[At this time, Earth Terra has become a hell on earth in the literal sense. 】

[After 5,000 years of chaos and madness, the devastated and wasteland-filled Earth of Terra has fallen under the rule of dozens of "tech warlords". 】

[These warlords have in their hands some of the technologies left over from the Golden Age!, and they use them without restraint. 】

[These technologies include nuclear weapons, laser weapons, and even biological weapons!]

[For thousands of years, these terrible weapons have not only ...... the vast majority of the earth's Turning into a barren land, it also completely destroyed the earth's ecological system. 】

[By the 29th millennium, most of the animals and plants on the earth have died. 】

[If someone looked down on the earth from outside the atmosphere, what would he see...... There is almost nothing but the endless yellow desert. 】

[Moreover, long before the emperor, the humans of the Golden Age already possessed genetic enhancement technology. 】

In the Golden Age, this technique was mainly used to eliminate diseases and prolong human life. 】

[But when the subspace storm hits, the Golden Age collapses, and the "Year of Strife" brings humanity back to its primitive barbaric state, everything changes. 】

[Those technological warlords on the earth have obtained some genetic enhancement technology, and the dark side of this technology has been fully revealed. 】

[They use this technique to create weird, disgusting enhanced warriors, some of whom look ...... Not even humanoid. 】

[These creatures are more beasts than warriors!]

[In many cases, tech warlords have to put these "enhanced warriors" in collars or even cages.] 】

[For thousands of years, the emperor, who has been watching from the sidelines, of course knows all this. 】

[He knows very well that there are only genetic warriors. to defeat the Gene Warriors!]

[However, what the emperor needs is not a beast, but the ability to think with a human brain.] And the superhuman army with superhuman strength!]

[Rely on the technology of the subspace.] And with the help of a large number of scientists, the emperor did it!]

[He fused alchemy, genetic modification technology, and muscle transplantation technology to create the Thunder Warrior!]

[In order to ensure their combat effectiveness, the Emperor selected the original "test subjects" of the Thunder Warriors from the most brutal and warlike primitive tribes on Earth. 】

[After all, at that time, there was no such thing as a "normal person" in the true sense of the word. 】

[Due to the immaturity of the technology, the Thunder Warrior has a high probability of failure in the transformation operation. 】

[Initially, tens of thousands of subjects participated, but only a few thousand succeeded. 】

[These thunder warriors are stronger, more savage, more ferocious, and taller than the Astarte after them. 】

[It is said...... A single Thunder warrior with his bare hands can defeat several heavily armed Astartes!]

[After 5,000 years of catastrophe, the earth has now become a hell full of poisonous gas and radiation. 】

[And the Thunder Warrior not only has terrifying power, but also has a powerful resistance that is immune to almost everything. 】

[Whether it's a super radioactive storm, a chemical weapon, a nano-plague...... I can't hurt them in the slightest!]

[Thousands of Thunder Warriors, organized into 12 legions, they turned into emperors to conquer the earth and destroy the blades of technological warlords!]

[Like Astarte in later generations, all Thunder Warriors also have their own primordial bodies, that is, their legion leaders. 】

[However, the tragic fate of these warriors was ...... from the moment they were born It's already doomed. 】

[The Thunder Warrior is an early experimental subject, and the genetic technology is not mature. 】

[Their lifespan is far less than that of Astarte. 】

Moreover, in order to strengthen their strength, a large number of enhancements are implanted in the bodies of the Thunder Warriors. 】

[The body of the Thunder Warrior will repel these foreign bodies, and directly cause their mental instability, and their personality is also manic and irritable. The body also ages rapidly, and tissues are prone to necrosis!]

[Even with so many problems, the Thunder Warrior is still a terrifying force. 】

[The Emperor created them for only one purpose, and that was to completely cleanse the earth that is now in a state of barbarism and barbarism, and to ...... those ignorant technological barbarians and Terra warlords Completely wiped out!]

[Relying on his powerful and broken body, the emperor commanded thousands of thunder warriors and launched an all-out attack on the "technological warlords" on the earth!]

[This will bring the earth ...... The war saved from barbarism and ignorance was later called the "War of Terra Unification". 】

[Under the front of the Thunder Warriors, the technological warlords were crushed. 】

[However, they ...... Still relying on "human resources", the war dragged on. 】

Under the emperor's orders, the Thunder Warriors showed no mercy, using their powerful strength and the most advanced weapons to tear all enemies in their way to pieces. 】

[According to the records of later generations, although there were only a few thousand Thunder Warriors, the number of enemy troops who died under their hands was in the millions!]

