"Rune King ???"

Hearing this name, most of the old members of the group who knew the bottom of the story were secretly startled, and their expressions became solemn.

However, those newcomers who have just joined the group are a little unclear.

Tian Xiaoban: Who is the Rune King, and where is the king?

Hermione Granger: Runes? Is it a Rune Rune?

Thor: Hah, little human girl, you're so knowledgeable that you even know that.

Hermione Granger: Hey, I just like to read all kinds of books about magic.

Hermione Granger: I haven't seen the runes of runes like yet......

Thor: I'll tell you if you're curious.

Thor: The Runelord is the most powerful god in the multiverse! Even the "god of gods" in the shadows has been destroyed by "Him"!

Thor: In a previous livestream, the Runeking cut off the reincarnation of Ragnarok, then became one with the universe and fell into a deep sleep!

Thor: If he really wakes up again, he will be able to rule the entire universe and bring peace to the whole universe with his benevolent rule. o(* ̄︶ ̄*)o

Rocky Odinson: My stupid brother, are you drinking again? That's why you say so much drunk.

Thor: I'm sober, I'm not drunk!

Just then, a new image appeared on the screen.


[A shining thunderbolt pierced the sky and crashed into the middle of a desert!

[This thing that fell from the sky is not a meteor or a meteorite, but an ancient hammer!]

[He is one of the best artifacts in Asgard and even in the Nine Realms: Thor's Hammer - "Mjörnir"!]

[Legend has it that only the person approved by the Divine Hammer can lift it. 】

[Otherwise, no matter how strong the strength is, it will not be able to shake this hammer!]

[And in the darkness of the night, a mysterious man slowly walked near the pit and stretched out his hand...... Lift the hammer with ease!]


[At the same time as this mysterious man raised the Divine Hammer, a thick thunderbolt rushed into the sky from the ground!

【“............ Who is it?"]

[In a dark corner of the multiverse, a blonde man in a white robe with extremely muscular muscles slowly rises from the ground. 】

"Who summoned me out of the void? "】

[With a look of confusion on his face, Thor looked at the pitch-black environment around him and muttered to himself:]


["That man has been obliterated by Odin's spell, and there is no way he can still summon me!"]

[The man Thor's name is Donald Black.] 】

[At the beginning, Thor, the god of thunder, was punished by Odin for being too arrogant and fell into the earth of the 616 universe. 】

[Under the influence of Odin's divine powers, he became one with a disabled doctor on Earth.] 】

[This man with a disabled leg and can only walk on crutches is Donald Black.] 】

[One day, Donald had a fight with his girlfriend, Jane Foster, and he walked into a cave in frustration, ready to calm down inside. 】

[However, he found a wooden staff in the depths of the cave.] 】

[Donald, who was full of frustration and depression in his heart, raised the stick and hit it on the stone next to him. 】

[But that's the move...... Triggered a spell!]


[Accompanied by a thunderbolt.] The cane in Donald's hand becomes Mjolnir's hammer!

And all of this is Odin's plan. 】

[It turned out that in order to make Thor, the god of thunder, realize his shallowness, Odin used his divine power to create Donald Black, an "artificial man", a long time ago!]

[And Odin's punishment of Thor was to wash away the memory of this silly boy and stuff his "source of divine power" into Donald's body. 】

[So since then, every time Donald transforms into Thor, the god of thunder, he thinks...... I'm just a "superhero" who can transform!]

[But I don't know...... He was originally a god!]

[Later, after a series of adventures, Odin believes that Thor has grown, so he uses a spell to erase Donald Black's existence and allow Thor to restore his memory. 】

[Since then, Thor has not seen the android again.] 】

[He never thought that after destroying Ragnarok, destroying the gods of God, and falling into a deep sleep, he would still be able to see this earthling who had been the same as him all his life in the "dream realm"!]

