[After taking a shower, John Wick put on a suit and sat in the hall of his home, quietly waiting for the killer to come to the door. 】

[At the same time, "Vigo" sat in front of the fireplace with blank eyes, humming the old Russian ballad:]

["Fall asleep quickly, or the night demon will come to the door."] "】

["He will come from the swamp and take away disobedient children......]

[While "Vigo" was chanting nursery rhymes, John Wick, who was hiding in his own home, had already seized the opportunity and rushed out, pulling the trigger of the silenced pistol in his hand. 】


[With the dull sound of gunfire, one killer after another died under John Wick's gun, their blood and brains sprayed on the walls, looking extremely glaring.] 】


[Finally, the killers discovered John Wick's existence and began to fire indiscriminately with guns. 】


[But, this is John Wick's home! He knows everything about the environment! The bullets fired by the gunners can't even hit his shadow.] 】


[After killing several gunmen in a row, John Wick calmly hid in the corner and began to reload. 】

[The German-made P30L pistol in his hand can hold 15 rounds, but in the face of more than a dozen 020 enemies, John Wick still prepared several magazines. 】


[Just after John Wick finished reloading, he suddenly noticed that one of the gunmen happened to be next to him.] 】


[Seeing that he rushed forward violently, he didn't even shoot, and directly knocked the gunman to the ground with his fists and feet!]


[Pulling the trigger on the head of the fallen enemy, John Wick's expression did not fluctuate, as if something similar had been done countless times.] 】

["Bang! bang...... Bang!bang!bang!"]

[Next, John Wick punched and kicked out, coupled with accurate marksmanship, and soon beat the remaining gunmen to the ground.] 】

[The last gunman, during the scuffle, even pulled out a dagger, but in the end, John Wick held his hand and slowly sent the dagger into the murderer's own chest. 】

["Jingle Bell ......"]

And just as the last gunman was being slaughtered by John Wick, the doorbell in his house rang suddenly. 】


[With blood still on his face, John Wick slowly stands up, hides his pistol behind his back, and walks to the door to open it.] 】


[After the door opened, there was a policeman standing outside the door. 】

"Good evening, John. "】

[John Wick's expression is indifferent:]

["Good evening, Jimmy, is it a noise complaint?"]

[The policeman known as Jimmy glances around the room and sees several of the gunman's bodies lying on the ground.] 】


[Surprisingly, Jimmy just reached for his hat and asked expressionlessly:]

"What are you...... Back to your old business?"]

"No. "】

[John Wick shook his head:]

["It's to deal with some private matters. "】

"Okay. "】

[Ignoring the corpses, Jimmy didn't ask much about John Wick's privacy, just stretched out his hands and made a harmless gesture to him :]

["Then I won't bother."] "】

[Seeing his acquaintance policeman turn around and leave, John Wick closed the door, turned his head to look at the corpses all over the house, and a thought had already arisen in his heart. 】

[Next, he walked over to the old-fashioned landline phone at home, pressed the number directly, and dialed a call. 】

["Yes, I'm John Wick and I'd like to book an evening meal for 12 people. "】

[After making this somewhat strange reservation, John Wick took out another 12 gold coins from his "collection.] 】

[Not long after, a black van pulled up in front of John Wick's house, and several men in jumpsuits got out of the car. 】


[The old man, led by these men in black, looked at John Wick for a while, and then laughed:]

["You look good, I really thought it wasn't long ago...... You've left this business behind. "】

[After all the bodies were moved into the black van, John Wick also took out the 12 gold coins he had prepared a long time ago and handed them to the little old man. 】

[It seems that this special gold coin is a unique "currency" in John Wick's circle.] 】

[At this time, on the other side, after learning that all the assassins he sent were all on the street, the Russian boss "Vigo" had no choice but to publicly announce a bounty in exchange for John Wick's head with $2 million!]

[Not only that, but in order to lure John Wick out, "Vigo" even released his waste son Joseph as a bait, just to lure the enemy into the bait. 】

[But even at this point, "Vigo" still feels that it is not enough. 】

[Youdao is the best defense is to attack, in order to ensure that nothing goes wrong, the most effective way is to kill John Wick, one hundred!]

[So, "Vigo" went to John Wick's old friend, "Green Goblin" Marcus, and asked him to kill John Wick!]

[Surprisingly, Marcus accepted the order without hesitation. 】

[Bait, Killer, Bounty Now...... It's all ready, just waiting for John Wick to take the bait. 】

[However, John Wick's actions were unexpected by everyone.] 】

[He did not go directly to Joseph to seek revenge, but drove to New York and stayed in a place called the "Continental Hotel". 】

["Mr. Wick. "】

[Looking at John Wick's familiar face in front of him, the black front desk of the Continental Hotel, said politely:]

["4 is gone, but I assure you that the owner of our hotel remains the same. "】

[It turns out that this continental hotel is not an ordinary hostel, but a site of a "killer organization" all over the world. 】

[Within this killer organization, all money circulation is based on some kind of special "gold coin". 】

[Whether it is to hire a murderer or to buy goods or services, the people of the organization only recognize gold coins and not money. 】

[John Wick took out a gold coin from his bosom and paid it as room charges, and then checked into a room in the Continental Hotel. 】

[After checking in, John Wick found Winston, the general manager of the hotel, and wanted to find Joseph through him!].

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