
[After the transformation was successful, Ultraman Gaia immediately rushed in front of the monster and assumed a confrontational posture. 】

[But in the next moment, the signal light on Gaia's chest suddenly lit up.] 】


[Looking down at the flashing red light of the signal light, Ultraman Gaia was stunned for a moment. 】


[You haven't even started fighting yet?]

[How can this energy be used up?]


[Just as Gaia was pressing, the monster "Satan Bizo" had released a terrifying light!]


[The energy was greatly reduced, Ultraman Gaia didn't block the light of the monster for a while, and the whole person was beaten and flew out!]


[Seeing that Gaia was deflated, "Satan Bizo" took advantage of the victory to chase after him, and Ultraman was embarrassed, so he could only dodge left and right. 】


[After dodging several times, Ultraman Gaia knew that he would definitely lose if he continued to fight like this, so he made a desperate decision. 】

["Photon Blade!"]

[Condensing all the energy on his forehead, Ultraman Gaia waved his hands and threw out a photon blade that shimmered with bright red light!]


[Hit by the blade of photons with all his might, "Satan Bizo" only had time to let out a scream, and his body was shattered on the spot and turned into countless pieces!]


[After destroying the monster, Ultraman turned into light again and returned to the cockpit of the fighter. 】

["Just now...... What the hell is going on?"]

[I dreamed of the mountains that turned into human bodies, and my face was full of surprise. 】

["Why is the energy consumed so fast?"]

[Next, as soon as I looked up in the mountains, I saw a little chubby face...... It was right on the cockpit glass window of the fighter plane! 】


[Gao Shan, I dreamed of looking out of the window, and I saw countless people and children, who had already surrounded their fighters. 】

["My dream! It's really my dream!"]

["I'm dreaming!Hurry up and transform into Gaia, let me see!"]

["Transform! Transform! Transform!"]

【"Huh?(·◇·) ?"】

[It was not easy to get off the fighter plane, and Gao Shan I dreamed of looking at the excited children around me, and the expression on my face suddenly became wonderful. 】

How do you know...... Can I become Ultraman?]

[Moreover, even my name is known!]

[Am I so famous?]

"Wait a minute, don't come here. "】

[I can't figure it out, I can only rush out of the crowd in a hurry, I don't even care about the fighters, and I desperately escaped. 】

[In the process of escaping, Takayama I dreamed of hiding in a toy store. 】

[As a result, the TV in the store happened to be broadcasting the special effects drama of "Ultraman Gaia"!]

[Not only that, but the store is also filled with toys of various Ultraman and monsters.] 】

["Huh, this is ......"]

[Gao Shan's eyes are wide open when I dream of it, and my eyeballs are about to fall out. 】

[There are so many Ultramans in the world, he can't even name them!]

[Moreover, some of those strange monsters he still recognizes, and some of them are unheard of at all!]

[What the hell is this place?]

[At this moment, the manager of the toy store seemed to feel that Gao Shan was a little sneaky in my dream, and hurriedly snorted coldly:]

"Boy, don't try to steal. "】


[Takayama I instinctively looked up at the store manager.] The two looked at each other for a while, and the store manager's eyes suddenly widened, and he hurriedly looked back at the poster on the wall. 】

["You...... You are !!"]

[After looking back and forth several times, the store manager raised his right hand and shouted at the mountain dream:]


【“............ (⊙_⊙)"】

[Seeing this strange scene in front of me, Gao Shan I dreamed of stiffening in place at first, and it took a long time to come back to my senses. 】

["No, this is not my world!"]

[At this time, "Xiao Mian" also came to the toy store and confessed everything to Takayama My Dream. 】

["Red Balls?"]

[According to the red ball in the hand of "Xiao Mian", my dream is full of confusion. 】

[Why does such a small ball have so much power?]

[I scanned the red ball with my portable device, and I want to study it further.] 】

[But at this time, the police also rushed outside the secret base of "Xiao Mian" to arrest him!]