["Thor...... When all the gods were gone, I was born again on Earth. "】

[Donald calmly looked at Thor in front of him, and said slowly:]

["After the complete destruction of the gods, the existence of mankind is no longer determined by the gods. "】

["In fact, the opposite is true, the existence of the gods is now determined by human beings!"]

["Now you are still sleeping in my body, and you have not been fully resurrected. "】

["But you must be resurrected!"]

[Donald points to the darkness around him, and in this illusion, he shows Thor a hellish scene!]

["Bear ......"]

[I saw countless buildings in ruins, the earth was full of fire and corpses, and human civilization seemed to be completely extinct. 】

["Without you, this is the future of the earth!"]

[Donald's voice is raised a few points:]

["Back then, you once told me that you like humans and are willing to fight to protect them!"]

["Now......... Do you still think so?"]

[Thor nodded slowly, but shook his head again:]

"I'm still willing to fight for humanity, but ...... I don't want the tragedy of Ragnarok to happen again!"

["I sacrificed everything in Asgard to end the endless cycle!"]

["I will never let their sacrifice be in vain!"]

[At the beginning, in order to end Ragnarok, Thor even took the initiative to invite the fire giant Soult to destroy Asgard and kill everyone in Asgard!]

[The reason why he did this was to drag the gods of God into hell as well! Let these high-ranking "gods of shadows" no longer be able to draw energy from the "rise and fall" of Asgard!]

[Hearing this, Donald breathed a sigh of relief:]

["Thor, you have indeed broken Ragnarok!]

["Now, your fate, the fate of Asgard! is yours!]

["You're free!"]

["Do you want to waste this precious freedom in this void?"]

[Thor seems to be somewhat convinced:]

["Maybe I'm free now, but I'm a lonely god!"]

"Every Asgardian god I know has passed away. 】

"Those friends, brothers, and lovers...... None of them are gone. "】

["In this case, what's the point of resurrecting me alone?"]

[Looking at the sentimental nursery, Donald suddenly laughed:]

["Are you really sure they're all dead?"]

["You know, it's up to mortals to decide the existence of the gods!"

["As long as the myths about Asgard are still circulating on the earth, those departed gods will still exist in the hearts of mankind!"]

"All you need to do is find them and wake them up!"


[After a moment of silence, Thor asked the last word:]

["What about Asgard?"]

[Donald said lightly:]

["As long as Thor is there, there is Asgard!"]

["I see!"]

[After some ideological struggle, Thor finally made a decision!]

[He decided to break the eternal sleep and return to the world!]

[And use his divine power to bring back Asgard and all his friends!]


[Along with the endless thunder, a god dressed in armor and holding a thunder hammer appeared on the earth!]

[He is, Thor!]

[Looking up at the sky, Thor began to turn the hammer of Thor in his hand at an extremely high speed, and at the same time opened his mouth and shouted:]



[The originally clear sky was soon shrouded in black clouds,]


[And in the midst of lightning and thunder, a terrible tornado began to gather, sweeping everything in the wilderness into the sky!]

["Oh my God!"]

[On the edge of the wilderness, there are several policemen standing next to the police car, holding their hats with their hands and sighing in amazement:]


["The last time there was such a big tornado, it seemed that a house was swept up by the wind and ended up smashing into a witch!"]


[In the middle of the thunder and lightning and the hurricane, Thor unleashes his divine power wantonly, from the void...... Summoned what he wanted. 】


[With the sound of thunder, a magnificent and majestic palace slowly fell from the sky and fell to the ground. 】

[This is Asgard in the Nine Realms!]

[Thor "created" Asgard with his own powers, and summoned "it" to Earth!]

Seeing this, the chat group became lively again.

Rocky Odinson: This ...... How is it possible, that Thor actually has such a strong divine power?

Tian Xiaoban: Good guy, what did he do? (·◇·) ?

Stephen Strange: Asgard should have been destroyed in Ragnarok.

Stephen Strange: The Palace...... Exactly?

Demonic Doctor Strange: Void Creation?