[The blood flowing from the corpse stains the river red!]

[Terrifying artillery fire, flattening the mountains!]

[Terrifying black technology weapon, tearing the entire continent in half!]

[Because the record of this "unification war" is too appalling, later imperial scholars ...... It was even dismissed as a made-up legend. 】

[But...... These stories are true. 】

[The battle at that time was so cruel!]

No matter how desperately those technological warlords on Earth resist, their results are doomed. 】

[One by one, the emperor led the Thunder Warriors, crushed all the warlords, and completely destroyed their forces. 】

[In the midst of the War of Unification, there were also many legendary stories that can be called anecdotes. 】

[For example, occupy the Nordic ...... A technological warlord in Scandinavia, who calls himself the "Priest King". 】

[This man was originally a devout pastor. 】

[In his early years, the pastor would travel around the wasteland areas of Northern Europe, giving alms to the poor with the clean food and water he had been able to find. 】

[This pastor claims that all this ...... It's all the will of the gods, and the reason why he is willing to give is to glorify the true God!]

[And the evil god of subspace heard the priest's prayer and responded to his offering!]

[The evil god gave the priest the power to heal diseases. 】

[Relying on this magical power, there are more and more believers under the priest's command!]

[When other barbarian tribes, in the face of a terrible environment...... While gradually dying, the power of this priest is growing!]

[Hundreds of people gathered around the pastor and expressed their gratitude to the "true God" he served. 】

[Many people even began to worship the true God and offer sacrifices to him, as they did as priests. 】

[With the expansion of power, this priest has gradually changed. 】

[He began to use forbidden genetic technology to create enhanced warriors, and then drove these flesh and blood monsters to rush into the battlefield and kill the enemy!]

[The pastor's territory is getting bigger and bigger, but as time goes on, he also begins to discover...... I was gradually influenced by the "true god" and turned into a puppet!]

[But.] Vanity and greed convinced this priest ...... You can control and even surrender to that god in reverse!]

[In order to gain more power and rule over more people, the priest began to openly perform evil sacrificial rituals, just to win the next war. 】

[In his opinion, if sacrificing a child can make him immortal, then what is the price?]

If slaughtering a group of innocent people can destroy a powerful tribe, then the business is worth it. 】

[A pious priest, a generous man who would give alms to the poor, was gradually corrupted by subspace and turned into a cruel and evil madman. 】

[In the War of Terra Unification, the emperor personally led 3,000 thunder warriors and dozens of imperial legions to personally attack the Morranson Federation under the command of this "priest king". 】

[The resistance of the priest-king was easily crushed. 】

[His army of transhumans, as well as psionic troops, were burned to ashes by the Thunder Warriors. 】

And when the priest-king was captured and sent to the execution ground, he was still screaming in a deafening voice:]

["What emperor, you're a tyrant!"]

["You are the butcher of civilization! You are a traitor to mankind! You are a heretic!"]

["You still dare to say that you are the Lord of Terra, your arrogance and arrogance are really incurable!"]

[Facing this sinner who was about to be beheaded, the emperor said a sentence coldly:]

"I am not the Lord of Terra, I am the Lord of Mankind. "】


[The Priest King laughs wildly:]

["Mankind, no country, no planet can satisfy your greed!"]

["Don't you even want to let go of the stars in the sky?"]

[The emperor's face was expressionless, and his gaze did not fluctuate: "Your stubborn resistance is really out of place. "】

"I have brought enlightenment to the planet. "】

["Phew, arrogant brute, you're bringing a curse!"]

[The Priest-King spat on the ground: "Your arrogance is unbelievable, incorrigible madman!"]

["God Stick!"]

[The emperor said the last sentence indifferently:]

["What happened to you today is all self-inflicted!"]

[Immediately afterward, the priest-king was pushed to the execution ground and executed in the midst of screaming and scolding. 】

Seeing this, the chat group was also lively.

Deadpool: Haha! This Priest King is definitely a madman who has more than to die, but I have to say, he scolded ...... It's really hearty. ^_^

Robert Killiman: Bold maniac!

Robert Killman: If you're in the Empire, just saying it is the greatest blasphemy!

Captain Mikoku: War, of course, is very cruel.

Captain Mi Guo: But as long as this emperor can save the human race on Earth from the tyrannical rule of the warlords, and let them live happily.

Captain Mikoku: Well, at least the sacrifice is worth it.

Robert Killiman: ............ (⊙_⊙)

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