Just when Spider-Man on the screen was beaten by the Green Goblin. The picture on the screen suddenly froze.

Immediately afterwards, the cold voice of the system sounded in the live broadcast room.

【New Q&A starts!】

[Question: What will Spider-Man do next?]

[This question is a random live question, as long as there are people who have variants in this broadcast, they can answer even if they are not in the live broadcast room.] 】

[Answer A: Use your super power to defeat the Green Goblin.] 】

[Answer B: Use your spider sense to defeat the Green Goblin.] 】

[Answer C: Use your own spider silk to defeat the Green Goblin.] 】

[Answer D: Admit defeat and surrender to save your life.] 】

[Please start answering! Everyone in the live broadcast room only has one chance to answer]

[Those who answer correctly will receive live streaming points and random rewards.] 】

[Random rewards may come from countless dimensional worlds.] 】

[Failure to answer the question will trigger an unknown penalty!]

"Oh, do all the variants answer the question?"

Tony's eyes flickered as he glanced at Peter, who was still asleep on the ground.

If he had a choice, he would have preferred that Peter would have answered correctly and that he would be rewarded.

After all, the other Parker...... Tony hadn't even met in person, let alone had any friendship.

But. Looking at the current situation, Peter should have no way to answer the question.

"Eh, is it me?"

In Spider-Verse 1, Parker's face is glazed over, and he doesn't seem to have recovered from the terrifying images on the screen.

It's horrible.

It turned out that he was still very satisfied when he saw himself as a Spider-Man doing chivalrous deeds, helping the people, and getting the cheers of countless people.

But at this moment, Spider-Man was bruised all over his body by the Green Goblin, his face was covered in blood, and he looked like he was almost going to be killed.

Is this the price of being a superhero?

Just when Parker was still a little confused, there was a sudden movement in the chat group.

Tony Stark: That variant of Peter, what's playing on the screen isn't your future, it's just another multiverse reality.

Tony Stark: Now you...... I guess I'm just a high school student, and if you choose not to be a superhero, there's nothing wrong with that. There is no need for any psychological burden.

Charles Xavier: Mm-hmm, that's right. Each of us has our own life and does not need to be bound by the multiverse or the future.

Surprisingly, these comforting words. Instead, it inspired Parker's rebellious mentality!

He looked into his hands and slowly clenched his fists.

Just yesterday, Parker had already been bitten by a mutant spider during a visit.

In other words, he ...... now Already has the power of Spider-Man!

All that's missing is the confidence and will of the superhero.

After thinking for a while, Parker's face gradually became serious, and he spoke in the chat group.

Peter Parker (Spider-Verse 1): I think Uncle Ben is right, with great power comes great responsibility!

Peter Parker (Spider-Verse 1): Since I have gained such great power, it is only natural that I should help those who are weak!

Peter Parker (Spider-Verse 1): And, I don't think either...... In addition, I in that universe will choose to surrender in the face of strong enemies!

Peter Parker (Spider-Verse 1): As for super powers and spider sense, these abilities should have come in handy in previous battles, but the Green Goblin wasn't defeated.

Peter Parker (Spider-Verse 1): In that case, my choice is C. Defeat the Green Goblin with the spider silk you secrete!

And when Parker's speech just appeared in the barrage on the screen, the system's voice sounded again.

Peter Parker (Spider-Verse 1), the Q&A system begins to determine ......]

[Ding!Peter Parker (Spider-Verse 1) answered correctly!]

"Whew...... Fortunately, I really won and didn't surrender. "

Hear a prompt for the correct answer. Parker let out a sigh of relief in the room.

Just now, he was really worried that he would not be able to defeat the Green Goblin, and even chose Qu Ru's surrender!

[Peter Parker (Spider-Verse) gets 100 live streaming points, which can be used to on-demand the past and future related to himself]

Peter Parker (Spider-Verse) gets a random reward...... Ability, armed color domineering (advanced)!]

"Armed and domineering?"

