[Video continued]

[After rushing into the bathroom, Lucy struggles to close the door.] 】

[Only then did she realize that the two fingers of her right hand had actually turned into ashes and disappeared completely!]

"Miss, open the door, you must go back to your seat."] "】

[As the flight attendant shouts outside the bathroom door, Lucy rushes to the mirror in the bathroom. 】

[After just one glance, she was stunned. 】

[I saw her whole body, from hair, nails to skin, all began to turn to ashes and drift away!]

[In the end, her face became like mud, and even began to melt gradually!]

[Seeing that her body began to fall apart, Lucy was terrified, and quickly opened her bag, took out the blue medicine from it, and frantically stuffed them into her mouth. 】

[After eating a large amount of "C·P· H.4", Lucy looks in the mirror again and finds that her face is gradually beginning to return to its original shape. 】

[Not only that, but because of eating too quickly, many "C·P· H.4" was glued to Lucy's face. 】

[From the mirror, Lucy can clearly see that her skin seems to have life, and has begun to absorb these blue substances on its own.] 】

[A large number of "C·P· H.4", was absorbed into Lucy's body in a short period of time, but the process of her body's "turning into ashes" was not only not delayed, but further intensified!]

["Hula ......"]

[I saw Lucy standing in the corner of the bathroom in a daze, her body extending from her hands, arms, and shoulders to turn into shining ashes little by little!]

[Finally, only to hear a bang, a bright light illuminates the entire bathroom.] Lucy's figure seemed to be out of sight. 】

"This ...... What is this? What's going on?"

Look at the strange and terrifying scene in front of you. Almost everyone in the live broadcast room was shocked.

Even Loki, who is the god of trickery, opened his mouth slightly at this time, and the whole person was stunned.

That's scary, isn't it?

Just now, I was using my superpowers to play with a few flight attendants, but now I actually ...... Reduced to ashes all at once?

Seeing Lucy's body turn to ashes, Tony Dark's pupils suddenly shrank, his breathing instantly stagnated, and a terrible thought suddenly rose in his mind.

How is this scene so similar to the scene that appeared after Thanos snapped his fingers?

And beside her, little Wanda exclaimed even more:

"Thanos! this is Thanos...... Snapping your fingers again?"

"No, it won't. Peter looked incredulous.

"There is also a Thanos presence in this multiverse?"

Loki was also uncharacteristically at this time, and said calmly:

"If it's really Thanos, there's no reason why only that one woman turned to ashes, and the rest of the plane didn't react at all. "、

"That'...... What the hell is going on?"

Peter blinked, a confused look on his face.

He was definitely not stupid, but the scene in front of him was so strange and incomprehensible that it confused Peter's head for a while.

At this moment, the voice of the black widow slowly sounded:

"There was a scene just now, I wonder if you saw it?"

Everyone looked at the Black Widow, and saw that she was thinking about it, and then said slowly:

When Lucy noticed that something was wrong with her body, her first choice was to frantically devour the remaining 500 grams. H·4"!"

"And, in these "C·P. H.4: "When it sticks to her face, I can clearly see that her skin is absorbing the blue substance!"


Little Wanda heard that her body was a little hairy, and she unconsciously hugged her arms.

Strange said thoughtfully:

In other words, the cells in Lucy's body were hungry for these substances. "

"Is there not enough energy?"

Tony suddenly spoke:

Previously, when Lucy communicated with the black professor, she had said that the evolution of her brain could not be stopped at all, and this level of evolution should consume a lot of energy. "

"Because there is not enough energy, the cells start to collapse and disintegrate?"

Strange was still a little puzzled when he heard this:

"If that's the case, why did Lucy's body completely crumble and decompose after devouring so much blue matter?"

Faced with this problem, Tony could only spread his hands, indicating that he didn't know either.

The Black Widow seemed to think of something, and suddenly spoke:

"In the memories of the black professor, there was one thing mentioned before. "

He said, "In the pursuit of eternal life." If the environment is good, the cells will choose to multiply and pass on the information. "

"But if the environment is not good, the cell tissue will automatically disintegrate. to achieve the immortality of a single cell.

The black widow said word by word:

"I think Lucy's physical 'environment' is very bad right now. The brain was developed in a huge amount in a short period of time, which not only caused her body to be on the verge of collapse, but also depleted the energy in her body.

