[Chasing the express car, Jackie Chan and Xiaoyu came all the way to a logistics center. 】

[However, Varon, who was wearing the other half of the mask, also chased after him.] 】

["Jackie Chan!"]

[Surprisingly, Wa Long's expression at the moment was as if he had seen a savior:~]

["Jackie Chan, what are you doing standing there? Hurry up and help me take this mask off. "】


[Looking at the hideous mask on the right half of Walong's face, and the panicked look on the left half of his face, Jackie Chan was also a little confused. 】

[It turns out that the evil magic of the mask began to control Warong's mind. 】

[But since he only wore half of the mask, he ...... There is still a part of sober sanity that is trying to fight. 】

["Uncle Long, go get the potion, leave it to me here!"

[Hearing Xiaoyu's "order", Jackie Chan was a little reluctant at first. 】

["Xiaoyu, I'll leave you alone. "】

["Don't talk nonsense, get out!"]


[I saw Xiaoyu turn her head, and the grimace showed a hideous and terrifying look on her face, which startled the dragon. 】

["Xiaoyu, wait, I'll go get the potion now."] "】

[Seeing that the erosion of Xiaoyu by the grimace mask was getting more and more serious, Jackie Chan hurriedly rushed into the express factory. 】

[At the same time, Xiao Yu and Hua Long also manipulated half of the Black Shadow Legion respectively and fought in the express factory. 】

["Bang, boom, bang......"]

[But after fighting for a while, Xiao Yu and half of the mask on Wa Long's face actually started to communicate:]

["My other body, we are one, why do we fight with each other?"]

["That's right, we should combine our dark powers!"]

[The more the two halves of the mask talked, the more speculative they became, and in the end, they actually fused each other's dark power into one "through the air".] 】


[I saw that all the "Half of the Black Shadow Corps" were also put together and became a complete whole!]

[Wait until Jackie Chan finally finds the magic potion, but when he turns around, he finds a complete group of pincer ninja soldiers, waiting for him!]

["Jackie Chan, help us. "】

["Shadow Ninja give me an attack!"]

[The other half of Xiao Yu and Wa Long's faces were still desperately begging for help, but the faces wearing the black shadow mask directly ordered the attack. 】


[In the face of the "Pincer Ninja" brigade that returned to "normal", Jackie Chan suddenly fell into an absolute disadvantage, and it was worth desperately escaping, and he had no power to fight back at all. 】


[And in the midst of the chaotic battle, the magic potion in his hand was also taken away by the ninja soldiers, and was thrown to Varon!]

["Hahaha! Great!"]

[Holding the magic potion, the two half-ghost masks also laughed.] 】

"Finally, I can be whole again. "】

["Stop dreaming!"]

[At this moment, Xiao Yu suddenly pounced on Wa Long's body and poured the magic potion on the hands of the two people. 】

["Come on, Varon, let's take off each other's masks. "】

["Oh, yes!"]

[I have long been fed up with the ghost mask on my face, Xiaoyu and Wa Long grabbed each other and pulled half of the mask on each other's face hard!]


[I saw two green lights flashing, and the left and right two "half masks" were all torn off!]

["Hahaha, I'm finally free!"]

[Breaking free from the shackles of the mask, Varon was immediately overjoyed and excited. 】

["Hey, Jackie Chan, do you want this half mask? I can sell it to you at half price."] "】

[Just when Varon was triumphant, he was inadvertently caught up in the "express dispersion" device in the logistics center. 】


[Before Warong came to his senses, he was treated as a courier to "pack the whole". 】

[In this way, Jackie Chan and Xiaoyu experienced a thrilling adventure and finally recovered the 8th mask. 】

[And the 9th mask is actually hidden under the bottom of the sea.] (Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

["Uncle Long, this is too simple. "】

[Easily obtained the mask through the submersible, Xiaoyu actually felt a little uncomfortable. 】

["Where are the Shadow Demon King Tara and his lackeys?"]

"I thought it was ...... At the bottom of the sea, we will start a final battle with them between good and evil. "】

"Don't crow's mouth. "】

[Jackie Chan shook his head and steered the submersible to the surface.] 】

[But neither Jackie Chan nor Xiaoyu knew that the Ghost Shadow Demon King Tara was actually hiding at the bottom of the sea!]


[But Tara didn't stop Jackie Chan from taking the mask, just quietly waiting for the day when the 9 masks were one!]

[Soon, Jackie Chan brought the 9th mask back to the vault in District 13. 】


0 begging for flowers

[But just as Daddy was hanging the mask on the wall of the vault, suddenly, all 9 weird masks actually emitted a strange vibration, and even emitted light. 】


[I only heard a loud bang, and all nine ghost masks turned into pieces!]

"The masks are all gone. "】

[Seeing this, Jackie Chan was stunned, Xiaoyu blinked, and actually felt a little happy. 】

["This...... It should be a good thing. "】


[As soon as Xiao Yu's words fell, strange black shadows emerged from the fragments of the 9 masks!]

[It turns out that as long as you put all 9 masks together, you will automatically break the seal on their bodies and release the ghost general!]

[This is also why, the Ghost Shadow Demon King Tara did not stop Jackie Chan and others from seizing all the masks. 】

[Because he knows that even if the mask is not in his hand, as long as it is gathered together, it can still achieve the goal!]

["Thank you, let's regain our freedom, Jackie Chan!"]

[As soon as General Ika stomped his foot, he crushed the fragments of his mask on the ground into powder. 】

["Now, let's repay you well!"]

["Huh! It's up to you?"]

[Although the Nine Ghost Shadow Generals are menacing, Xiao Yu is not afraid. 】

[I saw her directly pick up the dragon charms scattered on the ground, and when she raised her hand, she released a terrifying dragon flame explosion!]



[Even the Nine Great Ghost Generals can't resist the dragon spell with the strongest destructive power among the 12 spells! All of them were blown away by the power of the explosion, and the beaten people turned on their backs!]

[It seems that the power of the 12 spells is still on top of the ghost mask!]

["Xiaoyu, don't pick it up, go quickly. "】

[However, Jackie Chan always felt that he didn't have enough manpower, and saw that Xiaoyu was still squatting on the ground to pick up charms, so he hurriedly took her]

[Pick it up and run.] 】


[After rushing out of the vault, Jackie Chan hurriedly closed the solid door of the vault and locked the nine ghost generals inside. 】

["Hmph, everyone, hurry up and summon the Black Shadow Corps!"]

[Even if people can't get out, General Ika and the others still rely on magic to ...... in the corridor outside the vault Summoned a large number of Shadow Corps!]

[Now, Jackie Chan, Xiaoyu, Tru and Daddy's way is blocked!

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