
"You...... You're actually"

Loki's eyes widened, his gaze constantly shifting back and forth between the screen in front of him and Thor's body, and the expression on his face changed instantly, looking wonderful.

He had known for a long time that Thor had deep feelings for him.

But even if he wanted to break his head, Loki couldn't have guessed that Thor would ...... himself Tattooed on his back!

The most outrageous thing is that he is still under his name, adding a "broken heart"!

How did he do such a disgusting thing?

"Uh...... Don't think crookedly, brother. "

Thor's face was flushed at the moment, and he waved his hands together, desperately trying to explain:

"The one on the screen must have broken my brain, that's why I did this kind of thing!"

"Phew, stay away from me! From now on, you are not allowed to come near me. "

"Brother, don't look at me like that, my heart hurts. "

"Get out of the !!"


Sitting on the throne, Odin looked at the pair of "precious sons" in the main hall, and the whole person seemed to be petrified.

After a long time, he let out a long sigh.

"Hey...... Asgard's Future ......"

At that moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】


30 [Looking at Thor, the god of thunder who was bare, still wearing disguise, and the female Thor and Valkyrie who were sitting in the seat, their eyes widened. 】

["Uh...... Should we go and help him?"]

[The female thunder god asked cautiously.] 】

["When the time comes, it will be ......"]

[Valkyrie said perfunctory words as he took a container from his hand and took it out and stuffed it into his mouth. 】

[It seems that these women are going to eat melons and watch a play here, and by the way, they will appreciate Thor's "carcass"......]

[Fortunately, at this moment, Zeus also set his eyes on :]

["You're also Thor's comrades, watch me take off your disguise!"]

["Wait a minute!!]

[The female thunder god and the Valkyrie were shocked when they heard this, and they hurriedly stood up and took off the robes they were draped over. 】

[What if Zeus, who doesn't know the gravity, casts a spell again and "strips them all naked"?]

"Hmph! I see. "】

[Zeus looked at Thor again, who was clean and slippery, bound in place by the golden rope of light, and sneered:]

["I remember who you are, Thor, Thor of Asgard!"]

"The last time I saw you was when Odin died. "】

[Next, no matter how much Thor pleaded, Zeus refused to help him:]

["Let me tell you, every god must take care of the affairs of his own realm, no more, no less!"]

["Asgard's problem is Asgard's problem, and it has nothing to do with all of us!"]


[Looking at Zeus who was full of fat in front of him, Thor was distressed:]

["You have fallen!"]

["My hero Zeus...... I'm scared now!"]

["What ???"]

[Hearing this, Zeuston changed color.] 】

[He left his high platform, reached out and lifted his little white dress, walked up to Thor in a huff, and then said in a low voice:]

["I'll tell you straight, first, I'm really scared!"

["That madman named Gehr has the Sword of Necromancy, that is, he has the power to kill us gods!"]

Zeus sighs softly, then a smile appears on his face. 】

["Second, I know you think you're doing the right thing, but you just cause panic when you yell like that!"]

"Panic only leads to trouble!" and we ...... It's actually safe here. "】

["My friend, you're actually safe in Magnum City!, so don't you make any more fuss, wouldn't it be nice to drink some wine and eat some grapes here?"]

["Third, you must not talk back to Zeus in Magnum City!"]

"As long as you obediently listen to me, I will change your clothes back."] "】

[Speaking of this, Zeus turned around and waved his hand casually, and a purple robe fell from the sky, covering Thor's body again. 】

["Oh ......"]

[Seeing this scene, the beauties standing on the high platform all showed disappointment on their faces. 】

[It seems that although they follow Zeus, the "fat lord god", they still prefer a macho man like Thor. 】

[Seeing that Zeus refused to make a move, Thor had to retreat and borrow the golden thunder from him. 】

["Ha, my answer is...... Nope!"]

[Zeus smiled proudly and said casually:]

["Don't worry, that God Slayer can't see the Eternal God!"


["Eternal God?"]

[Hearing this unfamiliar name, the female thunder god who was still sitting in the seat turned her face suspiciously and asked Valkyrie next to her:]

["Who is he talking about?"]

【"Oh...... Oh my God......"] (If you read a violent novel, you can go to Feilu Novel Network!)

[Valkyrie's expression becomes extremely ugly, as if he has heard something earth-shattering.] 】

["According to legend, the Eternal God is a powerful being at the center of the universe!"]

Moreover, if someone is able to see him, he will grant the man's wishes. "】

[Speaking of this, Valkyrie smiled bitterly and said to the female Thor:]

["What do you think would be the wish of a man called the God Slayer?"]

["Oh no!"]

[In the center of the square, Thor has apparently heard the legend of the Eternal God as well:]

["We must not allow the God Slayer to find eternity, otherwise, he can destroy us all with just one wish!"]

"Don't worry, he won't succeed. "】

[Zeus spread out his hands, his face full of disapproval:]

["He lacks the necessary key!"]


[Seeing that Zeus just kept making excuses, Thor finally became angry :]

["You will only hide in this golden palace like cowards, and you will not dare to face the real enemy!"]

["Is that a god?"

["If you all won't go, then let me go!I'll stop that God Slayer!"]

"I'm sorry, that's impossible. "】

[Zeus laughs cheekily:]

["The location of this universal city is top secret, and only the gods know!"]

["If you are defeated in the battle against the Slayer, he will pass through you...... Find it here!"]

[Gently shaking his fingers, Zeus smiled:]

"I won't allow that to happen. "】

[Seeing that the guards under Zeus had already picked up weapons and surrounded him, Thor took a deep breath. 】

[He knew that he had to go to war with the "idol" in front of him. 】

[At this moment, Valkyrie's voice sounded from behind:]

["Hey, can I use my plan now?"]


[Thor roared angrily, tried his best, and broke Zeus's golden rope of light!]


[I saw Thor use the light rope wrapped around his wrist as a weapon, and waved it casually, beating the guards who rushed up to the ground063, crawling all over the ground!]


[And the female Thor and Valkyrie also rushed up from behind, and a big battle started in this square.] 】


[Seeing his soldiers being knocked down one by one, Zeuston was furious!]

[I saw that with a wave of his right hand, he summoned that golden thunder, and then threw it violently!]


[With a scream, Thor's fellow stoneman was hit right by this golden thunder!, and the whole person was shattered and scattered all over the ground!]

["Korg !!"]

[Watching this friend who he had known for many years die tragically on the spot, Nursery only felt that the anger all over his body surged up on the top of his head, and his forehead burst into blue tendons. 】

["Odinson, you're next!"]

[Retracting the golden thunder, Zeus sneered, aimed at Thor, and delivered a fatal blow again!]


[Seeing the thunder shooting from afar, the angry Thor reached out quickly! At the last moment...... Snatched this artifact in your hand!]


[I saw that in Thor's eyes, the golden thunder flashed, and the strong lightning actually spread from his body to the golden thunder!]


[With his own thunder and lightning, Thor forcibly harnessed this artifact, and finally threw it back with force!]

And his goal. It's Zeus!]


[Just listening to a scream, Zeus's chest was stiffened, and he was punched by his own artifact!]


[With horror and disbelief in his eyes, Zeus's body shook for a moment, and then he fell from a high platform in mid-air. 】

[Lord of the Council of Gods, Lord of the Greek Divine Domain...... Die!].

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