In Asgard and Kama Taj, countless people's faces have changed drastically.

"How is it possible that the Ancient One Mage will die?"

Master Mordo gasped, cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and his face instantly turned pale.

In all fairness, he was quite dissatisfied with the Ancient One's ability to achieve immortality with the help of Dormammu's power.

But upon hearing that the Ancient One Mage might die, this dissatisfaction immediately turned into horror and ...... Aghast.

Once the Ancient One Mage is really dead, what should Kama Taj do?

Who will succeed her place?

Who can become a Supreme Mage?

In fact, Mordo was relatively calm, and at this time, the screams of the apprentices in Kama Taj Square had already become one.

"Wait!It can't be true, the Ancient One Mage is going to die!!"

"What's the problem? Could it be...... Something went wrong with this system?"

"No, since this screen came along, the question it asks has never been missed. "

"That's over! Without the Ancient One Mage, who can resist the Demon God of another dimension. "

Among all of them, the calmest is the ancient one himself, who was given a "death sentence".

Looking at the question on the screen, Gu Yi closed the fan in his hand and sighed lowly, with a relieved expression suddenly on his face.

Originally...... Is that so?

Is this where I ended up?

In Asgard, Odin suddenly stood up from his throne, his eyes full of surprise and disbelief.

"Ancient One, that Supreme Mage will die?"

Frowning and pondering for a while, Odin suddenly shook his head.

"Casillas, that ignorant mortal is not worth mentioning at all. "

"If the Ancient One really falls, it can only fall in ...... In the hands of a dimension lord like Dormammu. "

As the master of the dark dimension, Dormammu has devoured many planets and galaxies.

Dormammu's strength is considered first-class even among Heavenly Father-level powerhouses.

The reason why Odin has three points of respect for the Ancient One is because the Ancient One once repelled Dormammu who invaded the earth!

However, in the battle of a strong player of this level, the victory or defeat is often between the first line.

Therefore, in Odin's view, if Dormammu attacks again, the ancient one against it may not necessarily win again.

Once there is a mistake, it is not uncommon to be defeated and die.


In the Otherworldly Live Room.

Seeing this amazing question, several people in the live broadcast room glanced at each other, and they could see the incomprehension in each other's eyes.

If what Mordo said before was true, the Ancient One Mage had defeated Dormammu!

How could such a powerful character die so easily?

Even someone like Tony Starck, who has answered many questions correctly, frowned deeply at this time.

This time, it's not a multiple-choice question!

The method of elimination that he was good at before no longer works!

Just when Tony was deep in thought, little Wanda next to him said with some uncertainty:

"I don't think it's likely that Casillas will be able to kill the Ancient One. "

Peter nodded beside him.

"yes, if Casillas is really that strong. Originally in the New York Temple...... How could he be caught by Strange so easily?

"Ah, no, Mr. Strange, I'm not saying you can'....... "

Realizing that his words seemed ambiguous, Peter quickly turned his head and apologized.

Strange waved his hand to show that he didn't care, and then continued:

"I also think something is wrong, if that Casillas has full confidence to defeat the Ancient One, after he is unbound. There was no need to retreat from the New York Temple. "

Tony Stark listened and nodded:

"Yes, this guy didn't even have time to destroy the New York Temple, so he fled in a hurry, obviously because he was afraid of running into the Ancient One!"

"In that case... Answer... Is that ......?"

Loki groaned beside him, his eyes lit up suddenly, then he raised his head and shouted:

"It's Dormammu! The Ancient One Mage was defeated in the fight against Dormammu, and that's why he died. "

Seeing Loki's answer through the picture-in-picture, Odin nodded approvingly.

"This kid is really a little clever. "

It seems that he is the one who can answer the right question this time. "

After shouting out the answer, Loki looked at the screen in the sky with some anticipation.

In his opinion, this answer is almost certainly correct.

Then...... The sound of the system rang out.

[Ding! Rocky Odinson finished answering, and the Q&A system began to determine ......]

Rocky Odinson answered incorrectly. 】

[Receive a random punishment to randomly erase 10 types of magic mastered by Loki Odinson, and execute it immediately.] 】


Loki's eyes widened as if to grab something.

