["Boom, boom!"]

[On the battlefield, there is smoke everywhere, explosions, exclamations, screams and death!]

[The army on the human side has no power to resist at all, and it is pressed and beaten by those Kryptonians, and it looks like it will be wiped out!]


[And at this moment, the Kryptonian spaceship suspended in the distance suddenly opened the cabin. 】

[A man dressed in black Kryptonian armor and wearing a black cloak.] Walked out. 】

[He is General Zod. 】


[Super girl Kara snorted coldly, her body turned into a gust of wind, and rushed straight in front of General Zod. 】

["Karazoel. "】

[Looking at the girl in a tight-fitting battle uniform in front of him, General Zode's face did not show surprise, but showed a relieved expression:]

"I've finally waited for you. "】

[I saw General Zode activate some kind of "Eighty-Nine-Three" device on his right arm, and then said indifferently:]

["The transformation of the Earth by the World Engine has begun, and Krypton can only be reborn if this world ends. "】

[Super girl Carla said in a cold voice:]

["Zod, Krypton has perished. "】

[General Zode did not respond to Kara's words, but instead changed the subject:]

["Your uncle, Joel, hid the key to Krypton's rebirth in a child's body. "】

["He coded the genetic data needed to restart life on Krypton, and compiled it into the child's DNA. "】

["Then, I used the escape pod to send the child to Earth. "】

[Kara directly interrupted General Zod's words:]

"Carl isn't here, you've failed. "】

[General Zod turned his head to look at the smoke in the sky of the battlefield, was silent for a few seconds, and suddenly turned back to Kara and said:]

"We found him. "】

[Looking at Kara, whose face changed drastically, General Zod continued:]

["We intercepted Cal Eyre's escape pod in space. "】

["But unfortunately, that cousin of yours is not the person we are looking for. "】

["Karazoel, the central treasure is on you!"]

[The muscles on Kara's face twitched, her eyes showed horror and anger, and she asked in an incredulous tone:]

["What happened to Carl Eyre?"]

[General Zod did not answer Kara's question, but continued to say in an excited tone:]

【“...... Your sacrifice alone will reincarnate our home planet on this remote planet!"

[Hearing this, Kara couldn't hold back anymore and roared desperately:]

["What the hell did you do?"]


[It seemed that it was difficult to face his heart, General Zode closed his eyes slightly, and then whispered:]

["In our attempt to extract the Nexus Treasure, the baby did not survive. "】


[Hearing that her cousin was actually dead, tears of grief flowed in Kara's eyes, and then her pupils suddenly turned crimson!]


[Two rays of heat, carrying the hatred and anger in Kara's heart, burst out of their pupils frantically, and hit General Zod!


[Infinite hatred has given Kara unimaginable strength!]

[Even General Zod, who has experienced a hundred battles, was pressed and beaten by this girl for a while, and he didn't even have the strength to parry!]

[And just when Carla fought General Zod, the two Flashes also mobilized their speed power to start a big battle with other Kryptonians!]


[I saw golden and blue lightning speeding around on the battlefield, even with the dynamic power and motor nerves of the Kryptonians, they couldn't catch up with them!]


[And in the battle, the strength of the Flash in the past is also jumping rapidly, and he has actually learned the trick of "releasing lightning with empty hands"!]

[But just when the two sides were fighting, something went wrong on Batman's side.] 】


[Batman piloted the Batfighter, Batman fired several missiles at a Kryptonian spaceship, but unfortunately all of these missiles crashed into the protective shield of the Kryptonian spaceship!]


[In the next second, the Krypton spaceship immediately returned the color, and a laser hit the Bat fighter!]


[The inside of the cockpit of the Bat fighter suddenly became full of smoke, and sparks shot indiscriminately, obviously extremely damaged. 】

["Oh no!"]

[Batman pressed the "Emergency Ejection" button several times in a row, but only heard the electronic sound of the system.] 】

["Ejection mode, fault ......"]

["What ???"]

[Kept pressing the button, but there was no response, Batman's expression suddenly changed from nervous to desperate. (Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

[And in the meantime, Kara has already beaten General Zod into the bulkhead of the ship!]

["Carl El ......"]

[Kara saw that General Zod had stopped resisting and seemed to have fainted, so he hurriedly grabbed it and began to operate the technological device on his right hand0.....]

[Obviously, she still has a glimmer of hope for her cousin, and wants to check carefully whether General Zod's words are true.] 】


But at this moment, Kara's figure froze, and a sharp spike pierced through her chest and abdomen, revealing from her chest. 】

[It was General Zod, it turned out that she didn't faint, but seized the opportunity and launched a sneak attack on Kara!]


[Kara, whose body was pierced, looked down at her wound in disbelief, and then fell to the ground with a wilt. 】


[Soon, another Kryptonian ship landed in front of General Zod, and two Kryptonians carrying some kind of technological device stepped down from it. 】


[General Zod stands up and picks up that special "device" to activate it!]

[Then he walked directly to Kara, who had fallen to the ground, and stabbed the spikes sticking out of the device into Kara's chest. 】


[The badly injured Supergirl fell to the ground weakly, just staring at General Zod with her eyes wide open. 】

"Your sacrifice...... is valuable. "】

[General Zod stared at Kara's eyes without flinching, and his eyes gradually dimmed as he watched her. 】

[At the same time, the "progress meter" on the mysterious device in his hand also began to fill up at 3.8.8..8.. 】

["Central Treasure Book, Extraction Successful!"]


[General Zod chuckles, doesn't look at Kara's stiff anymore, and takes his men to board his ship.] 】

[With the Nexus Treasure, it only needs to transform this earth into the second Krypton, and it can reshape the Kryptonian civilization here!]

[And at this time on the other side.] The Flash also heard Batman's calm voice from the communicator in his ear: "My record is about to crash, but I will try my best to find a backrest." "】

["What, Bruce, don't?"]

[The Flash was terrified and wanted to stop Batman, but he could only watch the Batfighter...... Rush to a Kryptonian spaceship without hesitation!]


[With a loud bang, the Bat fighter exploded into countless fragments!But the Kryptonian spaceship protected by a protective shield was unscathed!]

[Batman died in vain!].

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