boss "Vigo." The location was also revealed to John Wick. 】

[Winston's meaning is very clear. 】

[That Russian guy actually dared to buy a murderer to kill people in my hotel, if I didn't do him, how would I mix in the rivers and lakes in the future?]

[John Wick, your enemy is there, if you want revenge, go and kill him!]

[Although he knew that Winston was borrowing his own knife to kill people, but seeing his old friend die tragically in front of him, John Wick, who was already preparing to return to retirement again, was once again angry in his heart!]

[Next, in order to avenge his friend, John Wick drove the luxury car sent by the Continental Hotel to a port in New York City at the fastest speed. 】

[Vigo was just preparing to flee in that port, 170 by helicopter!]


After a thrilling chase, John Wick finally stops Vigo's car. 】

["Bang! bang!"]

[After a scuffle, Vigo's bodyguards were all killed, leaving him and John Wick to face off. 】

["Come on, boy, don't use a gun, do you dare to fight this old man with me?"]

[In the pouring rain, Vigo unexpectedly showed a bit of manliness and invited John Wick to 1 against him. 】

[And what is even more surprising is that John Wick actually agreed.] 】


[The two of them punched and kicked each other in the heavy rain, but John Wick was young after all, and he quickly gained the upper hand with his physical strength, and at this moment, he ......]


[Vigo actually didn't talk about martial arts, and took out a knife from his arms. 】


[Facing the enemy with the knife, John Wick's face also changed. 】

[However, as a seasoned killer, John Wick immediately adopted an incredible strategy. 】


[I saw that he deliberately grabbed Vigo's hand and stabbed his knife into his stomach!] and then struck violently, breaking Vigo's right hand holding the knife!].

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