
[Hearing the affectionate words of the "Second Doctor" in his ear, Rose first looked back at him in disbelief, and then suddenly stretched out his hands and put his arms around the doctor's neck. 】

[Rose then offered her lips and kissed the half-human, half-time lord of the doctor.] 】

[Staring at the scene in front of him, the gaze of a real Doctor Who...... All of a sudden, it became very complicated. 】

But he didn't say anything, but turned around in silence and walked into Tardis. 】


[Donna follows the Doctor inside, and the door to Taddis closes.] 】


[Seemingly awakened by the sound of the door closing, Rose violently broke free from the arms of the Second Doctor and rushed in front of Tardis.] 】


[But at this moment, a light flashed, and this magical time machine flew into the torrent of time again, completely disappearing in this parallel universe.] 】


[Seeing Rose's dejected appearance, Doctor 2 silently stepped forward and took her hand. 】

[In this way, Rostellor stayed in this parallel universe, leaving the mysterious Bo 787 forever.] 】

[But beside her, there is another 2nd doctor.] 】

[The two of them will get married and have children like human beings, grow old together, and finally die like ordinary people. 】

[For this human girl, maybe this is the best ending.] 】

Seeing this, the chat group was also lively.

Tian Xiaoban: Oh my God, what kind of operation is this?

Diana, Wonder Woman: I'm not surprised at all.

Wonder Woman Diana: The real Doctor Who...... Donna didn't respond, and another doctor just showed her love.

Tony Stark: I think Doctor Who backed down.

Wanda Maximoff: Doctor Who took the initiative to leave Rose to another self? Why did he do that?

Bruce Wayne: I should have guessed that.

Bruce Wayne: That Doctor No. 2, with the character of a human being, could not hesitate to exterminate the entire Dalech race.

Bruce Wayne: Doctor Who must have been worried about what this "second self" (BDEB) would do, so he asked Rose to "tie up" him and let him go through his life in peace.

Clark Kent: What? "Tie up"? What is that?

Loki Odinson: Hmph, interesting, in order to eliminate an unknown hidden danger, can even the woman you love give up?

Bruce Wayne: Both Ph.D. have the same memories and probably the same feelings for Rose.

Bruce Wayne: If Doctor Who doesn't take a step back, he'll probably have to start a battle with this "self".

Torrecchia: Hahaha! Interesting! In order to fight for a woman, fight with another self!

Torrecchia: I'd like to see it.

Doctor Who: I'm sorry, you couldn't have seen that.

Ethan, God of War: Hey, Doctor, you've sacrificed a lot.

Doctor Who: Perhaps, that's the price of living too long......

At this time, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】


[Inside Tardis, the real Doctor Who leans against the wall and is silent, his eyes full of sorrow. 】

[On the contrary, the "Dr. Dona" who has fused the wisdom of the Time Lord is extremely excited:]

Now that Dahlik is gone, the whole universe is at peace, and we can travel everywhere. "】

["There is a planet where the mountains will swing with the wind, can you imagine?"]

[Looking at the excited Dr. Dona, Doctor Who sighed slightly:]

["How do you know about that planet?"]

"Because I have your memories." ^"] (Read the violent novel, just go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

【"Oh...... How are you feeling right now?"]

["It feels great!"]

[Dr. Dona is like a doping, her eyes are shining, her chatter is endless, and she can't stop at all: "You know what? I would love to meet Charlie Chaplin, Chaplin should be interesting, Chaplin, Chaplin......"]

[Suddenly, as if her brain had crashed, she began to repeat certain words incessantly.] 】

["Uh-uh, what's going on......"]

[I saw Dr. Dona bending down in pain with her head clutched, unable to utter a word.] 】

[Seeing this scene, Doctor Who silently walked up to Dr. Dona, and the sadness in his eyes became even more obvious. 】

[He knew from the beginning that the human body could not withstand the memories and wisdom of the Time Lord at all. 】

[If Dr. Dona's condition continues, her brain will explode!]

[And there is only one way to save her. 】


[Tears suddenly welled up on Dr. Dona's face:]

"Doctor, I should always be with you. "】

"I know. "】

"Until I die, I should be in Tadis."] Travel with you. "】

"I know. "】


[Looking at the Doctor's sad but determined eyes, Dr. Dona finally breaks down.] 】

["You can't destroy all this, I don't want to change back like this!"]

[It turns out that the only way to save Dr. Dona is to wash away all her memories of the doctor!!

[However, for Dr. Dona, this is tantamount to erasing her adventure with the doctor!]

[This is the most important part of her life!]

["Dona ......"]

[The doctor grabbed Dr. Dona's body and said affectionately:]

"I'm very, very sorry that we did have the best time we had. "】

["This is the most exciting, unparalleled time!"]


[Hearing this, Dr. Dona's body trembled violently, and tears slipped down uncontrollably......]

[She knew it was all going to end.] 】

["Goodbye ......"]

[Affectionately utters the last words, and Doctor Who places his hand on Dona's head.] 】


[Dona desperately wanted to resist, but in the next second, the memory in her mind disappeared like a cloud of smoke. 】

[First encounter with the Doctor......]

【Ascend to the ...... of Tadis】

【Travel through the ...... in time and space】

[All these adventures, these memories, all come to naught!]


[Donna only had time to exclaim, then her eyes rolled and she collapsed into the doctor's arms.] 】

PS: Play The Last of Us (American Doomsday) next^.

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