Seeing this, the chat group was also lively.

John Constantine: Hey, hey, hey, it's not a joke, the molecule man who can fight against the Beyonder...... Defeated like this?(⊙o⊙)

Bruce Banner: The power of nothingness, is it so terrifying?

Bai Yuekui: Nothingness?

Bruce Banner: It's another personality of the Sentinel, just like the Hulk inside me!

Bruce Banner: As long as the void in the Sentinel's body awakens, release ...... More powerful than usual!

Bai Yuekui: How strong are the usual sentinels, is this golden man really an earthling?

Bruce Banner: He's really an earthling, but he accidentally drank a bottle of potion and gained the power of a million sun explosions!

Bai Yuekui: Millions of suns !! ( ̄口 ̄)!! !

Cosmic Emperor Frieza: Exploding ??? (⊙_⊙)

Vegeta: Earthlings, what are you talking nonsense?

Vegeta: If there really were a million suns exploding together. Your galaxy is going to be reduced to molecules!

Vegeta: How is it possible for humans to wield such power?

Tony Stark: No matter how unbelievable it is, it's true.

Tony Stark: After Robert Reynolds drank that potion, his body automatically connected to another plane and gained near-infinite power!

Vegeta: Another Dimensional ??? (O_O)

Bruce Wayne: yes, the scariest thing is ...... The so-called "explosion of a million suns" is just the power of the sentinels!

Bruce Wayne: The power of nothingness may be far beyond this level!

Emperor of the Universe Frieza: Far more than !!......

Ganata, the daughter of the Star Swallower: The explosion of a million suns is not an incredible ability.

Star-Swallowing Daughter Ganata: But that's a molecule man! a strong man who can stand up to the Beyond!

Goddess of the Stars, Ganata: Able to crush such an being, "nothingness"...... What is it?( ̄△ ̄;)

Sentinel: I'm sorry, I can't answer you, please don't be angry. (●—●)

Ganata, Daughter of the Star Swallowers: ............

Darkseid: Hehe, this is the number one powerhouse in the 616 universe?

Darkseid: Humans, such interesting creatures.

At that moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】


[In this battle of "revising reality", the molecular people only held out for a while, and then they were ...... Or "nothingness" is defeated!]

[Under the golden light that overtook everything, his body began to twist and deform wildly, and finally it was even stretched and even flattened!]

[It's as if the existence of three dimensions has been compressed into two dimensions!]

["No, no, no!!"]

[The Molecular Man has exhausted his molecular control power, but he has never been able to break free!]

[Looking at the dying and struggling Owen Jones in front of him, the sentry with dark eyes said in a voice without wavering:]

"Listen, Owen Jones, if you restore all the people you erased, I'll spare your life."] "】

["Ah...... Restoration!"]

[Like a tightly screwed towel, Owen Jones's body twisted together in mid-air, vomiting blood while screaming:]

["I've restored them all! spare my !!"]

[And at this moment, in the center of Dinosaur Town, a large number of people with confused faces suddenly appeared, as if they were sleepwalking. 】

[And the dark avengers who were turned into plants, stone statues, and even a pool of clear water by the molecular people before have also been restored to their original state. 】

"Okay, you can get out."] "】

[After spitting out these words, the sentry just looked at him, and the molecular man floating in front of him shattered with a bang!

【“............ (⊙_⊙)"】

[At this time, on the ground, those dark avengers who had finally returned to normal, looking at the scene in the air, were all dumbfounded, their mouths wide open, and they couldn't speak for a long time. 】

[After defeating the enemy, the black in the sentry's eyes gradually disappeared, and the whole person returned to the original appearance of a simple big boy. 】


[He slowly descended from the sky and landed in front of Norman Osborne, and said slowly:]

["Incredible, today...... I took my understanding of myself one step further. "】

[Norman Osborne was covered in bare, but he didn't even have time to find a dress to wear, he just stared at the sentry intently, and asked in a deep voice:]

["Robert, what 'knowing' are you talking about?"]

"I can control the molecules around me. "】

[The sentry slowly stretched out his hand, and with a flash of golden light, a werewolf with teeth and claws appeared in his palm. 】

[That monster is only one-tenth the size of an ordinary human, but it's obvious...... It's alive!]


[The sentry clenched his fist slightly, and the golden light in his palm, along with the werewolf, disappeared without a trace, as if it had never existed.] 】

["By manipulating molecules, I can modify reality, the original ...... I can do that!"]

["Who would have thought? Reed Richards doesn't know, and neither does Tony Dark!]