"So...... The cells in her body are starting to choose to break away from her body and embark on a path of independent self-sufficiency?"

Tony's expression was extremely strange, as if even he didn't believe what he was saying.

"I don't want to believe that. "

Black Widow sighed softly:

But after ingesting that blue substance, Lucy's body and brain ...... There has been unprecedented change. "

"What's going to happen next, no one knows. "

Perhaps, after those cells have successfully absorbed energy, the process of Lucy's cell disintegration may be terminated. "

"What's next?"

Loki said with a cold face: "That woman has turned to dust, and she is dead!"

As if to echo Loki's words, the screen suddenly changed again.

[Image continues.] 】

[At an airport in France, the police officer receives a small bag of blue substance and a passport from his subordinates.] 】

[The police officer first looked at the name Miller Lucy on the passport, and then asked:]

["She has a scar on her lower abdomen?"]

[A doctor sitting in front of the police officer nodded:]

["Very new wounds, and stitches. "】

[The officer continues to ask, "How is she doing?"]

[The doctor replied, "It's fine, I'm sleeping."] "】

"The medicine I gave her will make her sleep for a day. "】


Loki was dumbfounded and shouted in disbelief:

"How is that possible? That woman's body has turned to ashes, how can it be okay?"

"Could it be...... Wouldn't it?"

Strange seemed to think of something, and shouted with a shocked face:

"Decompose...... Reorganized, her body turned to ashes, but in the end it was reorganized. "

Strange gasped as soon as he finished speaking, as if he was startled by his own speculation


Hearing this incredible and strange theory, Peter and the others were like lightning strikes, and the whole person froze in place, unable to speak.

Is it possible for a living body to reorganize when people have turned to ashes?

"Legendary ultra-miniature intelligent life?"

Tony Stark's expression was a little numb, and his eyes were in a trance.

In the previous video, Tony also saw himself in another universe, wearing nano armor, fighting Thanos in an amazing scene.

As a scientist, he is indeed extremely envious of this nano-level suit, and even secretly vowed to develop it as soon as possible.

But the suit is a machine!

The existence of ultra-miniature intelligence at the mechanical level is understandable, at least scientifically.

But...... After the human body is turned into dust, can it be reorganized again at the cellular level?

This is simply subverting Tony's cognition!

At this point, Tony and Strange glanced at each other, and from each other's eyes, they both saw a deep sense of horror and disbelief.

Suddenly, Strange said in a hoarse voice:

"If that Lucy really mastered the ability of 'cell reorganization', then what other way in this world can kill her?"

Tony said coldly:

"No matter how powerful the cells are, they are living things, so just burn them all at ultra-high temperatures. "

As soon as he said this, he suddenly remembered Lucy's miraculous methods, and immediately hesitated.

After thinking about it for a while, Tony suddenly gritted his teeth:

"I really can't, I can put this woman in a special prison and launch a rocket into space. "

"That's ...... No matter how strong she is, she can be a hundred!"

Seeing Tony's jealous look, Black Widow suddenly pursed her lips and laughed softly.

[Video continued]

[In one room, Lucy suddenly opened her eyes. 】

[The moment she opened her eyes, her pupils suddenly turned into carnivore-like vertical pupils. 】

With each blink of Lucy's eyes, the shape of her pupils also changed drastically. 】

[Eventually, Lucy's eyes revert to their human shape, and she herself sits up from the biography.] 】

"Amphibians...... Reptiles...... Birds...... How is that possible?"

Seeing the sharp change in Lucy's pupils, Peter Parker exclaimed in disbelief:

"How could a human being have such eyes, what the hell is this woman?"

"Boy, you know a lot about animals. "

After glancing at Peter with some approval, Tony frowned:

"First decomposed and reorganized, and now has the ability of animals, Lucy's body, is it ...... Has it really become the same as my armor?


Little Wanda asked with some curiosity.

Tony laughed: "You've also seen this armor, it's the one I wore in the image to deal with Thanos." "

With a look of pride in his eyes, Tony said slowly:

"Not only can it automatically disassemble and reorganize, but it can also transform the armor into various weapons such as shields, hammers, sharp knives, and energy cannons. "

"This kind of armor is simply a perfect combination of offense, defense and defense, and it can be called the pinnacle of weapons!"