Dr. Strange: Or, like the "red ball" in the previous video, Thor summoned a new Asgard from another multiverse?

Rocky Odinson: Harbour ??? (⊙o⊙)

Daughter of the Star Swallower, Ganata: No matter which one it is, the divine power of this thunder god Thor has exceeded the imagination of ordinary people!

Ganata, Daughter of the Star Swallower: The King of Runes!

Thor: Hahaha! Sure enough, the Rune King Thor is the strongest in the world!

Thor: When I resurrect all the gods of Asgard, I will be able to rebuild this "Asgard" on Earth!

Nick Fury: No kidding, since you're gods, why did you end up on Earth?

Nick Fury: Back to your divine realm?

Thinking that this group of unenlightened gods would run to live on the earth of the 616 universe! Lu Dan suddenly couldn't help but shake his head secretly.

The director of S.H.I.E.L.D. in that universe is definitely going to have a headache!

Just then, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[Thor has just summoned Asgard to Earth, and trouble is coming to the door immediately. 】

[The first is two local U.S. police officers, accusing Thor of encroaching on private property.] 】

[Thor didn't say a word, he directly urged the divine power to "pull" the entire Asgard off the ground and float in mid-air!]

"Now, it's not on the ground. "】

【"( ̄口 ̄)!! !"】

[Looking at the palace floating in mid-air, like a huge mountain, the policemen sat down on the ground in fright, unable to speak. 】

[Next, the farmer who owns the land came to the door again. 】

[Thor led him directly to the treasure vault in Asgard and sent him away with a large pile of gold.] 】

[Despite these troubles, Thor is still depressed sitting alone on the throne of the palace. 】

[Even if ...... Now he has all of Asgard, but what's the point of a king without subjects?]

["Sif Heimdall, Bald, Wostagg......"

["If you really sleep in the hearts of mortals, then please answer my call!"]

[Thor wields Thor's hammer and flies into the sky!]

[Even if he had to search the whole earth, he would have to find these former companions and friends!]

[Guided by some kind of sixth sense, Torran landed in a ...... In a dilapidated town that has just been hit by flooding. 】

[It's a pity that he didn't find a companion here, but he met a person he once knew. 】

[Iron Man Tony Stark. 】

[During this time period, Tony has just won the "Civil War", defeated the anti-registrants led by Captain America, and became the director of S.H.I.E.L.D.!]

"Thor, it's nice to meet you. "】

[Iron Man in battle armor looked at Thor, who seemed to be a little unfamiliar in front of him, and whispered:]

"I don't want to talk to you about those clichés, but you can't just ...... Asgard Summoned to the territory of the United States!"]

["Believe me, we can conquer your palace if we want to!, but we haven't done it yet!]

[After making some intimidation first, Iron Man's tone softened :]

["So, for the sake of our past friendships. Can you sign a contract with us and move Asgard somewhere else?"

"I'll ask you. "】


[Looking coldly at the tin can in front of him, Thor's body suddenly flashed with golden thunder:]

["Tony Stark, do you think I don't know anything about what you're doing?"]

["You defeated, imprisoned, and even killed those whom you once called companions, called friends!"]

["And you also took my genetic code and created a puppet controlled by you, a freak!"]

[Thor roars loudly!]


[Powerful thunder and lightning struck the ground around him like a dragon for 4 weeks, shattering the concrete ground!]

["Wait...... I know you're angry, but you're ......"]

[Iron Man still wanted to quibble, but Thor didn't talk nonsense with him, and directly raised Thor's hammer and struck it hard!]


[Thor just hit and flew Iron Man away!]


[After flying a few kilometers, Iron Man smashed into a building like a big rock. 】

["Warning, warning!"]

["The system has been damaged by 15%, and the self-repair function has been activated......"]


[Listening to Jarvis's injury report, Iron Man stood up from the rubble with difficulty, his eyes were already full of fear and horror. 】

[He never thought that the angry Thor ...... It's so powerful!]

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