"If we don't operate on Rocket Raccoon, he's going to die."] "】

[The wound on Drax the Destroyer's face was still oozing blood, but he couldn't care about it at the moment, just nervously looking at his friend lying on the hospital bed. 】

["There must be some way to bypass the device in its body!"]

[Nebula said in a deep voice:]

["It seems that there is a key that can override the death switch in the rocket raccoon!"]

"Let me search the database and see if I can find the answer. "】

[As he spoke, countless data symbols began to appear in Nebula's eyes.] 】

[Obviously, this "cyborg", which has been transformed into a mechanical "cyborg" with most of its body, has begun to mobilize its own "big database"!]

[Seeing this, the mantis woman hurriedly looked at the others:]

["Do any of you know where Rocket Raccoon came from?"]

[Star-Lord shook his head with a gloomy face:]

He never mentioned it. "】

["I see!"]

[Nebula's eyes still kept flashing the data 30 symbols, and at the same time he spoke:]

["The death switch inside the rocket body, most of the technology was developed by a company called the Auger Group. "】

"All the products produced by this company have passwords. "】

【“89p13...... This is the serial number of the rocket. "】

["He probably has 48 hours left."] "】

["Oh my God!"]

[Star-Lord turned around and rushed out of the medical room.] 】

["Hey, what do you want?"

["There must be a record within the Auger Group, maybe they know...... How do I turn off the death switch in the rocket!"]

["But...... They're really going to tell us...... Is it?】

[The Mantis Woman followed Star-Lord, wanting to speak and stopping. 】

["That's why we're breaking in!"]

["That's right!"]

["Drax the Destroyer" was murderous at this time, and the embarrassment when he was beaten by the golden monster on the ground was gone. 】

["We're going to break in, get the information to save the rocket, and then kill everyone who stands in our way!"]

[Star-Lord didn't look back, but still corrected: "Don't kill!"

["Okay, then I'll kill a few less."] "】

["Don't kill any of them. "】

【“............ Then I'll only kill one. "】

["Drax the Destroyer" muttered to himself with a face full of grievances:]

"A stupid and lonely guy who no one loves. "】

"Oh my God, that sounds so pathetic. "】

Star-Lord shook his head as he activated the Guardians of the Galaxy aircraft. 】


[With a howl that broke through the air, the aircraft slashed out a flash of fire, flew out of the void of ignorance, and jumped into the "hyperspace"!]

[At the same time, the picture turns, and I come to another strange planet.] 】

[This is a base full of high-tech. 】

[I saw a woman with a golden body, a slender body, and a noble dress, holding the golden strange man who was seriously injured by the nebula in her arms, and seemed to be healing him. 】

【"Oh...... My poor, poor baby. "】

["Mom...... It hurts. "】

[At this time, this golden strange man is completely no longer in the void before...... The majesty of the Guardians of the Galaxy was instead behaving like a three-year-old child, desperately coquettish to the golden woman. 】

[At this moment, from the gate of the base, a black man in purple armor came out. 】

[The black man glanced at the seriously injured golden weirdo and asked:] (Read the violent novel, just go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

["Tell me, did he get something?"]

[Another staff member of the base hurriedly bowed his head and replied:]

"No, Your Majesty, he doesn't. "】

["I warned you a long time ago, Supreme Evolution!"]

[The golden woman wore a cloak, stood up with great anger, and shouted at the black man: ]

"Those Guardians of the Galaxy are much more powerful than you think. "】

["Please ......"]

[Seeing that the golden woman was about to walk to the black man, a staff member next to her hurriedly took out a mat that was placed under her feet. 】


[Although the black man is shorter than the woman, he steps on this mat...... In turn, he was a head taller than her, and thus said condescendingly:]

"Perhaps you overestimated yourself, High Priest Sovereign. "】

[The black man reaches out and grabs the golden woman's hair and pulls her face to his side.] 】

[Surprisingly, the so-called high priest, who did not resist at all, seemed to be very afraid of the black man. 】

["There is no doubt that my design is flawed. "】

[The black man reaches out and breaks the high priest's 493 eyes, looking at her as closely as if he were looking at a laboratory animal.] 】

["I created you Sovereigns only to do an aesthetic experiment. "】

["That's why I've shaped you into what you are now, a bunch of stupid people with beautiful appearances!"]


[In the face of the insult of the black man, the beautiful golden high priest was full of helplessness, and it seemed that he could not even rise to the will to resist. 】

["Your self-esteem has gotten out of control, now open your mouth for me and say!"]


[The beautiful woman opens her mouth helplessly, acting like a patient facing a doctor.] 】

[While looking at the situation inside the golden beauty's mouth, the black man said calmly:]

["The injured fool next to him was supposed to be a warlock...... It's the culmination of your race's evolution!, but look what I've gotten?"]

And seeing this, the chat group is also lively.

Stephen Strange: The ......name Sovereign! It sounds so familiar!

Carol Danvers: That's a pretty powerful race in the universe, but I didn't expect it to be an experiment created by this black man!.

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