["What's going on?"]

[Looking at the scene in front of him, Heimdall's eyes straightened.] 】

["The broken blade in Sasaki Kojiro's hand actually glowed!"]

["Oh oh oh!"

[With Sasaki Kojiro's roar, a brilliant green light was released from the blade of his hand, shooting straight from the surface to the sky! 】


[In the midst of these two green lights, the figures of two women actually appeared. 】

["Wow! That's Sister Horrest!"]

[Looking at those two familiar faces, the little girl Gray trembled with excitement, and tears flowed involuntarily. 】

[Just now, she thought she had lost another dear sister. 】

["Great, I thought my sister was finished too......"]

[Wiping a handful of tears, Gray said to himself with a little doubt:]

["But how can a broken artifact become two knives?"]

["This is the artifact reforging!"]

[Brunhilde, who was standing on the side, clasped his hands to his chest, and his tone was full of uncontrollable excitement:]

["Of all the Valkyries, Horist is the only one with this ability!"]

["In her body, there are not only two personalities, but also two powers!"]

["Their respective names are ...... Trembling and Roaring!"]

[The more Brunhilde spoke, the more excited he became, and even the muscles on his face began to twist:]

["So, after splitting into two more knives, it just activates the two powers in her body!"]

["Hee-hee-hee-hee...... What a blessing!"]

["Huh, lucky?"]

[The little girl Gray was confused when she heard this. 】

[What's going on?,Isn't this your plan in advance......]

[And was it just luck?]


[In extreme excitement, Brunhilde didn't care about Gray's thoughts at all, just clenched his hands into fists, and shouted with a red face to the sky:]

["Goon! Kojiro Sasaki!"]

["Seize this opportunity and kill Poseidon!"]


[Just as Brunhilde shouted, Kojiro Sasaki's eyes lit up, and he swung the two blades in his hand at an astonishing speed!]

["Two Heavenly Rock Flow!"]

["Whoosh ......"]

[In an instant, the blades of Sasaki Kojiro's hands were like a raging storm, launching an unprecedented onslaught on Poseidon from all directions!]

["Miyamoto Musashi's two days are first-class ~~!"


["Yanagi New Yin Flow!"]

["One Knife Streams ......"]

[I saw that Sasaki Kojiro's knife skills changed rapidly, and countless genres were changed in an instant, and the audience was dazzled. 】

[It turns out that in the life of Sasaki Kojiro as a swordsman, I don't know how many swordsmen he has challenged. 】

[But because the objects he challenged were much stronger than himself, he ...... The result of every challenge is a fiasco!]

[And after the last fiasco and the hands of Miyamoto Musashi, he even gave away his life. 】

[The only thing to be thankful for is that due to the struggle before his death, Kojiro Sasaki was lured to the heavenly realm by the Valkyrie and became a heroic spirit!]

[In the past 400 years, Kojiro Sasaki has not slacked off for a day. 】

[Just keep using his "simulated" superpowers, and simulate all the information about the opponents he has fought in his life!]

[Through countless battles with these virtual opponents, Kojiro Sasaki has mastered all their swordsmanship!]

[And today is the day of the "witness" of this 400-year-long practice!]


[In the face of the ever-changing sword momentum, even Poseidon was a little embarrassed for a while, and he could only fall to the downside, and he had no power to fight back. 】

[But if you keep it for a long time, you will lose, just listen to a crisp sound!]


[Countless sword lights attacked from all directions, cutting wounds on Poseidon's body!]

[Among them, there is even a deep wound that can be seen in the bone, which appears on Poseidon's face!]

["Ooohoh! Poseidon is injured!"]

["Sure enough, even the blood that comes out of the gods is red!"]

["Sasaki Kojiro!Kill this god!Win for humanity!"]

[Seeing Poseidon's appearance covered in injuries, all the humans in the audience fell into extreme excitement and began to frantically cheer for Sasaki Kojiro!]

[But in the middle of the arena, he reached out and wiped the blood on his face, but Poseidon's eyes changed. 】

["You can predict all my moves?"]

[Poseidon slowly raised the Trident of the Sea King, and his powerful power was infused into the halberd. 】

["Mere human beings, it's really arrogant!"] (Read violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


[Kojiro Sasaki's face suddenly changed!]

[In the next moment, countless halberds, at a speed countless times faster than the speed of sound, attacked from the heavens and the earth!]

[This is Poseidon's trick to kill countless gods, demons and monsters......]

["The Great Flood of 44!"]

["It's coming!"]

[Looking at the fierce battle in the field, Heimdall also shouted excitedly:]

["As if to swallow up the entire earth, this is Noah's flood-like stabbing storm!"

["Now, Lord Poseidon has finally turned the tide of battle!"]

"It's incredible. "】

[Ares, the god of war standing in the VIP seat, was also stunned at the moment:]

["Poseidon's afterimage actually formed a sphere on the field!"]

["His movements...... How fast is it going?"]


[In the face of this terrifying attack that was enough to sweep the land, Sasaki Kojiro suddenly fell into a desperate situation of death. 】

[In this unprecedented predicament, the potential in his body finally exploded. 】

["If 1,000 predictions are not enough, then 10,000 predictions!"]

"Look at my ...... Unparalleled in 10,000 hands!"]

[Straight line Sasaki Kojiro's eyes lit up, his brain turned wildly, and the trajectory of each halberd pierced by Poseidon was all in his eyes!]

[All of Poseidon's movements were seen through by him...... And predicted!]


[After dodging all of Poseidon's attacks, Kojiro Sasaki finally grabbed his side. 】

["God, I'm finally here!"]


[Next, I saw a flash of cold light!]


[Blood spurts out, staining the arena floor red.] 】

["Snap ......"]

[At the same time as the blood spurted out, a severed arm holding the tip of the halberd also fell to the ground.] 】

[That's Poseidon's hand!]

[Just now, Kojiro Sasaki threw the strongest blow of his life, cutting off one of Poseidon's arms! 】


[Facing his severed arm, Poseidon's face did not change in the slightest, but he just stretched out his other hand and grabbed the trident on the broken arm!]

[He still wants to go on the offensive!] (No. Li Hao)


[In the next second, there was a flash of cold light, and Poseidon's only remaining hand was also cut off!]


[Poseidon tried his last strength and grabbed the tip of the halberd with his mouth!]

[But ......]


[I saw Sasaki Kojiro holding a knife in both hands and slashing down from both sides at the same time!]


[Hit by two knives in the front, Sedon's chest...... Suddenly, an unfathomable cross-shaped knife mark appeared, and blood flowed out even more frantically. 】

["You...... This one...... Trash fish!"]

[After Poseidon opened his mouth with difficulty to spit out these words, his body broke off from his chest! 】

[Kojiro Sasaki relied on his double sword flow to cut Aquaman Poseidon in half!]

Seeing this, someone in the chat group suddenly shouted excitedly!

Valkyrie Brunhilde: Win!

Valkyrie Brünnhilde: Whoahahaha! Those damn gods are finally dead at the hands of the humans I have chosen!O(∩∩)Ohahaha.

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