[Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): Abuse of Divine Power?

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): Batman, are you thinking too much, he's just a kid. 】

[Bruce Wayne: A child can kill "God" like this without blinking, what will it be like when he grows up?

[Deadpool: Hahaha! I'll do this question!]

[Deadpool: That is to become the same as his father, to become a god-slayer who kills gods like slaughtering dogs!O(∩∩)O haha~]

[God of War Kratos: If I really don't have a choice, I'd rather my son be the giver of the killing, not the bearer!]

[Wonder Woman Diana: Kratos, you're thinking too simply, killer...... People will always kill them!]

[Wonder Woman Diana: Your life is almost made up of killing, haven't you even seen through this?]

[God of War Kratos: Whether it is a human or a god, they will die in the end. 】

[God of War Kratos: As a warrior, it is the greatest glory to be able to die heroically on the battlefield!]

[Wonder Woman Diana: Well, actually, I agree with you. 】

[Wonder Woman Diana: But, one-sided slaughter...... It's not the same thing as a heroic battle. 】

[While everyone is discussing, a new image appears on the screen.] 】

[Image continues.] 】

[Teach his disobedient bear child a good lesson, Kratos took Atreus and continued to embark on the journey to the top of the mountain. 】

[After reaching the top of the mountain, Kratos carved a new symbol on the statue in front of the stone gate using the giant's chisel. 】


[Through this method, he really opened the portal to the realm of giants!]

["Oh no! be careful!"]

[At this moment, Mimir's head, which was hanging from Kratos's waist, suddenly sounded a warning:]


[As soon as Kratos turned around, he saw the tattooed weirdo "Badr" rushing straight towards him. 】

["Do you miss me?"]

["Badr" sneered as he punched Kratos.] 】

["Boom ......"]

[And in the course of the battle between the two, the "only portal to the Giant Kingdom in the Nine Realms" was actually collapsed. 】


[Seeing that his father didn't seem to be able to defeat this weirdo, Atreus immediately rushed up with pride.] 】

["Get out of the way! Daddy! I'll deal with him."] "】


[Seeing his own bear child rushing up to die, Kratos hurriedly tried to stop it:]

["No, you're not ready!"]

["Let go of me, I've been ready for a long time!"]

[Seeing Kratos dragging himself and not letting go, Atreus was furious, first broke free from him, and then pulled out an arrow from the quiver and shot straight at his father!]


[Under the influence of Atreus's magic, this ordinary arrow actually lit up with a thunderous light, and a single blow pierced Kratos's chest, almost nailing him to the stone behind him!]


[Being pierced through his body by the thunder arrow, Kratos fell to his knees in pain, and his whole body trembled slightly with electricity. 】


[Looking at the good show in front of him, Badr did not continue to attack, but applauded happily:]

["It was really an eye-opener for me, I thought it was ...... My family is bad enough. "】


[After an arrow knocked down his father, Atreus swelled even more, and even rushed towards Badr with a knife. 】


[Don't dodge or dodge, let Atreus stick the knife on himself, Badr didn't even blink his eyes, just laughed loudly:]

["Boy, what your dad said is not wrong at all, you are not ready at all!"] (Read violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


[Pulling out the knife from his body, Badr casually stuck it in Atreus's shoulder, then carried the little imp on his shoulder, turned around and left.] 】


[Seeing that his son was arrested, Kratoston was in a hurry and hurriedly chased after him. 】


[A Greek god of war, a Norse god of immortality, the two fought all the way from the sky to the earth, and finally fought to the temple of Tyr. 】

["Hahaha! useless, you're already late!"]

[Activate the portal in the temple with your own hands, and Badr will teleport to the destination...... Settled on "Asgard", and then laughed loudly at Kratos :]

["When the portal opens, all of Asgard's forces will pour out and crush you to pieces!"]

"You're done. "】


[Seeing that the situation was critical, Kratos was in a hurry and used his Rainbow Bridge Stone to ...... the destination of the portal Changed from Asgard to "Hellheim of the Underworld"!]


[Just after the portal to the underworld opened, a strong attraction swept out of the door, sucking Kratos and Badr inside!]


[After falling into the underworld, Kratos got up as soon as possible to confirm his son's safety. 】

[Seeing that his son was only crushed under a small stone and was not injured, he first breathed a sigh of relief, and then scolded his son sharply:]

["Listen up, boy, don't talk back!"]

"Ever since I told you that you were God, you have become a completely different person. "】

["Over this time, you have become irritable, reckless, and disobedient!

["If you still want your mother to be proud of you, wake up quickly and don't fall deeper and deeper!"]


[Looking at his father's angry face, recalling what he had just done, Atreus was like being poured from his head with ice water, and at the same time, his whole heart was cold, and at the same time, he lowered his head deeply (with good money......]

[Just now, he even raised an arrow and shot his father. 】

[And in the end, in order to save him, my father fell into this underworld......]

[And seeing this, the chat group is lively again......]

Tian Xiaoban: Good guy, even Dad cums, this kid is really outrageous.

Wanda Maximov: Hmm...... I've come to believe Wayne's prophecy now.

Wanda Maximov: I dared to shoot my father with arrows at such a young age, and I got it when I grew up.

Wanda Maximov: If this kid hadn't died, he would have ...... in the future He will definitely become a demon god who kills indiscriminately!

Loki Odinson: Haha, don't you think it's strange compared to this?

Loki Odinson: That Kratos is also a god of war, how can he even be a milky imp...... Can you shoot him down with one arrow?

Rocky Odinson: Is it true that he's old? Even his divine powers are not as good as before?

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