["You've found the wrong person, get out of my house quickly."] "】

[has been in seclusion for many years, and the current Kratos has long lost the fierce fire of the past. 】

[In the face of this strange stranger, he just wants to send the other party away as soon as possible. 】


[Hearing Kratos' weak words, the middle-aged man covered in tattoos suddenly burst out laughing:]

"I thought it was ...... How smart and powerful are the people of your race? "】

["I didn't expect you to run into this kind of woods and hide, are you just a coward?"]


[In addition to the verbal provocation, the middle-aged man actually made a direct move and slapped Kratos in the face. 】


[Having never been humiliated like this, Kratos gritted his teeth, stared at the strange man in front of him, and said word by word: "Get out of my house!"]

["Hehe, if you want me to leave, you have to kill me first!"]

[The strange man's face is full of unscrupulousness, and while laughing, he waives his fist at Kratos's "Eight-Seven-Three" face.] 】


["I warned you!"]

[Being punched several times by the opponent, Kratos can't stand it even if he can endure it anymore!]


[Kratos throws a punch and knocks the weirdo out.] 】


[Surprisingly, the downed weirdo actually laughed again:]

["Is that all you have to do?"

"No, no...... That's a long way off!"]

[Seeing Kratos walking to his side, the strange man raised his head suddenly!

["It's my turn!"]


[Kratos' eyes lit up, and before he could react, he was punched in the face by a strange man's fist!]


[The force of this punch is unusually large!]


Kratos' burly body...... It was knocked away like a ball by a strange person, and the beams of his house were broken!]

["Hahaha! come, come!"]

["Abominable madman!"

[After getting up from the ground, Kratos' face changes as he looks at the strange man.] 】

[This guy is definitely not a mortal, but a god with divine powers!]

[Since the gods have come to the door, as a fierce man who killed the entire Greek god system...... Kratos is ready to move for real!]


["Boom ......"]

["Come on, come on, come and kill me!"]

[In the face of Kratos' crazy attack, although the weirdo has been repeatedly injured, he shows that he doesn't care. 】

Moreover, all the injuries on his body healed quickly and at a speed visible to the naked eye. 】

[It's like...... This weirdo has some kind of unimaginable healing power. 】

["You're too old and too weak!"]

["Get out!"]


[And just as the two were fighting, the weirdo broke through the roof of Kratos' house again and saw the situation inside the wooden house.] 】

["How come you have two beds in your home?"]

[The weirdo sneers and looks at Kratos:]

["Where did you hide the other person?"]

["Shut up!"]

[Finding out that the other party had actually noticed the existence of the "son", Kratos's heart ...... Infinite fear and anger were stirred!]

[No matter what, I can't let him hurt Atreus!]


[Under the psychological stimulation of "protecting the calf", Kratos finally burst out with the power of the "God of War"!]


[After a hard blow, Kratos lifts up a multi-ton boulder and crushes the weirdo. 】

["Hahaha!" (Read violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

[Unexpectedly, the strange man actually lifted the stone and fought with Kratos again!]

["It's useless, you don't matter how you attack me...... Nothing works!"]

[The strange man still has the blood that was beaten out by Kratos, but he still smiled proudly:]

["I can't feel anything, I can't die at all!"]


[In the face of this monster that can't be killed, Kratos tried his best, and after a bloody battle, he finally broke the opponent's neck. 】


[Throwing the monster's corpse off the cliff casually, Kratos, covered in blood, stood up with difficulty.] 】

[Because the injury was so serious, he couldn't even straighten his waist, so he could only lower his head and walk to his home step by step. 】

["This guy knows me, but I don't know him, who is he?"]

[Thinking of being evaluated as "old and weak" by the other party during the battle, Kratos's face was suddenly full of bitterness. 】

[Back then, he was also the god of war who shocked the Greek gods and terrified countless gods!]

[But now, he's more like a weak old man......]

And seeing this, the chat group is also lively.

Valkyrie Brunhilde: This is the "Greek god of war" on an alien plane, and it feels so weak.

God of War Kratos: ............ Woman, Hugh is babbling nonsense.

Valkyrie Brunhilde: I'm just telling the truth.

Thor: Hmph, if I run into this unbeatable monster, I'm sure to beat him to meat sauce with a hammer to see if he can be resurrected!

Rocky Odinson: A barbarian is a barbarian, who only knows how to solve problems with violence....

Loki Odinson: Wouldn't it be solved if I could throw it far away with magic so that he could never find his way back?

Diana, Wonder Woman: Strange, how do I feel like I've seen this immortal god somewhere?

Valkyrie Brünnhilde: Immortal...... Can't feel anything yet......

Valkyrie Brünnhilde: If I'm not mistaken, there's only one such Norse god.

Diana, Wonder Woman: By the way, it's Badr, the Nordic god of light!

Wonder Woman Diana: In mythology, Freya, Badr's mother, swore an oath to everything in the world because she was afraid of her son's accidental death...... Don't hurt him!

Diana, Wonder Woman: However, although this move made Badr immortal, it also deprived him of the ability to "feel everything".

Morty: What are you talking about? I don't understand.

Wonder Woman Diana: It's the loss of senses, the whole person becomes numb, whether it's pain, food, smell...... I can't feel anything.

Morty: Huh, what's the point of being alive? (⊙o⊙)

Kratos, God of War: Woman, you know the stories of the gods very well.

Diana, Wonder Woman: My job on earth is an archaeologist.

Valkyrie Brünnhilde: Badr, no wonder, in Norse mythology, this unfortunate god died at the hands of the evil god Loki.

Rocky Odinson: Hahaha! Now you know...... This god is powerful, right?o(**)o

Kratos, God of War: It seems that a weak god like you can still exist, it seems ...... The Norse gods are nothing remarkable either.

Loki Odinson: Hmph, ignorant barbarian, this god has always been a god who fights wits rather than strength.

0.7 God of War Kratos: If you dare to appear in front of me, I will let you know that in the face of true power, your little cleverness is meaningless!

Just as Kratos and Loki are arguing, a new image appears on the screen.

The image continues.

After returning home with difficulty, Kratos hurriedly took his son and left the dilapidated cabin. 】

[Now that someone has come to the door, it proves that this place has been exposed!]

[In order to avoid disaster and fulfill the last wish of his wife "Fei", Kratos led "Atreus" and embarked on a journey to the "Peak of the Nine Realms". 】

"Wow, that's how the outside world is. "】

[She had never been far away, and as soon as she left the forest, Atreus suddenly became completely excited. 】

[Halfway through, they also encountered a lot of skeleton warriors. 】


[And these undead monsters, without exception, were killed by Kratos himself.] 】。

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