["Impossible! This mural will never come true!"]

[After returning to his human form, Atreus is still very excited!]

[He couldn't believe it...... His father would have died, and he would have surrendered to Odin. 】

[And in the face of the angry Atreus, the black girl "Angelberda" behaved quite calmly:]

["Listen to me, this is the only future!"]

"It's better for you to accept it early."] "】


[After being comforted by the black girl again, Atreus finally accepted the reality. 】

[Next, this pair of young men and women spent a period of time together in this "iron forest". 】

[When he had had enough, Atreus thought about going home.] 】

["Go home, go home ......"]

[Lying on the carpet, Atreus clasped his hands together and kept silently, trying to stimulate his "wear" two, five, three "more ability" to return home. 】

【“............ Ah???h

[When Atreus opened his eyes again, he found that he had really returned home!]

[However, it's not Kratos's treehouse, it's the cabin he grew up in!]

["Oh no! what's going on?"]

[Atreus opened the door and saw that the outside of the cabin was already full of undead monsters. 】

["It's not this home! I want to go back to another home!"]

[Hurriedly closed the door, Atreus leaned against the door, closed his eyes and meditated desperately, trying to fall asleep again to achieve crossing!]

[It's a pity that he can't sleep at all because he is so nervous. 】


[I only heard a muffled sound, and the monster's blade actually pierced the wooden door and pierced in!]


[Seeing that there was no way to avoid it, Atreus had to lift his spirits and start a fierce battle with these undead monsters!]

[Having finally repelled the monster, he prepares to activate the portal again and return to the treehouse.] 】

[But I didn't expect that from inside the portal, the figure of my father Kratos actually walked out!]

["Boy, what do you want to do when you come here?"]

[Looking at his father's angry face, Atreus hurriedly made up a lie, but unfortunately it was immediately exposed. 】

["Enough is enough, boy, did you run alone in this kind of wilderness full of monsters, do you want to die?"]

[Looking at the stubborn Atreus, Kratos' face is full of hatred for iron and steel. 】

[But seeing that his son refused to tell the truth, the old father was also helpless, so he had to press this matter for the time being. 】


[At this time, the monsters in the forest rushed out again.] 】

[In the face of the enemy's attack, the father and son hurriedly put aside their differences and joined forces to fight the enemy!]


[Just as the two of them joined forces to fight against the undead monster, a female warrior wearing a helmet suddenly came out of the side, holding a sword and killing Kratos!]

["Who are you?"]

[Kratos wields the Blade of Chaos and fights this mysterious female warrior!]

[And during the battle, Kratos's face suddenly changed, and he discovered the true face of the other party:]

["Freya! It's you!"]


[Grabbing Kratos' shock, Freya knocks him to the ground and puts her sword on Kratos's neck.] 】

["Kratos, I'm going to put you through all the pain and humiliation, and then I'll let you die!"]

["No !!"]

[Seeing that his father was in danger, Atreus's emotions got out of control again!]

["Roar, roar!"]

[I saw that the young man's body swelled wildly and turned back into that head again...... The giant bear that once knocked Kratos to the ground!]


[Seeing the giant bear open its mouth and pounce on Freya, Kratos actually blocked in front of his son!]

"Atreus, you don't want to kill her! she's our friend! she's saved your life. "】

[With his back to Freya, Kratos used all his strength to suppress the giant bear!] (Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)


[Watching Kratos do his best to save "his" life at all costs, Freya's face kept changing, and there was a hint of surprise in her eyes. 】

[Is this man really the crazy God Slayer?]

[And I want to kill him again and again, is it right or wrong?]


[After pondering for a long time, Freya finally looked at Kratos and said in a deep voice:]

["Perhaps, you are alive, it is really more useful to me than dead!"]

[Hearing that two, three, and four finally let go, Kratos was also secretly relieved. 】

[Next, at Freya's request, he went to Warnerheim with her!]

[And the purpose of this trip is to break the seal that Odin originally set on Freya and let her regain her freedom!]

[It turns out that many years ago, Freya was the leader of the Asgardian Valkyries, and she was also Odin's wife....]

[However, this couple finally turned against each other, and Odin not only knocked Freya to the dust, but also set a seal on her, so that she could never leave the atrium again!]

[As long as this seal exists for a day, Freya will not be able to leave the atrium, and there will be no revenge on Odin. 】

[Kratos always felt a sense of guilt for Freya in his heart, so in the face of the other party's request, he readily agreed. 】

[Next, Kratos and Freya entered Warnerheim, one of the nine kingdoms, through the portal. 】

[The three of them went through a series of adventures along the way, defeated many powerful enemies, and finally broke the seal for Freya!]

["Really...... It's really over. "】

[Feeling the power of the seal, slowly disappearing from her body, Freya was so excited that tears flowed down. 】

[After a long time, she regained her composure and silently looked back at Kratos :]

"It looks like I'm going to either kill you right now, or ...... I can only forgive you. "】

[Kratos holds the Leviathan Axe in his hand, and while on guard, he said slowly:]

["So which one did you choose?"]

["I don't think I'll be able to do any of them!"]

[The muscles on Freya's face twitched constantly, and her teeth rattled:]

["There is always a part of my heart that hates you very much and wants to break you into pieces!"

"However, I also know that the real culprit is not you. "】

["But there is ...... between us"]

1.4 Seeing Freya's desire to speak and stop, Kratos reached out to stop her from continuing:]

["I don't need to explain it anymore, I understand everything. "】


[In this strange atmosphere, Freya slowly stretched out her hand, and Kratos also shook it.] 】

[This pair of men and women who were entangled by evil fate finally released their previous suspicions and came together again. 】

"I never regret saving your life. "】

[Staring at Freya in front of her, Kratos said in a deep voice:]

["I should leave your son's life and death at your disposal, and I should not deprive you of the right to choose. "】

[This steely man actually apologized to a woman!]

【“(o )"】

[Hearing Kratos' apologies in his words, Haruka remembers...... Badr was killed in front of her, and Freya lowered her head and tears rained down. 】。

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