Hearing Tony boast about his variant like this, little Wanda's face actually showed a little helplessness.

That man may not be a bad person, but he is really a bit narcissistic.

Hearing Tony's words, Peter's body was also slightly stunned, and then he swallowed his saliva and said in a tone full of exclamation:

"Automatic Conversion Form ......"

"Could it be that after reorganizing the body, Lucy already has the body and will ...... The ability to transform into animals?"


"What are you kidding?"

"How can there be such a thing in the world?"

All kinds of exclamations and doubts suddenly sounded in the live broadcast room, and almost everyone was moved.

Even Loki's eyes widened, and he said with a shocked expression:

"Can transform his body into an animal, is this guy a monster or a demon?"

Even the Protoss of Asgard can only use illusions to change their bodies.

If...... If you can really change between life and beast body at will, then there is no doubt that you are already a monster.

Hearing Peter's incredible hypothesis, even some people in the chat group couldn't bear it.

Wolverine: Hey, that kid named Peter, you're not kidding, are you?

Wolverine: Even some "beastified" mutants are half-beasts at best, and they can only turn into one beast!

Wolverine: That damn Victor can only become a tiger man, not a werewolf!

Wolverine: What if...... You're right, can that woman still be called?

Thinking of this, Wolverine only felt that his throat was dry, and he couldn't help but swallow his saliva.

Wolverine really didn't expect that after living for more than 100 years and being regarded as a demon and monster hunting by countless people, he would be shocked by a human woman!

Charles Xavier: The body can be divided, dissolved, and recombined at the cellular level, and she has also mastered the ability to transform into other animals, whether this Lucy is still a human or not. As a living being, she had reached a state of near-perfection.

Loki Odinson: Is it a perfect creature? Hehe, if this female monster wasn't about to die, maybe she would really deserve that title.

Stephen Strange: It's a pity that Lucy's body is already on the verge of collapse, and this decomposition and reorganization will further shorten her lifespan!

Natasha Romanoff: It seems to me that even if you have to die...... Before she dies, Lucy will definitely make some big trouble!

[Video continued]

[After waking up, Lucy changed into her clothes and walked out of the medical room. 】

[As soon as she walked into the corridor, Pierre, who received the nurse's report, led a dozen police officers and immediately surrounded her completely. 】

"Miss, don't move. "】

[Seeing Lucy appear, more than a dozen police officers immediately drew their guns and pointed them at her at the same time. 】

[But Lucy looked at Officer Pierre as if she hadn't seen anything, and said indifferently:]

"I have something to tell you alone. "】

[Pierre held up the gun and said confidently:]

"And I want you to put your hands up. "】

[In his opinion, before this woman ...... The reason why I can know my own situation well is that I used some kind of hack to hack my computer. 】

[But now, with so many police officers with guns, live bullets, no matter what tricks this woman has, she can only be arrested!]

[Facing a row of police officers armed with firearms, Lucy just raised her right hand, and an invisible wave spread out like a tide. Immediately spread throughout the corridor. 】

["Hula ......"]

[More than a dozen policemen, doctors, and even cleaners in the corridor suddenly fainted and lost consciousness. 】

[The entire corridor falls silent, and there is no sound for a while.] 】

[I found myself alone in a blink of an eye. Pierre looked left and right, his expression suddenly full of horror and horror. 】

[Cold sweat slowly slipped down from his back, and an inexplicable chill spread uncontrollably in his heart. 】

[What's going on?]

[What exactly did this woman do?]

[Seeing that Pierre was still holding a gun at him, Lucy walked directly towards him. 】

[Immediately after, I only heard a series of "bang-la-la-la" sounds. 】

[The bullets in Pierre's pistol unexpectedly fell out of their own accord and landed everywhere on the ground.] 】

[Walking up to Pierre at gunpoint, Lucy asked indifferently:]

["Did you get those three packs of medicine?"]

[Looking at the petite woman in front of him.] The confidence on Pierre's face disappeared cleanly, and the gesture of victory was gone. 】

[In its place, there is only bottomless fear.] 】

[Instinctively putting away the gun that had been reduced to scrap metal in his hand, Pierre said in a dry voice.] 】

["Take it...... I got it. "】

And seeing this strange scene, the entire Otherworldly live broadcast room became surprisingly quiet. No one spoke for a moment......

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