[In the chaos, "My Dream" was teleported back to the original world. 】

[Moreover, the red ball was also taken away by the "bad boys". 】

["Ah...... I remember. "】

[After returning to his own world, it took a lot of effort for Gao Shan I Dream to recall his adventures in another world. 】

[When I opened the device I used to scan the red balls before, I was stunned by Takayama and my dream!]


[Intense light erupts from the screen, pulling him into another world!]

[In the illusion of another world, I saw it in my dream, and there was everything about this red ball. 】

[It turns out that this ball is the ultimate device created by humans in a certain universe!]

[But because of the power of the red orb, the humans misused the device, and eventually led to the destruction of their world.] 】

["Now, another tragedy is about to unfold!"]

[In the illusion, the red ball said indifferently to the mountain dream:]

["The world I live in is about to perish because of human desires!"]


[I opened my eyes suddenly, and I dreamed of the mountains, and found that I was still sitting in the room of the base. 】

[But at this moment, he already knows everything!]

[His memory is true, and that red ball will soon bring disaster to the world of "Xiao Mian"!]

[In order to prevent the destruction of another world, Takayama Imu hurriedly sat on the "space-time mobility device" ...... "Adventurer" that had just been completed in the base!]

[Relying on the power of this device, he shuttled back to the world where "Xiao Mian" was!]

[And at the same time, in the world of "Xiao Mian", a terrible change has also occurred!]

[The bear kid who stole the red ball is a monster maniac!]

[He loves all kinds of monsters, and combines the limbs of several monster toys to create the most powerful combined monster "King Mars"!]


[Looking at the combined monster toy in their hands, the bear child and the others all showed weird smiles on their faces. 】

[It turns out that since the capture of the red ball, strange sounds have appeared in the heads of these children!]

[Their minds are all affected by the power of the red ball!]

[Now, they have to use the power of the red ball to turn this monster toy into "reality", and then use "it" to destroy the whole world!]


["Xiao Mian" was shocked when he saw it. 】

[But others are weak and weak, and they are completely suppressed by these bad boys!] can only watch each other...... Raised the red ball!]

["Now, let me show you how powerful and terrifying the monster really is!"]

[The bad boy raises the red ball above his head and yells:]

["Come out, my strongest monster, King Mars!"]


[Accompanied by the red light released from the red ball, a thunderbolt hit the sky from the ground, making a hole in the sky!]


[From the location of the breach, another thunderbolt slashed!]

[A strong thunderbolt struck the ground, and it turned into a terrifying giant beast!]

[That monster is exactly the same as the "monster toy" made by the bad boy, and it is the combined monster "King Mars"!]


[After the "King Mars" appeared, he first destroyed several buildings, and then opened his mouth and spewed out a blazing light cannon!!]


[Under the cleaning of the light cannon, half of the city turned into a sea of fire, and countless high-rise buildings were blown up into the sky!]

["Hahaha! Destroy, destroy everything!"]

[His mind has been completely distorted, and the bad boy holds the red ball in his hand tightly and laughs wildly!]

["My Dream ......"]

[Frightened by the terrifying scene in front of him, "Xiao Mian" shouted with the last courage:]

["I'm dreaming!help me!"]

[As if blessed to the soul, at the same time as "Xiao Mian" shouted this sentence for help, the sky was torn open again!]


[Takayama I Dream drove the latest time machine and fell from the sky from the crack! As soon as it appeared, it gave the combined monster a hard blow. 】


[After the time machine landed, it even turned into a robot and started a fierce battle with the "King of Mars". 】


[It's a pity that the robot can't beat the strongest combined monster after all, and it will soon be torn apart!]


["King Mars" opened his mouth and spewed out another light cannon, which smashed the cockpit of my dream in the mountains!]


[In the next moment, with a dazzling light, Ultraman Gaia appeared in front of everyone!]

["Boom, boom!boom!"]

[Ultraman Gaia and "King Mars" have a fierce battle!]

[Seeing that it was difficult to gain the upper hand in hand-to-hand combat, Gaia concentrated his energy on his forehead and used the photon blade he was best at. 】


[Seeing that the blade of photons was about to hit the monster, but no one expected that a strong energy shield would light up on the body of the "King of Mars" Ji Ren!]