But at this moment. He felt a dizziness in his head, and his whole body staggered.

When he came to his senses, Loki was immediately shocked to find that he had 10 fewer spells in his possession.

The most troublesome thing is that these spells even include his favorite stealth technique!

He remembered the name of the invisibility technique, but he had forgotten how to use it.

"This ...... Am I wrong again?"

His face instantly became extremely ugly, and Loki stomped his foot in hatred, and turned away suddenly, not wanting others to see his expression.


"It's not Dormammu???"

Odin's one-eyed eye widened instantly, and his mouth opened.

At this moment, even as the God King of the Nine Realms, Odin couldn't help but lose his temper a little.

But in addition to being stunned, he just wanted to break his head, and he couldn't understand, except for Dormammu, who else on the earth killed the dead ancient one?

in the live broadcast room.

Seeing Loki's failure to answer the question, Tony and Strange glanced at each other, and their expressions became more solemn.

They could faintly perceive that this time the answer to the question would be more troublesome than they imagined.

At this time, Magneto's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Isn't it the legendary Dark Dimension Lord Dormammu, is it...... Is that Casillas?"

Although Eric didn't know what dimensional lord or Supreme Mage was, the situation in front of him seemed to be very clear.

That Casillas was going to kill Strange, and the Ancient One was here to save him!

These two sides are about to start a big war, the winner survives, and the weak die!

In that case, the Ancient One must have died at the hands of Casillas!

Thinking of this, Eric swallowed his saliva carefully, suppressed his beating heart, and finally opened his mouth:

"It's Casillas, the Ancient One mage who died at Casillas' hands. "

Hearing this somewhat unfamiliar voice, everyone looked back, and most of them had a look of surprise in their eyes.

"You're here to answer the question?"

"This newcomer is so bold. "

Ever since Eric had an argument with Wanda, he has been standing aside without saying a word, but who knew that he was so shocking that he even dared to answer this kind of question!

You know, this kind of unanswered question has always been the most difficult of all!

This newcomer who has just entered the live broadcast room for a long time, where does this confidence come from?

Sensing the eyes of everyone around him, Erickson took a breath and tried to stand up for it.

Eric isn't a stupid man.

When he recalled the announcement made by the system and Peter's advice to him when he first entered the live broadcast room, he already had a conclusion in his mind.

For some reason, this mysterious system wants them to answer correctly and get rewarded.

And this system is so powerful, so the rewards provided are definitely not anything ordinary.

Since such a good opportunity was bumped into by him, Eric, why should he give it to others?

Soon, the sound of the system sounded again.

[Ding! Magneto finished answering, and the Q&A system began to determine ......]

Magneto answered incorrectly. 】

[Gain a random penalty, randomly erase one-third of Magneto's magnetic control, and execute it immediately.] 】

"What? Erase my superpowers?"

The cold voice of the system was like a court announcement. It rang in Eric's ears and shocked his whole being!

At this moment, the confident expression on his face instantly dissipated. His expression froze completely, and his eyes widened in an instant.

His superpowers are a gift from the mutant bloodline, how can it ...... Can this system still deprive a third?

Looking at the frightened and shocked expression on Eric's face, Peter shook his head helplessly, walked up and whispered:

"Alas...... This system is like this, there is a reward for answering correctly, but answering incorrectly...... The price is also very heavy. "

"It's good if you get used to it. "


Eric's eyelids fluttered when he heard this, and he was speechless for a moment.

Seeing that there were already two people who had answered incorrectly, the enthusiasm of everyone in the live broadcast room to answer the questions suddenly dropped to a minimum, and no one spoke for a long time.

At this moment, Strange's eyes suddenly lit up, and he thought of a plot he had seen before.

"With the power of Dormammu, the Ancient One has lived for an unknown number of years. "

"In that case, his situation may be very similar to that person!"

After figuring it out, Strange threw his head up and shouted:

"It's suicide! The Ancient One Mage had been exhausted in the center of the battle for many years, so he chose to commit suicide by the enemy's hand. "


Hearing this incredible answer, the live broadcast room ...... Even though many people outside the live broadcast room were like being struck by lightning, they were stunned for a moment.

