[The so-called tenth kingdom is actually the "gap" between the nine kingdoms. 】

[But Tyr discovered this "gap" and skillfully applied it!]

[In the middle of this space, Kratos discovers a tower.] 】

[After walking in, Kratos placed the "Unity Stone" in his hand on a pedestal. ~】

["Boom ......"]

[The "Unity Stone" seems to have activated some kind of mechanism, and the huge tower has begun to "teleport" between the nine kingdoms-!]


[Every time you teleport to a new country, all kinds of monsters will rush into the tower. 】


Kratos wields the Blade of Chaos and kills all the monsters that come to the attack. 】


[After a series of teleportations, the tower finally returned to the Temple of Tyre in the atrium of Misgard!]

[Now they can use the Teleportation Wheel again and go to Jotunheim!]

[However, just as Kratos was using the teleportation disk, the accident happened again.] 】

[It turns out that Tyr used his own eyes to refract the light of the teleportation, which opened the portal to other realms. 】

[Mimir's eyes can do something similar.] 】

[However, now he only has one eye left!]

So, in order to open the portal, Kratos must also find ...... Mimir's other eye, gouged out by Odin. 】

Kratos turns back and learns a secret from the dwarven brothers. 】

[After gouging out Mimir's eye, Odin used it in order to prevent Mimir from using it...... Teleportation between kingdoms was carried out, and it was specially embedded in the idol of Thor, the god of thunder. 】


[Hearing this, Atrestone was stunned. 】

[He remembered very well that when the World Snake first appeared, he swallowed the "Statue of Thor" near the Temple of Tyre into his stomach in one gulp!]

[In other words, if they want to recover Mimir's eye, they must also run into the belly of the World Serpent!]

["Uh...... It's disgusting. "】

[Although Atreus's face was full of unhappiness, and now that there is no other way, Kratos still communicates with the World Serpent through Mimir, making him open his mouth. 】

[Later, Kratos rowed a boat, and with his son, entered the stomach of the giant snake. 】

[It took some time, but Kratos managed to find Mimir's gouged out eye in the stomach pouch of the World Serpent.] 】

[But just as the two of them were about to go out, there was a sudden violent vibration outside!]

["Boom ......"]

[It's as if the world snake has been attacked!]


[In the midst of the chaos, Kratos and Atreus fell out of the teeth of the World Serpent and fell to the ground. 】


[As soon as Kratos got up, he saw the huge body of the World Snake fall heavily to the ground, as if he had been knocked down by someone. 】

["Atreus ~ Where are you?"]

["Phew! I'm fine."] "】

[At his father's call, Atreus emerged from under the snowdrift with a disgraced face. 】


[At this moment, a bird flew down from the sky, and as soon as it landed, it turned into a woman, it was Freya, the witch of the forest. 】

"Hello, little one. "】

[After Freya appeared, she still behaved very friendly, and she made no secret of her love for Kratos. 】

[According to her, Freya appeared this time to find her son.] 】

[And at this moment, a familiar tattooed man suddenly walked out from the bottom of the lake. 】

[He is the immortal god Badr!]

["Hmph! I guessed correctly!"]

[Badr was full of murderous aura and glared at Kratos and his son menacingly:]

"As long as I hurt that strange snake, I will be able to lure you out. "】

[It turns out that the ...... who attacked the World Snake just now It is this "undead monster man". 】

[As soon as she saw Badr appear, Freya was stunned. 】

["Son ......"] (If you read a violent novel, you can go to Feilu Novel Network!)

["You! It's you!"]

[Badr turned his head to stare at his mother, and his eyes immediately showed bitter hatred.] 】

[It was because of his mother's "blessing" or "curse" on him that Badr became what he is now...... The Walking Dead Who Can't Feel Anything!]

["I'm going to kill you!!"]

[Facing the crazy Badel Kratos, I also want to convince him with my past experiences.] 】[]

[However, this immortal god has been subjected to "painless torture" for many years, and the whole person has gone crazy and can't listen to Kratos' words at all. 】

["Come on! Let's fight again!"]

["You brought it on yourself!"]

[In this way, Kratos and Badr started a new round of battle on the ice field. 】


[And halfway through the fight, Furiya suddenly intervened, wanting to use magic to bind the two and end the battle. 】

No matter how much Badr hates him, this woman still hopelessly dotes on her son. 】

["Get out!"]

[Badr deftly dodged his mother's magic and threw a large rock that hit Freya, temporarily preventing him from continuing to cast the spell.] 】

[However, Kratos dodged carelessly and was entangled in the plant vines summoned by Freya.] 】


[Seeing that the situation was not right, Atreus hurriedly rushed up, pulled out the knife on his body, and tried to cut through the vines and rescue his father. 】

["Huh, boy, I suggest you get out of the way."] "】

["I won't let you hurt him!"]

[Seeing that his father was in crisis, Atreus resolutely stood in front of Kratos. 】

"Okay! "】

[Badr sneered, and then rushed up directly with his fist.] 】


[Hearing a loud bang, Atreus was covered in blood by Badr's punch and fell backwards into Kratos's arms. 】

["Kid, are you alright?"]

Kratos was so shocked that even his voice trembled faintly. 】

[However, Atreus, who was lying in his arms, let out a long breath and suddenly whispered:]

"This blood...... It's not mine!"]


Kratos looks up in surprise and sees Badr standing in place, with a green plant stuck in the palm of his right hand. 】


[With a strange light, it lit up all over Badr's body, and it seemed that some kind of spell was being broken!]

[It turns out that not long ago, Kratos had personally tied the strap on his chest with a "mistletoe" arrowhead sent by the dwarves. 】

[And Badr's punch just now, so good that he didn't die, hit this arrow right on.] 】

[The arrow of "Mistletoe" pierced his palm, and at the same time broke the magic that Freya had cast back then!]

"What is this?" etc....... I feel pain!"]

[Badr stared at his palm pierced by the arrow, and suddenly opened his hands again, and used his body to meet the cold wind around him.


"Hahaha! My feelings are back. "】

["No, no, no!!"]

[Meanwhile, the witch Freya fell to her knees in grief.] 】

[Her magic is broken, which means...... Badr can be killed now!

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