
["Past Flash" let go of his right hand and let Fiora's body collapse to the ground weakly, then gritted his teeth and said to the Flash:]

"Let's do it again. "】

["Uh...... You. "】

[Looking at himself who seems to have changed in front of him, The Flash wants to speak and stops. 】

[But at this moment, "The Flash of the Past" has "incarnated as Lightning" and disappeared into this timeline. 】

["You wait!"]

[The Flash chased after him violently, chasing the figure of his "past self" and once again came to the mysterious "God Speed Force Space". 】

["Barry, listen to me!"]

[Seeing that "Past Self" seems to be obsessed with wanting to change history, Barry smiles bitterly and tries to convince him.] 】

[But unfortunately, the other party can't listen at all.] 】


[I saw "Barry in the past", shuttling through the "Speed Force Space" again and again, trying to defeat General Zod, as well as all the Kryptonians, and save Supergirl Carla and Batman!]

[However, every time he tried, he failed!]

[Not only that, but when "Past Barry" reappeared in front of Barry, some fragments of Kryptonian armor had been inserted into his body! 】

[Looking at the Flash who was standing in the center of the "God Speed Force Space", motionless, "Past Barry" finally stopped, and shouted dissatisfiedly:]

["Hey, what are you doing? Do you just want to stand still?"]

["Barry ......"]

[The Flash took off the hood on his suit and said as he pondered the words:]

["You can't change all this, this is an absolute point in time that cannot be avoided!"]

["Barry, you must stop!"]


[Seemingly unwilling to listen to such frustrating words at all, the past Flash turned around and rushed into the torrent of time again. 】




[Time and time again, in the past, the Flash wanted to defeat General Zod and save everyone!]

[But each time he failed, and these failures also left more and more wounds on the Flash's body in the past.] 】

[Although relying on the speed of God, he can quickly heal all his injuries. 】

[But the fragments of the Kryptonian suit are also embedded more and more in him. 】

["That's enough, Barry, you stop me.!"]

[The Flash, who couldn't bear it anymore, finally seized the opportunity to pull the "past self" who was running wildly. 】


[It seems that he has killed the red eye, and in the past, the Flash suddenly lit up the "Fragment Long Knife" embedded in his right arm!]

[Fortunately, when he saw his face clearly, he came back to his senses. 】

"Listen up, Barry. "】

[Looking at the devastated "past self", Barry said bitterly:]

["Originally, the reason why I wanted to go back in time was because of ......"]

[Before he could finish speaking, Barry took off his mask as well.] 】

[I saw that there was also a scar on the left side of his face.] 】

[For some reason, even the Flash's "Speed Force" doesn't seem to be able to heal him. 】

["I know, you went back to save your mother. "】

["Huh, you ......"]

[Shocked by his own words, Barry sighed:]

"But this is a mistake, and I must correct it. "】

"No, you didn't make a mistake. "】

[In the past, Barry stubbornly shook his head:]

["We can save Mom, we can save everyone!"]

["No ......"]

[Barry takes a deep breath and says slowly:]

"We can't do it, everything that happens now is inevitable. "】

["Even if we try a million times, we won't be able to undo it."] "】

["No matter what we do, this world is doomed!"

[And all this is because I went back in time and saved my mother. "】

["You...... What are you talking about?"]

[In the past, Barry was dumbfounded, his brain was in a mess, and he couldn't understand it at all. 】

"Look around. "】

[Barry spreads his hands bitterly, pointing to the scenes unfolding in this speed force space.] 】

["We've made a mess here, and now the whole universe is in chaos!"]

"We have to stop. "】

[Speaking of this, Barry couldn't hold back the emotions in his heart anymore and couldn't help but burst into tears. (Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

["What's that?"

[In the face of Barry's ambiguous and incomprehensible words, "Past Barry" finally couldn't help but explode :]

["Listen, I'm just going home and doing the laundry!" You said I was a superhero and pulled me into this, and now what do you want me to do?"]

["You want me to stop being a hero, sorry, it's too late!"]

["Past Barry" roared loudly at Barry's face:]

["I'm the Flash, I can save everyone, no one has to die today!"]

["No ......"]

[Barry's tears finally burst out of his eyes and flowed down his chin:]

"Some problems are destined to be unsolvable, even for you and me. "】

"Sometimes, you just have to give up. "】

[The Flash said in a choked tone:]

"I'm going back in time now. "】


[It's like being stepped on by the tail, Barry screams in the past:]

["What do you want to do? Do you want to go back in time and kill your mother?"]

["Wait and see, let me try again, just once."] "】


[Looking at the past, Barry turned into lightning and disappeared again, and Barry reached out to pull it back.] 】

[But at this moment, a mutation suddenly occurred!]


[A black figure rushes out of the flow of time, grabs Barry's body, and slams him to the ground.] 】

[I saw that this guy was covered in black substance, only one eye and mouth were exposed, and he looked hideous and terrifying. 】

[He's the same "Black Lightning" who knocked Barry out of the stream of time!]


[Trembling with lightning from the other party, Barry trembled and fell to the ground, and finally got up:]

["Who are you?"]

["I ......"]

[In the face of Barry's question, the corners of Black Flash's mouth foamed, and he said in response to the question:]

["My Experience...... More than you can imagine. "】


[In the next moment, "The Flash of the Past" seemed to have experienced another defeat and returned to the speed force space again. 】


[Looking at the hideous and terrifying "Black Lightning" in front of him, "The Flash in the Past" was also taken aback!]

["Barry, you hurry up!"]

[Lest this strange person in front of him hurt his "past self" Flash screamed, and then condensed golden lightning and was about to launch an offensive!]


[Seeing this, "Black Lightning" also pounced directly!]

["Monster, get out of here!"]

["Past (Lee's) Flash" instinctively also released a bolt of lightning that hit Black Lightning's face!]


[This lightning bolt flew out, and it actually made a hole in the wall of the Divine Speed Force Space, revealing a strange scene outside. 】

[But at the same time, the "black substance" on the face of the black lightning that was hit also cracked, revealing the face below.] 】

["You ......"]

[Looking at the scars on Black Lightning's face and the familiar black substance on his body, "The Flash in the Past" looked down at the "Krypton Suit Fragments" on his body, and suddenly the spirit shivered. 】

"Oh my God. "】

["You...... Is it?"]

"Yes. "And]

[The wrinkles on Black Lightning's face mixed with white hair also showed out from the fragments of the suit, but he still nodded:]

["I am you!"]


[Barry Allen himself was also stunned. 】

[The "self" in front of me is obviously constantly shuttling in the timeline, and it has lasted for countless years before it becomes the old appearance in front of me!].

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