Soon, the sound of the system rang out.

[Ding! Stephen Strange finished answering, and the Q&A system began to determine ......]

Stephen Strange answered correctly. 】

"That's !! right...... Mage, you!"

Master Mordo suddenly turned his head and looked at the indifferent Ancient One, the expression on his face changed rapidly, and he looked completely stupid.

"Suicide......? Alas......"

Odin let out a long sigh, a look of regret in his eyes.

Even with the unparalleled power of the earth, but the ancient one...... You're still just an ordinary human at heart.

Isn't longevity a boon to you, but a burden?

[Stephen Strange gets 100 live streaming points, which can be used to on-demand the past and future related to himself]

[Stephen Strange gets a random reward...... Tiger Charm!]

[This spell can reconcile the yin and yang of the holder, and remove the defects of various magical powers, but if used incorrectly, it may separate the yin and yang sides of the user's body, and separate into two independent personalities with opposite personalities. 】

[Rewards have been distributed.] 】

"Yin and Yang Harmony? Personality Separation. "

Hearing the system's introduction to the spell in his hand, Strange frowned, and his mood suddenly became a little complicated.

This reward sounds a bit dangerous.

If you don't use it well, it will turn one person into two people!

At this moment, the picture that was originally frozen on the screen also began to play again.

[After the Ancient One Mage appeared, he just waved his hand slightly, and the surrounding space began to split and combine at will, as if he was obeying the orders of their masters!]

[This scene is exactly the same as Casillas's actions before. 】

[Master Mo Du looked at the ancient one, and suddenly his body shook violently, and he shouted in a low voice in disbelief:]

["It's true!"]

[A crimson magic pattern has appeared on the forehead of the Ancient One Mage.] 】

[It is no different from the line in the middle of Casillas's forehead. 】

[This magic pattern.] It is the representative of the magic of Dormammu. 】

"She did draw energy from the dark dimension. "】

[There was already a bit of grief in Master Mordo's voice, as if something he had believed in all his life had collapsed. 】

[Hearing Mordu's voice, the Ancient One Mage glanced at him, but did not speak out to defend himself. 】

Immediately after, she looked at Casillas. 】

But Casillas just responded coldly. 】

["At that time, I was desperate, confused, and helpless, I trusted you and respected you as a teacher, but you deceived me with lies. "】

[The Ancient One mage said, "I want to protect you!"]

"Don't you let me know the truth?" Casillas said with a sneer. "I now have a new teacher!"]

[Ancient One's expression has become a little sad: "Dormammu is lying to you, you didn't see its true face at all!"]

["Its so-called eternal life is not heaven, but endless torment!"]


[Casillas didn't seem to be going to believe the ancient one's words at all, he snorted coldly and rushed up directly. 】

[The Great War broke out in an instant. 】

Seeing this, Tony Starck also suddenly realized:

"No wonder the Ancient One was so surprised when he heard that Casillas possessed reality-bending powers. "

"Because, she has similar powers!"

Strange shook his head slightly, the expression on his face becoming a little complicated.

He could understand why the Ancient One would do this, but the price of all this ...... It seems a little too big.

[Video continued]

[In this war, both sides can distort the reality in the mirror space as they wish. 】

[But the strength of the Ancient One is obviously higher than Casillas, and even if he is outnumbered, he can still maintain the upper hand. 】

[But no one expected that Casillas actually stabbed his subordinate into the body with a sword when the ancient one grabbed one of his subordinates, and then strung the subordinates and the ancient one!]

[Next, Casillas flies up and kicks the Ancient One into a portal.] 】


[Through the portal, the ancient one fell from the sky and fell the streets of New York!]

"This ...... This is the death of the Ancient One?"

Seeing such a hasty ending in front of him, whether it was Strange, Mage Mordo, or Odin of Asgard, there was a look of disbelief in their eyes.

PS: There is one more chapter, strive to get out before 12 o'clock!

Ask for a few tickets!\(^o^)/~

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