["They only know that I am different, but they don't know this ......"]

["Robert, no matter what, I want to thank you for saving us ......"]

[Looking at the sentinel in front of him, who is nervous, but has mastered the supreme divine power. Norman Osborne swallowed hard, but did his best to try to reassure the other party. 】


[The sentry's face shows a look of confusion again, as if it ...... He doesn't remember what just happened!]

["Uh...... My mind is a bit messed up, so I'd better go home first. "】

[After leaving this sentence without a beginning or an end, the sentry immediately flew into the sky and disappeared into the sky like a rocket. 】


[Looking at the sentinels in the distance, everyone on the ground is stupid.] 】

"Sir, you're in big trouble. "】

[Moonstone, who is a psychologist, said bitterly:]

["Have you read the Scarlet Witch's file? Do you know what happened to her in the end?"]

["The ability to modify reality, coupled with a crazy brain. This ............"]

Seeing this, someone in the chat group is bubbling again.

Wanda Maximov: What the hell, why does this mean woman have to get involved with me?o(▼Dish▼;) o

Wanda Maximov: Do I look like that sentry? Like? Not at all!

Sentinel: yes, you're a little girl, I'm a man, how can we be similar?

Wanda Maximov: Shut up! I didn't ask you!


Nick Fury: Sigh, I didn't expect that in the 616 world, there is such a character in "The Avengers"!

Nick Fury: I'm ...... right now They all began to sympathize with Norman Osborne.

Tony Stark: He chose to sit in this position on his own, and no one forced him, so ...... He had to shoulder all the responsibilities alone.

Daughter of the Star Swallower, Ganata: Do those who modify their reality abilities end up going crazy? Could it be that this ability affects the human mind?

Deadpool: Hee-hee, you're going to ask Wanda.

Wanda Maximov: Don't ask me, I don't have the ability right now! I don't want to!

Dr. Strange: If that's what you think, maybe...... I can help you......

Wanda Maximov: Huh?

Just then, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[Although the Dark Avengers defeated the Molecule with the help of the Sentinels, Norman Osborne found himself in a difficult situation. 】

[His mental illness is back looking for him.] 】

[Since the injection of the Green Goblin serum, Norman Osborne has a second personality in his body, which is the so-called "Green Goblin Personality"!]

[Originally, he had suppressed this personality through psychiatric treatment and drug injections, but recently, he can often see another terrible vision in reality!]

[That's a man dressed in green with a curved horned helmet on his head!]


[Norman Osborne can now see Loki every day!]

[This qualitative and intangible illusion cries in Norman's ear all the time, urging him to do all kinds of crazy things. 】

[In this state of madness, Norman's madness has also recurred!]

[On the verge of madness and collapse, Norman involuntarily came up with an incredible decision. 】

[He wants to attack Asgard, which has landed on U.S. soil.] 】

[If you can destroy ...... And destroy this "invader"-like Asgard, and the prestige of Norman Osborne and even the Dark Avengers will rise to the peak!]

[No one knows whether this crazy idea was implanted in Norman's mind by Noki or the influence of the Green Goblin's personality. 】

[However, Norman Osborne seems to have made up his mind.] 】

[First of all, he tried to get permission from the president, but was flatly refused. 】

["Enough! I don't need to pay attention to these stupid bureaucrats!"]

[Still wearing the armor of the Iron Patriot, Norman Osborne gave orders directly to the Sky Hammer Bureau and even the Dark Avengers!]

["Attack! I've got the President's order, let's go and raze Asgard to the ground now!"]


[Under Norman's order, the Sky Hammer Bureau's flying carriers, as well as the Avengers led by the Sentinels, suddenly rushed out!]

[They have only one goal, which is Asgard over Oklahoma!]


[Relying on superhuman speed, the Sentinel reached Lasgard first, and then immediately launched an attack!]

["Bold and fanatical, dare to offend our country!"]

[Sensing the enemy's attack, Thor roared and rushed straight forward. 】


[Two super powerhouses soon collided in the sky above Asgard!]


[Concentrating all his power on Thor's hammer, Thor struck hard and actually knocked the sentry flying!]

[But in the next moment, the dark avengers led by Norman Osborne surrounded him]


["Don't keep your hands!"]

["Attack him by all means!"]

["Fire with all your might, so that he can't stand up again!"]

[Countless energy beams, all kinds of physical attacks, all fell on Thor!]


[A huge mushroom cloud rises into the sky, illuminating a radius of several miles!]

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