Before Peter could react to this completely unfamiliar name, a series of information flooded his brain.

["Armed color domineering" is one of the three categories of domineering, which can improve one's defense power, and turn into invisible armor on the surface of the body, which can greatly increase one's attack power. 】

[In addition, the armed color domineering can also compete with the Devil Fruit ability, and can even touch the entity of the "Nature" fruit ability. 】

[The host has mastered the (advanced) armed color domineering, as long as a little cultivation, there is a chance to awaken the use of "internal destruction",!]


Feeling the message in his head, Parker took a deep breath and quickly focused his attention on his right fist.

Just as he clenched his fists, a layer of dark and deep armed color domineering covered his fists.

"This is the power of domineering, and at the same time increase attack and defense?"

Parker was surprised and delighted when he saw it, and he couldn't help but clench his fists and began to urge domineering qi throughout his body.

Soon, Parker's body turned into a pitch black, looking strange and terrifying.

Under the domineering wrap, Parker felt ...... Even if he encounters that kind of Green Goblin attack now, he may be unharmed!

"Armed and domineering, it's really an incredible power. "

But after a while, a question suddenly popped up in his heart.

"Nature-based Devil Fruit, what is this?"

At this time, the originally frozen screen also started to play again.

[Video continued]

[In the face of the Green Goblin's stormy attack, Spider-Man hurriedly spewed out a large amount of spider silk, forming a spider web. 】

[But the Green Goblin actually relied on his powerful strength to tear through the cobwebs!]

[The situation became more and more critical, and Spider-Man was forced into a corner by the Green Goblin, and was almost pierced by the halberd in his hand. 】

[At the moment of life and death, Spider-Man violently burst out with his last strength and threw the Green Goblin out with all his might. 】

[Next, Spider-Man spews out spider silk, sticks to the Green Goblin's feet, and then pulls hard, knocking him to the ground.] 】

[Immediately afterwards, Spider-Man used spider silk to pull down a wall and bury the Green Goblin underneath.] 】

[Getting up from the rubble with difficulty, the Green Goblin now looks extremely embarrassed, and he no longer has the same arrogance as before. 】


[Seizing the opportunity, Spider-Man launched a rush attack on the Green Goblin, so that he only had the ability to parry, and he had no power to fight back. 】

[Just when he was about to be completely defeated by Spider-Man, the Green Goblin actually began to beg for mercy. 】

["Stop!Peter!It's me!"]

[The Green Goblin admits defeat and begs for mercy while taking off his helmet, revealing Norman Osborne's true colors. 】

["I'm controlled by the demons, but I don't want to fight with you......"]

[While begging for mercy, the Green Goblin secretly activated his flying skateboard and said with a sneer.] 】

["Farewell! "】


[The tip of the skateboard sticks out a sharp blade and pounces straight behind Spider-Man.] 】

[At the last moment, Spider-Man jumped violently and narrowly avoided the skateboard's raid. 】

[And because the Green Goblin couldn't dodge, he was nailed to the wall by the skateboard he summoned.] 】

[Before he died, Norman Osborne seemed to have regained some of his senses, he looked at his son's friend in front of him, and said with his last strength:]

["Don't tell Harry about me......"]

[After saying that, a generation of supervillains Green Goblin died.] 】

[As a final respect, Spider-Man sent Norman Osborne's body back to the Osborne family's mansion. 】

[But in the process, his figure was seen by Harry Osborne.] 】

[Next, at Norman's funeral, Harry, with a sad face, said to Parker:]

"My father was killed by Spider-Man. "】

["Someday, I'm going to make Spider-Man pay!"]

Next, the big screen in front of everyone's eyes went black and disappeared completely.

This live broadcast came to a successful end.

Even after the live broadcast ended, Parker of Spider-Universe One was still thrilled and could not calm down.

"Norman, in another universe, Norman actually killed himself?"

In his opinion, Norman Osborne was indeed a thoroughly poor man.

