["It's disgusting!"]

[Looking at Zeus in the center of the arena...... The muscles of the whole body twist wildly, and it will look like a big lump of flesh that is wriggling and deforming! Most of the humans in the audience showed terrifying expressions. 】

[Some women can't help but turn their faces away and don't dare to look at it again!]

["What are you doing?"]

[Standing on Odin's shoulder, two crows screamed:]

["Zeus, this old man, is finally demented?"]

["Hmph, stupid brute, you really don't understand anything. "】

[With a familiar voice, from behind the throne of Odin, he suddenly stretched out two hands! Holding Fujin and Wuni in the palm of his hand!]

[And the master of these two hands is the winner of the first round of the battle, Thor, the god of thunder. ~】

["Crows who don't know how to pretend to understand, dare to talk nonsense, be careful - I ate you!"]

[Thor grabs the two crows in front of him in a vicious manner, and even sticks out his tongue as he grows angrily!] The expression was so strange and terrifying that Fujin and Wuni trembled in fright. 】

["Hum ......"]

[At this moment, Odin, who was sitting on the throne, said coldly:]

["I warned you a long time ago not to change into my son!"]


["Thor" was stunned for a moment, a strange smile suddenly appeared on his face, and he let go of the two crows:]

["I'm just joking, you don't have to be so serious......]


[I saw a colorful light flashing, and this "Thor", suddenly turned into a green-haired young man dressed in gorgeous clothes!]

[This person is the famous god of trickery in Asgard...... Loki!]

["Oh, I respect you so much, uncle, how can I eat your beloved crow!"]

[While gagging, Loki made it to the throne next to Odin and began to change the subject:]

["But then again, I'm hundreds of millions of years old...... I didn't see that old ghost look like this. "】

[Staring at the center of the arena, the eyes of the constantly wriggling and deformed "meat ball" Loki also swelled with undisguised envy:]

["I can fight against the old man Zeus in his final form...... "】

["That human named Adam is so lucky!"]

["It's so jealous!"]

[As he spoke, Loki's face began to deform wildly, and he turned into a form that was neither human nor ghostly, like a monster!]

[It seems that this god of trickery is also a monster with hidden terrifying powers!]

[However, at this time in the audience, no one cared about Loki. 】

[Everyone's attention was attracted by Zeus in the center of the arena!]


[The little girl Gray's face is pale, and her voice is trembling:]

["Zeus, what is he doing?"


[Just listen to the strange roar in the arena, as if a huge balloon has burst!]

[It turned out that it was Zeus with his own palm.] Squeeze the muscles on your body hard!】

[Those balloon-like muscles were all flattened by him with brute force!]


Zeus sweated like a waterfall, raised his head, and let out a terrible scream. 】

[This kind of cruel body squeeze obviously brought him great pain as well!]


[With the last crisp sound, a terrifying momentum was released from Zeus's body, blowing away the dust around him.] 】


[Seems to feel threatened.] Adam, who was standing with his hands down, suddenly raised his fists and made a fighting gesture, and his eyes became solemn. 】

["Hoo ......"]

[When the dust clears completely, everyone in the audience can clearly see that they are opposite Adam...... A strange man who is several meters tall but skinny has appeared!]

[This is the "final form" that Zeus evolved by compressing all the muscles in his body!]

["Ato's whiskers!"]


[Looking at Zeus's strange new form, Brunhilde, who has always been not afraid of heaven and earth, involuntarily clenched his arms and trembled violently. 】

"I'm ...... Did you instinctively sense the danger?"]

[It feels like falling into an ice cave, and cold sweat breaks down Brunhilde's forehead.] 】

[Being so far away can give her such a strong sense of threat. 】

[Zeus, this old ghost, what has he become of?]

["What a strong sense of oppression!"]

[Standing on the edge of the VIP seat, the god of war Ares only felt chills all over his body, and even his face turned pale. 】

["Zeus, what kind of posture is that?"]

["Hmm...... Have you entered the ultimate form?"]