[After receiving Gaia's blow, "King Mas" opened his mouth and spewed out another "incineration beam"!]


[Ultraman Gaia barely blocked this blow, but the person was also beaten and flew out, looking extremely embarrassed. 】

["Oh no!"]

[Seeing that the Ultraman Gaia he summoned fell behind, the "King Mars" suddenly became extremely nervous. 】

["It's you!"]

[Turning his head, "King Mars" immediately noticed the red ball in the bad boy's hand.] 】

[Hara, the wish of this bad boy is to create the strongest monster!]

[So that red ball is still releasing energy!] 】


["Xiao Mian" raised his courage and rushed forward, knocking the bad boy to the ground]

["Gollum ......"]

[The red ball also fell to the ground and rolled all the way away.] 】

[It's a pity that he can't die, and the four-eyed companion of "Xiao Mian" has actually become the next victim!]

[He was also confused by the sound of the red ball, and reached out and lifted the ball!]

"I hear the sound of this ball, but...... That's actually the voice of our own hearts!"]

["I hate this world, I'm not free at all!"]

[Stimulated by the desire of the little four eyes, the red ball in his hand began to swell, and even grew tentacles. 】

[Holding the "Monster Red Ball" in his hand, "Little Four Eyes" roared loudly:]

["I want to destroy this world!"]

["Then, I will make a wish on this red ball and create a freer and happier new world!"]


[At the same time as the little four-eyed took out the terrifying wish, the body of the "King Mars" underwent a new great change!]


[The body of "King Mars" split on the spot and changed into three monsters!]


[In the face of the attack of the three monsters, Ultraman Gaia, who was alone, suddenly fell into a desperate situation, and could only be beaten passively, with no power to fight back. 】

["Gaia !!"]

[Looking at the scene in front of him, "Xiao Mian" was very anxious!]


[At this time, due to the battle between Ultraman and the monster, the ground collapsed, and the building where these children were located also collapsed in half!]


[The children desperately pulled on to the railing of the roof, so that they did not fall to the ground.] 】

And in the chaos, the dangerous red ball also rolled aside. 】

[In order to save Ultraman, "Xiao Mian" desperately wants to crawl over and pick up the red ball!]

["The world will not be destroyed!!"

[At the last moment, "Xiao Mian" jumped up from the stone pillar and successfully got the red ball!]

["I'm going to make the monster disappear, save my dream!"]

[Raising the red ball, "Xiao Mian" shouted loudly, but nothing happened.] 】

["Hehe...... It's useless. "】

[The cold voice of the red ball sounded in the mind of "Xiao Mian" again. 】

"What has been materialized will not disappear. "】

["How can this be?"]

[Watching Ultraman Gaia being beaten by three monsters and flying around in the sky after being beaten, "Xiao Mian" knelt on the ground in despair, his face full of tears. 】

[At this moment, he suddenly heard...... There was a sound of cheering from the side. 】

["Don't give up!"]

["Xiao Mian", try hard again!"]


["Xiao Mian" looked back and saw that the three "bad boys" were trying to grab the railing on the roof of the building, while cheering him on!]

[It turned out that they were just confused by the sound of the red ball before, and deep down they were not bad. 】

["I'm not alone, and neither is Ultraman!"]

[Just as "Xiao Mian" raised the red ball and shouted again, one of the monsters suddenly opened its mouth and aimed at the building where the children were, releasing a ball of light!]


[The building shattered in an instant, and the children on the roof were blown away.] 】

["Radiant ......"]

["Xiao Mian" only had time to shout this sentence, and the red ball in his hand suddenly emitted a dazzling light again!]

[In the light of the light, two giant hands of light suddenly appeared in the air and caught all the children. 】

["You are ......"]

[On a "giant hand of light", the frightened "Xiao Mian" looked up and suddenly shouted in surprise: "Ultraman Tiga!"

[That's right, the embodiment of this light...... It's Tiga, the giant of light!]

[And by Tiga's side, there is still Ultraman Dinah!]


In the team building of the victory team, Da Gu who saw this scene was suddenly taken aback and involuntarily stood up from his seat!

"I, too, have gone to another world!"

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