He only volunteered to do human experiments for the sake of his company, only to make himself a madman.

"But even if I knew all this, how could I help him, tell Norman to give up that body-enhancing potion?"

Sitting in the room, the more Parker thought about it, the more he had a headache, and he was stunned for a moment.

And at the same time as the screen disappeared, Peter, who was lying on the ground in the live broadcast room, let out a sigh of relief and slowly opened his eyes.

Tony reached out, ready to pull Peter up from the ground.

But suddenly he saw a flower in front of him, and Peter's figure seemed to teleport, and immediately appeared beside him.

"So fast, you've awakened Spider-Man's power?"

Tony looked surprised, but Peter seemed even more shocked than he was.

"This, that's the power of the amazing Spider-Man. "

Feeling the power that was constantly surging in his body, Peter's face was full of surprise and joy, and he felt that his heart beat a little faster.

In fact, due to the safe mode in the live broadcast room, he has no way to urge Venom now.

But Peter still couldn't help but think, if he returned to the original world, how powerful would this Spider-Man power be with Venom?

Seeing that the live broadcast was completely over, Tony first took out a needle that had been prepared a long time ago, drew a little blood from Peter, and then everyone said goodbye and left the live broadcast room.


"Agent Romanoff, you're back. "

In the director's office, the boiled egg looked at the black widow in front of him, who looked like two people, and his mood was suddenly a little complicated.

Just before that, Black Widow had told him to quit S.H.I.E.L.D.

Not only that, but she, as well as Tony Stark, have even decided to completely destroy S.H.I.E.L.D.!

The saddest thing is that even though the boiled egg knows all this, he still can't afford to resist.

Because he knows that the current S.H.I.E.L.D. has completely turned into a snake shield bureau!

Up and down the game, filled with countless hydras.

Just when Lu Dan's mind was complicated and he didn't know how to speak, the satellite phone on the table rang again.

As soon as he answered, he found that it was Agent Coulson calling.

Glancing at Black Widow, the boiled egg gritted his teeth, and decided to have a showdown with Coulson directly on the phone:

"Agent Coulson, the situation is that we at S.H.I.E.L.D. have been completely infiltrated by a secret organization for a long time. "

"The name of that organization is Hydra, and the next mission for you and Agent Melinda May is to ......"

Just as the boiled egg was speaking, the black widow suddenly turned her head and looked out the window.

The brain has developed to 20%, and now her five senses are sensitive, and she has reached the limit of human beings.

At that moment, Black Widow faintly saw a faint light coming from a distant building.

It seems to be the light of a sniper rifle mirror!


The Black Widow's figure flickered, and in an instant it blocked in front of the boiled egg, cutting him off from the window.


At this moment, there was a crisp sound. A sniper bullet shattered the window at supersonic speed, striking Black Widow in front of him.

And it was at this moment that the sound of gunfire came.


This is so because the bullets are moving and bouncing faster than the speed of sound.

The ...... used in this gun But a superalloy armor-piercing projectile that even a tank can penetrate.

As long as the human body is hit, the whole person will be punched a huge hole, and it is even possible that the body will be broken in two.

That's right, "originally" should have been like this.

In an instant, the sniper lying on a tall building in the distance ...... The anti-materiel sniper rifle in his hand exploded!


The bullet that hit Black Widow was reflected back at an alarming rate!

Like a rewind, the bullet followed its original trajectory perfectly, flying precisely into the anti-materiel sniper rifle, blasting the weapon to pieces from the inside.


Crossbones let out a terrible scream.

The fragments of the sniper rifle burst into his body in an instant, and his right shoulder, which was against the butt of the anti-materiel rifle, was completely pierced by the bullet!

The entire right arm was almost broken from the body.

"What's going on?"

At this time, the face of the general under Pierce's crossbones was as white as a dead man, and his eyes were full of horror and disbelief.

Originally...... It should be that he killed the boiled egg with one shot.

Why, why the bullet bounced back.

What the hell is going on?"

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