[Looking at Hermes in a tuxedo, there was no surprise on his face, but he pinched his chin and pondered. 】

["When Lord Zeus is in excellent condition, it lasts for more than 10 minutes at most. "】

["Now that he's so badly injured, it's the limit to last 5 minutes. "】

["If he can't beat that human ...... within 5 minutes"]

[While Hermes was pondering, Zeus, who had entered his final form, continued to hear strange sounds. 】

["Gollum...... Crackle!"]

[It turns out that the "compression" just now was Zeus forcibly squeezing his muscles and energy to the limit!]

[In this state, he can exert the most powerful lethality!]

[But correspondingly, it will also bring him severe pain!]

[However, in order to defeat Adam, this unprecedented enemy, the "Father of the Whole Universe" has been released!]


[In an instant, Zeus raised his right fist and blasted his strongest blow with unprecedented momentum. 】

["God's Right Fist!]

["God Void Vision!"]

[At the moment when Zeus swung his fist, Adam's eyes lit up with red stars again, and his body reacted. 】

["The right fist of the true god!"]

[Copy again!]

[At the moment when Zeus swung out the "God's Right Fist", Adam's True God's Right Fist had already come first and hit Zeus's chin first!]

["Come again!"]

[Although he received a solid blow, Zeus, whose muscles were highly concentrated, seemed to have increased his defense, but his body shook and he raised his fist again!]

["God's Left Fist!"]

["It's useless! It's useless!"]

[Under the blessing of "God's Void Vision", Adam was not afraid, and every blow could come first, hitting Zeus's body first!]


[For a while, the center of the arena was like a cannon, and the sound of fierce fist strikes sounded!]

[But unfortunately, all these voices are Adam's fists...... Hit Zeus's body!]

[In other words, Zeus is being beaten unilaterally!]

[Seeing this scene, even the emcee Heimdall was shocked. 】

["Adam kept fighting back, and every blow hit Lord Zeus!"]

["But even so, Zeus keeps punching!"]

["Bang Bang Bang!"]

[Explosion-like "crit" sound...... Ringing in everyone's eardrums!]

[The two figures in the field attacked each other, and the phantom afterimage produced was not even clear to ordinary people!]

["It's useless, it's useless!"]

[Standing in the last row of the arena, the little girl Gray clenched her fists and shouted excitedly:]

["No matter how Zeus fights, Adam's "Divine Void" can perfectly replicate his attack, and then return to the past!"]

["Adam won this battle!"]

[Hearing Gray's words, Brunhilde, who hugged his arms tightly, suddenly changed his complexion, and involuntarily blurted out exclaimed:]

【“............ Not good!"]


[And at this moment, Adam, who had always had the upper hand, also had a sudden change in expression, and involuntarily ...... from his nose A mouthful of blood squirted!]

["Eh, what's going on?"]

[Heimdall was close and noticed Adam's abnormality at a glance:]

["Obviously avoided the attack of Lord Zeus, but Adam suddenly bled out!"]

["Oh no!"]

[Brunhilde's expression was solemn and he muttered in a low voice:]

["This is overloaded!"] (Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

["Adam is using the "Void of God" without stopping, and if this continues, his nerves will not be able to bear it!"]


[Holding his head in a little madness, Brunhilde let out a desperate wail:]

["That damn stinky old man, did he do it on purpose?"]

["The reason why he attacked Adam so desperately was to force him to destroy himself?"]


[Sitting on Odin's right hand, Loki, the god of trickery, suddenly let out a low laugh:]

["Zeus, it's really desperate. "】

["Look at ......"]

[Loki stretches out his hand and points at Zeus in the field.] 】


[As if confirming Loki's words, Zeus's "compressed flesh" as tough as fine iron suddenly collapsed!]

[Muscles are shattering!Blood is gushing!]

[At that moment, Zeus's body looked like a balloon about to burst!]


[Fujin and Wuni, a pair of black and white crows, were shocked by the sight in front of them, and their mouths opened wide. 】

["Is Lord Zeus going to explode?"]

["Hey ......"]

[Loki's eyes were as deep as water, and he said coldly:]

["His super-compressed state simply can't last. "】

["Zeus's body has also reached its limit, and it will collapse if it is a little bit closer!"]


[Speaking of this, the god of trickery snapped his fingers slightly, and on the high platform in front of him, a pair of glasses suddenly floated. 】

["This game is just to watch the two of them...... Who can't hold it up and fall first!"]

