[The genetic prototypes under the emperor's command are all excellent generals, but many of them ...... All are the worst rulers. 】

[In the Great Expedition, countless planets were razed to the ground by the Astarte Legion led by the original because they were unwilling to surrender. 】

[Even Horus once advised the emperor to impose an extinction order on the planet inhabited by humans!]

[But Kiliman and the ultramarines under his command are the most special existences. 】

[Unless diplomacy is completely rendered ineffective, Killiman will not launch a military attack on a planet colonized by humans.] 】

[Even if a planet is conquered by forceful means, the Ultramarines will immediately dispatch excellent civilian officials to bring post-war revival to the planet with the fastest speed and the most secure means. 】

[Killiman's strength, in the genetic primordial, can only be ranked in the middle at most, but he has an ability, which is incomparable to almost all primitives. 】

[That's the otherworldly ability of the brain.] 】

[It is said that Killiman's brain can process hundreds of things at the same time almost as much as a computer!]

He was not only an excellent military commander, but also a great politician and administrator. 】

[On the battlefield, Killiman will weigh various strategies and choose the most effective one to achieve the greatest result with the least casualties.] 】

In addition to being invincible militarily and outstanding in governance, Killiman was also an excellent educator. 】

[He will try his best to educate his extreme warriors and learn all kinds of knowledge other than military affairs.] 】

[including history, economics, politics and even art and culture......]

[In Kiliman's vision, after the end of the Great Expedition, all Ultramarines can lay down their arms and become officials of the Empire, thus benefiting one side. 】

[Under Kiriman's amazing governance ability and charisma, the planets conquered by the Ultramarines are all happily subsumed under the rule of the Empire. 】

[These planets not only willingly became the advance base of the Imperial Expedition, but even took the initiative to provide troops to the Ultramarines. 】

[If there is a son of a certain family who can be lucky enough to pass the screening, be able to undergo transformation surgery, and become a new extreme warrior, it is simply a rare honor, enough to make parents proud. 】

[When the Great Expedition was in the middle and late stages, the star field controlled by the Ultramarines was already the largest of all the Astarte Legions. 】

[Other genetic primitives often have only one conscription planet, which is the mother planet that the primordial fell to when they were young. 】

[And Killiman will conquer all the planets because of his unique ability to govern...... have become their own big rear. 】

[Led by Macurag, these planets add up...... It's close to 500!]

[This large star field is called "Otrama" by outsiders, also known as "Five Hundred Worlds"!]

[Under the rule of Killiman and the Ultramarines, the 500 planets have not only become excellent forward bases and recruiting points, but he also has terrifying industrial strength. 】

[These hundreds of planets. It can produce a steady stream of ...... Countless weapons of war, from space battleships to knight titans!]

[It is precisely because of such a large rear that Killiman and the Ultramarines can win one victory after another on the front line!]

Seeing this, the chat group became lively again.

Tian Xiaoban: Wow! It turns out that Kiliman is so powerful, he actually commands 500 planets!

Wonder Woman Diana: Not only that, but this man has also governed all 500 planets very well, so that everyone is pleased.

Captain of the United States: Wonder Woman Diana:

Holy Keisha: Huh...... I didn't expect that such a great figure could appear in the human world.

Holy Keisha: I don't know what you think, but in my opinion, this Killiman is arguably more qualified than the "Emperor" to be the Lord of Humanity.

Carol Danvers: Oh? Do you think so highly of Killiman?

Holy Kesha: Of course, his philosophy is quite similar to the "righteous order" of our angels.

Holy Kaisha: The ruler who can stop wars and make the people under his rule live happily is rare in the known universe.

Robert Killiman: Wry smile, please don't talk about it, how can I compare to the Emperor?

Wanda Maximov: Haha! The great King of the Five Hundred Worlds has finally spoken!

Wanda Maximov: What? Did you warn your father?

Robert Killman: ...... The storm in the subspace is so severe that I've ordered the psionics to keep trying, but the results aren't promising......

Thanos Sanos: Hahaha, don't worry, according to the system's prompts, Horus, who was armed with a hammer, was finally killed by your father!

Thanos Thanos: His rebellion ended in failure!

Robert Killiman: Horus challenged the Emperor and then died in battle......? Is this also happening in a parallel universe? (⊙o⊙)

Thanos Thanos: Hmph, that's still a matter of saying.

Bruce Wayne: You can't tell your father, so ...... Can you inform your other brothers?

Robert Killiman: Under the influence of a subspace storm, no faster-than-light communication can be reached.

Robert Killiman: If you use ordinary means of communication, it will take at least hundreds of thousands of years.

Tian Xiaoban: Oh, that's really bad.

Robert Killiman: ............

Just then, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[And just when the various genetic protogens, including Killman, were repeatedly reporting good news on the front line, the emperor's favorite son ...... Horus suffered a terrible blow. 】

[Without warning, the Emperor left the front line of the Great Expedition and returned to Holy Terra alone. 】

[Before leaving, the emperor appointed Horus as the commander of the Great Expedition, and led in his place...... All front-line soldiers, including the primitives. 】

[This decision of the emperor plunged Horus into tension and chaos. 】

[All along, he has seen everything the emperor does. 】

[In the course of the Great Expedition, the Emperor did contain more than a dozen genetic protogens. 】

[However, there are still two primitives, as well as the Astarte Legion created with their genes, all of which have been wiped out by the emperor's order!]

[In the face of this situation, it should be said that Horus does not have the sadness of the death of a rabbit and a fox...... That's impossible. 】

[However, before that, he had always believed that in the emperor's mind, his status was the highest. 】

[Even if this "father" prepares to hide his bow after the war, he should not attack himself. 】

[But the emperor's actions completely shattered this illusion of Horus.] 】

[Before the Emperor left the front line of the Great Expedition and returned to Divine Terra, he did not give any explanation for his actions, but only said a bunch of specious clichés. 】

[No one, including Horus, knows what the Emperor wants to do when he returns to Terra, and ...... His plans for the future. 】

And just when Horus was terrified, the emperor gave him a second blow. 】

Upon his return to Holy Terra, the Emperor created the Council of Terra and appointed it as the highest administrative body of the Human Empire. 】

[In the Imperial Council, there are the Emperor's old friend and Prime Minister, the regent Machado, the commander of the Forbidden Army, Konstantin, the head of the Martian Cult of the Mechanics, and the leaders of the nobility from all over the Empire. 】

[But it's ...... There isn't a single genoplasm in it. 】

[After the birth of the council, in theory, this organization can command everyone, including Horus!]

[Those ordinary mortals who have not been genetically modified, and even nobles who are full of brains, can actually order the genetic protogen!]

[Faced with this incredible news, all the primordials were taken aback. 】

[And the most panicked and confused is Horus himself.] 】

[If the so-called "birds hide their bows", it turned out to be just Horus's conjecture, but now it has become a fact!]

[As the Great Expedition gradually approached the end, the emperor actually let those ...... Mortals who have never been on the front line battlefield, come out to pick peaches!]

[In addition to the genetic prototypes, the hundreds of thousands of Astarte soldiers in the expeditionary fleet are also confused and confused by the great changes in the rear. 】

[They can go to the soup for the emperor, but now that the battle is not over, why does the emperor let a group of mortals ...... Ride on their heads?]

[Some of the more radical people even began to feel that the emperor's behavior was against the bloody Astarte...... And the betrayal of the genetic prototyp!]

At the same time, Horus encounters a new problem. 】

[Machado, the palm seal in the rear, immediately used the power of the Imperial Council to give orders to Horus, who was on the front line, after taking office. 】

[Machado claims: After years of war, the Empire's finances are overwhelmed. 】

Therefore, the expeditionary force under the command of Horus will not only need to complete the war mission in the future, but also must collect taxes from those conquered planets to fill the treasury. 】

[Hearing Machado's order, Horus only felt that his head hurt. 】

[His concept of war is very similar to that of Killiman, and as long as it can be resolved diplomatically, Horus will try to avoid war.] 】

[Doing so, although it reduced the cost of the war and the casualties of the army, it also led to a side effect.] 】

[Those planets that surrendered without going to war often retain a considerable degree of autonomy. 】

[Even, the domination of many planets over the empire...... They may not agree, but they are just afraid of the military might of the expeditionary force and dare not resist. 】

[In this case, if the Imperial army turns around and raises against these planets, it will almost 100% provoke a popular uprising or even a rebellion!]

[At that time, the battle on the front line has not yet been fought, and the rear is on fire again, and the Imperial Expeditionary Force will be in a dilemma of exhaustion!]

[It's in Horus...... When he was overwhelmed by the battle on the two fronts of "front line and rear", the black hand from subspace had already secretly reached out to him!]

[Horus never dreamed that among his genetic brothers, someone had already betrayed the emperor!]

[The number one traitor in this original body is the Seventeenth Legion, the genetic prototype of the Whisperer, Lorga Aurelian!]

[And the next step for Lorgar and the Whisperer is to deal with him!]

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