["It's like pouring wine, the wine in your cup overflows first, and whoever loses!"]

As he speaks, Loki pulls out two bottles of red wine and begins to pour liquid into the two glasses in front of him. 】

["Boom la la ......"]

[The blood-like liquor is poured into the glass, and the two glasses are quickly filled.] 】

[Due to the "surface tension", the sake has already overflowed the rim of the glass, but it has not flowed out for a while!]

[Now, Adam and Zeus are in such a dangerous state!]

["Both of their bodies are on the verge of collapse, and there is only one mistake...... It's going to be a whole loss!"]

[And in the process of this extremely tense "peak showdown", an accident suddenly happened. 】


[A drop of blood shot from Zeus's body suddenly splashed on Adam's eyes!]


[Originally, Adam's body had reached its limit due to his long-term use of "God Void Vision"!]

[And this drop of blood...... It was the straw that broke the camel's back. 】


[From Adam's five senses and seven senses.] All blood flowed out.

[And his body was also ...... in an instant. Frozen!]

[The state of "God's virtual vision" has been broken!]

[Just when Adam was stiff in place like petrified, Zeus's incomparably heavy fist did not stop. 】

["The right fist of the true god!"]


[Zeus exerted all his strength to "compress a punch", and hit the mortal Adam in the face firmly!]


[Knocked backwards by this punch, Adam involuntarily opened his mouth and spurted out a mouthful of blood. 】

[From the beginning of the war to now, this is the first time that Adam has been hit by Zeus!]


[Zeus was unforgiving, his fists burst out in a row, and he frantically beat Adam, who had lost his superpowers!]

[Unable to unfold the "Divine Void" anymore, Adam couldn't fight back at this moment, so he could only cover his head with his arms and put on a defensive posture. 】


[Seeing this, Brunhilde sighed helplessly:]

["God's Void Vision" was broken. I'm afraid Adam was blind in both eyes......"]

["I want to ...... There is no hope. "】

[Looking at Adam on the field, he could only stand there and be beaten, and the human audience outside the field was all desperate. 】

["Stop fighting!"]

["This victory and defeat is already obvious. "】

["Adam, surrender quickly!"]

[At this moment.] Adam, who was silently being beaten by Zeus, suddenly made an unbelievable move. 】

[He loosened his arms and took the initiative to let go of his defenses.] 】


[At the same time as Zeus smashed down with a punch, Adam stretched out his right hand and grabbed Zeus's head accurately!]

["Hehe...... I've got you!"]


[Seeing this scene, all the audience were stunned. 】

["Hahaha! In order to catch the opponent, I was deliberately hit!"]

[Loki, the god of trickery, covered his forehead and laughed maniacally:]

["This kid is really crazy!"]

["Oh, ah, ah!"


【In the middle of the arena.】 Zeus and Adam each grabbed each other's heads with one hand, turned the other into a fist, and frantically attacked the enemy in front of them!]

["Bang bang bang!"

[In this state, there are no tricks, secret skills, no meaning, ......]

[Only the simplest, most direct, and most primitive mutual assault remained!]

["Boom, boom!boom!"]

[In the face of this ultimate showdown like a street fight, all the audience fell into a deathly silence and silence, and no one could speak. 】

[I don't know how long it has been......]


[Zeus suddenly knelt on the ground as if his bones had been removed. 】


[At the same time, a large amount of gas ejects from his body.] 】

[At the same time as the gas flowed out, the tough steel-like muscles were all relaxed!]

["Whew...... Whoosh"]

[When the gas is completely discharged, Zeus is like a deflated ball, slumped on the ground.] 】

[At this time, he was covered with skin and bones, and he couldn't even stand up. 】

[Looking at Zeus, who seemed to be dying in front of him, Heimdall asked in a low voice in disbelief:]

["Lord Zeus?"]

[Zeus couldn't even raise his head, but just spit out a sentence intermittently:]

["Knot...... It's over. "】

["Yay !!"]

[Hearing this, all the humans in the audience let out a deafening cheer. 】

[Adam, defeated Zeus, the "Father of the Universe!]

[He won this victory for humanity!]

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